The Elements -
Who the hell are you?
“SHADOW! SPARKY! SKY! LINCOLN! WAKE UP!” Hazel yelled like someone was killing him.
A groaned and buried my face into the pillow.
“FINE KIDS. I SEE THAT YOU WANT TO DO THINGS IN THE HARD WAY.” Hazel yelled again but I decided to ignore him.
I was about to drift into a peaceful sleep again when I heard a loud sound right in my room.
I jumped from my bed screaming and I put my hands on my ears.
“WHAT THE HELL??!!” I yelled when I saw that Hazel with a trumpet in his hand.
“I told you to wake up. It’s already 6 pm.” he shrugged and tried to walk out of the room.
Key word: tried.
Sparky jumped on him, causing both of them to fall on the ground.
“DO THIS STUPID THING ONE MORE TIME AND I’LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!” she screamed right in his face after she punched him.
He nodded quickly. He looked scared shitless.
When Sparky let him go, he ran out of the room like his feet were on fire.
I sighed. “I’ll go to the bathroom first.” I mumbled still half asleep.
Sparky mumbled some incoherent words and sit on her bed.
I shrugged and walked into the bathroom. I did my usual routine and a shower because I stink like death. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a big white towel.
“Sparky! The bathroom is free! Wake up lazy ass!” I said and pulled the sheets from under her.
She felt on the ground and groaned. “Fine. FINE!” she yelled and dragged herself to the bathroom.
And I thought that I am grumpy in the morning.
I decided to wear a pair of black leggings and a black loosen t-shirt because I was in the mood for something comfy. As I finished tiding my white Nike snickers, my stomach growled.
I made my way downstairs and stopped into the kitchen.
“Wow. Shadow who killed your puppy?” Flame asked when he saw my morning face a.k.a don’t-mess-with-me-or-I’ll-chop-your-head-off face.
“Hazel.” was my only replay as I took a seat next to Flame and I put my head on the table.
“Stupid jerk. Stupid mornings. Stupid trumpet. Stupid life.” Lincoln walked in mumbling under his breath as he plumbed into the seat next to me.
Hmm. I talk like that too when I’m angry. For this he has a point on my chart.
Flame started to chuckle but stopped after me and Lincoln glared at him.
“Good morning grumpy pants. Who wants bacon and eggs?”
I don’t have to raise me head to know that this ray of sunshine was mama River. I call him mama because he acts like one. He lecture us, worries about us, feeds us and he is the biggest one from us all.
I mumbled ‘Me’ and so did Lincoln.
“Yeah, I want too.” Flame said and I could feel him staring at me.
“Stop staring or I’ll stab you in the eyes with a fork.” I mumbled angrily. I hate when someone stares at me.
Softly snores came from Lincoln’s direction and when I looked at him, he has his left cheek squashed on the table and his mouth was slightly open.
The kitchen door was slammed open. A zombie Sparky walked in and seat across from me without uttering a single word.
Everyone remained silent and I was slowly starting to fall asleep when a ball fun of happiness walked in, followed by a ball full of shyness.
“Good morning my sweet team mates! I hope you have a wonderful morning!”
Me, Sparky and Lincoln groaned in the same time.
“Little chance to have a ‘wonderful’ morning since the first thing I saw this morning was your face.” Lincoln said to him while me and Sparky yelled Buuurn.
Hazel rolled his eyes but stayed silent and seated next to Sky, across from me and next to Sparky.
“Were is the last member of The Suicide Squad?” I asked and yawed.
Flame and River started to laugh. “If you’re talking about Ash, then I don’t know. Why The Suicide Squad?” River was the one to answer.
I shrugged. “Well, we are as bad as them and if someone will send us on the field now, it will be a suicidal mission so...”
Flame was laughing so hard than he fell on the floor and know he was rolling like a pig in mud. I flipped him the bird and went back to sleep.
I stayed like that, with my head on the table, until a wonderful smell hit my nostrils. I raised my head with my eyes still closed.
*sniff*Bacon*sniff* Eggs*sniff*WAFFLES.
I opened my eyes immediately and to my luck my nose was right. In front of me were 5 big plates: 2 with bacon, 1 with boiled eggs and 1 with waffles.
Do I ever told you guys how much I love waffles? Well, I fucking adore them!
I took 4 waffles and 4 slices of bacon. As I was stuffing my mouth with waffles a pissed Ash walked in and threw 4 folders on the table.
“What are those ’cause I’m more then sure that those are not food.” Hazel said eyeing the folders.
No shit Sherlock. I thought that those were crushed marshmallows.
“Those are the files that the principal was talking about yesterday. The ones with the name of your real parents.” Ash explained and looked at Me, Sparky, Lincoln and Sky.
Suddenly, my happy mood was gone. I really don’t want to open that folder. I have a bad feeling about it.
I looked at the other 3 and they have on their faces the same emotions as me. Curiosity, hesitation, pain and a glint of fear.
“Come on guys. It can’t be that bad.” Hazel tried to cheer us up but obviously it didn’t worked.
I starched my hand and slowly I took the folder that has my name on it. Everyone was staring at me and I think that my heart was about to jump out of my chest.
I opened the folder with shaking hands and slowly I pulled out a file with my face on it.
Name: Shadow Thunder of Moonlight.
Birthdate: 31 October 1999.
Age: 16.
Mother: Crystal Blue of Moonlight.
Father: Aztec Volcano of Moonlight.
Current location: dead.
Other relatives:
Ethan Rock, River Fall, Flame Flamest, Aiden Wildwind, Lincoln Snow, Sam Storm and Sky Shooter.
The last 3 of them along with Shadow Thunder are quadruplets.
The current location of Ethan Rock, Aiden Wildwind and Sam Storm is unknown.
I reed and re-reed and re-re-reed the file but I couldn’t make those information to get into my head. I read the file again and the same ache hit my heart when I read that my parents are dead. DEAD. And I don’t even know them. I haven’t see them in my entire life!
“Hey, Shadow. Are you okay?” Flame asked me softly.
I looked at him and then it hit me. He, River, Sky and Lincoln are my brothers. I lived alone my whole life and now here I am with dead parents, 4 alive brothers and 3 missing.
I started to laugh but it was a dry one. To be honest I was completely messed up and I couldn’t think straight.
I slammed the file on the table and bolted out of the house.
Fresh air. I need fresh air. Yeah, maybe after I’ll take some fresh air, I’ll go back to normal. Yeah, fresh air.
As soon as I was out of that building I did the single thing that can calm me down. I started to sprint into the woods. I ran and ran like my life depends on it and I felt like I was flying. As I was getting closer to the heart of the forest, my mind started to function properly again. I stopped running when an opening came into my view. I was stunned. There was a little lake surrounded by little trees and some kind of plants that I can’t recognize. On the horizon line, mountains where standing tall, isolating this beautiful forest from the rest of the word. The moon was shining bright on the sky and it’s pale rays were giving the lake a more breathtaking view than it already was. I looked at the sky and it was full of shining stars. I swear, I can stay here and stare at the stars the whole night.
I love starts because they are so beautiful when they light up the sky even in the darkest nights and how they can be so beautiful even if they are already dead.
I looked at my wrist watch and it was already 8 pm. That explains why is so dark and why the moon is up.
I slowly walked in front of the lake and sit on a fallen tree trunk. I sighed and buried my head in my hands.
“God, do you really like to make fun of me? At first I was a weirdo and a loner, which I still am but that’s not important. Then I was kidnapped and I found out that I’m not human and I’m an elementar, but it wasn’t until I was about to die while taking a freaking test! And then voila! I was an elementar with the power of lightning bolt which was is consider a rare element and I found out that I’m very powerful and destined to grate things! Oh but wait there’s more. I took another exam where I was about to die, AGAIN, but I survived and I was accepted in the best team that has ever existed. And I had to replace out from a freaking psychotic principal which is completely lunatic and thinks that me and my friends are his hope to some bullshit! But wait I didn’t finished! My team mates are awesome with some exceptions but that’s fine until I found out that MY REAL PARENTS ARE FUCKING DEAD AND THAT I HAVE 7 MORE BROTHERS BUT 3 OF THEM ARE OUT MISSING AND THE OTHER 4 ARE IN MY TEAM! AND I AM A QUADRUPLET! Why in the name of cheese, my life turned out like that?? Why???!!! Why I have to be a weirdo, a monster that was about to kill a bimbo just because I was angry? Why? I don’t want this power. I don’t want to be here. I don’t care that I’m a coward right now, but I just.....Aaah! I’m so confused and frustrated!” by now tears were streaming down my face.
This is the first time I cried in my entire life. I never cried before, but right now I’m so fuckin confused and scared.
“I don’t think you are a weirdo or a monster.” a voice said causing me to jump from my spot and turn around with my hands raised ready to shoot him.
Next to a tree, in the shadows, was a silhouette of a boy because it was too big to be a girl. He was leaning against a tree with his hands raised in surrender.
“Calm down. I won’t hurt you. If I wanted to you’d be already dead.”
I scowled and glared at him. “Cocky much? Who the hell are you and you don’t know that’s lame to spy on little and innocent girls like me?” my tone was an ‘innocent’ one.
He took a stepped into the opening and now, that the moonlights were hitting him, I could see him better. He was very tall, maybe 6′1, with black hair and dark colored eyes but I can’t exactly say their color because it was too dark. What I can see clearly is 1.his perfect jawline, I could see him muscles under that tight black shirt, and 3. that stupid smirk that I want to slap away.
I bet he has a 8 pack and a V-line! And he looks just so hot!
Shut the fuck up! Stupid mind. He is dangerous and he can kill us! Who cares that he’s sexy!
“Done checking me out?” he asked smirking.
“Sorry that I want to observe my enemy and replace a weak spot to save my life. And you didn’t answered my question.” I said still glaring at him.
He wanted to take another step ahead but I shoot a lightning bolt right in front of him, making him stop.
“Wow. Still not trusting me I see.” he said and rolled his eyes.
“Gave me a reason dump idiot. I have all the rights to! You stalked me, scared me and you avoid my questions.”
He smirked again. “You think you are really smart, huh? First, I wasn’t stalking you. I was running through the forest to my spot, which is next to a lake, when a furious girl cut my way and I said that I should follow her because she can get hurt here. Genius, this forest is full of darks that can kill you with one move of a hand.” he said and his face was serious now.
“I didn’t asked you to protect me. And that’s why I don’t trust you. Because this place is full of darks and I’m more than sure that you’re one.”
“That’s true. I’m a dark but not all of us are bad. Well, I’m bad, I kill elementars when I have to, but I don’t need to get rid of you so you’re safe.”
“Yeah, right.” I scoffed at him.
“You really are a tough cookie I see.” he said eyeing me up and down.
I was still in my battle position waiting for him to strike and I was feeling a little self conscious because of his stare.
Don’t judge me. I always hated when someone was staring at me.
He suddenly turned around. “I have to go but it was nice to meet you, Light. We’ll see each other again soo.”
I was looking at him, well his back with a WTF look. “What?”
He turned his head and smirked at me. “We’ll meet again. That’s what I said. Bye.”
“Wai-” I wanted to ask him what he meant by meet again but he was gone.
I kept staring at the spot he was 1 minute ago.
Who was he? What he means with meet again? Why he didn’t killed me?
Then I understood why and I smiled. “Weirdo.”
I said and started to walk back home, praying to God that mama River and Sparky won’t kill me.
I smiled and shook my head when 2 thoughts popped out in my head.
1.Those idiots really care about me.
2. That mysterious guy really made me feel better and I think he did it on purpose, but it’s fine by me.
With a last look back at the lake, I bolted through the trees back home.
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