Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Something was wrong, I could feel it in my bones. The movie was about to start and my wife was stillnowhere to be seen. I had been waiting outside the bathroom for her and it had been almost twenty orso odd minutes.

“Hey, Damon.” Gabriel came out of the theater dressed in his suit. “Where is Adelaide? We need togive the speeches and everyone is waiting for her.”

I looked at the bathroom door and then back at him. “She went in there a little bit ago and she hasn’tcome out.”

The logical thing would have been to get another female to come and go inside but when it came toAdie there was no real logical side to me. And when I smelled danger I just moved on pure and utterinstinct.

“Screw it.” I grabbed the door and walked inside. No one had been in after Adie came in so I knew forthe most part that it was all clear. “Adelaide? Adelaide?”

1 pushed every single stall door open searching for my wife but I came up with nothing. How is itpossible that she was not in here? I had been standing right by the door and I would have known if shehad come out. Immediately, alarm bells went off in my head. Something wasn’t right.

I looked down on the floor, and that’s when I saw her bag, all the contents inside it were sprawled allover the floor. That’s when I knew. Someone had taken her and I would bet my entire fortune on itbeing two people.

“Did you replace her?” It was then that I remembered that Gabriel was standing outside the bathroomwaiting for me.

I picked up my wife’s clutch and put all the contents that she had left behind inside. I then stormed outof the bathroom, breezing past Gabriel like a man on a mission. Someone had taken my wife and Iknew that it either had to be Angela or my psychotic, idiotic brother who for some reason had notlearned his lesson the last time around. I had warned him that if he was to ever cross me or my familyagain that it would mean the end of him and I guess that he didn’t value his life at all. “Hey! Where areyou going?” Gabriel ran after me but I didn’t slow down. “Are you listening to me? Everyone is stillwaiting for Adelaide to come through. Is she sick? What should I tell the others?”

I looked over my shoulder at him. “Some idiot has made the stupid mistake of taking my wife and now Ineed to go replace her.”

“Wait a minute, what do you mean that someone has taken Adelaide?”

1 came to an abrupt halt, and then I slowly turned to face the pretty boy actor.

“It seems to me that you are a little slow there, Gabriel. So let me spell this out for you. My wife hasbeen kidnapped by some stupid and psychotic fool and now I’m going to go and rescue her. Is thatenough clarification for you?”

He just stood there looking completely and utterly shocked, but I couldn’t blame the man. I had just toldhim that my wife was kidnapped and that I was going to replace her. He probably thought that I was jokingabout the last part, but to be quite honest with you, if my brother truly was involved then there would besome blood spilled if a single hair on my wife’s head had been harmed.

My anger was only elevated more by the simple fact that my wife was with child. Again. Andconsidering what happened to our last baby, I would do damn near anything to make sure that both mywife and our unborn child made it out of this alive. “So are you going to go to the police?”

“There is no need for the police to get involved, I will handle all of this by myself. You just go backinside there and tell everyone that my wife has fallen ill and she will not be able to attend.”

Thankfully he didn’t make much of a fuss afterward. He simply nodded his head and made his wayback into the theater. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed her sister’s number.


“They have Adelaide. I’m going to need you to make a call to your ex-husband.”

I just knew that my brother had a part to play in this. And I knew that the one person he would talk towould be my sister-in-law. There was this sick and almost twisted connection that he had to her. Andafter the divorce and all that she had told us had happened between the two of them in the lawyer’sbuilding, I knew that he was not above trying something like this. The unfortunate thing for him was thatwhen it came to my wife and my child I was not above killing my own blood. When I ended the call withCorinna, I dialed a number that I had not thought of dialing for years. He told me to only ever use thisnumber when it was a life-or-death situation and this seemed to fit that description.

“Damon,” hearing his voice after what seemed to be decades felt so strange. “To what do I owe thepleasure?”

“We’re going on a manhunt, Stephen.”

there was a long pause on the other side of the line. I knew that he hadn’t hung up. He knew that Iwould only reach out to him if the situation absolutely called for it.

“My kind of fun.”

When I got home I found Corinna in tears as she stared at her phone with Daniel by her side. Whenshe heard me in the living room she lifted her head, her eyes bloodshot and her lashes wet from hertears. Immediately my stomach dropped, my mind went to the worst possible place, and suddenly I feltso overexposed and vulnerable.

“You should see this,” her voice was barely above a whisper and it sounded so broken and defeated.

She handed me the phone and had half expected to see Adelaide’s dead body laying there with bloodpooling out of it. But instead, I was met with a picture of her lying unconscious in the back of a car withone singular text at the bottom of the picture.

“If you want to see her alive you will have to pay the price. Ciao, big brother’.

It took everything I had inside of me not to throw the phone across the room and smash it against thewall. Now that it had been fully confirmed that my brother was indeed behind the kidnapping of my wifemy fury reached a new level.

He was a dead man walking and I hope that he knew that when I got my hands on him he would notlive to see the light of day

“Did you speak to him at all?”

“He wouldn’t take my calls but he did send that message when I told him that whatever he was doinghe needed to stop.” She sniffed, wiping away the tears that continued to leak from her eyes. Danielremained at her side silently offering the little support that he could give

My brother had truly lost his mind. He was holding my wife hostage and wanted me to pay up aransom. He was low but I never knew that he was this low.

If he wanted to wage war then so be it. But I was done using guns. I was going to go full nuclear on mybrother. He was going to regret the very day that he was born.

Just as that thought passed through my head, I got a message from Stephen telling me that he wasone hour from touching


“Oh Ashton, you stupid fool. You don’t know what you just started.

I’m coming, baby. I need you to just hold on and stay strong for me.

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