Scorned Love: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Scorned Fate) -
Scorned Love: Chapter 16
“Absolutely not,” I snapped.
Defiance flashed in Ivy’s eyes. “That’s hardly your decision.”
I knew it wasn’t. I had no claim on her, and even if I did, I doubted Ivy would simply cave to my demands. She took on three thugs, for fuck’s sake. I was at a loss about how to handle her. I wanted to protect her but there was that nagging feeling that I was being selfish and protecting myself.
We glared at each other.
My phone beeped again. It was Dom saying he’d been apprised of the situation.
I quickly texted back: I’m handling it.
The Grindhouse was ground zero for both the De Lucci crime family and the Archers. Both had a heavy presence around the perimeter and nothing went unnoticed that didn’t get to Dom or Matteo and me.
“Looks like an alert went out.” Ivy shot me a triumphant smile and headed to the bedroom. “See, I’m quite safe.”
I could feel the burn of Jonas’s stare on my face. “Not a word.”
“That’s complicated, don’t you think?” He nodded to where Ivy disappeared.
A brief, derisive laugh escaped my lips. “You think you’ll get caught in the crossfire?”
“Uh, yeah. What if Daniel interrogates me about it?”
I returned to the kitchen where I’d dropped the groceries as soon as I heard Sinclair was looking for Ivy. Seething, I put them away because it looked like I wouldn’t be preparing the soup anytime soon. I couldn’t even see straight, much less prepare an unfamiliar recipe. After I’d stashed the perishables in the fridge, I drummed my fingers on the countertop. It was only two in the afternoon. I could pressure cook that beef. That was healthy, right? Maybe I should call Mom.
Ivy didn’t take long, but her scent was weird. A mixture of perfume and the liniment. She’d also covered the bruising on her face with makeup. The swelling was still apparent, and there was no way to remove the Steri-Strips on her forehead. She had been wearing a tank top and simply threw on a white long-sleeved polo with the buttons undone and exchanged her sweatpants with linen ones.
“I could have helped you change if I knew that was what you were going to do.”
“I’m not helpless,” she snapped and then sighed. “I’m sorry. Yeah, I could have used some help. I wasn’t thinking.”
“I’m sorry too,” I said. “I’m not that approachable.”
We both looked at Jonas because his scrutiny was so obvious. “I think I’ve entered an alternate universe.”
“Because Nico and I are apologizing to each other?” Ivy’s mouth curved into a lopsided smile.
“Uh, yeah, I was surprised when the boss called in and said he was your security for the next few days. I was expecting carnage and bloodshed, not domesticated bliss.”
“We’re calling a truce since someone beat him to it,” Ivy said.
Somehow that rubbed me the wrong way. “Don’t joke about that. Never joke about that. I would never lift a finger against you.”
Contriteness crossed her face. “You’re right. I just…don’t want people behaving differently around me.”
I was tempted to point out that her injuries weren’t what changed how I’d been behaving around her. The fight tape was the catalyst, but every interaction since then had led to this.
“Come on. Let’s see what Sinclair wants.” I texted Renz instructions on where to install the media mogul. Edward Sinclair wasn’t the power behind SMG. He had a younger brother favored to take over from their seventy-eight-year-old father, Gordon Sinclair. The man pitted his children against each other and there was a rumor that Edward was the least favored son, although since they controlled the media, any speculations were quickly suppressed or redirected. There’d been talk that he’d been strung out on coke and had kinky tendencies. Those rumors coincided with the time he could have been with Ivy.
I didn’t have enough time to peruse the intel Trevor had gathered. Most of it was logged the day of Ivy’s attack, but with Sinclair showing up here, the instinct to protect her went into overdrive.
We entered the café through the side entrance. Renz spotted me and nodded to the booth near the kitchen where Sinclair stoically sat.
My eyes clocked his security detail hanging outside the coffee shop. Renz didn’t allow them to come in.
Sinclair rose the second he saw Ivy. His gaze lifted to mine and we exchanged brief, but killer glares.
“Sweetheart.” He went around the table to meet us across the room, but I blocked him.
“What’s your problem?” he snapped.
We locked gazes. We were the same height, so we were nose to nose. “You stalked my admin to this place.”
“It wasn’t that hard, De Lucci. Though I wouldn’t be surprised since you’re Ivy’s security.”
“Edward, that’s not fair.” Ivy went around me to greet the asshole and it took a lot out of me not to snatch her back. “Nico and his men are on top of it.”
“I thought the NYPD was.” The man’s tone dripped with sarcasm. However, I had to hand it to him…his expression of horror, sympathy, and affection was on point.
“How are you, sweetheart?” He caressed her face and tucked a piece of hair from her face, just like the way I loved doing to her. Someone was asking to have his fingers broken.
“I’m fine.”
“Are you really?” The fucker kept touching her face.
My fists clenched.
“Easy there, killer.” Renz appeared beside me, observing the two moving to the table my brother selected for them.
When I made to follow them, Edward turned to me and said, “I want to speak privately with Ivy.”
“Whatever you say to her, you can say it in front of me.”
“Edward,” Ivy called, and when she got Sinclair to stop glaring at me, she continued, “Please wait for me in the booth—”
“I want you to come home with me—”
“Fat chance,” I snarled.
“I can take care of her, boy, better than you.”
The “boy” did it. I lunged for him. Good thing Renz and Jonas were behind me and held me back, although if I was serious about putting the hurt on Edward, it would take more than two people to stop me. I just didn’t want to stress out Ivy and something in the back of my mind told me it wouldn’t be a fair fight.
“Calling me boy, old man?” I spat. “Step outside and we’ll replace out. Or better yet, there’s a boxing gym.”
The bell to the coffee shop chimed, and then Renz gritted, “Can you tell your men to stay outside?”
Sinclair looked over my shoulder. “I’m fine.”
“You’re sure, Mr. Sinclair?”
He waved them off.
“Can we be civil about this?” Ivy was mostly glaring at me. She pointed at the booth and told Sinclair, “Booth. Now.”
The older man raised a brow. “You’re being a brat.”
“Do you want to talk to me or not?”
They exchanged a look. A look I hated because it spoke of history, of an intimate past I knew would make me want to smash things. But it was a past I wanted to replace out about and understand.
Ivy stepped into my space. “Chill the fuck out, De Lucci.”
“I don’t like him.”
“I don’t think he likes you either.”
“And you?”
Instead of answering me, she said, “Edward and I were supposed to meet for drinks tonight. Obviously I can’t.”
“You’re not staying with him. Daniel entrusted you to me.” Using Daniel as an excuse was the best idea without explaining myself, but Ivy wasn’t easy to trick.
“That’s bullshit. This is some cockfight going on.”
Renz snorted a brief chuckle.
“Give me privacy to talk to him.” She nodded to the barista bar. “I want you over there.”
She didn’t waver despite me trying to stare her down, so I shot Sinclair a warning glare over her shoulder before I spun around and followed my brother and Jonas to the coffee bar.
“It’s a good thing it’s dead hour, otherwise, I couldn’t keep eyes on you,” Renz said, resuming his barista duties. “Coffee?”
“Double espresso.”
“Cappuccino, please,” Jonas said.
I glanced at my admin. “Aren’t you supposed to return to the office?”
“What? And miss the fireworks?”
Jonas could be cheeky sometimes. “I should fire you.”
“You and Matteo wouldn’t know what to do without me.”
“Where’s Liz?” I asked my brother.
“She took Sam to the park.” My brother shot me a sly look. “She’s on her way back. Said she wouldn’t miss the show.”
“What? This?” I thumbed in the direction to where Sinclair and Ivy were talking. At least Ivy was sitting across from the fucker. But how I wished I had a bug under that table. Maybe I should tell my brother to install one.
Renz returned with my double espresso. “No. The De Lucci curse strikes again.”
His statement was laughable. “It’s not statistically possible. You plus Matteo are already pushing the odds. Add me to it? No way.”
“I’ve heard about this,” Jonas said. “Matteo scoffed at it, but look where he is now.”
A cold sweat broke over my brow. I didn’t even think of that stupid De Lucci curse.
“I heard about your race across Manhattan yesterday.” Renz fired up the machine to make the cappuccino.
“Ivy is a friend of the family and under my care. I worried about her and Trevor.”
“I heard differently,” Renz said. “Frantic was a word used.”
“Plus, you volunteered to take care of her,” Jonas added.
“Guilt she got hurt on my watch,” I said.
“Asking Jonas here to get the ingredients together to make Ivy’s special healing soup.”
“A request from her brother.”
“Which you didn’t have to do. I mean, you’re going to cook and simmer that shit for hours.”
I turned to Jonas because my brother could have only gotten that information from him. “I hope you’re not as loose with company secrets as you are with my personal requests.”
While Jonas cackled, I glared at the booth where Sinclair and Ivy were still in deep conversation.
Renz made the fancy latte art on the cappuccino before leaning against the bar. “Plus, I just got my confirmation.”
“What confirmation?”
“Brother, have you ever been that possessive over a woman that would make you punch a man? If Jonas and I hadn’t stopped you, what would have happened?”
I shrugged even if the spiraling uneasiness in my gut joined the sweating. “Maybe scare Sinclair a little.”
“You know his security is right outside. If he took you up on that challenge, you’d only be too happy to break every bone in his body. And maybe take on his entire security detail.”
“Well, I’d expect you to help your brother. We could take them on.” I screwed up my face. “This espresso tastes like shit.”
“No, that’s jealousy you’re tasting.”
“I’m neither obsessed nor jealous.”
Renz and Jonas exchanged a look. To avoid reaching across the counter and slamming my brother’s and admin’s heads together, I cut a glance at the pair in the corner booth again.
Renz was making commentary about my behavior. Jonas was agreeing.
Meanwhile, there was a roaring in my ears.
I was not okay with this whole scenario. Sinclair and Ivy in a booth.
I wanted to take care of her, and it wasn’t out of pity.
I just wanted to be around her.
I wanted to see to her comfort.
Seeing an ex-boyfriend sitting beside her made me see red.
Fuck. Dammit. I’m in deep shit.
A child’s voice interrupted my rapid-fire thoughts. “Hi, Uncle Nico.”
I didn’t even realize Liz had arrived with my niece.
Sam provided an excellent distraction. “Hey, squirt. Come here.”
My niece climbed on my lap, and I gave her a squeeze while she erupted in giggles. “Nice day at the park?”
“It was boring, but Mama didn’t want me to watch cartoons all day.”
I glanced at my sister-in-law. “Can’t wait for school to start?”
“Tell me about it.” Liz came up to me. “So, what’s the verdict?”
I rolled my eyes.
“What does verdict mean, Mama?”
“It’s when people make decisions.”
“Oh, like when I chose the Wheaties over the Cap’n Crunch?”
“Not exactly—”
“Better not let your customers hear what you’re feeding my niece.”
This time it was Liz who rolled her eyes.
Sam slid off my lap and turned to face me like it was a question I should answer. “Then what, Uncle Nico?”
“It’s like you’re deciding whether you have a fever or you’re just allergic to something.”
My brother snapped a towel that hit my back.
“Dammit, Renz,” I grumbled.
“If you can’t explain it right to my daughter, then shut up.”
“Guys.” Liz split a warning look directed at me and my brother. “Let’s keep the language suitable for five-year-olds.”
Sam glanced at her mom. “I still don’t know what verdict means.”
“Let’s just call it a decision,” Jonas piped in and took Sam’s hand to lead her to the empty barstool beside him.
I returned my attention to Ivy and Sinclair, obsessing.
“Is there something going on between De Lucci and you?” Edward glared to where Renz dragged his brother away. I was still reeling from what almost happened.
“He takes his bodyguard duties seriously,” I said.
The man before me pinned me with his cold eyes. Once upon a time I shivered beneath its chill, but now they had no effect on me.
He leaned back. I was so glad I sat at the edge of the booth and didn’t budge when he thought he could sit beside me. I refused to analyze why I wanted to see him when I looked like this. Maybe reclaiming a part of what he took from me was showing him I could survive without him.
Maybe asking him for help with the Glamourique campaign was something I thought he owed me, and I certainly hoped he wasn’t thinking that it meant picking up where we left off.
“Kitten, do you think I don’t recognize a man who thinks he owns you?”
“What?” Shocked, I glanced at Nico again and then back at Edward. “Nico doesn’t own me. He has half of Manhattan’s women falling all over him. I’m not his type.” Then I frowned at him. “And please don’t call me that. Never call me that again.”
He looked apologetic. “I’m sorry. You’re right.” He reached across the table to hold my injured hand. “But you’ll always be my kitten.”
“Edward…let’s not bring up the past.”
“Not here, of course.”
I retracted my hand, realizing that I was falling into old conditioning with the way I allowed him to touch me and give me comfort. “Not anywhere.”
“I can’t help it, sweetheart. Seeing you bruised and battered like this, I want to take care of you. It’s my duty.”
“Not anymore,” I responded. “I’m stronger now.”
We were momentarily distracted by the arrival of Liz and Sam. I waved at Renz’s wife.
“You’re really close to the De Luccis,” Edward observed.
“Daniel and the De Luccis do business together. It’s not just Nico. My best friend is married to his brother. So, yes, that’s why I’m as safe as can be. They’re like family and they care about me.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Innuendo weighed heavy in his words. The look on his face was one I was familiar with. It was when he knew more than what he was letting on.
My parched mouth needed saliva, and I swallowed several times. “What are you trying to say? That I’m in danger here?”
“Don’t you think it’s your closeness to the De Luccis that’s causing these problems?”
“Are you saying I was hurt because I’m associated with the De Luccis?”
How much did Edward know? The confrontation at the workroom with the Scavo brothers never reached the media or the cops.
Edward exhaled. “I don’t want to speculate. Just that the De Luccis have fingers in many pies and may have pissed off the wrong people. Dangerous people. And they may be out to get revenge through you. Just think about it, okay? Why would anybody try to hurt you? What have you done?”
I swallowed again.
A shadow fell on our table. “Is everything all right here?”
“Everything is fine, pup.” Edward stood, and for the second time in the past hour, both men stood in each other’s spaces, nose to nose.
“Bring it, old man,” Nico shot back.
“You may think that you’re keeping her safe,” Edward gritted out. “But maybe you’re the one putting her in danger.” He looked at me. “Get your phone set up and call me when you want to meet. My sources might have more information.”
Oh my God, Edward, what are you doing?
The last thing the De Luccis needed was a media powerhouse like SMG digging into their business.
What have I done?
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