Skye's Arrival -
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Dusk has fallen when we step out of the dress shop. Dawn had sent a messenger to the boys telling them to meet us at the party, so they’re not waiting for us. I glance at myself in the store window. My hair is pinned to the side with my hair flowing down in curls. I’m in a midnight black backless dress. The dress is floor length and has a slit to mid-thigh. My lips have been painted a wine red, giving me a sultry edge. My shoes have a four-inch heel and are barely held on by string that is woven together until a few inches past my ankle. I have a pearled choker on my neck to hide my bite marks, and diamond earrings to complete the ensemble.
I look at Dawn. Her hair is pinned up by moonflowers. She’s in a port wine-colored gown that is slitted on both sides. There are diamond patterns cut on her waist, teasing with a glimmer of what flesh hides beneath it. She’s in three-inch heels that match the dress, as well as her lipstick.
She flashes me a daring smirk. “Ready?”
I pull at my necklace nervously. “We’re just getting in and out right?”
“If that’s what you want,” Dawn allows. “I think it would be a good opportunity to relax.”
“Then you do it,” I tell her, following her as we walk up the illuminated path to the palace. I can already hear drunken laughter and music. It sounds like they’re having fun at least. “I’ll just go back to the room.”
“Skye, you know I can’t do that.”
“Fine,” I pout.
“What are you looking for anyway?” She asks me as we enter the palace. The light is dark with spots of red, highlighting the bare skin of those who enter. The air is filled with perfume, making it impossible to smell anything else. I can’t tell if that’s by design or an accident. It’s sweet and floral, just like a moonflower. It’s also making me feel light-headed.
“Sitrum,” I tell her, stepping down the stairs.
“It’s rarely found these days. It’s a blue powder that can be heated to a flexible indestructible metal. Once heated, it cannot be melted down either. It’s scarce these days.”
“So why are we here?”
I lock eyes with Rafi, noticing the boys are waiting for us downstairs. Both boys are in tuxes, but not ties. Rafi’s hair is slicked back, highlighting his perfect face. He’s absolutely breathtaking. I mentally grab my heart to stop it. I can’t. He’s Koan’s brother. Koan will not show him mercy if I fall for his brother. It’s not safe to feel like this.
“This palace is one of the few standing from ancient times. Most of it still holds its original brickwork.” I give her a pointed look. “The bricks around the throne room, the ballroom, and bedrooms are made from Stirum.”
“So the only way to get what you need, is to steal a brick?” Dawn demands, sounding quite amused by this.
“Pretty much,” I chuckle.
“Hello, boys,” Dawn calls when we’re within earshot.
Rafi’s eyes are locked on me, ignoring her completely. I look at Gerrickson, who does have a hint of lust in his eyes. He’s staring hard at Dawn. Neither of them has spoken.
“Rafi? Gerrickson?” I ask, touching Rafi’s arm.
Rafi grabs my hand immediately and pulls me into him. I yelp in surprise and try to pull out of his arms.
Dawn quickly yanks me away from him. “What is the matter with you?”
“Don’t be alarmed,” a cool voice says behind us. “It’s merely the moonflower. It enhances sexual desire. The aroma stifles any other senses. Males experience it worse. Once their bodies adjust, they’ll return to somewhat normal.”
“How long does that take?” Dawn asks, seeming a little worried.
“About ten minutes or so,” he answers. “Friends of yours?”
Dawn nods and turns around to look at the man while I stare at Rafi. He’s motionless, like a statue. “Yes, they are. Are we to expect the same reaction?”
He chuckles. “You’re new here, aren’t you? Females have a more euphoric reaction. They become lightheaded, giddy, and overwhelmingly happy and relaxed.”
“That would have been good to know before coming here,” Dawn retorts, seeming guarded, but her tone is completely different. It’s…bubbly.
“It’s not something advertised. Personally, I love seeing new reactions to it.” I feel a hand touch my shoulder. “He’s okay. Is he your boyfriend?”
I shake my head. “He’s my oldest friend.” Why does that sentence sound wrong in my ears? I turn my head and look to see a man with a coy smile playing on his full pink lips. His hair is a silver blue set in curls. His eyes are a haunting green. I can see why women are willing to fight to get his attention. Several girls are watching him. Their eyes don’t seem right. They look almost lost.
“I can assure you, he’s perfectly safe.” His hand slides down my shoulder and grabs my hand. “Please come and join me for a drink while they adjust. I’d love to get to know you and your friend.”
“Rafi,” I say hesitantly.
“I’ll have my guards watch them and bring them to us when they waken.” He assures me. I immediately stiffen, fully realizing this is Duke Ralin. Still unsure, I relent and allow him to lead Dawn and me away.
He takes us to a bar, and motions for us to sit. I purposely put Dawn between us and grab her hand. I do not trust this man. He leans against the black bar and nods to the bartender. “What brings you two to Floren?”
“My friend broke up with her long-term boyfriend,” Dawn says, squeezing my hand. “We were told that your parties are the perfect thing for a broken heart.”
“I don’t know if it’ll cure a broken heart, but it’ll take your mind off it.” He peers around Dawn. “How long were you together?”
“Five years,” I tell him with a small voice, easily playing the role of the destroyed girl.
His eyes widen and look me over. “First love?”
“And only,” I sigh then grimace. “Can we please not talk about him?”
He nods. “Of course.” He nods toward a few dancing girls. “Most of the women here are experiencing some form of heartache. Here, they can forget it and just be happy for a night. It’s something I like to provide. Every single one of them has told me that my parties are one of the few places they truly feel happy.”
I look over to see the happy women dancing around. It’s odd to me. They all seem to be wearing some shade of blue. Odd.
Dawn seems a little giggly while she sips a drink that was just given to her. “I can see why they’d like to feel like this.”
I look at Ralin and notice him watching me. He looks relaxed, but something about him is offputting to me, but it’s getting hard to think. “They do look happy.”
Ralin nods, “You can join them if you like.”
I shake my head. “I don’t think I’m ready for that.” I look at the room and notice that everyone is either wearing blue, purple, or white. Dawn and I are the only females in red and black. We stick out, and I feel like that’s on purpose.
“Dawn, there you are,” Gerrickson calls through the crowd, making his way to us.
Ralin’s face stays neutral, aware I am watching him, but I can tell he’s irritated by the way one of his fists clench. I can see Rafi’s head in the crowd.
When Ralin opens his mouth someone comes to his side as if appearing from thin air. The stranger has onyx hair that is cut close to his head. He’s very poised and holds an odious air about him. He leans into Ralin’s ear, whispers something, and then disappears.
Ralin grimaces. “Business calls. I will be right back. I would take it as a great offense if you were to leave before saying goodbye.”
I grab Gerrickson’s arm the moment he gets to us, and Ralin is out of hearing range. “Gerrickson, I need you to take Dawn to the inn. Now.”
Gerrickson looks over at me, just realizing I am there. “Were you sitting there the whole time?”
I resist the urge to smack him out of this stupor. “Yes. Take Dawn to the inn. Now.”
“Why do we need to leave?” Dawn whines, leaning towards Gerrickson.
“Yeah, I want to stay,” Gerrickson agrees, pushing between Dawn and myself.
“Skye,” Rafi huffs, finally breaking through the crowd. “We need to get out of here. Ralin’s drugging everyone.”
“I can see that,” I tell him, motioning towards the now giggling duo. “They’re too doped up to notice it.”
Gerrickson leans in towards Dawn and takes a sip of her drink. “Has anyone told you, that you have good legs?”
Dawn giggles. “Thanks. They’re new.” She takes his hand and puts it on her thigh. “Do you want to see them up close?”
I gag. “Okay, ew, no. Let’s go.” I try to pull Gerrickson’s arm to drag him away, but he doesn’t budge. I curse the fact that I’m so weak right now.
“Rafi,” I say quickly, trying to pull at Gerrickson.
Rafi nods and grabs Gerrickson and Dawn by their ears. They try to pull away but are too enamored with each other to fight it. Now that’s just wrong.
“Let’s go,” Rafi tells me, not taking his eyes off the two spellbound fools.
“I just need to grab what we came for, then I’ll leave.” I hold up my hand to stop his protest. “I swear I’ll be right behind you.”
He’s forced to concede when Dawn and Gerrickson lean in to try to kiss one another. He nods and I start following him through the crowd, but my arm gets caught.
I turn to see Ralin’s face set in a possessive intensity that I do not understand. Like he’s trying to tell me I belong to him. I’ve only ever seen Koan wear that expression, and my heart immediately sinks.
Ralin pulls me towards him. “Were you leaving without saying goodbye?”
“My friend was starting to feel sick,” I lie quickly, looking over my shoulder to see the back of Rafi’s head disappearing through the door.
He purses his lips. “I’ll have to send my doctor to check on her. In the meantime,” he says leading me away from the crowd and back to the bar, “how about I get you another drink?”
“Uh,” I say, trying to gauge how hard I need to kick him to get away from him. Considering all of his guards are watching me, it’d have to be extremely hard. “Sure,” I allow. How can I get out of here without getting every guard in the room after me?
I sit back down at the bar and notice him watching me closely. He leans against it and raises his eyebrow. “It seems your tolerance to the moonflower is higher than most.” He cocks his head towards the dancing girls. “I could kill you and they wouldn’t notice.”
I stiffen, looking back at him. This makes him grin. “Now you’re starting to get the picture.” He reaches out and touches my chin. “When I see something I want, they never leave.”
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