Skye's Arrival -
Chapter Eighteen
When I wake, it’s morning. I replace an arm wrapped around me as I’m lying on something hard. After a few moments of cognitive function, I realize I’m sleeping on Rafi. He must have fallen asleep holding me and just fell backwards. He’s still out cold. The sky is really bright with the sun a few hours into the new day. I turn my head and see Gerrickson still asleep. He’s covered in blankets and bandages.
“What are you doing?” A voice shouts next to our heads, who sounds suspiciously like Dawn.
Rafi yelps as he sits up, clutching me into his chest. “What-what happened?” He demands.
“Why is Skye on top of you?” She asks; looking over to me with a devilish grin on her face.
He groans. “I swear, it’s nothing. I held her up while she ate then she fell asleep. I guess I fell asleep.”
I roll my eyes as she chuckles. “Your blush disagrees.”
“How loud do you two have to be?” Gerrickson groans, sitting up. “What happened?”
“We pulled you from a tree.” Rafi says as he shifts me over to Dawn. “How are you?” he asks, handing Gerrickson his canteen.
“Dead I think,” he groans. “If death is painful. What happened? The last thing I can recall is a kick to my chest.”
“You were embedded in a tree. Dawn and I had to cut you out.” Rafi explains, removing a wrap from Gerrickson. “Good, you healed.” He says, relief in his voice.
“So did you kill her?” He jumps to his feet. “Where is Skye? Do we need to run?” I give a weak smile when his eyes land on me. “What happened to you?” He demands.
I bark a weak laugh, “I could ask the same to you.”
His eyes narrow. “You didn’t.”
“Didn’t what?” I ask while Rafi looks at me, realizing I’m actually awake.
Gerrickson’s face pales. “You vanquished her, didn’t you?”
“Would you have rather done it?” I ask, trying to give humor to the horror on his face.
“Why would you do that?” He demands. “Now Koan will replace you.”
Confusion hits all of our faces. I speak carefully, “I vanquished Esmeralda, Gerrickson. She was about to bite Rafi’s face off.”
“But doesn’t she return to Koan?” He asks, taken aback by my words.
I raise my eyebrow. “You do realize that vanquishing and killing are different right?” His still confused expression is my answer, so I explain. “Vanquishing means that I destroyed their soul, Gerrickson. She’s gone, and never able to return to any world. When I kill a demon, I just kill their mortal body. Their soul returns to their Master and they are given a physical body again.”
His eyes widen once he understands. “Oh! You mean vanquished. I thought you meant kill.”
“Shouldn’t you have learned about that in the Monastery?” Dawn asks.
“They prefer not to talk about death and the destruction of the soul.” He says, blushing a little.
“Maybe check his head.” I tell Rafi, attempting to stand.
“Sit back down,” Rafi and Dawn say at the exact time.
“I have to pee.” I say as I stand. It’s shaky but doable.
“Bodily functions is a good sign.” Dawn says, giving me a smile.
“Don’t make this weird.” I grimace as I slowly start to walk away.
When I come back, Rafi is shirtless with his pants shredded. Gerrickson is staring at Dawn. Dawn has tears in her clothing and a small cut on her eyebrow. Her and Rafi are currently trying to stare the other one down.
“What did I miss?” I ask, a little surprised by what happened.
“Nothing,” Dawn says, giving Rafi a death defying look before looking at me.
“Yeah right!” Gerrickson jumps in. “Dawn and Rafi got into it, because Dawn insisted that someone needed to follow you. Rafi said no since you’d call if you needed help. Dawn tried to go after you, but Rafi demanded she’d stop and then they started fighting.”
I give him a very confused look before looking at those two. “Where is your shirt?” I ask Rafi.
“I was in the middle of changing when this happened.” Rafi says, glowering at Dawn.
“Then what happened to your pants?”
“She fights dirty.”
Gerrickson starts laughing. “She tried to pull down his pants so she could get away to check on you.”
“If you wanted some alone time you two, you could have said something.” I say as I walk towards Gerrickson.
“What? No.” Dawn and Rafi say as I sit down next to Gerrickson.
“Then why did you try to take off Rafi’s pants?” Gerrickson asks.
“And in front of poor Gerrickson.” I say as I jump in, enjoying watching Dawn start blushing, while I shake my head. “The poor boy might be scarred beyond repair.”
Gerrickson starts “crying” at that point. “It was horrible Skye. They were all over each other. She was trying so hard to get his pants off.”
“Alright, knock it off you two.” Rafi orders, looking at Dawn. She’s a shade of red I’ve never seen before.
“Dawn, it’s okay.” I say as I get up and give her a hug.
“Why was that awkward?” She asks, making me internally groan. I forgot she’s very socially stunted.
I smile at her. “When someone goes to the bathroom, it’s very personal and private. I know you were just looking out for me, but the boys don’t see it as that way, so Rafi tried to stop you. So when you saw it as an opportunity to stall Rafi by pulling down his pants, that was also going over a personal boundary. The reason why these are both personal is because it’s leaving your…intimate body parts exposed.”
“So being completely naked around another sex is bad?” Dawn asks, sounding surprised.
“Not bad, just…not considered the norm to someone you’re not bledded with.”
“So I can be naked around you, but not the boys?” She asks, sounding completely taken aback by this.
“Well you can with me because you literally lived inside of me. However, others do have boundaries that you should be mindful of.” I smile at her. “You did nothing wrong Dawn, you’re just learning.”
“But…they’re just organs and body parts.”
“Yes, but most people do not see it like that.”
“Well that’s just dumb,” she says as she flips her hair.
“Never said it wasn’t.” I sigh, “Let’s get moving. Before Koan sends out another search party.”
“Fine,” Dawn says as she looks me over. “You still look like you’re going to faint.”
I wave her off. “I’ll be fine.”
“Skye, the amount of energy you used was enough to destroy a life; one that is of Esmeralda’s caliber. That was not even close to a small task. Frankly, I’m surprised you’re still awake. I was expecting you to be out a few more days.”
I give her a small smile. “I’m okay Dawn.”
She gives me an even look. “You’re having nightmares again, aren’t you?”
I grimace. “So?”
“That’s why you’re awake.” She says, her eyes narrowing.
“I’m fine Dawn.”
“Fine as in leave me alone Dawn, or fine as is Dawn is going to bug you until you tell her?”
I give a long sigh. “Why do I feel the answer is both?” I flip my hair as I search for a way out of it. “Bleddening ceremony.”
She flinches, “Fair. Fine, but I insist you need to rest.”
I roll my eyes. “I’ll rest when we stop for the night.”
She raises an eyebrow then grins. “Hey Rafi, can you do something for me?”
Rafi comes up behind me, “What do you need?”
“You know how she’s less restless when she’s around you?”
“She is?”
“I am?” I ask as her eyes grow wider.
“Yep,” she says as she pushes me backwards into his arms as she vanishes. I gasp as she leaves, her energy zapping my strength and pulling me under a blanket of exhaustion.
“Cheater,” I breathe as I hit Rafi’s chest and go limp. He catches me seconds before I fall asleep.
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