The Clutches Of Hell Novel -
Chapter 97
Chapter 97
Chapter 97
“It’s not your place to tell me whether it’s my fault or not, you slut!” Daisy cringed from the pain, but itdidn’t deter her from hurling verbal abuses. “Victoria Coleman, you b*tch! Kill me if you dare!”
Victoria wrenched Daisy’s hair tighter and turned to Gabrielle. “Where are your scissors? Can you lendthem to me for a minute?”
“Calm down, Victoria!” Gabrielle was scared silly when she heard ‘scissors’ and didn’t dare to handthem over, worried that someone would lose their life in their dorm tonight.
While she was trying her best to defuse the situation, Daisy wasn’t helping matters with all the nastyinsults she was spewing from the side. “If you don’t kill me, you’re just a gutless b*tch, Coleman! You’rejust a b*tch fit for the dogs!”
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Victoria decided to forgo asking Gabrielle’s assistance asshe tied Daisy’s hands behind her back with her towel and let her curse all she wanted on the floor.Finally, under Gabrielle’s terrified, confused and anxious stare, she walked to Daisy’s bed, picked up ashoe, and stuffed it into her mouth.
Instantly, the dorm returned to silence, but everyone could still faintly hear Daisy’s whimpers.
Victoria walked over to her own desk, opened the drawer, and fished out a pair of scissors beforecrouching in front of Daisy, who stopped whimpering. The madness in her eyes had been swiftlyreplaced by fear when she saw Victoria returning with a pair of scissors.
“Victoria!” Gabrielle could feel her entire body turning into jelly as she stumbled toward Victoria,snatched the scissors from her with trembling hands, and stammered courageously, “I-It’s not worth itto turn into a murderer b-because of a person like Daisy!”
Victoria cast her a warning look. “Let go.”
“No… I-I’m not letting go.” Despite her overwhelming fear, she shook her head vigorously. “T-Think itover carefully. I know your family doesn’t acknowledge you, but y-your brother and sister-in-law stilllove—”
Victoria furrowed her brows slightly when she realized just where Gabrielle was coming from and cuther off, saying, “I’m not killing anyone.”
“Re—” Initially, Gabrielle wanted to ask her if it was true, but when she saw that it didn’t seem like shewas about to go on a killing spree, she released the scissors and slumped to the floor, wiping off thesweat on her forehead in sheer relief.
Nevertheless, Gabrielle still watched her fearfully before her expression turned into one ofbewilderment and finally morphed into barely suppressed amusement. Victoria had hacked off Daisy’slong hair—which she had been taking care of meticulously—into bald patches that were no longer thana quarter inch.
The date September 18th reminded Victoria of too many unpleasant things, and, in addition to thethings Jill had shed some light on, she was in a terrible mood. Yet, she couldn’t deny that giving Daisyan impromptu haircut was therapeutic.
“Do you have a cigarette and lighter?” she asked, turning to Gabrielle.
“Yes,” she answered but didn’t ask why she needed it. Despite pressing her hand against her lips tohold back her laughter, she managed to fumble through her things, shoulders shaking all the while, andpassed those items to Victoria’s waiting hands.
Victoria lit the cigarette and burned six dots on the top of Daisy’s head, careful not to hurt her scalp inthe process.
“You… This is amazing!” Eventually, Gabrielle couldn’t suppress her mirth as she roared into full-belliedlaughter.
Victoria took a few pictures of Daisy from her neck up and untied her, but Daisy was already on theverge of breaking down. “Don’t mess with me, or I’ll send these pictures of yours to the work groupchat.”
She really had enough of quarreling with Daisy almost every single day. Honestly, even if Daisy wasn’ttired, she was done. There was only so much stupidity she could handle for a day.
Meanwhile, Daisy pulled out the shoe in her mouth and spat a few times on the floor. This time, shedidn’t bother to lash out at Victoria as she wasted no time in dashing to the mirror to inspect herself.
“Ah!” she screamed, holding her head. Then, with bloodshot eyes, she stared at the pile of hair on thefloor and almost passed out from sheer outrage.
Gabrielle was almost close to tears at this point. “Daisy, you… Hic! That’s a wonderful look on you!”
“I’m going to kill you, Victoria!” Daisy adored her long hair, which now turned into this state. It was aspainful to her as cutting off a piece of her.
Victoria dodged easily and stepped aside from Daisy’s attack, and before Daisy could pounce at heragain, she lifted her phone. “You can just put on a wig. That way, no one will see how you look nowbesides Gabrielle and me.” She paused and raised her voice. “But if you don’t know what’s good foryou, I’ll send all those pictures to the work group chat.”
Daisy miraculously stopped herself from her frenzied state and merely glared at Victoria withresentment and loathing, wishing she could kill her from the bottom of her heart.
Knock, knock.
Just then, someone knocked on their door, and before they could answer, the door swung open fromthe outside.
Outside the dorm, a group of people rubbernecked to look inside, trying to catch a glimpse of some hotnew gossip. Unfortunately, Charlotte slipped in gracefully, immediately closed the door, and blockedtheir vision.
Charlotte had a gift box in her hand, and she was actually here to look for Victoria. Still, sheaccidentally caught sight of Daisy sporting a new hairstyle and accidentally snorted, unable to controlherself.
“You’ll have to set things straight for me, Miss Charlotte!” Then, as though she had suddenly found herbackup, Daisy rushed to Charlotte, whining, “Just minutes ago, Victoria tied me up, insulted me bystuffing a shoe into my mouth, and even wanted to kill me with scissors! We can’t keep a murderer likeher in our club!”
Charlotte covered her smirk with a hand, and her attractive eyes were full of emotions, interspersedwith a slight trace of disdain. “If she wants to kill you, why don’t you have a single injury when you can’tmove or scream?”
Victoria kept her silence beside them and didn’t bother defending herself.
If Charlotte actually believed in Daisy’s tall tales, she wouldn’t be the manager of this club, so therewas no need for Victoria to do such a thing.
“She wanted to insult me first before killing me!” Every time Daisy opened her mouth; lies wouldstumble out of it. She even pointed at the pile of hair on the floor as she shrieked hysterically, “That’sthe evidence of the b*tch insulting me! If you were just a second late, fast updatehatyou’ll be seeing is my body!”
Charlotte sighed as she pried off Daisy’s hand from her arm with a hint of impatience in her beautifuland aloof eyes.
It was just regrettable that Daisy happened to be someone with a few screws loose. To make mattersworse, her intelligence was subpar, making it difficult for everyone present to endure her hystericalyelling. “And that slut, Gabrielle, as well. She actually helped that murderer, Victoria. She’s evenlaughing right now! So that makes her the accomplice! Miss Charlotte, I want to call the police, sue,and send them to jail!”
“Do it.” The edges of Charlotte’s eyes lifted, and while Daisy was giving her a bewildered stare, shesaid provocatively, “Why aren’t you making the call? Should I lend you my phone?”
Daisy’s face was as interesting as a color palette that was overturned before her face sank as it settledon black. Finally, she glared at Victoria with daggers in her eyes, grabbed a hat, and left, slamming thedoor behind her.
Charlotte rubbed her aching ears. “Young girls nowadays have such tempers.”
After Gabrielle glanced at Victoria, Gabrielle went to Charlotte and said, “Miss Charlotte, with Daisy’stemper, aren’t you worried that she’s going to cause us trouble if she stays in our club?”
“Are you saying that I should fire her?” Charlotte asked casually. Then, she pushed the present intoVictoria’s hands and said in quite a mouthful, “This gift is from Miss Mooney, who asked Mr. Buckley topass it to you, but he asked Mr. Thatcher to pass it to you instead.”
Victoria held the gift in her hands in stunned silence. I thought… Janice won’t see me again.
“I was just curious. Of course, that wasn’t what I meant at all, Miss Charlotte.” Gabrielle smiled andgrabbed a bag from her desk. “This is the specialty my family sent me from my hometown. Please havesome and try it.”
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