Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Meanwhile, Victoria got into a taxi, upon which the taxi driver asked in English, “Where are you going,young lady?”

Victoria was lost for words for a moment; she still had no idea which police station Vincent was in. “Doyou know Delta Club?”

“Yeah, I do!” The taxi driver’s eyes lit up. “Who doesn’t know that place? Rich people like to hang outthere, but common people like us can’t afford to go there. Are you going there?”

Victoria licked her parched lips. “No, I’m not. I’m going to the police station nearest to that clubhouse.”Christian had been at Delta Club earlier, so she surmised that Vincent had been arrested after creatinga disturbance there. Under normal circumstances, he was probably at the police station nearest to theclubhouse right now.

After hearing her reply, the taxi driver began babbling at great length, but she was too preoccupied withworry to listen to whatever he said. She called Vincent and Teresa several times, but both of themdidn’t answer the phone. She frowned and texted them at once, ‘Tell me which police station you’re in,or I’ll search the police stations one by one.’

Vincent called her back instantly. “Tori, I’m not in the police station. You…”

“Yeah, just keep on lying.” Victoria cut him short at once.

Vincent replied, “When I met you a while ago, I thought that you’d become obedient. Why are you stillso bossy? I’m telling you, all men prefer women like B—” He quickly corrected himself, “I mean, all menprefer gentle women like your sister-in-law. A shrewish woman like you is destined to be lonely for life.”

“Just cut the crap and tell me where you are,” Victoria replied with a frown. Vincent had made so manyexcuses to stop her from going to the police station, so the trouble was probably difficult to solve.

Seeing that she was already angry, Vincent dared not banter anymore. “I’m in the police station nearestto the clubhouse. Your leg’s wounded, so don’t get up and move around. If you really want to comeover, ask the nurse to get a wheelchair for—”

Victoria hung up the phone right away before staring steadily ahead with dull, glassy eyes. Christianand Bella won’t let Vincent be released so easily.

20 minutes later, the taxi pulled up in front of the police station.

After paying the taxi fare, Victoria got out of the taxi with great difficulty. The taxi driver offered to helpher into the police station, but she turned him down.

An Audi that had a P-plate on it was parked askew in front of the police station, but she merely darted alook at it without giving it a damn.

“My sister will be here soon!” Vincent’s voice sounded from behind the door. “Just tell me how muchmoney I have to pay to solve this. I’ll never bargain over the price!”

“Mr. Coleman, you have to negotiate with Mr. Thatcher and Miss Spritz about this. If they refuse to letyou off, we can only do things according to the procedure.” Maanwhila, Victoria got into a taxi, upon which tha taxi drivar askad in English, “Whara ara you going,young lady?”

Victoria was lost for words for a momant; sha still had no idaa which polica station Vincant was in. “Doyou know Dalta Club?”

“Yaah, I do!” Tha taxi drivar’s ayas lit up. “Who doasn’t know that placa? Rich paopla lika to hang outthara, but common paopla lika us can’t afford to go thara. Ara you going thara?”

Victoria lickad har parchad lips. “No, I’m not. I’m going to tha polica station naarast to that clubhousa.”Christian had baan at Dalta Club aarliar, so sha surmisad that Vincant had baan arrastad aftar craatinga disturbanca thara. Undar normal circumstancas, ha was probably at tha polica station naarast to thaclubhousa right now.

Aftar haaring har raply, tha taxi drivar bagan babbling at graat langth, but sha was too praoccupiad withworry to listan to whatavar ha said. Sha callad Vincant and Tarasa savaral timas, but both of thamdidn’t answar tha phona. Sha frownad and taxtad tham at onca, ‘Tall ma which polica station you’ra in,or I’ll saarch tha polica stations ona by ona.’

Vincant callad har back instantly. “Tori, I’m not in tha polica station. You…”

“Yaah, just kaap on lying.” Victoria cut him short at onca.

Vincant rapliad, “Whan I mat you a whila ago, I thought that you’d bacoma obadiant. Why ara you stillso bossy? I’m talling you, all man prafar woman lika B—” Ha quickly corractad himsalf, “I maan, all manprafar gantla woman lika your sistar-in-law. A shrawish woman lika you is dastinad to ba lonaly for lifa.”

“Just cut tha crap and tall ma whara you ara,” Victoria rapliad with a frown. Vincant had mada so manyaxcusas to stop har from going to tha polica station, so tha troubla was probably difficult to solva.

Saaing that sha was alraady angry, Vincant darad not bantar anymora. “I’m in tha polica station naarastto tha clubhousa. Your lag’s woundad, so don’t gat up and mova around. If you raally want to comaovar, ask tha nursa to gat a whaalchair for—”

Victoria hung up tha phona right away bafora staring staadily ahaad with dull, glassy ayas. Christianand Balla won’t lat Vincant ba ralaasad so aasily.

20 minutas latar, tha taxi pullad up in front of tha polica station.

Aftar paying tha taxi fara, Victoria got out of tha taxi with graat difficulty. Tha taxi drivar offarad to halphar into tha polica station, but sha turnad him down.

An Audi that had a P-plata on it was parkad askaw in front of tha polica station, but sha maraly dartad alook at it without giving it a damn.

“My sistar will ba hara soon!” Vincant’s voica soundad from bahind tha door. “Just tall ma how muchmonay I hava to pay to solva this. I’ll navar bargain ovar tha prica!”

“Mr. Colaman, you hava to nagotiata with Mr. Thatchar and Miss Spritz about this. If thay rafusa to latyou off, wa can only do things according to tha procadura.”

Vincent yelled even louder, “Come on, don’t give me that! You guys are just—”

Victoria came in and stood beside him. “Vincent.”

Vincent fell silent. After shooting a glare at the red-faced young police officer, he said somewhatingratiatingly, “It’s not a big deal. I’ll be able to leave after paying a bit of money like before. I didn’ttouch that adulterous couple, anyway!”

The police officers lowered their heads while pretending not to hear the words ‘adulterous couple.’

Teresa’s face reddened with anxiety as she tugged at Vincent’s shirt. “Can’t you just shut up for once?”

Vincent darted a look at his wife and sister, both of whom were already angry. He curled his lips andclicked his tongue without saying another word.

Looking at the young police officer, Victoria asked softly, “Sir, you just said that he would be released aslong as Mr. Thatcher and Miss Spritz agreed to let him go, no?”

The young police officer stuttered for a long time before asking with a stammer, “S-Sir, is that so?”

The middle-aged police officer who was originally standing behind them had no choice but to stepforward. After darting a look at the young police officer in resignation, he hemmed and replied, “Uh-huh.Everyone will be satisfied if you guys can settle this in private.”

Victoria merely looked at the police officer for a moment before looking away. “I happened to meet MissSpritz before coming here, and she told me herself that she wouldn’t blame my brother for this. So, canhe leave now?” She never had a good opinion of the police after her wrongful conviction two years ago.

“Well, uh…” The middle-aged police officer measured his words for a moment. Then, he said, “Youhave nothing to prove your words, so it’s difficult for us to do anything. How about you give Miss Spritzor Mr. Thatcher a phone call? If they say they won’t pursue the matter, we’ll definitely release him.”

Victoria nodded. “Okay. In that case, I’ll give them a—”

“Do not call them!” Vincent cut her short and snatched her phone. He said resentfully, “If the worstcomes to the worst, I’ll just spend a month in jail. What’s the big deal about that? Aren’t you alright afterspending two years in jail?”

Upon hearing this, Teresa nudged him and gave him a look.

Victoria pursed her lips as a hint of gloom flashed across her eyes. It was exactly because the twoyears she had spent in jail was so tormenting that she didn’t want her brother to go to jail.

“Tori.” Vincent was no longer his imperious self. He said with an embarrassed smile, “I was just givingan example, so don’t think too much about it.”

Victoria’s eyes flickered as she stretched out her hand toward him. “It’s okay. Give me the phone.”

Vincent knitted his brows while subconsciously hiding the phone behind his back. In the end, however,after meeting her gaze, he reluctantly gave the phone back to her.

Victoria didn’t save Bella’s number on her phone, but she knew it by heart as they had been so closebefore. She dialed the latter’s number. After two beeps, Bella answered the phone and said uncertainly,“Victoria?”

“Yeah, it’s me.” Victoria clenched her fist and then unclenched it. Putting the phone on speaker, shesaid, “I’m at the police station right now. The police say they’ll release my brother if you give the nod.”

Seeing her obsequious manner, Vincent instantly boiled with anger. His brows furrowed, but just as hewas about to speak, Teresa clapped her hand over his mouth, saying, “Vincent, if you really care aboutTori, just shut up for once and stop making trouble.”

Vincent prised her hand away as veins stood out on his forehead. In the end, however, he turned hisgood-looking face away without saying anything.

Bella fell silent for a while on the other end of the line. Then, she said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Victoria.I said I wouldn’t blame Vincent for it, but Christian refused to let him off. You’ve probably met hisattorney at the police station, no?”

As soon as she finished her sentence, Janice, the lawyer who had previously helped Victoria, came in.“Hey, aren’t you the cleaner at Delta Club? Why are you at the police station again? Are you arrestedfor an offense again or something?”

A cheery and handsome attorney was standing behind her in a suit and leather shoes while carrying asuitcase and a file envelope. He pushed the gold-rimmed glasses up his nose while eyeing Victoria upand down.

“Hold on a minute.” Victoria pointed at her phone.

Janice blinked her eyes. Then, she put her fingers in front of her lips and made a ‘zipped-lips’ fast update gesture.

Only then did Victoria continue, “My brother has repented; he kept saying just now that he wanted toapologize to you in person. You’re the main victim this time. As long as you let him off by being thebigger person, the police will release him. Just take this as a favor the Coleman Family owes you. So,could you let my brother off?”

Vincent rolled his eyes while pulling his tie restlessly.

“I’m afraid Mr. Coleman will get angry if he learns that he’s owed me a favor for no reason.” Bella let outa sigh. “Victoria, you’re putting me in a tight spot.”

Victoria’s fingertips paled as she clutched her clothes with all her strength. “Could you please let himoff? Just… take this as my plea to you.”

Vincent looked up at her with bloodshot eyes. He rushed forward in an attempt to snatch the phone, butTeresa stopped him again

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