Chapter 54

Chapter 54

“Why are you still drinking on behalf of Christian when you can’t drink?” Lucas stood behind her andgently patted her back. His heart ached for her and at the same time, he was mad at her. “Are you thatkeen on getting back into the circle?”

Victoria was overwhelmed by the puking sensation and couldn’t stop throwing up even when herstomach was already empty. The sensation was so uncomfortable that she didn’t have the mood to payattention to his ridicule.

“Gargle with this.” Lucas frowned as he noticed how uncomfortable she looked and passed the water toher.

The puking sensation eased after gargling, but her stomach hurt even more. She wiped the sweat onher forehead and thanked him. “Thank you, Mr. Spritz.”

“Why are you being so sarcastic?” His expression was glum as he took out his handkerchief andpassed it to her.

“It’s alright. I’m afraid that I can’t afford to pay you back if I stain it.” She merely looked at it withoutaccepting the handkerchief. After that, she turned around and walked away.

Seeing this, he followed behind her and hugged her from the back. His amber eyes were filled with painand anger as he exclaimed, “Why are you being cold to me when you know that I like you? You’reheartless, Victoria!”

“Mr. Spritz, please show some respect!” she snapped as the sweat from her forehead started rollingdown her cheeks. She tried to free herself from his embrace but to no avail.

Lucas then grabbed onto her shoulder and forcibly turned her around to face him. “The reason you’reworking at Delta Club and trying your best to please Christian is just so that you can return to thiscircle, am I right?!”

“Let go of me!” Victoria refused to get associated with him as the guests at the party knew both ofthem. On top of that, she didn’t want to be accused of trying to seduce him if Bella and Nancy sawthem together.

Lucas didn’t let go. Instead, he tightened his grip. “I’ll marry you. Would that do? Are you satisfiednow?”

“Marry me?” She scoffed while she endured the cramping pain in her stomach. “What will happen toScarlett if you marry me? Are you going to give up on the collaboration with the Palmer Family? Even ifyou decide to give up on that, would Bella and your mother allow you to marry a woman whoapparently attempted to kill your sister and made her a cripple?”

After hearing that, Lucas immediately loosened his grip. Her words reminded him of the pain that hehad gone through each day for the past two years as he was caught between his love for her and theguilt he had toward his sister. It was agonizing. Victoria sneered as she stumbled out while clutchingher stomach.

“You should just leave Delta Club first! I will think of a way to resolve the other issues!” Lucas repliedwhile clenching his fists as he looked at her back.

However, she continued walking and said, “You should get all these resolved before you ask me toleave Delta Club.”

She knew him so well that she was certain that he wouldn’t be able to resolve both of the issues. Hisparents and Bella would be strongly against it, and he would never go against his family just for her.

When Victoria got to the entrance of the washroom, she smelled a faint smell of cigarette, not knowingwho had just smoked there. She then clutched her stomach absent-mindedly while trying to locateChristian among the crowd. After noticing him, she walked over slowly.

At that moment, he was joking with a bunch of people, but he somehow felt the chills when she stoodnext to him. Ever since she returned from the washroom, he never took a look at her, so she didn’thave a chance to ask for permission to leave and could only continue drinking on his behalf.

Even though no one asked him to drink, he would get Victoria to drink with most of the people that theymet.

Finally, when the party came to an end, Victoria was in so much pain that it was getting unbearable.“Mr. Thatcher, I shall take my leave now.”

“Hold on.” he called out to her and stared at her coldly. “It would be a pity if you just leave like that sinceyou’ve gone through a lot just to be here. My mom is upstairs, so you should go accompany her.”

“I’m not feeling well today, so could you please apologize to Mrs. Thatcher… on my behalf?” The painwas excruciating, and she couldn’t bear with it anymore.

He gave her a sarcastic smile and walked up the stairs before saying, “Follow me.”

She repeatedly clenched and unclenched her fists as she pursed her lips and followed behind himquietly into Evelyn’s room.

“Tori, you look unwell! Are you not feeling well?” Evelyn, who was speaking to the helper, askedconcernedly when she saw how pale Victoria was.

Victoria tried to force out a smile and replied, “I’m fine. I’m just having a stomachache.”

“In that case, why are you still here? You should be going to the hospital!” Evelyn furrowed her browsand spoke to Christian. “Christian, please send Tori to the hospital since you’re available.”

Hearing that, he glanced at Victoria and replied, “Bella is still here, so I’ll have to send her home.”

“You can send Tori to the hospital first before sending Bella home.” A subtle, almost unnoticeable ireflashed across her eyes.

In order to not displease him and to get his forgiveness soon so that she could be free from his torture,she uttered, “Mrs. Thatcher, let’s not trouble Mr. Thatcher. I can go to the hospital in a taxi.”

“Why are you addressing him as Mr. Thatcher when you used to call him Christian like Bella alwaysdoes?” Evelyn sighed.

“Fine, if you don’t want Christian to send you there, I’ll get someone else to do it.” As Evelyn asked thedriver to send Victoria, she turned around and asked her, “Where are you currently staying?”

Christian, who was already at the doorway, immediately turned around upon hearing that. “I’ll send herto the hospital after sending Bella home.”

“Bella is a considerate girl, so I’m sure that she wouldn’t want to delay sending Tori to the hospital.Since her family is here today, she can go home with them. What do you think, Christian?” Evelynasked.

“I shall listen to your arrangements since you are the birthday girl. “Let’s go.” He glanced at Victoriacoldly. He then walked out without waiting for fast update

Seeing that, Victoria pursed her lips and was about to say something when Evelyn suddenly said, “Youshould get going now so that you don’t keep him waiting. You should speak your mind and don’t keepthings to yourself, or it will create a misunderstanding.”

Hearing that, she paused for a second and forced a smile while trying to endure the pain. “Thank you,Mrs. Thatcher. Happy birthday! May you forever remain eighteen, stay in the pink of health, and retainyour youthful vigor.”

“I’ve been waiting for your birthday wish since you first arrived, and I finally got to hear it.” Evelynchuckled.

With that, Victoria walked out of the mansion and noticed a Bentley that was parked next to a fountain.She then tugged on her dress and took a deep breath before walking toward it. Since the driver wasn’tthere, Christian was the one sitting in the driver’s seat.

The street lights were dim, so she couldn’t see his face clearly. However, she could make out thecigarette in his mouth. The frightened Victoria then opened the rear door.

“Do you see me as your driver?” He wound down the car window and said. The next moment, a half-smoked cigarette butt fell next to her feet.

As she looked at the burning cigarette, she was overwhelmed by fear. She gulped and wanted to replyto him, but no words came out. She was fearful of Christian, especially when he smoked. His nicotinedependence was mild, but she noticed that he would smoke whenever he was in a bad mood

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