The Billionaire's Secret Lover
Chapter 15: Michael

"What do you mean by you can't replace her" I stood up abruptly from my chair and pace around the office as I scream into the phone.

"I can't replace her anywhere Michael, I've been calling her phone since morning and it's switched off". Lillian said as she sobbed into the phone. I could hear Danny trying to Console her.

I run my hand tiredly through my hair as I clasp the phone tightly "Are you sure it's her number, Lillian?" I said my voice breaking as I fought back the tears that threaten to surface. I need to be strong. "Yes, it's her number"

"Since when have you been trying her number?"

"For the past four hours now"

"Four hours, why didn't you call" I shouted at her.

"I thought she was busy at work, but when I stop by at her office I was told that she left since morning with Austin"



"Ok. Lillian calm down, I will be there soon" I hung up the call and grab my car keys as I dial John number he picks up immediately"

"Track Nina's phone now!" I call into the phone and hang up.

"Sir! Sir! Sir " Aurora ran after me and enter the elevator with me. "Yes, Aurora"

"You have a meeting with potential investors in thirty minutes"

"Cancel the meeting and clear the rest of my schedule for today," I said getting out of the elevator as I remove my car keys from my pocket. "But sir, they are potential investors! and they are waiting for you in the conference room" she exclaimed.

"Just tell them it's an emergency, reschedule for tomorrow"

"What should I tell your parents if they call?"

"Aurora. I'm in a hurry. Tell them what I just told you now" I backed the car out of the garage and drive to Nina's house at a full speed.

I rang the doorbell repeatedly immediately I got to her house, as soon as Lilian open the door, I rush in like a crazy person and search all the nook and Cranny of the house looking for any sign of Nina. thinking that maybe Lillian was pranking me but now that I'm here, reality finally sinks in......

I clasp my hand tightly as I sat down heavily on the couch.

I took out my phone to call John again"any news?"

I ask immediately after the call is connected.

"None sir, since the phone is off the tracking is useless" he explained.

"Then replace something productive to do" I shouted into the phone as I hung up and angrily throw the phone onto the couch. Lillian and Danny were sitting down on the other side, while Lillian keeps trying her number over and over again.

"I don't know what to do anymore" she looks up at me, the tears flowing heavily in her eyes "should I call her parents or not?" she asked me.

"No, don't call them yet. Let's wait it out for another one hour" I said. I still don't think Austin will do something stupid to her, the media is on him.

Just then we heard a car driving into the driveway. We all run to the balcony to see Nina's getting from a white Bugatti. It's only Austin that can afford such an expensive car apart from me.

I walked slowly back to the couch and sat down as I heave a sigh of relief. I don't know what I would have done if anything should happen to her. that stupid woman, how could she off her phone.

Lillian and Danny both walk back and sat down on the couch. Just as we heard the doorbell. Lillian went to open the door and she walks in......

She stood shocked as she looks from Lillian to Danny and her eyes finally rest on me.

"What's going on here?" she asks, surprises written all over her face.

"Where have you been Nina" Lillian ask, as she hugs her tightly, I wish I was in her place right now, I would not only hug her but also kiss the Living daylight out of her.

She threw her purse on the couch and sat down " I was with Austin" she replied " we went to see his parents in Beacon"

"His parents?" Lillian and I both scream as I stood up shocked, .she look from both Lillian to me, surprise. I didn't know Austin was this serious, from what I heard he never introduced anyone to his parents. She nodded as she stepped out of her shoes and straighten her legs, folding them up to her knees on the couch.

"Why did you off your phone then?" Danny asks he has been quiet this while, mainly observing us. Sometimes I wonder why we are friends cos he doesn't take my side in anything. Only Lillian does.

"My phone was off?" she said sounding surprised. Maybe She wasn't aware that her phone was off or maybe Austin off it intentionally knowing that I will be worried about her.

"I didn't know, I was listening to music on our way there so I didn't notice that was off" she turned to Lillian " I'm sorry for making you worry"

"No, it's ok. just don't do that again. I was not the only one worried even Michael and Danny were too"

"Yes ma'am" she replies playfully as she turns to apologize to Danny but ignores me completely. She yawns as she stretches her body. She's probably tired from the long drive.

I notice a smear of mascara on her face "have you been crying?" my mouth ask the question before my brain could process it. She looks at me shocked. she never believes that I could talk to her. "Yes," she finally said after staring at me for some time.

"Why?" Lillian asks getting concerned as she moves closer to hug her. Even I want to know the answer too

"Nothing. I just want to be left alone for now"

"Really?. Are you sure you're okay?" Lilian asks her for the last time as she grabbed her purse on the couch, ready to leave with Austin behind her.

"Yes," she replies smiling sadly "I'll call you tomorrow". Lillian and Danny both walk out leaving me and Nina together.

She turned to regard me raising an eyebrow slightly "Are you not leaving with them?" she asks me

"Not until you tell me, why you went to visit Austin's parents?"


"No, but.... I just want to know. that's all"

"And what makes you think that I'm going to tell you?" said getting angry and she glared at me" You are not special to me"

My heart clenched from what she said but Ignore her as I sat non_moving on the couch. When she saw my serious expression. she resigned to fate as she sat back down on the couch.

"Fine. Austin said his parents want to meet his girlfriend. So I went to meet them" she replied as she shrugs. I noticed her holding a chain diamond ring in her hand. my heart skips a beat, hope it's not what I'm thinking.

"His mum gave me this ring, she said it was given to her by her mother" she voice out my thoughts. I clenched and unclenched my fist, if Austin mum gave her ring to Nina, then what game is Austin playing with Deborah?.

I stood up and paced around the sitting room confused as hell" this doesn't answer the question I asked you?" I said as I turned to face her.

"I was only crying because I found out today that Austin had a younger sister and she died".

I froze, she knew about Mia walker. my heart started beating fast as all the blood-drenched from my face. I could hear Nina's mouth moving but I can't make out what she was saying, she came to where I stood and wrap her frail hands around me as she tries to bring down my breathing.

"What can you see Michael?" she asked, panic laced her voice as she forces me to look around.

"Couch, television, purse" I replied softly As I gaze into her eyes.

"Good!" she smiles

My breathing was back to normal now. I can't believe I almost had a panic attack in front of Nina. I have never had one in recent years.

"What's wrong?" Nina ask me, her voice laced with concern as she tries to get me to stand up

"Nothing. I just panic" I answer her avoiding her eyes.


"I'm sorry but I need to go now". I stood up quickly and took my jacket out of the car and walk to the door, she held it open for me as I walk out of the door and came face-to-face with Deborah. What was she doing here?.

"What's going on here?" she asks as she looks from Nina to me "Are you cheating on me, Michael?" Her voice came out a bit stronger.

"Nothing is going on, Deborah, and I'm not cheating on you" I reply as I turn to move away from her.

"Stay. Away. From. Michael" she threatens Nina before she turns to follow behind me closely just as Nina closes the door to her apartment and went in.

"What was that about Deborah?" I grab her hands tightly, immediately we were out of earshot.

"Let go of me Michael, you are hurting me" she screams as she tries to free her hands from my fist.

I will hurt you more than this if you and Austin don't stay away from Nina" she was shocked as her face turn pale as she gasps at me.


"I don't know what game you and Austin are playing, but you are forgetting one thing" I held up one finger at her widely open mouth "that I'm the master of games"

I turned to walk out into the night, to my black convertible which was parked at one corner of the building.

"If I can't have you, then Nina Miller won't either" she screams as she turned to walk into her apartment.

I stood where she vacated shocked, I couldn't believe that it will come to this level. I enter into my car and drove to my villa with one thought in my mind, that I will spend my last drop of blood-fighting for the woman I love. To hell with inheritance. I want Nina Miller. I drove to my villa and roughly park the car as I rush into my room annoyed. I can't believe that Deborah said that to me.

"Good evening sir, any news on Nina Miller sir?" John asks me immediately I walk in.

I have forgotten to call him after Nina has come home" Yes, she went with Austin to see his parents"

"His Parents?"John screamed shocked.

"I don't know what to do anymore, is like when I take one step closer to her, she takes a million step away from me"

"You must have loved her, Sir," John said smiling.

"I ignore him as I look at him seriously"She knows about Mia" I whisper to him. He stood shocked as he regards me professionally.

"What are you going to do now? she is surely going to take more than a million step back when she replaces out the truth" He said honestly.

"Do you think I didn't think of that? Moreover, that is your job, that is what I employed you for anyway. I want the solution by morning" I said as I arrogantly walk past him to the bar to pick a bottle of brandy and walk into my room.

I took a sip of the strong drink as I welcome the pain as it burned my throat. I missed my brothers, if they were here they would have thought of a solution for me.

I took another sip of the drink as I abandoned it on the dresser table and walk to the bathroom to shower and get some work done before I went to bed.0000000

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