Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Will You Let Me Leave?

“Though, there’s no need for you to waste your energy. No matter who you seduce, they won’t have theability to let you leave anyway.” Christian grabbed her chin, forcing Victoria to raise her head.

She looked down as she refused to meet his gaze. “What about you? Will you let me leave?”

“This is what you owe to Bella.” When his gaze fell upon her split lip, he looked deep in thought for amoment as he lifted his fingertip toward her lip. Just when he was about to touch her lips, he knitted hisbrows slightly before moving his finger back to its original position.

She tried to curl her lips upward to put on a smile, but she just could not do it no matter what. Instead,the corners of her eyes were becoming moist by the second.

“What’s wrong?” He scoffed at the sad look on her face. Thinking that she was being sad for anotherman, he said with a voice dripping with sarcasm, “Feeling sad because you failed to seduce that man?”

At this moment, his handsome and delicate face was so close to hers that she could feel his warmbreath beating on her face. She could even make out every single detail of his face without the need tostare at him long and hard.

Victoria had pictured herself leaning into his embrace as she listened to his heartbeat countless times,but she had never expected it to happen in this kind of situation.

His words held no affection but only sharp irony. It was like the sharpest knife in the world that slicedthrough her heart and made her bleed.

The instant she tried to open her mouth to speak, she felt her throat closing up along with the pressurebuilding behind her eyes and nose. In the end, she could not utter a single word. Am I such apromiscuous woman in his eyes?

“Does being in prison for two years make you yearn for a man’s touch this much?” Christian spoke nextto her ears as he moved his hand across her waist in an upward motion. When his hand reached hercollar, he suddenly pulled on it forcefully.

Rip! A big part of her uniform was ripped, revealing her fair skin and the worn-out shirt that she woreunderneath.

Despite his hot breath blowing into her ear, she could only feel chills running down her spine. A look ofdisbelief crossed her face as she looked at the button that had been torn off from her uniform and fallenonto the floor. Her eyelashes were quivering as she was stunned by his act.

She quickly came back to her senses a second later and pushed him away frantically. “Don’t touchme!” How can he do this to me?! What am I to him?

“Glad that you caught on to that,” Christian said with sarcasm.

Although she had already guessed that he would say so, she still felt unbearable pain in her heart asthough it was being pricked by thousands of needles.

She knew that she should have given up a long time ago, but there was always a sliver of hope insideher that he would reciprocate her feelings. “If I say that I didn’t push Bella, but she was the one who ranin front of the car on purpose, will you… believe me?” Her voice was shaking at the end of thesentence.

Even though she had said this many times, there was no one who would believe her. Even her brotherdid not believe in her words as the police held concrete proof of her so-called crime. On top of that,they reckoned that it was something that she would do, so they never once believed that she wasinnocent.

Yet, she still decided to tell Christian. After all, for a smart person like him, he might see through Bella’s


“You really learned nothing after two years in prison.” He chuckled while touching the obvious scars onher cheek. “Guess you got these scars for nothing, huh?”

Victoria took a few steps backward to get away from his touch with her tears fast updatetrailing down her face. When she noticed that, she lowered her head andquickly wiped them off.

“Don’t pretend to be pitiful in front of me. That won’t work on me.” His expression was calm as he saidthat.

“Do you still have anything else to say?” She felt suffocated as though someone was putting theirhands over her neck, choking her, and it made her chest tighten up even more. “I should go back towork if there’s nothing else.”

Without waiting for Christian to say anything, she covered up her exposed skin with her hand, then rantoward the workroom located at the end of the hallway with the cleaning tools in her other hand.

At the moment, her knees were in extreme pain, and so was her left leg which was nearly broken byChristian in the past. Nevertheless, she continued to run all the way into the workroom.

It was not until she closed the door behind her that she finally let herself slump down onto the floor inagony.

Then, she rolled up her pants to inspect her injury. Instead of recovering, the bruises on her knees hadgotten worse. Those black-and-blue marks spotting her knees simply looked intimidating.

You need to take good care of your left leg from now on. Or else you’ll really lose it forever.

Can I still dance, though?


What if I just dance for four hours? If it’s not doable, two hours is fine with me too!

I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you can’t do that.

That was her past conversation with the doctor two years ago.

Everyone had been reminding her that Bella was a dancer, but did anyone remember that she was a

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