The Gamma's Heart -
The Gamma’s Heart – Chapter 24
Clara POV
As I walked past the familiar houses I smiled seeing all the families outside with thier young children.
Even as I walked down the sidewalk a few of the older couples stopped me and congratulated me on my mating with both Noah and Wyatt, telling me how lucky I was.
No matter how many times I heard it it still embarrassed me. Not so much from teenagers my age, but from the older generation, mostly because they know I’m not at home with my parents and they could only imagine what I’m up to with those boys.
Hell if only they knew what I was doing just an hour ago.
“Well hello there Miss Gamma Luna,”
I turned and seen Micah closing the gate to his yard with a smile on his face, with a kid who was about 4. I smiled back at him and I assume his younger sibling.
“Or would it be Gamma Beta Luna?” I giggled at him. “Honestly I think it would just be Luna regardless, but you can just call me Clara.” I told him.
“Now who is this handsome little guy, and how come I don’t know your name?” I asked as I keeled down to his height.
The little boy looked up at Micah and he smiled and nodded at him. He then looked back at me, his bright blue eyes shone brightly under the streetlights on the sidewalk. “My name is Brent, I’m from the Forest Pack, but my mama wasn’t a very good mom, so my Alpha sent me here to live with my Aunt and Uncle. This is my big cousin Micah.”
I couldn’t help but smile at him. “Hello there Brent, my name is Clara.” I held my hand out for him and he shook it “did you know, your big cousin saved my life once when I was attacked? A real hero that cousin of yours is!” I told him and his eyes widened.
“Like a superhero?” I giggled at the child. I nodded my head, “yes kind of, but he more or less saved me with his b***d. He donated it to me so I wouldn’t die. See I lost too much of my own and Micah has the b***d type that he can donate to people without being the same kind.” Brent just nodded his little head like he was taking it all in.
He then look up at his cousin and smiled widely “You really are a superhero, Micah, I don’t care what mama says.” He smiled brightly at him and my heart warmed. “I wanna be just like you when I grow up.”
Micah then leaned down and whispered something into the boys ear and he smiled again and nodded excitedly. “Really?” Micah then nodded his head.
“Ask her…” my brows furrowed together. “Ask me what?”
“My cousin said your gonna be a Luna. But you are to nice to be a Luna!” Brent said, and my cheeks heated. “Well, I am. But not until I turn 21, my mate is the Alpha’s son. My other mate is the Beta.”
“Your pups are going to be strong.” I heard Micah mutter to himself. I quickly focused back on Brent. “So where were you boys headed?”
“To Josie’s” I looked up at Micah who’s face was a little red. “You haven’t told her yet have you?” he quickly looked down at me.
“I see how you look at her Micah. You replace reasons to talk to her. When you come over with Chase and replace out she’s over you get excited. Now that I think about it Wyatt, did the same thing with me.” I explained
“I’m sure with her being an Omega she’d be overjoyed to be your mate. Our friends would accept you as well. Although, Damien would probably flirt with you.” I looked back a the adorable lille boy and gave him a smile before I stood up.
“Trust me. You telling her is better than her replaceing out on her birthday like I did, it’s easier coming from you.” I went to walk away but halted.
“Your sister Stacey though… she isn’t gonna be very fond of the mating. She tried to persuade me to reject Wyatt in front of the whole school.”
“She what?” his body tensed up. “It’s fine I can handle your sister. You just go and tell that firecracker of a mate who she is to you.” I giggled. “I’m pretty sure she’ll call me later to tell me how it goes.” after he agreed and I said goodbye to both him and Brent I continued my walk to my house.
Hearing my phone ring I pulled it from my pocket. I rolled my eyes at who was calling. “I’m literally down the street Chase, tell your boyfriends to stop checking up on me.”
I heard him chuckle lightly. “The thing is… Mom got called into work.” I stoped walking upon hearing that.
“She isn’t there?” I asked softly, after hearing some shuffling I heard her voice “Clara?” “Mom?” I felt tears prick my eyes, I looked down and took a deep breath.
“Honey, I really tried to stay home. But three people called out of work tonight, there’s a bug going around the clinic. I’m only there part time and I’ve been working fulltime shifts.” She explained.
“Will dad be there? I mean I’m almost there anyways.” I said and started walking again. “He will be for another 20 minutes. They called him in for patrol duty, along with your brother.”
“Why? Why do they need so many people on patrol?” I questioned. “Your dad will talk to you when you get here honey I have to go. I’m running late.”
Before I could say anything else she hung up the phone. I sighed and made my way towards my home. I notced my mother’s car backing out of the driveway as I rounded the corner, when she seen me she stopped her car in the middlenof the road and jumped out.
She ran over to and tightly embraced me, “I love you and I will come by the packhouse on my day off to talk to you properly this week, okay?” she said.
I tightened my hold on her and nodded my head. “I love you too mom.” I told her and kissed her cheek before pullimg away.
“I have to go to work, but I promise I will talk to you about everything that I know.” she kissed my cheek and rushed back to her car as she noticed a car pullimg up behind it. She waved at me as she pulled away.
I sighed and walked up to the house, I wasn’t sure if I should knock or just walk in.
As I was debating in my head what I should do, I didn’t hear the front door open. “Are gonna stand there all night?” I jumped back upon hearing my father’s voice.
He snickered at me. “Why didn’t you just come inside?”
“I… I wasn’t sure if I should knock first.” I admitted looking down. My father grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house, closing the door behind us.
He walked us into the living room, and I stood there playing with my fingers. “Hey,” he cups my cheeks with his rough hands “even when you move out, you don’t have to knock to enter this house. It will always be yours and Chase’s home.” He smiled at me and pulled me into him. I wrapped my arms around him. “I missed you daddy”
The vibration from his chest as he laughed made me giggle. “Chase said you wanted to talk.” I nodded my head “yeah but now that I’m here I can’t think of a single question I had in mind.” I rold him as I suggled into his chest more. “Nothing?”
“Actually..” my head shot up. “My witch side. She’s strong, like really strong. Are they like our wolves? Do my powers become fully ours at a certain age?”
He stood there for a full minute thinking. “From the research your mom and I did, along with the research Dan and Wendy did…no I don’t believe so. They are just there. Why?”
“Because she told me ‘soon we’ll be one’ I have no clue what that meant but my powers only work on heightened emotions. I mean you should see the forest near the southern part of the border. I wouldn’t go there if that’s where they put you, I’d ask to go someplace else, perhaps the east border.” I took a frustrated breath and looked up at my dad who was looking down at me with a smile. “What?”
“Your mother rambles when she’s frustrated too.” I blushed and rolled my eyes. “I’m annoyed and irritated, they even try to activate when I’m ab-” I quickly stopped talking when I realized I was talking to my dad and not my friends.
“When you’re about to what?” he questioned, the red on my cheels I’m sure got deeper. I heard laughter behind me, and I turned my head and seen Chase doubled over.
“Oh my gosh that’s golden. You almost buried yourself.” he laughed, while holding his stomach.
“Okay I’m lost, what’s so funny son?” Once Chase finally finished laughing he came over and whispered something into my dad ear. By the redding of my father’s cheeks I knew what he told him, which made my own cheeks feel even more red.
“I hate you.” I mouthed to my brother when he looked at me. “I love you too” he mouthed back with a smirk.
“She isn’t there?” I asked softly, after hearing some shuffling I heard her voice “Clara?” “Mom?” I felt tears prick my eyes, I looked down and took a deep breath.
My father cleared his throat, forcing me to look at him. “Young lady!” I looked down again and played with my fingers. “Yes daddy?”
“I hope that you’re smart enough to be using protection durring these…encounters.”
I saw him visibly cringe with the last word. I fought off a giggle and said “it’s not like I can get pregnant,” I mumbled.
“There was always a 5% chance that you could. And you knew that, and-” “You act like I’m doing it everyday dad. I’m not.” I said looking up at him, slightly hurt by the accusation.
“You know better than I the pull of a mate. Let alone two of them. So don’t start with me about unprotected s*x.” My dad looked genuinely hurt by what he said
“Instead of getting on to me about unprotected s*x, why don’t you talk to your son about all the girls he’s been with.” I yelled at him as I turned around and walking out the front door, slamming the door behind me.
As I continued down the sidewalk I heard my phone ring. I pulled it from my pocket, I sighed and answered it. “Are you okay? Do we have to leave this boring meeting and come get you, because we will.” Noah’s frantic voice came through the other line.
“I thought I blocked you guys. I didn’t want to disturb your meeting.” I told him. “We told you not to do that, no matter the setting or feeling.”
I heard not one but a few chuckles. “Noah, am…” I took a deep breath “am I on speaker while the meeting is happening?” I heard a noise in the trees to the left of me, but when I looked over I didn’t see anything.
“…uhhh perhaps?” “That wasn’t supposed to be a question Noah.” I heard a female voice speak. “thanks mom.” Noah grumbled.
“And when on earth are you bringing her by the house? I haven’t seen her in months because of how busy I’ve been” I let out a light giggle because I could feel Noah’s embarrassment through the bond.
I heard a tree branch snap and it caused me to stop and look Into the woods again, but I still didn’t see anything.
“Oh Clara you, Noah and Wyatt have to come for dinner this weekend.” Mrs. Evans insisted. “Mom,” Noah tried to shush his mother
“Noah, stop it.” I said loud enough for him to hear me because I’m sure he moved the phone away. “I’d love to come over for dinner. Even if the boys don’t want to Mrs. Evans.”
“See son, that’s how you properly answer an invitation.” she reprimanded him.
“Where are you at?” Wyatt’s voice came through the phone. “On the corner of 16th avenue, about to cross over into town.” I stopped again when I heard a growl comimg from behind me.
“Clara, what was that?” I heard Alpha Dan ask me.
I turned around and seen two wolves and a man I’d never seen before walking out of the woods. He was around my dad’s age with brown hair but had grey in it.
“Who are you?” I yelled at them because they were a good distance from me.
I could hear Noah and Wyatt yelling into the phone but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
He held up a gun and pointed it at me. But when he shot it at me I realized it was tranquilizer gun, I pulled the needle from my arm and dropped it. I instantly began to feel the effects of the drug but I still turned around and started running.
I put my phone back up to my ear. “Alpah Dan there’s rouges…”
“Oh honey it’s Wendy, Robin is here too.. The boys and Dan bolted out the moment Dan realized there was rouges in the territory.” she spoke softly. “Just stay on the phone until they get there.”
I felt another dart hit me in my back. They were makimg my movements sluggish. “He has a tranquilizers. He’s already shot me with 2.” The moment I felt the third one I fell to knees. “make that 3… please tell Wyatt and Noah-“
“No they are coming. They’ll be there soon.” Mrs. Nichols said.
My vision was beginning to become blurry and my head was starting to spin. “Tell them I love them.” I whispered as I felt arms around me.
My phone fell from my hand, my body was then thrown over someone’s shoulder. The last thing I seen was my pack’s treeline before I blacked out.
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