Stay With Me: A Best Friend’s Brother Small Town Romance (Sugarland Creek Book 2) -
Stay With Me (Sugarland Creek Book 2): Chapter 32
After forcing turkey and pie down my throat, I slept for twelve hours straight. The emotional toll from telling Tripp I’m pregnant and then replaceing my apartment got broken into quickly caught up to me. I missed going to the Hollises for Thanksgiving, but I didn’t have it in me to socialize even if for a few hours.
Additionally, I told my dad about the baby after he found me bent over the toilet.
His eyes lit up until I told him who the father is. Disappointment flashed across his face, and even though he doesn’t like Travis, he said he was thrilled for me.
Then he asked how Tripp took the news, and I had to explain that I ended things and why. Though he didn’t say it with his words, I could tell he disagreed with my decision.
When I told my mom, she hugged me for the first time in a year, and I cried for a solid thirty minutes.
Now it’s Friday, and I need to get my shit together so I can mentally prepare to clean out my apartment. There’s no way I can live there in its current condition, but at least Noah will be there to help me. Sheriff Wagner told me to document everything and figure out what was taken. At first glance when I flicked on the lights, it didn’t look like any of my big stuff was gone, just thrown around. The TV, my laptop, iPad, and even my espresso machine were still there.
Since my dad’s off for the holiday weekend, he offers to come and help with the clean-up. When we get there, the crime scene tape is gone, but it still feels weird to go inside. The sheriff’s deputies dusted for prints, but from what they said of the previous break-ins, they weren’t replaceing any that didn’t belong to the residents. They most likely wore gloves.
The next step is getting security footage from the apartment buildings and other residents who have doorbell cams. But again, if it’s the same person from the previous break-ins, they wear all black and keep their heads down.
“Hey!” Noah runs up to me before we walk in.
I pull her in for a hug. “Thank you so much for comin’. You don’t know how much I appreciate this.”
“Of course, Mags. I’m here for whatever you need. Always.” She smiles, and I’m tempted to cry again. God, these hormones should be criminal.
“It seems weird they’d pick your apartment with it being so close to the parking lot,” Dad says as we approach my door. “You’d think the ones in the back would be more private and less risky to get caught in the act.”
Noah glances around and nods. “Yeah, unless they just hit the first one that looked vacated, but then again, if it’s the same person doing the robberies, they’re not very smart.”
“Smart enough not to get busted,” I retort, inserting my key and twisting the doorknob.
“They will,” Dad says reassuringly. “Or someone’s loaded Glock will.”
Turning to face him, he opens his coat and reveals his gun holster. “Geez, Dad.”
His only response is a wink.
“See, we’re safe here with Mr. Sutherland packin’.” Noah giggles when we enter.
Dad confirms with a firm nod. “Gotta protect my baby and grandbaby.”
I can’t help the emotions flooding through me at how excited he is to be a grandfather. Even if I’m a single mom, knowing my dad will support me gives me the courage to do this alone.
“You told him?” Noah asks, smiling wide.
“Kinda had to when I threw up, and he was worried the turkey was bad.”
Noah snorts. “I told the whole family at Thanksgiving lunch, too.”
“Oh my God, you did? I bet they freaked out!”
“Yep, ugly cryin’ and all.”
I flick on the lights and am brought back to the other night when I walked in here for the first time.
“Shit, Mags. I’m so sorry this happened.” Noah puts her arm around me. “But fear not, we’re gonna get this place back into tip-top shape.”
I blow out a deep breath as we walk farther in. “Dad called to get a security system put in, but they can’t get here until Monday.”
Noah lowers her gaze as if she’s hiding something. “I should probably tell you…”
Before either of us can get another word in, there’s a faint rapping on the open door.
I jump, quickly spinning around. My eyes land on Tripp and they narrow in confusion.
“What’re you doin’ here?” I ask softly. He looks good as usual, but the dark circles under his eyes match mine as if he’s not been sleeping either.
“Hey, Sunny. Nice to see you, too.” He smirks, stepping inside.
“You must be Mr. Sutherland?” Tripp stretches out his arm and my heart pounds, anticipating my dad’s reaction.
“I am.” Dad shakes his hand. “You’re Tripp Hollis.”
Of course my dad would recognize him.
“Yes, sir. The boyfriend.”
What the fuck? I know he wasn’t taking the breakup well, but I didn’t think he’d still be in a delulu state of mind.
“Nice to meet you officially, sir. I’m here to help move Magnolia to my place.”
“Excuse me?” I blurt, stepping between them. “What’re you talkin’ about?”
Tripp looks above my head, and when I glance over my shoulder toward Noah, they’re having a secret conversation.
“When you didn’t show up for lunch yesterday, I told Tripp about the break-in and he told me what happened between you two…” Noah pops a scolding brow at me for not telling her, but I’d planned on it today. “He thinks you’ll be safer stayin’ in his guest room.”
“Absolutely not,” I immediately argue. “The chances of them comin’ back are slim. I don’t think they even took anything. I’ll have ADT and a doorbell camera. It’ll be more secure than ever before.”
“Are you really gonna feel safe here, though?” Noah challenges, and I scowl.
Whose side is she on?
“Sunny, just hear me out.” Tripp gets closer. “I wanna protect you and can’t do that if you’re fifteen minutes away. This way, you don’t have to worry. Even houses with big-ass dogs were broken into. It’s not gonna stop someone if they have their mind set.”
“Plus, most of your furniture got ruined. This way you don’t have to worry about replacin’ everything at once and can save up for a new place,” Noah adds.
“So you think I should completely move into Tripp’s guest room? And what about when I give birth? Just tuck the baby into the closet?”
Tripp snorts as if this is hilarious to him.
“I’m being serious. I’ve lived here for four years and am just supposed to let some creepy asshole push me out of it? It might not be much, but there’d at least be room for a crib.”
“I will make room for you and the baby, Sunny. Hell, take my bedroom too and turn it into a nursery for all I care. As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters to me.”
I cross my arms because he’s being ridiculous. “And where will you sleep?”
He shrugs. “The couch. On an air mattress. In my truck. Who cares. As long as you’re safe, it doesn’t matter.”
His heated stare glues me in place. How can I refuse when what he’s offering would protect me and give me the opportunity to save money? But if this is some ploy to get us back together, it’s not going to work.
“If we’re gonna do this, I have rules.”
His face splits into a wide grin. “Whatever you want, Sunny.”
“I’m not payin’ rent,” I say firmly.
He matches my stance. “Wouldn’t accept it even if you tried.”
“Don’t expect me to cook for you.”
“Considering I’ve never seen you cook a day in my life, I’ll be the one cookin’.”
“I’m not sleepin’ in your bed.”
“Didn’t ask you to.”
“This doesn’t mean we’re together.”
This time he visibly disagrees. “We are together.”
Shaking my head, I step back. “This is why it won’t work. You don’t respect my boundaries. I tell you it’s over and you say no as if it were a multiple-choice question.”
He closes the gap between us and tilts my chin. “Fine, let me rephrase. I am yours. I will always be yours. Whether or not you accept that, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here to support you in any way you allow. If you want to return to being only friends, then okay, but in terms of a relationship, I’m taken.” He tenderly grabs my hand and flattens my palm over his chest where his Billy and sunflower tattoos are inked. “I will always belong to you.”
He’s hell-bent on not making this easy for me. My brain and heart are fighting each other as it is.
“How are we supposed to live together when you want more than I can give you?” I ask softly, trying hard not to get emotional.
“I think you forget I spent the past seven years wantin’ you while you dated Travis and my brother, and I survived, didn’t I?”
“Okay, I didn’t date your brother,” I say, then turn to my father to explain because I know he’s hearing all of this. “It was one date.”
Dad stays silent, but the faint smirk on his lips tells me he’s enjoying the show.
“Either way, I’ll respect your wishes, Sunny. I’m not gonna force anything on you. We’ll be roommates, and I’ll help you with whatever you need. Please. Stay with me.”
I blow out a defeated breath at this disaster in the making, but living here by myself would creep me out. Not that they need to know that part.
I turn toward Noah and scowl. “This is just temporary,” I say to them both. “Once the criminal is caught, I’m replacein’ a new apartment. Should probably get one with two bedrooms anyway.”
“And when that time comes, we’ll help you move again. Won’t we, Tripp?” Noah shoots him a look.
Tripp shrugs. “Sure.”
“Great!” Noah beams. “Now that it’s all settled, let’s get this place cleaned up, pack your bags, and then move you into Tripp’s guest room.”
I force a smile. “Perfect.”
I’ll have to let the landlord know and will probably lose out on my deposit, but oh well. Not having to pay rent for a few months will be nice.
“I’ll grab trash bags and start on the kitchen and living room. You and Tripp work on your bedroom and bathroom. If I notice anything missin’, I’ll let ya know,” Noah says.
“I’ll take out the broken furniture and put it in the dumpster,” Dad offers.
“Okay, please take pictures first,” I remind them.
“Will do!” Noah singsongs, and if she weren’t my best friend, I’d disown her for blindsiding me.
When Tripp and Noah walk away, Dad leans down and whispers, “I like him.”
I groan. “Of course you do.”
“Vowin’ to keep my daughter safe and expecting nothin’ in return? He’s got my vote.”
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