Signed, Sealed, Baby -
: Chapter 4
I was out having coffee with Harriet when I felt my phone buzz.
“One second, sorry,” I said with an apologetic shrug. She was deep in conversation about how everything was coming together for her wedding and I felt awful interrupting her.
I looked at my phone to see my two of my clients had cancelled.
What the fuck.
“Harriet, I have just got to make a quick call to Ernie, I’ll be five mins. Go get another coffee,” I smiled, handing her my card before turning and whizzing out the door. She always bought my coffees and even though I have given her my card, she will only use hers.
After two rings he answered.
“Ernie!” I said panicked, my heart was jackhammering in my chest. I needed those clients, I needed the money.
“Calm down,” he reassured me, he was too calm. Ernie was never this calm.
“Calm down!? Ernie! Two of my clients have cancelled, you promised me that I would always have them and now they’ve cancelled!?” I couldn’t calm down. I was way past calm. My mind was going into overdrive and my heart was trying to keep up as it pumped erratically round my chest.
“Yes, they’ve cancelled, but…”
I didn’t give him a chance to finish as I began my spiel of how I didn’t want to be fired and I was sorry that I cried after sex, but it isn’t them, it’s me and how I promise to work on it.
“Skylar!” he shouted down the phone, cutting me off instantly. I palmed away a hot tear that rolled down my cheek, I hadn’t even realised I was crying. “Breathe,” he said to me, which I did. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. “Right, are you ready for me to explain?” he said, I could hear a slight smile in his voice.
“Yes,” my voice was shaky.
“The reason your two clients have been cancelled is not because you cry…” he fell silent for a moment. We both knew it was because of that, and even if it wasn’t, we both knew it was a big issue.
I swallowed.
“Mr Sauvage has booked you, he has made me cancel both of your clients. He wants you at his beck and call…” I heard Ernie clear his throat.
“His beck and call!?” I screeched.
“Yup. You now exclusively work for only Mr Sauvage.”
“Oh…” was all I could manage.
“Is that okay?” I could hear the concern in his voice.
I nodded for a moment before remembering he couldn’t see me.
“Skylar?” he called.
“Yes, yes, perfectly fine.” I swallowed the huge, apple sized lump down.
“Perfect, have a good day Skylar.”
I pulled the phone from my ear and cut it off.
That bastard. What was he up to.
I looked at my phone to see an unread message from said bastard.
Be ready for five.
Pres X
I inhaled deeply before pushing my phone into my back pocket. Well, it could be worse.
Rushing back into the bistro I saw Harriet smiling as I approached.
“Sorry,” I said, sitting down and reaching for my coffee.
“It’s fine, I was waffling anyway. Is everything okay?” her brows pinched.
“Yeah, yeah, just work shit.” I laughed even though on the inside I was an anxious mess. My stomach knotted before flipping over and over.
“Work shit? Care to elaborate?”
“Basically, one of my clients has hired me exclusively.”
“Ooooo,” she wiggled her eyebrows up and down, “what one? Please tell me it’s big and burly.” Smirking, she sipped on her latte.
I laughed, shaking my head from side to side as I took a mouthful of my black coffee.
“Oh no, not the talker,” her eyes widened.
I nodded.
“Who has that much to talk about!?”
“You don’t know him, he has a lot of baggage.” My smile fell. It made my heart hurt.
I never kept my job a secret from Harriet, I wouldn’t say she was overly pleased in my job choice but she understood it.
“Well, as long as he is paying you that’s all that matters.”
“Sex is just a bonus.”
I spluttered and coughed on my coffee, grabbing a napkin and patting my lips.
She threw her head back and let out a deep, belly laugh.
“He doesn’t see me like that,” I shake my head from side to side as I wipe up my spilt coffee.
“He may do,” she winked.
“Oh stop it,” I threw my wet napkin at her before breaking into my own laughter.
“What you going to wear?” she leant closer to me, her eyes glistening.
“I have no clue, I don’t even know where we are going.” I shrugged, “I will message him later.”
“Make sure you tidy your foo-foo.”
“Oh my fucking god, that’s enough coffee for you!” I exclaimed, reaching over and taking her coffee before we both erupted into laughter once more.
I wouldn’t be able to do this thing called life without my Harriet.
Walking into the flat, I saw a note on the side as well as a dress bag hanging up over my bedroom door.
I stilled, momentarily freaked out.
You’ll look breath-taking
It dawned on me that Mr Preston had gotten Harriet to put the dress inside. Unless he was some crazy stalker who had my key copied.
I messaged H, quickly asking her and all I got was a wink emoji. How did he get her number? Pushing the question out of my head, I stepped towards the black dress bag and unzipped it.
I saw a stunning silver, figure hugging dress. It looked long, too long. Clocking my head to the side, I smiled.
Once showered, I curled my long blonde hair then pinned it to the side so the curls cascaded down the left side past my breast.
The dress fitted like a glove, hugging my curves perfectly. I had thick thighs but a small waist and big boobs. I was the definition of hourglass. Sure, if I was taller I probably wouldn’t be as curvaceous but here I am, five foot three and curvy.
Slipping into one of my many designer shoes that were gifted to me, I finished my look off with a red lipstick.
Grabbing my bag I throw my phone, keys and bank cards into it. I doubted I would be spending any money, but I wanted to take my card and at least offer. I debated pulling some money out of my savings, but I needed to think sensibly. The more I save, the quicker I can move out.
Think of the endgame.
A nice new home that I can make my own, then I can go back to school and work. That’s the dream.
And hopefully, Preston can help me get there a lot quicker now that I work exclusively for him.
The buzzer in my small apartment buzzed, I rushed out, pressing the button.
“It’s me, want me to come up?” he asked.
“No, no!” I panicked looking at my dump of a house. “I’ll come down,” I rushed out quickly, cutting the buzzer off, opening the door then closing it behind me.
He wasn’t from this world.
I didn’t want to show him how I lived. I was embarrassed. I know you should never be embarrassed from where you come from or where you are in life, but when you envisaged a different life for yourself it’s hard to feel anything else.
Pushing through the communal door, I saw Preston standing there, dripping from head to toe in money. He had a black fitted suit that clung to his toned body, leaving nothing to the imagination.
“Wow, Sky…” his eyes raked up and down my body.
I blushed under his gaze.
“You look…” he stammered over his words, his smile growing as our eyes met.
“Not bad for a high-end hooker…” I winked which soon knocked the beautiful smile off of his face.
I pushed my finger to his lips, shaking my head, “It’s nothing but the truth,” a sad smile played across my lips as I slipped into the back of his car that Guy was standing next to. Preston slipped in behind me, leaning close and kissing me on my cheek.
“You look breath-taking.”
I blushed again.
“You already said that…” I nibbled on my bottom lip which caused a smirk from him.
“So I did,” he rubbed his hand across his chin. “You look beautiful.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself, you scrub up well.” I couldn’t contain my laughter.
He smirked at me, throwing me a wink before he shuffled back in his seat.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I looked out at the city lights.
“We’re going to a party at my parents’ house.” He rushed out as he played with the cufflinks on his shirt.
I froze, panic setting in.
“Your parents?! You thought it was a good idea to bring a escort to your parents?!” My voice was getting louder and higher by the second.
“They don’t know you’re an escort, nor will they replace out you’re an escort.” His tone stays calm.
“But what if they replace out…” I stammered; I was panicking.
“They won’t replace out, plus, you’re my date. That’s it. I needed a date, I trust you. I would never trust any of the other girls that you work with around my family.”
My heart slowed slightly.
“My father throws these charity events every couple of months, gets our name out there, makes him look like a knight in shining armour when in reality all he is, is a turd, polished and wrapped in tin foil.”
I couldn’t stop the fit of laughter that escaped me, instantly covering my mouth in shock that I reacted the way I did.
“Don’t stop laughing because of me, if you haven’t realised now Sunshine… I’m not his biggest fan. No love lost between me and my father.”
Suddenly, my heart hurt.
No one should feel that way about their parents, no matter how bad they treated you. But I couldn’t say anything, I forgot what it was like to be loved, to love, to feel anything other than pain sickening grief.
“We will go in, I will introduce you, we will drink, we will eat then we will go back home.” His large hand moved to my face cupping my cheek as I automatically leant into his hand. My eyes fluttered shut as I closed my eyes, just feeling his touch on mine set a fire deep inside of me. I wanted to remember this moment forever. The way my skin pebbled under his touch.
“Do you realise just how beautiful you are,”
My opal eyes lifted to look at his beautiful, big brown ones. I could easily fall into them, losing myself completely to him.
I didn’t have a chance to answer, his driver slowed and pulled into a long, gravelled driveway. I moved quickly to the middle of the car, my fingers hooked round the cool metal on the head rests of the seats in front as my eyes widened at the beautiful mansion in front of me.
“Holy fuck,” I whispered, as I took everything in. It was phenomenal.
I felt Preston’s breath on the side of my face as he sat closer to me, his eyes also focused forward as he looked at the house.
“It’s something isn’t it…”
“Indeed it is,” I choked out. “I am going to look so out of place,” I muttered.
“No, you’re not.” His fingers moved to my chin, turning me to look at him as our gazes locked.
“You deserve to be here; you deserve to enjoy these luxuries and that’s exactly what I am going to do for you…” his cryptic message was lost on me. I was too intoxicated by him. Everything about him was addicting.
He was a forcefield and I was gravitating towards him. Even if I wanted to stop it, I couldn’t.
“Come,” he whispered, his breath dancing across my skin. He took my hand, helping me out of the car. It took me a moment to replace my footing on the uneven gravel drive.
“You good?”
I nodded. “Are you?” I asked, pushing my school girl crush aside as I considered his feelings and how hard it must be for him to be here. I needed to get my business head on. I was his employee. I needed to push the feelings back down, this is strictly work. First rule, you don’t fall for the client.
“I am perfect, Sunshine.” His smile made my insides melt, warming me from my head to my toes.
“Then let’s get this over with.” I smiled back at him. His grin nearly meeting his eyes.
I held my breath as he led me into the grand hallway, my jaw dropping as I took in the surroundings. Creams and golds wrapped around the room with the odd hint of a deep, emerald green.
“It’s the family crest colours,” Preston whispered in my ear.
“Huh?” I turned to face him.
“Our family crest,” he nodded his head up for me to look above the central, large staircase. There on the wall was a huge cloth with a lion and a horse facing each other, they were wrapped in scrolls of green with three swords in the centre of them.
“Oh wow… you’re a proper posh family.” I laughed, but it was from nerves.
“Oh, we are,” he winked, holding his pinkie up for me to see a gold cygnet ring that had the matching crest engraved.
I swallowed hard.
“Let’s go get a drink.”
I nodded, my legs moving but my eyes still pinned to the crest.
“Stop looking at the crest,” his arm snaked around my waist, his lips by my ear as he distracted me. My head turned forward; I felt the heat pinch my cheeks.
We came to an abrupt halt, Preston’s grip dropping from my waist as he pushed his hand through his hair.
“Father, mother,” he smiled at them, stepping forward and kissing his mother before he stepped back to be by my side.
“Preston, glad you could make it,” his father’s tone was clipped.
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” Preston’s tone dripped with sarcasm.
“And who is this wonderful lady next to you?” his father’s eyes averted from Preston and moved to me.
“This is my Skylar,” Preston looked down at me, his smile spreading causing small dimples.
My Skylar.
“Skylar,” his father repeated my name as if he was testing how it sounded on his tongue. “What an unusual name.”
I nodded.
“And where did you two meet?” He asked, his attention moving back to Preston but not before he gave me one last judging look.
I felt the panic set in, I was sure you could see my heart pumping through my skin. It was racing. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to answer him.
“Work,” Preston answered for the both of us.
“Work?” his dad questioned his answer.
“Yes, Skylar is one of my client’s employees, and well, she is too good for him so I am hoping I can persuade her to come over to the dark side,” Preston winked at me before he faced his parents again. My eyes settled on his mother, she plastered a false smile over her face, no emotion on her botoxed face. If I were to guess, I would say she was petrified of her husband and that made my heart hurt.
“Well, let’s see if we can make that happen then if she is worth it,” his father continued speaking to Preston, talking as if I was no longer in the room.
“I intend too.” He nodded, wrapping his hand round mine as he began walking, “now if you’ll excuse me, my date is parched.”
His dad nodded back, before turning to his wife and muttering quietly.
I knew they were talking about me. They were probably thinking why their powerful, rich, handsome son was with someone like me.
And to be honest, I thought the same.
I saw the way the women in this room looked at him, their eyes burning into my back because I was on the arm of the man every girl wanted.
He was one of the most eligible bachelors and he was mine.
Well, for tonight anyway.
I ignored the dagger stares and focused on Preston, after all, tonight was about him and only him.
We stopped at a large bar area that was situated at the back of the house, just off of the large, formal lounge.
“Fancy,” I smirked as I looked at the portraits of old men in army uniforms, my eyes moved down the timeline until I landed on his father.
“When will you go up there?” I asked, a hint of humour to my voice.
“Never if I have anything to do with it,” he chuckled softly as he grabbed two drinks.
We clinked our crystal glasses before knocking them both back, welcoming the burn.
“Another,” I nodded, the burn moving to my cheeks.
“Perfect, my little pocket of sunshine,” he winked as he handed me another full glass.
“To new adventures,” he held his glass towards me.
“To new adventures,” I chimed, even though I had no idea what these new adventures were.
“Cheers,” we sung in unison.
We were interrupted by a tall, slim woman with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She wore a red, figure-hugging dress that had thin spaghetti straps that sat over her bony shoulders. I watched as Preston’s eyes warmed, his cheeks flushing as the woman closed the gap.
“Tabitha,” he cooed as he leant into her, kissing her on both cheeks. The jealousy stirred inside of me, not that I had any right to be jealous.
“Hey, come on now Preston… don’t be so formal,” she smirked as she turned to face me before she spun and swatted Preston on the chest.
“How rude are you?” she snapped. She smiled at me, “seeing as my dofus brother isn’t going to, I will. Hi, I’m Tabitha, call me Tab for short. I am Preston’s younger sister,” she smiled wide at me, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into an embrace.
Sister – phew.
“Hi,” I beamed as we pulled away from each other. “I’m Skylar,” I looked at Preston waiting for him to interrupt but he didn’t.
“Nice to meet you Skylar,” she beamed, holding her hand up to the barman and ordering a vodka on the rocks.
Preston stepped around his sister and pulled me close.
“How’s the design going for our Dubai hotel? Are we on track for our grand opening in three months?” He asked as he took a sip. I just stood feeling like a spare part.
“All on track big bro, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. You just worry about the boring stuff,” she faked a yawn, patting her hand over her plump, red lips.
“Boring,” he scoffed. “It’s better than choosing what colour paint to put on the walls.”
“Oh yeah, because that’s all I do,” she rolled her eyes far back into her head.
“You’re a interior designer?” my eyes widened with glee.
“I am,” she puffed her chest out, a proud smile on her face.
“Oh wow, I am so jealous,” I blushed, a small laugh bubbling out of me.
“Jealous?” she averted her attention to me now, her eyes steady on mine.
“I studied interior design at college and university but never finished…” I trailed off as I finished the rest of my drink in one mouthful.
“Thirsty baby?” Preston asked, my cheeks full of the liquid before swallowing it down. I nodded.
“No way! That’s amazing, but I’m sorry you never got to finish… may I ask why?”
My anxiety began to bubble, my palms sweaty as my mind worked overtime trying to think what I could say. I felt both of their eyes burning into me, I’m sure my throat began to close. Shit, was it hot in here? I swear I have sweat running down my back.
“Erm…” I coughed, my eyes darting back and forth.
“Let’s put a pin in that conversation shall we,” Preston smiled, ordering me another drink.
“We will have to get a dinner booked in and we can talk about it all,” Tabitha grinned. “I’ve got to go mingle; I’ll catch up with you all a bit later.” She winked before turning and sauntering away into the busy room.
“She’s nosey,” Preston said as he stepped back in front of me.
“She’s not nosey,” I shook my head from side to side. “I just replace it hard talking about that part of my life.”
“And that’s fine, you owe her, or me for that matter no explanation.”
I nodded, swallowing down the burning lump.
He handed me another bourbon, smiling.
“Fancy getting so drunk we don’t remember anything?” he had a childish grin on his face.
“Why the fuck not?” I shrugged before laughing.
We stumbled through the door of Preston’s penthouse. This place was ridiculous. His personal lift was bigger than my whole flat. Okay, slight over exaggeration but not by much.
I couldn’t see straight, my vision fuzzy. I was so drunk. The bourbon was still burning my throat.
Preston walked towards the lounge area that overlooked the city, he pulled his bow tie out of his shirt and flung it across the room. I stood just looking, the lounge, dining and kitchen area were all painted in a creamy white paint. The panelling in the lounge sat from skirting board to coving. The ornate coving wrapped round the room giving it a glisten of elegance. I loved it here. The floors were high gloss and marbled, it gave a modern twist on this Victorian style look that Tabitha was going for. The worktops in the kitchen black marble, the units white gloss. The whole place screamed money.
“I need food. You hungry?” He turned too quickly, having to hold onto the wall as he steadied himself.
I laughed.
“I am always hungry, look at me, do I look like someone that doesn’t eat,” I smirked, wiggling my hips as I ran my hands up and down my side in a slow, seductive manner.
“I am looking at you,” his smile fell, his eyes darkening as he stalked over to me.
My heart stopped.
I stilled, my arms falling to my side as I watched him close the gap between us. Pushing himself up against my body, walking me backwards until I hit the wall behind me.
“I always look at you,” he growled.
“Pres…” I said breathless, the air snatched from my lungs.
“Sky,” he smirked, his large hands skimming up over my hips before they locked behind my back, pulling me into him.
“What are you doing?” I whispered. We didn’t do this, we always spoke.
“I’m about to eat…” his eyes darkened once more as his lips crashed down on mine.
And I was his.
Even if only for tonight.
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