Sky's Rejection
Sky’s Rejection Chapter 27

(Sky’s POV)

My phone dinged, as soon as Dimitri left my room with his beta. Ty, I sighed. Why not link me instead of texting? I looked down at my phone and realized I didn’t know this number. I clicked on to the text message and read it over and over again. Who the hell could this be from?

Unknown: Come to me now and no one will get hurt. I will release who I have.

What is this person talking about? First, I don’t know who they are, so how would I go to them? Secondly, everyone I care about is right here where I am, so who are they going to release or better yet hold over my head?

Sky: I think you have the wrong number. Please lose my number now.

‘We should go kick their a*s for just thinking they could threaten someone, even if it isn’t us.’ Angel growled in my head.

‘I agree, can we track their number and beat them up. Save whoever they are looking for a lot of trouble.’ Rain said eagerly, ready to get in on some action.

Unknown: No, hun, that is where you are wrong. I have the right number and the right person, Sky Hollow. You have five hours to show up here or everyone you love will be dead.

‘Everyone we love is here, right?’ Angel asked in concern, thinking about our mate, new friend and Ty, who is more of our family than anything else.

‘I don’t know. How am I supposed to know? Sky, what do we do?’ Rain panicked as Angel put an image in our minds of our mate dead. Great, thanks Angel, that’s what I need. Panic to filter through our minds right now, I thought in annoyance. Just let me think.

‘Ty, where are you?’ I asked through the mind link, after a few minutes of him not answering me. I started to panic. s**t, what if this person took them all? What if I am alone now and I have to try to save them all on my own?

‘Don’t panic about saving them all, we are strong. We definitely could and not even have an issue with it.’ Rain said concedingly, she is right though. We are strong and amazing.

‘I am more worried this person kills them before we get there.’ Rain thinks to us. Thanks Rain, that is what we need right now. You are literally giving us every negative possibility that could occur.

Unknown: Awe, are you panicking now my little one? It is okay, I know how to handle the scared little girl that you are. I will make you feel better.

What is he talking about? Sky, calm, we are capable of so many things, we are strong, we can control our emotions. Focus. I feel Angel and Rain get a courage boost as I gave myself a pep talk. Well, if it works for them too, then I am happy about it.

‘Dimitri? Please answer.’ A hint of begging dripping into the mind link. Goddess, cover your emotions Sky. Get a grip of yourself. We don’t need our mate panicking for no reason.

‘Sky? Is that you? Are you okay? How did you even link me?’ Dimitri shot off question after question in our link. I could feel the panic he was feeling leaking through our link. Great, now I have caused our mate to panic.

‘I am fine Dimitri. I was wondering where you are? Also, is there any chance you know where Ty and Ariel are? Ty didn’t answer my mind – link.’ I asked him calmly with no emotions lacing my words this time. He seemed to notice my change and decided to calm his panic down.

‘Ty, Ariel, Mark, and Dean are with me. We are in a meeting.’ His Royal Alpha voice leaked into our link, as if there were no feelings there at all. It semi hurt me to hear him like that after what had happened earlier, but I guess it is my own fault. I feel Angel whimper in my head and move back. Then Rain grumbles as if she wants to teach our mate a lesson. I understand where they are coming from, but they also have to realize how frustrated he must be that we are hiding something from him and never like showing him our emotions.

‘Thank you.’ I told him as I closed our link. So, he has no one that I care about. Mmm. What is it he thinks he can hold over my head then? Does he think I am naive or something?

Sky: You can’t scare me. I don’t know who you are, but I will replace you and I will kill you.

Unknown: Tsk, tsk, Sky. I thought you knew better than to under estimate your opponent. Especially when you don’t know who they are yet. Though you are just a little girl, huh?

I could hear his mocking voice echoing in my head. Reminding me of one person, Xander. It can’t be. He can’t be part of this, can he? I know that he has done a lot and that he is helping the rogues, and the traitors, but he found his second – chance mate. He should be moving on with her, not still obsessing over me, right?

Unknown: No snarky come back this time. That is alright. You have five hours and do NOT tell anyone.

Sky: I don’t know who you think you are, but I do not have to listen to you. I am my own boss and I don’t take a command from anyone but myself.

That will tell him, f**k him and his threats. He is useless and I will kill him one day. When you thought people you knew would change but now realize they won’t. I sigh in annoyance. I finally agreed to get to know my mate and now have this i***t to deal with.

*Your text message has failed. The number you have messaged is not accepting calls or text messages at this time. If you think there is an error, please contact us on 888 – 424 – 4242. Thank you. Have a wonderful day.*

How the hell did he do that already? Turned off the phone before I could even respond to his message. That is so Xander, always wanting to have the last word and this time he could.

‘Sky, are you alright?’ Ty linked to me in concern. I felt his worry through our connection.

‘I am fine, I was just worried about you.’ I replied through the link as I tried to think about what my next move would be.

‘Why would you be worried about me?’ Ty asked through the link in confusion. s**t, what should I tell him?

‘No reason, just haven’t heard from anyone in a while.’ I said calmly, not letting any emotion leak through. If anyone sees emotion it is usually Ty. This time I couldn’t let him through. I should never have linked him back so quickly.

I hear Ty chuckle through the link, ‘ I literally just dropped Dimitri off in your room an hour ago.’ s**t, he is right. They were literally here. Why didn’t I think about that before freaking out?

‘Your right. I will talk to you later Ty.’ I linked him right before closing the link, not letting him respond. I need to figure out what I am going to do next. Do I go to him and deal with him now? Is it just a trap that I am going to fall into? Is there a way that Xander can get to the ones I love and actually hurt him? How would he even hurt them? Dimitri is a hundred and ten percent stronger than that pour excuse of an alpha. Same with Ty and Mark won’t let Ariel out of his sight since the rogue incident happened.

“SKY?!?!” Ty screamed as he barged into my room.

I chuckled at his dramatics. “Now who is over reacting? I literally closed our link only a few seconds ago.”

Ty breathes deeply, trying to control his breathing. I am now realizing this is actually something serious. What could have happened in that short time? My joking Ty is gone, and now replaced by a serious one. “The former King and Queen are missing. We have to go replace them, though there are no clues about who could have taken them.”

I now realize that I have under estimated my opponent, just like he said. Xander is smarter than I have given him credit for. He took someone who matters to my loved ones. Which will lead them out to him and straight into his trap. Unless I go to him in the next five hours and make him release the former King and Queen.

‘We have an advantage this time Sky.’ Angel says to me, trying to give me the confidence we need. I never wanted to see him again and now I have to. We do have an advantage though. He thinks we are untrained. He thinks we are weak and able to be bullied around still. He thinks we actually have feelings.

‘We can do this Sky.’ Rain tells me with confidence. I love the way she has always been so sure of us.

“I will come investigate where they were taken from and try to replace an answer. Just give me a couple minutes to get changed. I will meet you there.” I said calmly.

“Alright Sky, they were taken from their cabin. I will see you there.” Ty answered with suspicion. After one last look, he left my room and at that moment I knew that he knew I wasn’t coming to the cabin. I was leaving and not telling anyone where I was headed.

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