The Gamma's Heart
The Gamma’s Heart – Chapter 14

Clara POV

Screaming as I jolted awake, I sat up quickly, I began looking around not recognizing where I was at. I jumped as the door burst open and in ran both Wyatt and Chase.

“What’s wrong?” Wyatt asked as he looked around in panic.

I shook my head trying to get that nightmare out of my head. It felt so real, I looked down at my arms when I felt stinging coming from them, there was a handprint on both of my forearms, I touched one and hissed when it stung more.

Chase sat next to me grabbing one of my arms. “What the hell?” he mumbled.

“What’s this, Clara?” He asked as he looked up at me. “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? There’s burn marks on your arms!” he exclaimed.

“Just as I said, I don’t know Chase!” I said as I snached my arm from him.

Closing my eyes I ran my hands through my hair, “where am I?” I asked, when nobody said anything I opened my eyes.

“Where the hell am I?” I repeated a little louder. The mirror above the sink cracked. ‘Did I do that?’ I thought. I looked at Chase and seen him staring at the mirror.

“Please tell me I didn’t do that!?” I whispered. Having both of them stare at me was making me feel like a freak.

Moving the blanket back and getting off the bed I went for the door, as I opened it Noah stood there.

“Move,” I said through gritted teeth. “What’s going on?” he asked softly.

“I want to go home, now please move.” he moved aside, and when I walked out it wasn’t until then that I realized where I was.

“Why am I in the hospital?” All three of them knew how I felt about this place, and here I am standing in it. “You had a panic attack and fainted. You don’t remember running from us and onto the highway?” Noah said.

Shaking my head, I don’t remember anything apart from getting in the car with them.

“You almost got hit by a car Clara.”

“All I know is I got in the car to get this stupid cast off.” Noah placed his hand on my cheek and had me look down. “We got it taken off while you were out. Dr. Andrews said you healed up nicely.”

“Please take me home.” I whispered. Noah nodded and told both Wyatt and Chase to come on.

Regardless me being in air conditioning, my skin felt hot. I began scratching at the exposed skin on my arms and neck.

Ever since I woke up my skin felt hot and I was becoming irritated because it was getting worse. “f*****g dream has me boiling” I muttered.

“What dream?” Wyatt asked me as we stepped outside.

“I had a nightmare where this, well I guess we can call her ‘Dark Clara’ because she said she was me. She looked like me except her eyes were white. She even said her last name was Blackwell-“

“Where did you hear that name?” I loked over at Chase. “I literally just told you, Chase.”

I rolled my eyes and continued. “Anyways she said something about how dad wasn’t my dad and that some guy named Samuel Blackwell was, that I was his fourth kid and I’m the only one who was ‘blessed with gifts;’ oh and that I’m a fifth generation from this Judas Coven. She grabbed me too and then entered my body. I don’t know; sounds ridiculous now that I think about it.” I g*****d as my skin continues to get hotter.”

“Hey stop that, you’re gonna scratch your skin off.” Wyatt said as he gripped my arm, but instantly let it go with a hiss “Jesus you’re on fire.”

“I know, and it’s f*****g irritating” I growled. “I just want to go home and take a cold bath,”

I heard a laugh beside me and I glared over at both Chase and Wyatt. “Screw both of you, if your skin was boiling you’d want to do the same thing”

Wyatt POV

The moment we pulled into thier driveway, Clara practically jumped out of the vehicle before we completely stopped.

I heard Noah yell something at her as she ran towards the door. As Chase got out his car, he had a pissed off expression on his face. “Is it me or are they both channeling off each others mood today?” I asked Noah as we walked up to the door

“They both need a damn chill pill or something,” Noah muttered under his breath.

As we entered the house, I glanced in the dining room and seen Chase and both his parents. “What’s up?” I questioned, but was ignored by the 3 of them as they argued in harsh whispers.

“If you guys don’t tell her, then I will.” Chase threatened.

“Chase, she isn’t ready to know the truth.” Abigail told him

“Mom she’s having dreams that are hurting her and telling her what you haven’t had the balls to do,” he sneered. “Watch your tone when you speak to your mother young man.”

“Dad she shattered every glass surface in the hospital room after the attack, the first time she did it she wasn’t even awake, and today after she woke up her anger cracked a mirror, shes getting stronger and will soon realize she’s the one that’s causing it. So last warning if you don’t tell her tonight, I f*****g will.”

I had to give Chase one thing. When it came to his sister nothing else mattered to him but her well being.

“Fine we’ll tell her tonight after dinner.” his mother paused opening to her mouth to ask him something but couldn’t quite get it out. I seen Victor grab a hold of her hand and and gave it a light squeeze.

She cleared her throat “What was the name of the coven this dream told her she’s descended from?”

“The Judas Coven,” I answered “why does that matter?” Noah questioned as he entered the room

“Because we didn’t know which one that bastard was from,” Victor growled lightly. “That coven is full of witches who partake in dark magic and necromancy,”

“That doesn’t mean she’s evil mom.” she nodded, “we know that, but the pull to black magic is very strong. It takes someone very strong to overcome those temptations.”

“Not to be rude Mrs. Baker, but from what I’ve wittnessed over the years, Clara is strong. Her past up until now should tell you that.” I said with a slight glare.

“Trust me son, we know she’s strong. She’s my daughter after all.” Victor said with a smile.

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