Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 92

5 years later.

At the central castle, everyone was so busy preparing for the 5th birthday celebration of the half foxtriplets, namely Alexia, Ariya, and Azel.

“Alexia, come on!” Ariya called from outside Alexia's room for the fifth time already. Alexia groanedand wore her storage necklace, where she put her gifts for her brother and sister. She stepped outof her room with an annoyed expression. Without warning, Ariya grabbed her wrist and dragged herswiftly.

“What's the rush about?!” Alexia uttered, annoyed by being dragged, but Ariya ignored her.

“Did you forget our father will come home today?” Ariya said with excitement.

“I know,” Alexia sighed. She was also excited seeing their father after a year of traveling around themagic realm, still looking for their missing mother. Her memories of Alice from 5 years ago were stillfresh in her mind. She wished they could see her again. She just couldn't forget the woman whogave her name and loved them like her own.

As they walked downstairs, Ariya kept babbling about how excited she was about their birthdayparty later. When they reached the living room, the five sisters of the Great Sextuplets with theirfamily were chatting happily.

"Oh, Ariya, Alexia, come here. Happy birthday to you both!” Xandra greeted them first and followedby the others.

“Thanks, everyone!” the half fox sisters said in unison and everyone just smiled at them.

"Where's Azel?” Demonise asked when she didn't see the boy.

"Oh, Azel went to the central plaza. He said he forgot something.” Ariya replied while shrugging hershoulders. They sat down in the empty seats and played with Demonise 6 months’ old baby boy.“Azrael is late.” Val uttered.

"Who said I was late?” Azrael said when he entered the living room. He smiled when he saw thesisters and their husbands with their kids.

Everyone turned to look at him and smiled.

“Father!” Ariya jolted up and ran to hug Azrael. Alexia smiled and also hugged their father.

“Father, we miss you!” the half fox sisters said in unison.

“I miss you too. Sorry for not always being here for you.” Azrael said guiltily.

"We understand, father. Hope fate brings us to mother again.” Alexia said, and everyone smiled afterhearing her words. After all these years, they never lose of hope of seeing Alice again.

Even though 5 years had passed, everyone still remembered Alice. Her disappearance was still amystery to everyone. Because of their admiration for the goddess, they built her a statue in everykingdom and churches. The most visited amongst places was the church. Every day, people wouldoffer offerings for the goddess and ask for blessings. The greatness of the goddess or Lady Alicewould always linger in their hearts and memory. Without the goddess’ help, there is no magic realmanymore. And it's also a mystery when the threats from demons disappeared. They have neverspotted a single soul from the demon kingdom since the goddess’ disappearance. Rumors spreadthat Lady Alice exterminated the demon clan and sacrificed herself. Although there are somedemons in Moonlight Kingdom, they didn't kill them when they prove they aren't the same fromthose wicked demons.

In the southern part of the magic realm at the Moonlight Kingdom.

At the north street, where it was packed with busy people buying something from the vendor, twochildren—a boy and a girl, walked gracefully at the center of the crowd. They were easily noticeablebecause of their unique aura and clothing that differed from them. When they looked at thechildren’s faces, they were easily bewitched.

The children were gorgeous!

"Whose children are they?”

"Oh my! So handsome and pretty!”

“They look like the children of a goddess!”

“They look like a prince and a princess!”

"Are they twins?”

The little girl wore a white dress with golden linings. The design was so different, and it helped toshow the little girl's beauty and good imposing manner. The little girl's skin complexion was like amilky-snow, so delicate. Her purple eyes with golden flecks mesmerize them, her rosy chubbycheeks look so smooth, and with curvy and curly brown hair that reaches her ankle. It's a miraclethat the little girl didn't stumble on her long hair. She walked gracefully and magically. And the littleboy also wore white clothing with golden linings. His golden brown eyes set people frozen on theirfeet. The little boy's long silvery blue hair that reached his knees was glowing every time he moved.It fascinates the surrounding people. And somehow the twins looked familiar to them, but theydon't know where they see them. They felt like deja vu.

A wizard gasped when he noticed a look of familiarity between the two kids. “They look like thegreat sextuplets!” he blurted out, and it caught everyone's attention. Then the crowd of peoplestarted blabbering.

The twins—Yzzabelle and Ezzekiel, heard the word great sextuplets. It piqued their interest.

“Kiel, I want to see those great sextuplets they were talking about.” Yzzabelle said with excitement.“Maybe those great sextuplets know our parents!”

“I'm not sure, Belle. But let's ask.” Ezzekiel answered.


They looked around and noticed the wizard who was staring at them. They approach the wizardwith a cute smile.

"Excuse me, mister! May we ask you something?” Yzzabelle asked.

The wizard smiled at their cuteness. “Yes, dear. What is it?"

"Hm, may we ask where we can replace the great sextuplets you talk about?” Ezzekiel asked.

The wizard stared at them, perplexed. All the kids knew who the great sextuplets were. It's the firsttime he encountered a child that didn't know the great sextuplets who were popular in the entiremagic realm.

“Kids, where do you come from? Everyone knows who the great sextuplets are.” the wizard said witha creased forehead.

The twins looked at each other. “Ah, we live in a secluded mountain and it's our first time in thetown so we didn’t know who they were.” Ezzekiel said.

“Oh, I get it.”

“Please tell us about them!” Yzzabelle said with excitement and puppy look. The wizard smiled andled the children to his store. He made them sit at the dinner table and offered them food to eatwhile he talked

“Thank you, mister!” the twins said in unison. The wizard smiled and started telling a story about theGreat Sextuplets, especially Lady Alice, which caught the twins’ attention. They listened carefully,which made the wizard smile. After the storytelling, the twins asked for Lady Alice's photo.

“I'm sorry, kids, but I don't have their photo. However, you can replace one in the church.” the wizardsaid.

“Really? We go then, mister! Thank you for the story and the food!"

The wizard watched them with a smile, still baffled why they didn't know the great sextuplets whenin fact they looked like them. He replaces it odd. He just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.It's pointless for him to poke his nose in other business.

The twins immediately walked in the church's direction. It didn't take long for them to replace thechurch. When they saw the statue at the entrance of the church, they gasped in awe.

“Kiel, it's mother!” Yzzabelle blurted out in joy, then ran to hug the statue. Ezzekiel just smiled at hertwin sister. There's no doubt that the statue was their birth mother. Because of the statue, they cannow see their mother’s eyes. All these years, they don’t know the color of their mother's eyesbecause they were always closed. The twins were both teary-eyed while staring at their mother’sstatue.

“Should we go to the Central Kingdom now?" Yzzabelle asked her twin brother with excitement."Yes. I can't wait to see the great sextuplets that also look like our mother.”

"Me too!”

"Are you ready?” Ezzekiel asked and Yzzabelle nodded. They both spread their golden wings wideopen and flew upward.

When they spread their wings right at the entrance of the church, the priest saw them and gaspedin awe. It was a rare sight to see golden wings. “Are they holy angels?” the priest mumbled tohimself while looking up and his gaze followed the retreating figure of the angels.

The twins flew faster like a flash. While up in the air, they were chasing each other and bet to seewho flew faster. Their childish fight continues until they reach the vast plaza. They noticed the crowdbelow and decided to take a look. When they entered the crowded plaza, everyone quickly noticedthem with adoration.

"Ah! They're so adorable!”

"Whose children are they?”

"Are they twins?”

“They look like angels!”

The twins just smiled while looking around. Yzzabelle looked at the food and her mouth watered.The smell of different spices filled her nostrils and looked pitifully at her twin brother.

“No. We don’t have money.” Ezzekiel said, and Yzzabelle pouted.

The surrounding crowd was still looking at them and saying praises to them. They only respond withtheir cute smiles that almost melt the crowd's heart.

“Ugh. They're so handsome and pretty!”

Trying to walk past the growing crowd, a 5-year-old half-fox boy, Azel, came to a halt when heheard the crowd blabber. It piqued his curiosity, so he tried to go upfront to see what made thepeople so excited. Finally, he managed to go to the front and looked at the two adorable beings hesaw. However, he froze when he saw the little boy's long silvery blue hair that was identical to theirmissing mother.

"Who are they? Why do they look like my mother and father?” Azel blurted out in surprise. His eyesnarrowed at the twins and he put his hand on his chin while thinking deeply.

The twins notice Azel and their eyes lit up. Yzzabelle quickly dragged the dazed boy away from thecrowd and Ezzekiel just followed. Azel was shocked, and it took him time to react.

“Hey! Where are you taking me?!” he said.

Yzzabelle stops walking when they are away from the crowd.

“Hi, my name is Yzzabelle, but you can call me Belle!” Yzzabelle said with a toothy grin. Then shepointed to her twin brother. “That's Ezzekiel, my twin brother.”

“Ah, I'm Azell”

“So Azel, may we ask you something?”

"Go on.”

“Do you know where the great sextuplets lived?”

Azel stared at the twins in wonder. “They're my aunts. Why are you looking for them?” he asked.“Really? Can you bring us to them? It's really important!” Yzzabelle said with excitement.

Seeing Yzzabelle's eager expression, he couldn't refuse their request. He scratched his head andnodded. “Okay. Follow me.”

The three children walked towards the gate of the plaza. Then Azel entered the carriage, and theyfollowed. When they looked up, they noticed a man at the front, then the carriage started. It's theirfirst time riding a carriage, so it fascinates them. Azel just watched their expression and laughed alittle. On the way to the central castle, the three kids were talking comfortably to each other.

"Azel, are you a fox?" Ezzekiel asked.

“Yes.” Azel replied and couldn't help but stare at the twins. “You really look like my mother andfather.” he blurted out.

"Oh really? Who's your mother?” Yzzabelle asked.

“Her name is Alice. One day, she just disappeared and we never see her again.”

The twins look at each other. “How did your mother disappear?”

“I don't know. My Aunties said our mother is missing.” Azel replied sadly.

"Oh, that's sad. Anyway, our mother is also named Alice!” Yzzabelle said with a smile. But then hershoulder drooped down with a sad expression.

Azel noticed and asked, “That's awesome. But where's your mother?”

“She's not well...” Ezzekiel uttered.

“Is she sick or something?”

"Kind of? I don't know. She was sleeping all the time.”

“We really don't know what happened to our mother.” Yzzabelle said and let out a deep sigh.

Azel sighed and felt the twin sadness. The carriage went silent for a while until Azel broke thesilence.

"How old are you?" Azel asked.

"We're turning four this year,” Ezzekiel answered and Yzzabelle nodded.

"Oh, I'm 5 years old today. I have two sisters at home and we are triplets. We were having a birthdaycelebration today and you two will be my guests!”

"Cool!" the twins replied.

“Is there a lot of food?" Yzzabelle asked.

"Of course!” Azel uttered and laughed. Yzzabelle's eyes twinkled at the thought of food. The twoboys just giggled.

After ten minutes, they arrived at the Central Castle. When they get down from the carriage, the firstthing they see is the six floating statues above the huge water fountain. The twins gulped andstared at the only one statue longer than they should've been.

“It's mother..." the twins whispered in awe.

"What?" Azel let out in shock. He followed their gazes and stopped at his mother's statue. Helooked confused while looking at the twins.

“Azel! You're here! Father is already inside—" Ariya yelled at the entrance but trailed off upon seeingthe twins. “Who are they?” she asked, and her eyes twinkle while approaching the twins.

“Hi, I'm Yzzabelle and this is my twin brother, Ezzekiel.” Yzzabelle introduces themselves with awarm smile.

Ariya smiled while blinking her eyes. She can't believe her eyes. “I'm Ariya!”

“Come quick! I'll introduce you to everyone!” Ariya said with excitement and dragged the twinsinside, leaving Azel, who was shaking his head at his sister's behavior. Azel immediately followedinside and looked for his father.

“Father!” Azel called and ran towards Azrael with a wide smile. He hugged Azrael tightly. He reallymisses his father so much after not seeing each other for a year.

“Everyone, look who Azel brought with him!” Ariya shouted to get everyone's attention.

Everyone, including Azrael, looked at the twins and gasped. At that moment, the room fell silent,and they all looked at the twins with a sense of familiarity. They felt like deja vu.

The twin's gaze wandered to the five sisters who were frozen in place while staring at them withmouth agape in surprise.

"Are you the Great Sextuplets?” Yzzabelle breaks the silence.

With eyes blinking, Willow's heart beat faster and asked, “Yes. Who are you, kids?"

Yzzabelle and Ezzekiel stared at Willow longer, and then they approached the five sisters. Everyonewas just watching the scene unfold, not knowing what to react. The twins hug Willow in surprise.When the twins pulled away, they let out a gentle smile.

“You are my mother’s sister. You just look like her.” Yzzabelle said and sniffed. The corner of her eyeswatered as she felt the sense of familiarity from the five sisters in front of them.

Everyone gasped and blinked multiple times. “W-Who is your mother?” Willow asked withanticipation while her heart raced in nervousness. She didn’t know, but she felt like crying at thesight of the twins who exactly like the spitting image of Alice and Azrael. Everyone felt the sameexcept the kids, who were watching them in confusion.

However, Azrael couldn't help himself, but cry at the sight of the twins. He knew they were his.“Our mother is Alice.” the twins blurted out with a smile.

The room fell silent again while they are trying to process what they've heard just now. The sisterswere so baffled to react. Azrael quickly approached the twins and kneeled in front of them whilecrying. The twins stared at Azrael in shock. “My child...” Azrael uttered and engulfed the twins in atight embrace.

"You are our father?” the twins asked in a daze, but later on smiled, with tears of joy streaming downtheir faces.

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