Chapter 72

Chapter 72

As the apple was not large, Victoria finished it in a few bites and was about to get up and throw theapple core away when Evelyn interceded.

“Why are you so clueless? Tori can’t get out of bed with her injury. Throw the apple core away for her,”Evelyn scolded.

Christian, who had been eating his apple by the side, stood up at her words and lifted his eyes,glancing indifferently at the person on the hospital bed before walking slowly toward her.

Instantly, Victoria blanched. She hurriedly got out of bed and threw the apple core into the trash can.“You need not trouble yourself, Mr. Thatcher.”

Christian’s eyes flashed darkly when he saw how afraid she was of him, but he didn’t say anything andsat down in his chair again with the apple in his hand.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was slightly surprised at the sight and commented, “I remember that Tori was neverafraid of anything in the past.”

“That was because I was young, and I was too ignorant and wild.” Because she had stood up sosuddenly, her right leg tingled and she couldn’t stop shaking. After wiping the cold sweat off herforehead, she stumbled back down onto the hospital bed.

She had always thought that with her brother and family members spoiling her, no one would dare todo anything to her, but Christian’s ruthlessness and her life in prison had given her a shockingrealization.

After Christian finished his apple, his phone rang, and he went out to answer it after letting Evelynknow.

As Evelyn brought a bowl of soup to Victoria, her eyes fell on her right leg, which was wrapped in alarge bandage. She sighed. “Tori, do you hate me for not helping you two years ago?”

“You weren’t obligated to help me, and Mr. Thatcher is your own son, so when he had a conflict withme, you were right to take his side. Besides, you have already been very good to me.” Victoria’s facewas calm, but her hand was clutching the bed sheet tightly underneath her.

How could she not hate her? Still, her parents had already severed their relationship with her, so whatcould she expect an outsider to do for her? Not to mention this outsider was Christian’s mother.

Evelyn shifted her gaze from the bandages to the bed sheets that Victoria was clutching tightly, herfeelings turning complicated.

She had many things she wanted to say, and wanted to tell her favorite junior about her difficulties, butin the end, she only asked, “Can your injury from two years ago still be cured?”

“It can’t.” Apart from making it embarrassing for Evelyn to get between her and Christian, telling her itwas possible did not serve any purpose.

At a glance, Evelyn noticed Victoria’s momentary hesitation. She played with the ornaments on herphone case, her expression faltering. A long while later, she said, “You’ve grown up, Tori.”

“Everybody has to grow up one day.” Victoria curled her lips, wanting to smile, but she felt a sense ofbitterness welling up from the bottom of her heart.

Two years ago, on her birthday, Christian personally dragged her from heaven to hell, and she had tostruggle choosing between life and death for two years, so how could she not grow up?

“You should drink the soup while it’s hot. It won’t taste good once it gets cold.” Evelyn pushed the bowlof soup toward Victoria. “If your leg injury can be cured, you should focus on recuperating. Don’t worryabout the rest. I’ll talk to Christian.”


All of a sudden, the door was pushed open and Nancy rushed in aggressively. “I won’t agree to this!Victoria caused Bella to be in this state, and even if her leg can be treated, I will never allow any doctorto treat her!”

They had the backbone to say these words.

Lucas walked in after Nancy, an unhappy expression on his handsome face. However, when he sawVictoria’s pale face and her heavily bandaged leg, a subtle hint of pain appeared on his face.

“Since when did you have the habit of eavesdropping, Nancy?” Evelyn took a handkerchief and wipedthe corners of Victoria’s mouth. “It’s not a good habit to have.”

Evelyn’s words made Nancy feel chagrined, and her face became red with anger one moment, greenwith envy the next, before turning pale with mortification in the end, as if she were a chameleon.

“Of course not, Mrs. Thatcher. I came with my mother to visit Victoria, and we just happened tooverhear what you said. We didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” Lucas explained as he stepped forward.

Evelyn withdrew her handkerchief and smiled. “It’d be great if that’s the case. If someone in a familyhas a bad personality, it can still be considered an accident, but if everyone has poor behavior, thenthere must be a problem with the family’s upbringing.”

“Evelyn, are you saying that Bella has a bad personality?” Upon hearing her precious daughter beingcriticized, Nancy was unable to hold her anger back.

Lucas frowned as well, his expression turning displeased.

“Did I mention Bella earlier?” Evelyn looked surprised. “Nancy, don’t put words into my mouth. It wasjust a random sentiment. I didn’t mean anything else.”

Nancy gritted her teeth and swallowed her anger. “I was thinking too much, then.”

“Yeah. In the future, you shouldn’t watch too many soap operas. It makes you overthink easily,” Evelynsuggested.

Nancy’s face turned red from anger, and she couldn’t replace a comeback for a long while.

“It’s not my mother’s fault for thinking too much, Mrs. Thatcher. After all, the message implied by this‘random sentiment’ of yours was too apparent.” Lucas curved his lips, but there was no trace of a smilein his amber eyes.

Evelyn tucked her hair behind her ear. “Thank you for reminding me, Lucas, that just because I don’tthink too much about things, it doesn’t mean that others are the same. I should watch my words in thefuture.”

After saying that, she turned her head to look at Victoria and said, “Tori, you should also think morebefore you speak. If you can’t think of anything, just don’t speak much. Don’t let your unintentionalcomments become a leverage for others to make a big deal out of it, got it?”

Victoria nodded under Nancy’s furious gaze and said seriously, “Yes, I understand.”

“Evelyn, whose side are you on exactly?” Nancy heaved angrily. Though Lucas gave her a look, shepretended not to have seen it and plowed on. “Bella is your future daughter-in-law. You should be onher side, not helping this murderer, Victoria!”

Victoria frowned. Nancy came from a scholarly family and was married into the Spritz Family, whichwas one of the wealthiest families in the country. However, even after so long, she was still unable tospeak and act in a dignified manner, making her polar opposites with her daughter.

“My mother is blunt and always speaks her mind. I hope you won’t take offense to her, Mrs. Thatcher,”Lucas said in a slightly apologetic tone.

“I’ve known Nancy for so many years, so I understand her. It’s just a few casual remarks. I won’t getangry over them.” Evelyn smiled shallowly, the corners of her eyes crinkling.

Lucas said, “Thank you for understanding, Mrs. Thatcher.”

“Lucas, you’re too polite,” Evelyn said before looking at Nancy. In a serious tone, she continued,“Nancy, children are everything to their parents. If you care for Bella, there must be someone whocares for Tori as well. As elders, aren’t we making ourselves a joke if we constantly pick a fight with ourjuniors?”

She spoke so righteously that Nancy was completely squashed at her words, but she didn’t know howto refute fast update

Victoria placed her soup down and said softly, “Mrs. Thatcher watched me grow up, so she’ll inevitablysympathize with me when she sees me with an injury, and that’s why she advised me to have my leglooked at. She’s not being biased at all. If Miss Spritz’s leg can be cured, Mrs. Thatcher would definitelybe happy to see it as well.”

This time, after she was released from prison, she knew how partial Evelyn was to her, and shenaturally did not want Evelyn to be troubled.

“Tori, you’ve really grown up.” Evelyn’s eyes flashed, and she sighed while caressing Victoria’s head.

Nancy huffed, but did not pursue the topic anymore and glared at Victoria accusingly instead. “Let meask you. When Vincent went to trouble Bella, was it you who instigated it?

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