Sky's Rejection -
Sky’s Rejection Chapter 33
(Sky’s POV)
All I feel is empty. I can’t hear or see anyone. I can’t feel any pain or anything for that matter. All I see is black surrounding me. I don’t feel the ground underneath me. I can’t feel any presence around me.
Where am I?
“Hello?” I question out again, the only response I get is silence. “Rain? Angel?”
Still nothing.
Where did they go? Why would they leave me?
They say storms are only temporary, but it seems as if this temporary situation will never end. Will I perish here? Have I died? Is this the in between?
Where is the moon goddess? Why did I lose my counterparts? Wouldn’t we have all died together? What happen with Dimitri?
Oh Dimitri. I miss him. There is so much I wish I got to experience with him. Why did I wait to long? Now I don’t even get the chance to be able to experience love. I don’t get to grow with a man who cherishes and wants me. I don’t get to carry our pup and then raise the little pup.
“Hello, little one.” I hear an angelic voice echoing around me. It sounds of female but nothing like Rain or Angel’s. Who could it be?
I hear the angelic voice chuckle, as if it is a melody personally song by a choir of angels. The darkness around me begins to morph. I watch as the black space beneath me turns into healthy green grass, the black space above me turns into a clear blue sky with big white clouds floating out of view. A large rock appears in front of me as a woman is sitting on top of it. She looks familiar as if I know her, though at the same time I can’t pinpoint who she could be. I feel safe in her presence but at the same time I am questioning my sanity.
Why do I feel safe with a woman I can’t figure out how I know her? I seriously wish I had Rain and Angel with me right now.
“Hello Sky.” The beautiful woman pretty much sings out. The elegance and posture she holds makes me realize how important she must be. She has long white hair, that looks as if it glows like the moon. Her eyes are a glowing pitch black, like the night sky. She has a long white dress, that drags along the grass, though not one piece of fabric is out of place. She is perfect. As if a goddess is standing right in front of me. I am in a state of shock as I take in every little detail of her.
“You are right little Sky. I am the moon goddess, and you my darling are very special.” The moon goddess said as she smiled brightly at me. Holy goddess, I am talking to the moon goddess, in person. That must mean….
“Am I dead?” I asked softly as I bowed down to the goddess in front of me.
“You may rise little one. No, you are not dead. You are in a coma.” The moon goddess said as she looked at me in sadness.
“Where is Angel and Rain? Are they hurt? Are they dead? I can not hear them anymore.” I said in a panic realizing that maybe she was sadly looking at me because my counter parts could have sacrificed themselves to save me.
“Calm down my child. Why don’t you take a seat, and I will explain everything to you? Though once I finish you will need to make a decision, as we are running out of time.” The moon goddess said. I nodded in understanding and plopped myself down on the grass in front of her. I patiently stared at her as I waited for her to continue talking. “You are not dead, Sky. Angel and Rain are still present inside your body. For some reason your soul has separated from your body as if searching for something. What are you searching for Sky? What is it that you seek?”
What is it that I seek? I want death, I want my parents though is that really what I want? I want my mate, my true mate. I want to grow old with Dimitri and have a pup with him. I want to watch our friends grow.
“I want Dimitri. If that means death, then so be it.” I said to the moon goddess with confidence.
The moon goddess chuckled, “Let me tell you a story. There once was a couple of different species. They weren’t accepted and had to be together in secret. When they gave birth to their first and only child, they realized the child was special and meant to be more than what the world could provide. Others found out and tried to kill the child but instead the parents sacrificed themselves for their child. The child survived and became the moon goddess.”
“You were the daughter of a mixed species?” I asked, incredulously. How was that possible? She became a goddess.
I watch as the moon goddess lights up at my question. “Yes, I am. Just like you and just like you I lost my parents at a young age and struggled as well. I had a purpose in this world and so do you. They need you Sky, I can’t have you leaving them just yet. I will bring Dimitri back with you because he still has a role to play too. I hope you achieve everything that you are meant to achieve. Trust your mate, your heart and your counter parts. Your decision is to choose, have a child with your mate or save a life of someone your mate cares desperately about. What is your decision?”
How do I choose between someone my mate cares about or having a child together? I have suffered so much from losing my loved ones, the people I care about. I couldn’t watch Dimitri go through the same.
“Time is ticking Sky.” The moon goddess says calmly.
“I will save my mate’s loved one. I do not need a pup to be happy. I couldn’t watch Dimitri go through losses they way I have. The pain’s I have experienced do not need to be in his life.” I said calmly, though under neath I felt the pain of never having my own little pup to raise.
“Are you sure little one?” The moon goddess asked as if she could see the conflict.
“Yes, moon goddess.” I said with certainty, even if I wanted a pup, I would never sacrifice someone else’s life for my own wants.
“Alright then it is time for you to go back.” She said as she looked at me, trying to see if there is any doubt coursing through me. I would never jeopardize a person’s life like that. My parents would be so disappointed if I did.
“To my body?” I asked as I cut in before she said anything else.
She looked at me stunned, as if she couldn’t believe I would talk so boldly and open in front of her. After a few seconds she smiled, a proud smiled that sort of confused me. “No, you will not be going back to your body yet. You need to go to the boarder of the royal pack and save Dean before he crosses out of pack lands.”
“Why?” I asked. Why would he be leaving pack lands when Di is dead, and I am in a coma? Did something else happen? Doesn’t he understand how much the pack needs him at this crucial time? Did Dimitri’s parents’ even get out alive? How much is the pack mourning right now?
She smiles, “Always the curious one. Always needing more answers. If he crosses pack lands the rogues who survived will attack him in his distracted state. Causing his death.”
“That is who I will be saving?” I asked, wondering if anything has happened to anyone else. Did he already lose his parents?
“Yes, does that make you change your decision knowing that piece of information?” I shock my head no. Of course not. I am just hoping he hasn’t lost anyone else close to him. “Good. There are two wolves that would love to see you before you leave though. Which means you must stop asking questions, so you have time.”
I nod my head, wondering who wanted to see me before I head back to the living. I really hope it isn’t Xander, I really don’t want to run into him ever again. I hear the goddess chuckle and I turn to look at her. I am stunned into silence as I stared at the two wolves, I have wished every day since my third birthday to see again.
“I am so sorry.” I cried as I ran into my parents’ arms. Tears streaming down my face, as I gasp for air.
“Don’t ever apologize, our beautiful little girl. Nothing that has happened is your fault and you have grown in to the young, strong women I have always known you would be.” Mother said as she wiped away my tears looking at me lovingly.
“We will never regret how life played out. We are so happy to see you and so sorry for everything your brother and you have went through. I am sorry for what your brother has caused you.” Father says as regret plays across his face. He acts as any of this could be his fault.
“I had Angel, my wolf. She has been with me since the day you left. Don’t be upset about what Henry has done. He was hurting and though his actions were unacceptable, I forgive him.” I said calmly, one thing I don’t want is my parents being upset about anything they don’t have control over.
“You are one special young girl, and I am proud to call you, my daughter.” Father says with pride shining on his face as he smiles lovingly at me.
“You have turned out better than we could have ever imagined. Guess you didn’t really need us.” Mother says in a joking matter, with fake hurt on her face before father pokes her side and she begins to giggle. I have missed them so much.
“You must go now little one.” The moon goddess says, I don’t want to leave my parents. Though I can’t allow Di to suffer the way I have. “Would you rather stay here?”
“No, I must spare my mate from the pain I have experienced. I must bring my pack their Royal Alpha back. I must go tell Henry that mother and father are doing well and that they say hi. I also must check on my new family. Ty and Ariel must be extremely upset, worrying and maybe even freaking out by now.” I said, as a single tear left my eyes as I knew this would be the last time to tell my parents the one thing, I have wanted to all those years ago. “Goodbye mother. Goodbye father. I will always love you.”
“We will always love you and Henry.” Mother said, as tears slipped through her eyes. Father wrapped his arms around her and smiled at me. “We will always be watching. Take care and keep your brother in line. Goodbye our daughter.”
With that I nodded at the moon goddess. Letting her know I was ready. “Take care, Sky.”
I smiled as I felt myself flying through the air. I felt the wind blowing through my hair, as my stomach twisted in the speed of the action. It felt as if I was boomeranged across a field at missile speed. As I slowed down and came to a stop, I look around and realize I am at the royal pack boarder where I am supposed to stop Dean. As he approaches, I try to reach my hand out to grab him when it floats straight through him. I forgot I am not in my body yet. I need to speak to him, focus Sky.
“Where do you think you are going? The pack needs its beta, does it not?” I asked as loudly as I can. Just praying he can hear me. I don’t know how else to stop him. I feel as if the harsh winds are blocking my every word.
Dean begins to spin around in circles right in front of me. What is he doing? Has his wolf gone insane? Did he actually hear me? I could feel the sadness radiating off him. He is getting inside his own head. If he heard me the first time hopefully, he would hear me this time too.
“Dean, open your heart. Let the pain out. I need you to go back Dean. I need you to take care of the pack for me and to take care of Dimitri. He is going to need you and Mark. Please?” I begged; I have never heard myself sound so desperate before. I didn’t know what else to do though. I feel lost and incomplete without Angel and Rain. I feel partly empty.
He turns around, as he looks in the direction of the pack house. He begins to trot back. Now, how do I go back to my body. I slowly follow behind Dean, hoping he will lead me to my body, and I can morph myself back into my body somehow. Maybe I should have asked the moon goddess for instructions instead of all those other questions.
This is not going to be easy.
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