The Elements -
Or I can do this
He kissed me.
No. Let me reformulate it. He is kissing me and I feel like I’m on cloud 9, but that’s not my problem. My problem is that HE IS FREAKING KISSING ME AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. To make things better, I’m even standing still like an idiot with my eyes wide open staring eyes crossed at him.
I’m so lame, I swear....
Do something you idiot! You waited for this moment for so long so don’t be stupid and ruin it!
Finally, I recovered from my little shock and my instincts kicked in. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, trying to ignore the little zoo inside my stomach but it seems like it’s growing bigger and bigger by the moment.
I can swear that his lips taste like the best chocolate milkshake I’ve ever drink and I want to taste it forever and always. And damn, his lips are rosier and fuller then mine. And my lips aren’t little, I assure you.
Can you faint from a kiss? Because now I’m really feel a little Light headed.
When we pulled away, in the same time I may add, I realized that I was feeling Light headed because of the lack of the oxygen.
His face was so close that I can count all his freckles, that I adore so much. I couldn’t help but stare in his beautiful dark blue eyes as he stares back in my plain blue ones.
I wanted to ask him so many questions but I don’t know what to ask first.
Why is he so nice to me?
Why he likes to piss me off so much?
Why is he always helping me?
Why he kissed me?
I finally pulled together all my courage and opened my mouth to ask all those questions but he stopped me by peaking my lips.
“I know you want to ask so many questions, but please, lets just enjoy this moment for as long as possible and I promise that I’ll answer all your questions another time.” he said and smiled but I could still see the sadness behind that smile.
But why he would be sad? Did I do something? I’m such an idiot. Of course it’s because of me. Why I always have to ruin everything?
My thoughts were interrupted when he hugged me. “You did nothing wrong Lighty. Stop overthinking. You will understand all of this at the right time.” he tighten his embrace when he said the last part. Like he was afraid to lose me.
But why?
God, how much I hate that question: Why?
“I like you more when you are full of sarcasm and bullshit. Now, you’re speaking like a puppy is about to die and I don’t like that because I love puppies. So, switch back to sarcasm and bullshit please.” I said and rested my head on his hard but soft in the same time, chest.
I smiled when his chest vibrated when he chuckled. “You really are one hell of a something, Lighty.”
“What can I say? I’m trying my best.” I shrugged and turned around to look at the 3 AM forest.
I wrapped the blanket better around me and hugged the mug with my hands. A pair of strong arms hugged me and someone putted his head on my right shoulder.
“Touchy much aren’t we today?” I teased him but I was smiling the whole time.
“Shut up. I’m not touchy. I’m cold and don’t even try to deny the fact that you don’t like this.”
I giggled and took the blanket from my shoulders and I motioned to him to let me go. He looked at me confused but did how I said. I placed the blanket around his shoulders.
“There you go.” I said and patted his head.
He rolled his eyes at me. “Woof woof.” he putted his arms around me once again and like this, both of us were under the blanket. “Now it’s better.”
Tomorrow, I think that my face will hurt from smiling this much, but I’m totally fine with it. This moment is too perfect and nothing can ruin my mood.
I’m sitting on a kitchen counter, looking out of the window, listening to the rain hitting the ground in a peaceful rhythm, with a hot cappuccino and wrapped in the arms of the person I have a crush on.
This picture is just too perfect and I’m afraid that this picture will disappear in no time.
“Today you have another appointment with the doctor, right?” he asked causing me to groan.
“Yes, unfortunately I have.” I pouted when I saw that I finished my cappuccino. That thing was so good and warm.
He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “I know that doc Hamilton annoys you but it’s for your own good.”
I smacked his arm. “It’s not funny! He is the most boring person I know and he is very weird. I mean even his name is weird. He is an elementar and he has a human name.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop laughing and it can be pretty boring to cure teenagers every day. Maybe he is tired.”
“Or maybe he is just boring. Or maybe he has RBF syndrome.”
“RBF syndrome?” he asked and tiled his head to look at me.
I nodded my head. “Resting bitch face syndrome.”
He started to laugh like he heard the best joke ever.
“What’s so funny?”
“You. You are hilarious. The poor man has a face that screams I don’t want to be here and I’m tired as a sloth. He doesn’t have RBF.” he explained like it’s the most obvious thing on earth.
“Well, I’m sorry that I’m not an expert at RBF syndrome Mr. Knows it all.” I said raising my hands in surrender.
He smirked. “I don’t know it all. I just know a RBF syndrome when I see it because I see it everyday in this house.”
I smirked back at him. “I understand. You see it every time you look in the mirror, don’t cha?”
“No. I see it every time I look at you.” he said with a big smirk.
I glared at him a little before I yelled “SURPRISE ATTACK” and I tackled him. To my bad luck, I forgot that we were sitting on the counter and when he fell, he dragged me down with him. He was the one to hit the floor, while I was on top of him.
“See what you did?” I told him glaring.
Locks of black hair covered his forehead and some of them covered his eyes too.
“And how’s this my fault? You tackled me!” he said glaring from behind his hair.
I couldn’t help and I brushed away the locks from his face. “If you weren’t an idiot and you wouldn’t have told me that I have RBF syndrome, I wouldn’t have pushed you. Simply as a jelly.” I explained and smiled.
He rolled his eyes at me and started to get up but I stopped him by sitting cross legs on his chest. “Nuh-uh. You are staying there until you say sorry.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Nope. I’m damn serious.”
He raised one eyebrow at me and I mimicked his action.
“Or I can do this.” he grabbed me by my waist and I less then a minute, I was sitting on the counter and he was right in front of me.
I scoffed. “You’re no fun.” I tried to jump off from the counter but he trapped me by putting his hands on each side of me.
“Not so fast. First you have to say sorry.” he said and smirked at me.
Fine. Two can play this game.
“Or I can do this.” I mocked him poked his chest with my finger.
“And this should cause me any pain? Sorry to ruin your moment but-AUCH” he yelped and fell on the floor when I gave him a little electroshock.
I jumped on my feet and snapped my fingers. “Bitch please! I’m too fabulous for ya.” I said in a sassy tone and walked away moving my hips a little too much.
Revenge is sweet, especially served burning hot. Revenge served cold is for losers.
I walked back in my empty room and decided to do my morning routine because it’s already 6 AM and I have 0 chances to fall asleep again.
After I brushed my teeth and putted my hair in a messy bun, I headed in the walk-in closet to get dress. I decided that a pair of black sweatpants, a black Nike hoodie and pair of Nike black running shoes will be just fine for my sleepy mood.
What sleepy mood? Someone woke you up completely.
I blushed like crazy when the little kiss came back in my mind. To be honest I can’t believe that it actually happened in the first place, nor that it felt so good.
Shit. I really have a crush on him. Perfect.
I shook my head and walked back downstairs because I really was hungry.
“Good morning my dear family, friends and you grumpy pants.” I said when I saw that everyone was already there.
Ash glared at me while Hazel gasped. “YOU! You friendzoned us!”
“Yes, yes I did. Move on sexy.” I said and winked at him.
“Please! Sexy and smart.” he said and snapped his fingers.
I rolled my eyes and seat down in my usual place. “What’s up Lincoln?”
He raised one eyebrow at me. “The sky.”
“Tsk! Sky is on your left stupid.” I said and took a big bite from a waffle.
He rolled his eyes and ignored me. This is Lincoln for you.
“Shadow today at 9 you have your last appointment at the doctor so hurry up a little because it’s already 8.” River said and my eyes widen.
“Eight? But at 6 I started to get ready....”
“Yes, but you spend 1 hour just in the bathroom brushing your teeth and singing in the mirror, and another hour deciding what to wear.”
“Whatever.” I mumbled and took another big bite.
Okay. Maybe I’m singing in front of my mirror, but I only do it when I’m bored or when I want to make the time to pass faster. And I have an amazing voice. River is just jealous.
‘Why are you so happy?’ I heard Sparky’s voice in my head.
I looked at her. ‘Why you weren’t in our room the whole night?’
She nodded her head. ‘Seems fair for now, but I want details.’
I gave her a look. ‘Nothing happened you pervert. And I want details too. The dirty ones too.’
She started to cough and I started to laugh because her face was priceless. It was so red from embarrassment and all the coughing, oh, and how she is glaring at me right now. Priceless.
“Are you okay?” Ash asked patting her back.
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.” she said and smiled at me.
I stopped laughing and I was studying them. That look, those smiles, that close proximity....I gasped and stared at them wide eyed.
Sparky looked at me confused for a minute before she figured it out. ‘I swear that I wanted to tell you.’
“You did not. You disappointed me so much. I thought that this” I pointed between me and her “was serious but now I don’t know what to believe.” I said faking being hurt.
She rolled her eyes and muttered an “Are you kidding me?“.
“I can’t believe that I trusted you! I’m sorry, I need a minute alone.” I said and ran in the living room, jumping on the sofa and starting to laugh like the idiot I am.
I’m such a great actor. But I can’t believe that she didn’t told me that Asky is finally a thing. I’m a little mad that she kept that a secret but I’m happy for them.
“Get up, idiot. I have to take you to the doctor.” Flame said and walked past me.
“WAIT!” I yelled and ran after him.
It’s so annoying because he is walking fast but I have to run to keep up with him. It’s not fair! Why all my brothers are mountains and I’m like a little banana tree. Not fair mother nature!
He stopped abruptly making me to bump is his back. “What the fuck?”
“Choose a car idiot.” he simply said and fluttered his hand in front of all the cars.
“I want your red Ferrari.” I said already eyeing that beauty.
“Which one? I have 2.” I can hear the eyes roll in his voice.
“The 488 Ferrari you idiot. She is a beauty while you are the beast.” I said and ran to the car. I putted my head on the car’s hood and I started to pat her. “Aren’t you a beauty?”
“Stop leaving hand prints on my baby girl.” he said and smacked me on the back of the head.
“Fine.” I snapped at him and got in the car.
When I saw that the interior was all black leather, in my mind was only one question: Can I marry this car?
Flame got in and roared the engine back to life. It was purring so softly but when Flame pressed the gas pedal it started to roar like a tiger and I really want to marry this car.
“Stop drooling on my car Shadow.”
When I heard that phrase, a sense of déjà vu hit me. My eyes widen when I realized that I heard that phrase back then, when I went to Department of something to get my inner elementar out.
God, please don’t let this trip to the doc to end like that trip.
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