The last couple of months for Malik carried deep scorn and contempt towards the two he had been put in charge of watching. Time after time he’d sent reports to Canoes concerning the behavior and actions of Kalagin and Léon requesting his immediate presence at the castle for some urgent problem. After a few times of refereeing their childish arguments, Canoes refused to visit any longer and told Malik to handle it all himself, or worse, he would send Baylor in his place. The hatred between Kalagin and Léon towards one another and towards Malik grew more and more uncontrollable for the overwhelmed man to bear. Now, with a scowl on his face, Malik suspiciously walked down the hallway towards the dining room holding a personal invitation for dinner from Léon himself.

The letter requested that Malik either join him in the dining room for dinner and a conference willingly or Léon would drag him there himself. Malik’s anger was fueled at having some soldier order him around like he was there for his beckoned call. He burst through the doors in a rage, something Léon and Kalagin had grown accustomed to in recent days.

“What is the meaning of this nonsense?” Malik asked, throwing down the invitation. “I am High Priest of Canoes’ Clergy for Great Chaos. Who do you think you are to demand my presence?”

“Sit down Malik,” Léon coolly replied, gesturing for Malik to calm himself.

“I will NOT sit until I have answers!” The angry priest demanded pounding the table.

Standing to reveal he was not armed but, instead, wearing casual clothing, Léon calmly said, “I am General of the Armies of Canoes. I lead the now widely feared Dread Army and am a revered member of the Inner Council of Great Chaos. You, my dear man, are a mere priest. I have let you do your job of mothering us in order to oblige my master, however, things have recently changed.”

Léon again gestured for Malik to sit as he poured wine into a golden goblet sitting in front of an empty chair. Hesitantly, Malik did as he was told shocked by the peculiarity of Léon’s peaceful demeanor. Across from him sat Kalagin also acting quite odd in the presence of Léon. For two months straight these two men had done nothing but fight and argue, however now, they were treating one another with respect and benevolence. Kalagin produced a welcoming smile for the priest as he sipped upon his own goblet of wine.

“I’ve brought you here to clear the air Malik,” Léon started. “Canoes is unhappy with your performance on a job he feels even Baylor could have accomplished alone. Matter of fact, he was so upset after your last report that he told me he wished you dead. I, however, was able to calm him after awhile. You prevented him from doing his work and keeping very important appointments all on account of your endless reports and requests for meetings with him regarding Kalagin and myself. As a result, he again lost the children he was working very hard to capture. Also, if that weren’t bad enough, he lost one of his Demon Magi and favorite pets. King Kalagin and I have discussed some things and it’s now clearly understood between us both that I run the show here. He is the reigning king and, as long as those children are out there, he shall remain to be. I do and will enforce the laws here in Talkain as well as prepare the troops for the battle to come. You will be allowed to continue your little priestly duties, but no longer have any authority over internal affairs. You will serve Kalagin and I as the obedient servant your career choice states you should be. All in all, I will be in charge from here on out taking my orders only from Canoes himself.”

Léon sat down waiting for Malik to explode. When he only put his head down as if to think, Léon spoke up again hoping to enrage the demoted priest.

“Oh yes, and if there are any objections I will be forced to transport you to the dungeon and beat you mercilessly until all your objections have been overcome. This right was given to me by Canoes himself. You do have objections I hope?”

Malik raised his head, smiled and said, “If that is Lord Canoes’ will then let it be done,” before he picked up his fork and nonchalantly began to eat.

Léon was quite disappointed at Malik’s unheated reaction, as he desperately wanted a reason to beat him, but decided that, either way, the priest was now his servant. Kalagin raised his glass to Léon in a toast causing him to let out a small laugh while shaking his head. A yelling Baylor bursting into the room broke the moment.

“The head of the Demon Magi order is here Léon!”

“He wasn’t invited,” Léon exclaimed, highly annoyed someone would arrive uninvited.

“It’s a she, my lord,” Baylor corrected.

With a small chuckle, Léon remarked, “Kalagin, it’s your castle. It’s time you earn your keep.”

Happily Kalagin rose to his feet adjusting his kingly attire making his way out of the dining room.

“Let’s go Malik, you’re the High Priest. You need to be present as well,” Léon ordered as he stood to make his way out of the dining room.

Filled with pride, Malik arose walking past Baylor and following closely behind Kalagin. Baylor hurried to Kalagin’s side to fill him in on the information he needed to know about their visiting female magi while Léon leisurely followed the group down the great hall. He thought to himself, watching the smaller man trying to speak to Kalagin, how much he deeply despised Baylor’s cowardice ways. But if you ever needed information on someone else, he did always seem to know something of importance. As they approached the front door Léon made sure to strap his sword to his belt before welcoming the woman. Whether or not the magi were supposed to be on their side, the ways of their order were widely known about and highly mistrusted by Léon.

Kalagin reached the entranceway to witness the beautiful magi step onto the carpeted steps below them. She was raven-haired and emerald eyed dressed in a flowing robe and cloak of ebony making her appear as a moving shadow. Lustfully he watched her as she made her way up the steps to meet with the welcoming party standing in front of the castle doors. She was closely followed by two of her bodyguards resembling saber fanged ogres standing over seven feet tall and looking to weigh over three hundred pounds. Her authoritative demeanor did not impress nor intimidate Kalagin. He knew that Léon stood only a few feet away and would be able to protect him if things were to turn sour. The woman met his gaze and bowed respectfully.

“What’s your business here Mage?” He demanded trying to sound kingly.

“My name is Giselle Leluna and I am head of the Order of Demon Magi and Secretary of the Inner Council of Great Chaos. I have come here to give warning to this land that it is doomed to fall,” she spoke up assuredly.

After hearing the lady’s title, Léon decided it best that he intervene. Her title alone put her above both Kalagin and Malik. And, if she was indeed on the council as he was, then she must be spirit-blooded as well and very powerful.

“I am Léon, Warrior to the Inner Council of Great Chaos and General of the Dread Army,” he stated stepping out from behind a statue.

Giselle immediately noticed the aura that shown around Léon and realized he was the one of power here, not this king before her. Pushing past Kalagin and Malik, she bowed in front of Léon instead.

“My lord, I have come at the request of Master Canoes to help you here at the castle. The arrival of the children and their defenders is inevitable,” she stated slowly rising from her bow.

“Go check on that Baylor. See if it’s truly legitimate,” Léon ordered to Baylor.

Giselle looked at Léon in shock. No one had ever had the audacity or bravery to question her before, let alone accuse her of lying.

“Until he returns, let us go inside for some dinner,” Léon invited Giselle offering her his arm like a gentleman.

As the two walked back inside the castle, Kalagin eyed the young woman in wariness. If things are to go My way, I might have to get rid of her, he thought to himself. Or perhaps, get her to see things my way instead.

Malik bowed before Kalagin and, with no emotion, stated, “I will be in the temple where my priests await me for our rituals. If I am needed, you will replace me there.”

Swiftly he turned and made his way to the temple with thoughts of revenge pervading his mind.

For the first time in the history of Nobel, both human and Fae blooded creatures were congregated together at the club, Exile. Since the departure of the vampires, Nobel was beginning to flourish from their ore productions and the watchful eyes of the governing council. No one was prepared for the unkindly visit from Jayhem and his counterpart Rain Star.

Being the very definition of terror, Jayhem was a cancer of death that devastated entire villages and towns with his mere presence. Working always under the command of his employer, Canoes, Jayhem carried out his orders without mercy or conscious. His impressive bio-organic cyborg implants made him quicker, stronger and more agile than normal humans and many elves as well. Wired with bio-organic computer chips, his mind was equipped with the knowledge of fifty years of training and scholastics. Jayhem’s primary function was terrorism and annihilation with his secondary being to hunt down all those that would dare to stand up to his employer. In this case, his target was none other than Makaylen Stryphe.

Rain Star, the half-breed Katilian, follows her leader in mortal fear and regret wherever he goes. Having been taught the ways of the ancient world by Makaylen, Jayhem uses her knowledge of her teacher to try and track his target. She had made a choice out of her anger towards her teacher, but now can only think of him with regret for her stubbornness and pride. Over and over again she replays a story he once told her about a dog that found a new friend one day to play with when it became bored with its other friends.

Everyday the dog would meet with his new friend replaceing it fascinating and new. One day when the dog found his friend again the new friend bit him and then left him to die. Unbeknownst to the gullible and fun loving dog, he had made friends with a poisonous snake that had made him believe it was a dog just like him. Now the poor dog slowly died with regret for having left his true friends who would never have done such a horrible thing to him as the snake did.

Makaylen had warned her that this same scenario happens everyday for people as well and that it was a perfect way to examine your choice in friends. She now lived as the regretful dog who’d left her true friends to follow the snake being continuously bitten with fear. As Jayhem and Rain Star entered the club, she missed Makaylen more than ever.

“Can I help you stranger?” A large half-troll asked Jayhem when he noticed the two searching the club upon entering.

Jayhem grinned a wicked smile and nodded. Without warning, he drew both of his tech-pistols and opened fire on the troll shredding him in half. Screams filled the club, intermixed with the music, as Jayhem relentlessly fired into the crowd randomly hitting many of its patrons. The shots could be heard from far off warning the council that they were under attack.

From his forest home Choric charged for the club armed with his spiked mace. Running down the small lane he met up with Sheneska who was headed for the club as well. As they neared their destination they witnessed a large man and a woman standing outside the blazing inferno that at one time had been the Exile. Screams of terror and agony could be heard from within the club as the ones trapped inside pounded on the barred front doors.

“Let them out of there now!” Choric bellowed at the couple.

Turning to face Choric, Jayhem caught sight of Sheneska waiting not more than fifty yards from where he stood. Aggressively he pulled Rain Star to his side and gave his orders to her.

“Time for you to earn your keep. Take the Katilian woman while I take care of the Kunine.”

Rain Star reluctantly nodded knowing if she did not obey then she would be the next to die at his hands. Sickened by so much death, yet too scared to do anything else, she drew a pair of short swords from behind her twirling them with ease while she made her way towards Sheneska.

Immediately the pairing was obvious as Rain Star eyed down Sheneska and Jayhem sauntered towards Choric both trying to psyche their opponents out. Not impressed by Rain Star’s half-breed heritage, Sheneska exposed her sword like claws while hissing at her closing opponent. Choric rushed Jayhem who dodged the attack jumping to the side and rolling up with both tech-pistols in hand. Instead of fighting, Choric’s goal was to crush the wooden bar holding the club’s doors closed from the outside. Quickly he smashed the bar with his mace bringing most of the door crashing down to the ground. Immediately he was knocked down and shielded by the remaining survivors rushing out coughing and scrambling for fresh air. As soon as the door came down, Jayhem opened fire on the emerging crowd dropping people as fast as they could escape the smoldering building.

As bodies began falling on his back, Choric noticed part of the wooden bar lying on the ground. He picked it up, made his way to his feet and hurled it at Jayhem. Jayhem was knocked to the ground and his pistols flew out of his hands. Drawing a pair of bowie knives from out of his boots, Jayhem simultaneously did a kip up to his feet and charged Choric hitting him with a flying kick to the chest and knocking him to the ground. The angered dog-man rolled backwards onto all fours and pounced at his opponent bringing his heavy mace down upon him. Jayhem, however, quickly blocked the blow and, using Choric’s own momentum, easily threw him to the other side of the street. Again Choric rolled backwards into a pouncing stance. The two enemies stared one another down with Choric growling and snarling and Jayhem twirling his two knives in his hands waiting for the dog to pounce once again.

Rain Star took the initiative and attacked first using a twirling technique with her swords out to her sides and spinning her body in circles. Only by her tremendous skill and agility was Sheneska able to parry two shots and dodge another by leaping into the air over Rain Star’s head and landing behind her.

“You’re going to have to do better than that little girl,” Sheneska taunted the half-breed woman while waving for her to attack again.

In a blurring display of skill with a blade mixed with martial arts, Rain Star obliged her cocky challenger. Both women were so quick and vigilant, their strikes and dodges could scarcely be seen. Finally a blow struck Rain Star across her left cheek surprising the girl more than injuring her. A smile came upon both their faces as the two women reveled in their opponent’s fighting abilities.

“It is going to be a shame to kill you half breed,” Sheneska announced.

Instead of speaking, Rain Star nodded while readying herself for a final assault.

Arrogantly Jayhem put his two knives away chuckling to himself.

“You think you’re that good do you?” Choric asked annoyed.

Jayhem only smiled smugly at the Kunine warrior now circling him. After a few moments of silence, Choric leapt at Jayhem again attempting to bring his mace down upon him, but, anticipating the creature’s move, Jayhem dived to the ground grabbing his nearby pistols, rolled to his back and opened fire projecting Choric backward in the air and slamming hard to the ground. Choric lay defeated and wounded as Jayhem menacingly got up and stood over him. With only another smug smile, Jayhem shot three more shots into Choric’s head.

The sound of gunfire drew Sheneska’s attention away from her own battle as she turned and witnessed her friend die at Jayhem’s hand.

“Nooooo!” She screamed.

Suddenly her screams were silenced as a pair of short swords struck her from behind piercing her lungs. Gasping for breath, Sheneska managed to turn her head only to see Rain Star withdraw her blades and swiftly cross them decapitating the Katilian woman’s head.

Jayhem nodded in acceptance of what Rain Star had done while she grudgingly walked over to his side.

“Now let’s replace someone who can tell us what I want to know. Then we’ll destroy this place so as not to be bothered by witnesses or belated heroes,” he commanded to the silent and saddened young woman.

Following the road it didn’t take long for the two to replace a cluster of small homes sitting away from the inner part of town. Most of the homes seemed silent or empty except for one in which laughter could be heard coming from within. Pulling his pistols from their holsters, Jayhem kicked the front door with so much strength it flew to the ground splintering in several areas. The family inside jumped in fright while the father grabbed a nearby axe ready to fight.

“Get out of my house!” Massuoe demanded, wielding his axe.

Jayhem laughed sinisterly and shot him.

“I thought we were only asking questions!” Rain Star blurted out mortified by what she’d just seen.

“Yes, and now they’ll tell me whatever I want,” he replied pointing his pistols at Sonja and her two terrified children.

“What do you want?” The grief ridden and frightened Sonja screamed while clutching her children.

Jayhem walked slowly over to her and bent over to meet her eye to eye before saying, “I want Makaylen Stryphe.”

“I don’t know that name,” Sonja decisively answered.

Annoyed, Jayhem grabbed her by the roots of her hair and placed the barrel of his gun at the head of the young boy.

“Don’t lie to me peasant! Tell me where I can replace Makaylen or I’ll send the boy to meet his father in the afterlife!” He bellowed down at her.

Defeated, Sonja’s tears streamed down her face as she began to plead with the large man.

“No, please don’t hurt him! Makaylen left with his friends to Karza, I think, to meet some people there,” she cried out while staring into her terrified son’s face.

Jayhem inspected her closely and began to nod believing Sonja’s story. Never taking his hand from off of his captive’s head, he faced Rain Star and commanded, “Scout up ahead and make camp. I have some unfinished business to tend to here in this town.”

Rain Star noticed the predatory way he looked at the woman and her children as he toyed with them and knew he meant to destroy the entire town and kill the three defenseless people before her.

“No. You are not going to do anything to these people!” Rain Star announced defiantly drawing her two short swords.

Slowly Jayhem turned his head away from his prey and looked at Rain Star shaking his head in disappointment.

“I knew you were going soft on me,” he said releasing the woman and turning completely towards Rain Star pointing his pistols at her.

With two swift moves, Rain Star knocked both pistols from Jayhem’s hands before he realized she’d even moved.

“Big mistake,” he said between clinched teeth before opening up his long coat and gripping the stock of the shotgun that had been hidden there.

She knew instinctively that Jayhem no longer cared about the family, at least not for now, but that she would be his new target.

“Hurry, get out the window!” Rain Star yelled at the mother.

Jayhem fired a shot purposely missing Rain Star by a few inches as he continued menacingly walking ever so slowly towards her. She slowly backed away from him. The shots caused the children to scream and the mother to temporarily turn from her mission of hurrying them out of a window just behind them.

“Run! Go replace Makaylen and tell him Rain Star said he was right and that…I’m sorry,” Rain Star again yelled out at the mother solemnly while never taking he eyes off of the psychotic stare of Jayhem.

Another shot rang out as Jayhem continued to play with his new prey. After the family was safely out of the house Rain Star wasted no time and threw one of her swords at him sinking it deep into his shoulder. With only a wince, and a look of more anger than injury, Jayhem grabbed the hilt of the sword protruding from his shoulder to pull it free. Before he could withdraw the sword Rain Star leapt at him with her other sword, wrapping her legs around his middle, attempting to plunge it deep into his chest.

Jayhem grabbed her wrist before the blade could puncture his skin. He began to squeeze her wrist tighter and tighter until he heard it snap and Rain Star cried out in agony. Quickly she laid her free hand on the sword in his shoulder and twisted it. Yelling in pain, Jayhem flung her from off of him sending her slamming into the nearby wall. He grabbed at his wounded shoulder realizing that the blade had been removed.

“Idiot girl! You could have been spared!” He shouted disappointedly.

He raised his shotgun with his good arm and fired driving her into the wall again. Death crept over her face as she again remembered the story of the dog. I’m sorry Makaylen, she thought to herself realizing he, her true friend, would never have done this to her. Her defeated body slid to the floor where the frustrated Jayhem shot her twice more.

Wounded as he was, Jayhem was in no shape to fight the group of Fae-blooded creatures he knew would be on their way to avenge their friends. He grabbed his weapons and hastily left from the scene. Knowing he would surely meet up with his escaping prey on his way to Karza to replace Makaylen, Jayhem was entertained by his thoughts bringing a sly smile upon his face once again.

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