Every inch of my body is on fire as Tripp holds my hand and drives us out of town. I had the best time tonight even if we couldn’t really talk. It was still fun to see him interacting with the little kids and being playful. His dinosaur costume was a huge hit, and I couldn’t stop laughing at how silly he looked. It’s a side of Tripp I haven’t seen in a long time, and I hope it stays. The go-with-the-flow and letting loose parts of him that initially attracted me to him are why I crushed on him so hard in high school. Add to that his little flirty comments and how he always got me out of sticky situations, it’s no wonder I was a goner for him.

But then Billy died, and those parts of him did, too.

I knew the real Tripp was still inside him somewhere, and I’d wanted to be the person to bring him back to life if he’d let me.

“Thanks for bringin’ me along tonight,” I say after a few minutes of silence. Darkness surrounds us, but the dashboard lighting reflects off his eyes. “It was a ton of fun even if those kids could run circles around us.”

His face softens with a smile and he squeezes my hand. “Thanks for sayin’ yes to going with me.”

Before I respond, Tripp pulls his truck over to the side of the road. There’s no oncoming traffic, but being surrounded by dark shadows makes me nervous.

“What’re we doin’?” I glance around, making sure the door is locked. On a normal day, I’m positive I could take on a sociopathic murderer, but I’m in a short dress and heels, so tonight I’d be at a disadvantage.

“Figured it was time to teach you how to drive a stick shift.” He adjusts the bench seat, moving us all the way back.

My lips curve up in surprise. “Wait, what?”

“You don’t know how, right?”

“Well, no.”

“And you mentioned at one time wantin’ to learn, so…” He pats his thigh. “Saddle up, Sunny.” My heart races in anticipation of sitting on Tripp for the first time.

I’m so used to him avoiding eye contact, so when our gazes meet, my breathing stalls. For what feels like the first time, he doesn’t glance away, and having his full attention gets me flustered.

“You remember me sayin’ that from five years ago?” I ask, stunned. “And wait…didn’t Landen say you don’t let chicks drive your truck?” I quote the exact words he’d said in my best deep, manly voice.

He barks out a laugh. “Yep, you’ll be my first.” Then he leans over and brushes his thumb along my jaw. “I remember everything about you, Magnolia. Especially the drunken moments.”

I groan at the embarrassing things he’s witnessed over the years. “You coulda just left it at that first sentence.”

He tilts my chin, and my breath hitches at his proximity. Technically, we’ve kissed before during my birthday BJ shot, but this is different. This is private. No drinking game, no pressure, no audience. Tripp wants this as much as I do. I’ve pictured this moment for years, and now that I’m here, my nerves are getting the best of me.

“I should warn you…I don’t kiss on the first date,” I blurt out before our lips touch.

The corners of his mouth lift as it brushes against mine and he whispers, “Then it’s a good thing this wasn’t a date.”

And just like that, I’m putty in his hands.

He closes the tiny gap between us and my entire life changes.

Tripp doesn’t just kiss me.

His tongue intimately dances with mine in tender strokes as he cups my face. Soft, eager lips mixed with his rough facial stubble hold me hostage to his intimate touch. One hand slides behind my neck and pulls me impossibly closer until his chest presses to mine. Then I fist the fabric of his shirt, holding him to me and never wanting to let him go because I think I’m still in shock that this is happening.

The rough edges of his calloused fingers mixed with the tenderness of his hold have every inch of my body burning hot. Shivers soar down my spine and butterflies pool in my stomach. His touch is nothing like I’ve felt before, and I’m eager to keep it as long as possible.

A deep, guttural moan releases from his throat as my heart thunders inside my chest because this man, one I never dreamed would reciprocate my feelings, is ruthlessly fucking my mouth with his tongue. And I never want him to stop.

“Sunny…” He pants out like his resolve is seconds away from snapping. “Fuck, you taste so good.”

“Then why’re you stoppin’?” I whimper when his lips feather down my jaw and neck, sending tingles down to my core.

“Because if I don’t,” he whispers in my ear, “I’ll keep you hostage in here all night long.”

“Then I’d be a willing hostage.”

He chuckles and brings his lips back to mine. “I think that’s a contradiction.”

I shrug, loosening my grip on him. “Then so be it.”

He pants against my mouth as he kisses me once more. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.

“What was holdin’ you back?”

Instead of being guarded like I half expect him to, he rests his forehead on mine. “A lot of shit. Mostly anxious thoughts about not being good enough or how I don’t deserve to be happy that got into my head. But I’m tired of lettin’ those fears get in the way of puttin’ myself out there. I think you and I deserve a chance to see what this could be without that gettin’ in the way.”

My heart is beating out of control at his raw emotions. Tripp’s been reserved for so long that every word out of his mouth is taking me by surprise. But it fills me with warmth that he trusts me enough to be open and honest.

Pulling back, I cup his face until he meets my eyes. “I agree, and I hope you know you can always share those fears with me. You don’t have to go through shit alone if you don’t want to. I’m here for you to get through it, whether that be talking it out or just sitting with you and holding your hand until it passes. Anxiety gets to me too, just in a different way.”

Like how scared I am to lose him now that I finally have him.

How being together changes everything.

What will Noah really think when she replaces out?

Landen knowing is one thing since he’s been in on the secret for a while, but Noah’s my childhood best friend and is protective of me in a different way than she’s protective of Tripp, but I’m still worried about how she’ll react. She knows my past and what her brother’s gone through, so our dating could cause tension in our friendship even if she’s always encouraged me to tell him. She wouldn’t want either of us to get hurt, and if there were a fallout, she’d be stuck in the middle.

The last thing we need is other people’s thoughts and opinions to bring in more anxiety and concerns about if we can actually be in a relationship. Neither of us has had success in that area, but I’d like to think Tripp’s and mine could be the outlier.

His thumb strokes over my hand. “You’re really amazing, you know that?

“You better keep that thought when you try to teach me how to drive this thing.”

His face splits into a wide grin. “It’ll be good practice for when I teach Mallory in a couple years.”

My jaw drops in offense. “I better be easier than a thirteen-year-old!”

“Well…let’s replace out.” He sits back and motions for me to come over.

“Are you sure about doin’ this in the dark? Is it safe?” I ask, positioning myself on top of him.

My legs sink in between his thighs and he pushes the steering wheel up so we have enough room.

“Don’t worry, I know these roads like the back of my hand. I’ll work the clutch and pedals for now and keep an eye out for deer. You focus on steerin’ and shiftin’.”

Relief swarms through me at not having to multitask at a time when Tripp’s groin is directly under my ass. I can barely breathe as it is with his chest pressed to my back.

Has he no clue what he’s doing to me right now?

He grabs my right hand and puts it on top of the shifter, then jiggles it around. “Get comfortable with how it feels so you can get used to the feeling of switchin’ gears.”

The only thing I’m focusing on is how his dick is only two fabric layers away from my bare skin.

“Okay?” he prompts when I forget to speak.

“Yep. One hand on the wheel, one hand on the stick.”

His laughter makes his chest shake. “Precisely, yes.”

Then he explains what each letter and number mean and when to shift into those gears. Seems basic enough, but considering my mind is elsewhere, it’s a good thing we’re on an empty country road.

“Okay, now we’ll shift into first and you can turn back onto the road,” he commands.

Tripp keeps his hand over mine, and when he accelerates, he talks me through shifting into second and then again into third. We’re still going under the speed limit driving, but it helps to get me used to the feeling of when to change gears.

“You doin’ good…just keep drivin’ straight, and I’ll go a bit faster so you can feel when to upshift again.”

The roar of the engine vibrates as he speeds up. My breathing also increases when he removes his hand from mine and moves it to my upper thigh.

After he presses the clutch, I move us into fourth. When I feel him let off the gas, and he clutches again, I shift into fifth.

“Fuck, that was hot.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re gettin’ a little excited,” I taunt, wiggling my ass against his erection beneath me.

“Sunny…I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” His taunting voice echoes in my ear and stills my movements.

I ground my hips and sink lower against him as I move back and forth.

Instead of scolding me, his fingers tease over my thigh, pushing up my dress and exposing more bare skin.

“There’s a stop sign ahead…and it seems my hand is occupied, so you’re gonna have to shift to neutral when I tell you to.” He skims his finger along the seam of my thong and my breath hitches.

He presses down on the clutch and brake, and I struggle to concentrate with how he’s touching me.

“Now.” Tripp’s hoarse voice whispering in my ear as he gets closer to my pussy nearly has me steering us into the ditch.

“Good girl. And now you’ll shift to first while my foot’s down.”

My eyes roll to the back of my head at the good girl comment and I do what he says. “You ain’t playin’ fair.”

His finger peeks underneath my underwear and brushes over my clit. “Stay focused. There’s headlights ahead.”

“Then you better stop distractin’ me.”

“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about…” His tongue glides up my neck and his teeth graze my earlobe. He presses on the gas, and I instinctively shift into second once he speeds up.

When the pads of his fingers rub harder, I rock against him faster.

Two can play this game.

“I think you’re gettin’ the hang of it. You ready to try the clutch?”

“I don’t think I can reach it.” I stretch out my legs and my heel just barely touches it.

“Sit up a little.”

As soon as I do, he moves the seat forward and then palms the outside of my thighs, guiding me back down on his lap while sliding my dress up to my hips.

“Now put your foot on the pedal and shift.”

“You want me to do both?” My hand-eye coordination is questionable on a good day but trying to focus when his hands are on me?

He pulls his feet back to give me room. Headlights in the rearview mirror make me panic.

“Tripp, someone’s behind us.”

“Then you better drive, Sunny. Once you press on the clutch, let the gas pedal come up naturally without takin’ off your foot. Then shift into second and let up on the clutch as you give it more gas.”

He might as well be speaking to me in French.

But I comply and when I hear the engine choking, I know I need to shift again.

“You’re doing so good,” he says, coaxing his fingers along my slit and making me melt against him.

My anxiety can’t handle the pressure of focusing on driving and his hand inside my panties. He’s going to make me crash into a tree if he continues torturing me.

“Oh shit.” The truck makes a weird noise when I fuck up the clutch-gas-shifting trifecta.

“You’ve got this. Just stay focused.”

“That’d be a lot easier if you weren’t rubbing my pussy,” I say with a shaky breath.

He slides a finger inside, and I gasp at how deep he penetrates me.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asks while his thumb circles my clit.

I’m driving at a steady speed, so I only have to focus on staying on the road at this point.

Instead of responding, I rub my bare ass against his erection.

He growls against my neck, then teases me with a second finger. I moan until my head falls back and he cups my throat with his other hand.

“Eyes on the road, baby.”

My God. The way that word just shot tingles down my entire body as his fingers tighten under my jawline.

“I think it’s time we go to my house,” I beg him, wanting to drive us back toward town.

“Take a right up here. Press the clutch and release the gas as you downshift,” he reminds me, lowering one hand to the crease.

By some miracle, I do exactly that without grinding the gears and smoothly accelerate back up to speed once I’ve rounded the turn.

Now that I can pay attention to where his hands are touching, I’m close—insanely close—to losing control with the way he’s teasing me. Fingers pinch my nipples and the steady rhythm on my clit paired with his deep thrusting is driving me to the edge.

“Tripp…I’m—” The rest of the words die on a heavy exhale.

He removes the hand that was on my breast and takes the wheel as the other stays on my pussy.

His nose brushes my skin. “I’ve got you. Come on my hand, Sunny.”

And I do just that.

My body spasms, my head falls back against him, and his lips hover at my ear.

“Downshift, sweetheart. We need to pull over.”

Blinking roughly, I shake off the afterglow and palm the shifter. His fingers continue playing with me as my body shivers through the aftershocks.

“That was the hottest fuckin’ thing I’ve ever experienced,” he whispers.

“I coulda killed us,” I remind him.

He chuckles as we get his truck to the side of the road and park.

His fingers slide out from my panties, and when I glance over my shoulder, he sucks them between his lips.

“But what a way to die, huh? With the taste of you on my tongue.”

Rotating my body the best I can, I palm his face and slam my mouth down on his.

I wanted Tripp Hollis like this for as long as I can remember, and I’m done holding back.

“Lemme take care of that for ya…” I beg, rubbing over his erection, and he groans at the friction.

“There’s no rush, Sunny.” He captures a piece of my hair and wraps it behind my ear. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I sit up slightly until I can look into his piercing brown eyes. “You promise?”

Though I hate that I sound like a whiny, needy child, I’m terrified to lose him now that I finally have him.

He grips my chin, gazing deep into my soul. “I swear on our firstborn child.”

I snort out a laugh. “Not Chatty!”

He smirks, palming my face, and presses tender kisses to each of my eyelids. “I should drive you home before someone calls the sheriff for suspicious activity.”

Sighing, I nod. “And I’d hate for you to have to do more community service on my account.”

“You’d have to do it with me this time.” He winks. “But kickin’ Travis’s ass that night…was so fuckin’ worth it.”

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