Chapter 48

Chapter 48

A disturbed and preoccupied Victoria flagged down a cab and made her way to the ThatcherResidence. Since there were many people attending Evelyn’s birthday, they all gossiped in murmurswhen they saw Victoria. “Isn’t that the culprit, Victoria, who got into jail because of her attemptedmurder? Is she out of prison?”

“Damn! How did someone like her get in here? It gives me the chills to think that I’m now in the samehouse with a murderer.”

“She is still the Thatcher Family’s daughter regardless, so how can she dress so indecently? She issuch a disgrace to her family.”

In the meantime, Victoria walked toward a corner and sat down despite their unforgiving and meangossip about her. The moment she sat down, a man in a black suit who happened to be sitting therestood up and walked away with a frown and unhappy look on his face. However, Victoria wasn’t reallybothered by the man’s reaction as she kept her eyes locked on the entrance in a stressful andpreoccupied manner.

After all, she was worried about Christian’s severe injury since he still hadn’t shown up. Christian hasalways been ruthless and merciless. Now that I accidentally wounded him, I bet he is going to get backat me to make me suffer terribly.

“Miss Coleman, Mrs. Thatcher would like to see you.” Just then, a maid walked up to her.

Victoria nodded, following the maid to Evelyn’s room as everyone else watched in surprise andpuzzlement.

“Here you are, Tori.” Evelyn was gorgeous and elegant, wearing a long purple dress while smiling withcrow’s feet showing on her face. Then, her eyes fell upon the scar that was barely covered by Victoria’sfringe on her forehead. However, she quickly looked away as a sign of respect for the woman.

While Evelyn still treated Victoria the same way she did two years ago, the latter appeared somewhatprudish and reserved. Soon, Victoria kept her head down and politely greeted Evelyn, “Greetings, Mrs.Thatcher.”

“Where is your birthday wish for me this time? I haven’t heard that from you at all.” Evelyn pulled theyoung lady’s leg.

Nevertheless, Victoria only pursed her lips without saying a single word; she had been humbled bywhat happened in the past two years that she no longer dared to joke with Evelyn.

“Ah, it looks like my girl has grown up.” Evelyn caressed Victoria’s hair and sighed before changing thesubject. “I have a dress for you. It was tailor-made based on your measurements two years ago, but Iwonder if it still fits you. Why don’t you try it on?”

The maid then brought the beige dress forward and gave it to Victoria, but the latter rejected it. “Nothanks, Mrs. Thatcher. I’m here just to visit my mom, and I’ll be gone in a while. I appreciate yourkindness.”

Victoria refused to accept Evelyn’s gift, thinking she should consider herself lucky to be invited to thebirthday feast. Deep down, she was worried that her stigmatized past would embarrass Evelyn sinceeveryone knew she was sentenced to jail two years ago.

However, Evelyn seized her hand and interrupted her, saying, “Hey, today is my birthday, so how couldyou come here to visit your mom and go?”

“But I’m a mur—” Victoria licked her dried lips, feeling too embarrassed to continue her sentence.

“Who do you think you are?” Evelyn cut Victoria short and said, “You’re my favorite girl.” Without givingVictoria a chance to turn her down, she turned her attention to the maid and said, “When Tori is donetrying on the dress, tell Willy and the others to come here and give her a makeover. She needs heaviermakeup, or it’s going to look like she doesn’t have any under the lights.”

Since she was unwilling to ruin the birthday feast, Victoria wanted to say something since she didn’tknow how to face her parents either. Nevertheless, Evelyn beat her to it and said, “There are a lot ofguests here tonight, Tori. I’m going to have to excuse myself now. If you need anything, just call Amy.”She walked away after finishing her sentence.

Meanwhile, Victoria had her eyes fixed on the closed door with a complicated expression on her face.When she was finally done with her makeover, it was already two hours later. At the same time, theplace was crowded with more guests dressed in decent suits and fancy dresses as they raised theirglasses and laughed happily.

“Say, did Mrs. Thatcher tell Victoria to get a makeover because she couldn’t care less about her past?Do you think she wants Victoria as her daughter-in-law?”

“No way! The Thatcher Family will never want a daughter-in-law who’s been in jail before. Why wouldthey? Maybe she just thought Victoria’s current outfit would embarrass her too much.”

While Victoria weaved through the crowd, she overheard some of them talking about her. She thenpaused in her tracks and shifted her gaze to the table at the corner, where she saw a man and awoman. As the duo saw her approaching them, both of them stood up and winked at each other beforewalking away.

After that, Victoria sat down and shifted her gaze across the crowd to search for signs of Christian, butto no avail. Thus, she began to grow even more anxious, wondering why he still hadn’t come back. Ishe not here yet because he is too injured to move?

“Victoria?” At that moment, Bella approached Victoria in a wheelchair, sizing the latter up with a smile.“I thought you would be here in your uniform. No wonder I wasn’t able to spot you because you gotyourself a fancy dress.” At the same time, Lucas was standing behind his sister, fixing his gaze uponVictoria for a while before he was able to take his eyes off her.

While Victoria knitted her eyebrows silently and took a bite of the cake, Bella bit her lips and offered herword of advice. “Your dress must be tailor-made, right? You know what, Victoria? You should learn notto bite more than you can chew; spending more than you can afford just to satisfy your desire is one ofthe things that you shouldn’t be doing, considering your current situation.”

“Something I shouldn’t be doing? Like what? Becoming a pet for the rich?” Victoria lost her appetiteafter taking a bite of the cake, replying sarcastically to Bella’s statement.

“I’m just giving you a word of advice because I want what’s good for you. That’s all it is.” Bella felthelpless. “You need to stop being so mean to me.”

Nevertheless, Victoria produced a piece of tissue paper and wiped her lips, whereupon she made herway to another table. After all, she couldn’t tolerate Bella’s presence, making it seem as though it wouldpollute the air around her.

“Why do you have to be so mean? Bella is trying to give you her word of advice.” Lucas walked up toVictoria and stood in her way. “Or was Bella right? That you’re mad?” Deep down, Lucas was unhappyat the thought that Victoria slept with different men every night for money.

“I guess I don’t have to answer your question whether I’m mad, do I, Mr. Spritz? Furthermore…”Victoria chuckled coldly and added, “What does that concern you even if I really do that for money?”Why won’t this sibling duo leave me alone? Ew! They’re disgusting.

Lucas gulped speechlessly upon hearing that, thinking Victoria was right because he was in no positionto lecture her about that. However, Bella raised her voice and did the job for her brother like she wasthe right person to lecture Victoria. “You were my friend back then, so of course it concerns me. Ifyou’re in need of money, you can always let me know. There’s no need for you to sacrifice your bodyfor money.”

Although they were talking in a corner, the place was still crowded with people, some of which weredrawn to their conversation. Therefore, they got closer out of curiosity to replace out what they were talkingabout. “Come on. She is still the daughter of the Coleman Family, after all. Do you really think she isgoing to sacrifice her body for money? Nah, I don’t believe it.”

“She was disowned by the Coleman Family two years ago, so it’s still possible.”

“She can still work and make herself some money, can’t she?”

“Come on, are you kidding me? She didn’t even graduate from college. Perhaps she did, but it was atwo-bit institute. After all, what can a useless daughter like her do besides asking for money from herrich family?”

Hearing those murmurs, Victoria clenched her fists, feeling blood gushing through every single vein inher body. As she noticed the wine glasses and vases on the table, she was tempted to smash Bella’shead with them. After all, the worst that could happen to her was getting thrown into prison fast updat

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