The Heart Sees
Chapter 10

Troy's P.O.V

I had just finished signing some pack transfer papers when I smelled Lu outside of my office. 'That was good timing' Brax said excitedly.

"Come in!" I shouted as I stood behind my desk. I had a huge smile on my face when I heard her footsteps come into the office, but it was dropped when I smelled a male with her.

'Did she really replace a possible mate?' Brax growled at me.

'I don't think she would have found one that fast' I replied nervously.

"Hello alpha" I heard Lu snap me out of my thoughts with her sweet voice.

"Hello, who is this you brought with you?" I asked immediately.

"This is Liam, he is a good friend" she said, stressing the word friend. I looked in her direction with confusion.

"It's a pleasure to meet you one to one alpha" Liam said with a bow.

"Are you one of the new patrols?" I asked curiously.

"Yes alpha" Liam answered.

"I was hoping that it would be okay if Liam came over sometimes? I wanted his help in the kitchen with some recipes I want to try out. But I wanted to see if it was okay first since most pack members aren't allowed up here" she rambled cutely.

"That's fine. As long as you clean up after yourselves and Liam doesn't cause any trouble for Terry and I" I said honestly.

I heard small footsteps approach me and I didn't move from behind the desk. I felt Lu tug at the sleeve of my shirt so I turned to face her. "Thank you alpha" she said sweetly before throwing her arms around me in a hug. I stood still for a moment since she caught me off guard. Then I wrapped my arms around her and hugged back, enjoying her sweet omega scent.

"You're welcome" I mumbled, sensing the surprise coming from Liam. Lu released me from the hug and Brax whined from loss of contact.

"Meet me in my room in a couple hours?" She asked cutely.

"Sure" I replied with a soft smile.

'She knows we can't say no to her right?' Brax grumbled.

"Will we be meeting alone?" I suddenly asked.

"Yes, Liam has patrol tonight" she said sweetly and I smiled at her. "Why?"

"I just had some things I wanted to discuss about your past" I said vaguely, not wanting to expose too much in front of Liam.

"Okay" she said sadly.

"Thank you for allowing me to come in Alpha" Liam said and I heard the sound of rustling, implying he was bowing.

"You're welcome" I replied sternly, shifting my gaze in his direction as I smelled the fear coming off of him.

I listened to their footsteps as they headed down to the kitchen. 'I wonder how they became such close friends' Brax asked.

'I'm not sure... do you think he wants her as a mate?' I asked.

'If she does she is really good at hiding it. She didn't indicate attraction in him at all and her wolf didn't seem excited by his presence like she gets with us' Brax thought.

'I guess that's a good sign, I'll have to ask her about it later' I replied as I sat back down at my desk. It wasn't long before another knock sounded at the door.

"Come in Terry" I shouted.

"How do you always know it's me?" He chuckled as he walked in, sitting across from me.

"The way that you knock and the sound of your footsteps... not to mention your aweful stench" I teased with a smirk.

"As if , you're the smelly one" He defended. "Did you meet the new guy Lu brought?" He asked.

I clenched my jaw, "I did".

"And?" He prodded.

"And what? Lu said they were friends so if spending time with him makes her happy then I won't ban him from the pack house. She has been through a lot" I grumbled.

"Do you think she likes him, as a mate?" Terry asked.

"I didn't get that sense from her, why?" I deflected.

"Well.... I think he's pretty hot" Terry sighed.

"Wait... you like Liam?" I asked with wide eyes, my mouth hanging open slightly.

"I mean I could if I got to know him.... he seems sweet. But I don't know if he likes guys" Terry frowned. "And it isn't something I can just go ask him" he added in frustration.

"I say we see how they act around each other, that should give a clear indication" I thought out loud.

"Alright, I'll keep an eye on them" Terry nodded.

"Are you sure about this? You haven't been interested in anyone" I asked curiously.

"Yeah... there is just some sort of spark there that I wanna explore. As crazy as that sounds" Terry chuckled.

"It doesn't sound crazy" I mumbled before getting back to work on some pack files.

Terry and I were interrupted about an hour later by the sound of roaring laughter and high pitched sqeaking. "What on earth are they doing down there?" Terry grumbled.

"Lu said something about baking" I shrugged.

"I'm going to investigate" Terry stood, walkinv abruptly out of the room.

'She does sound happy...' Brax stated longingly.

It didn't take long for Terry to storm back into the office, but he smelled oddly like dough. "Whatever you do do not go down there" Terry warned.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"They're having a food fight and I got caught in the cross fire" Terry complained and I burst out laughing. "I'm glad someone thinks this is funny" he mumbled.

"Well as long as they clean up after I don't have a problem with it" I shrugged.

"You know she said she has a surprise for you" Terry teased.

"Oh?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"Yeah, although I have no clue what it is" Terry shrugged.

"Did Liam look like he was making any moves?" I asked.

"No, they were just playing around, there wasn't even physical contact when I walked in" Terry said thoughtfully.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks".

"You know you could just ask her to be mates" Terry sighed.

"It has to be her choice... I can't burden her with a blind mate, not when she has been through so much" I said sadly.

"I really don't think she cares about that. You should see the way she looks at you. it's obvious that she likes you" Terry smiled. "If she does choose you will you say yes?" He pushed.

"I probably would, yes" I admitted sheepishly.

"Well then congratulations on your new mate. The pack will finally have a luna" Terry said excitedly.

"How can you be so sure?" I growled "why would she want me?"

"I am sure that she wants you... did you know she didn't even talk to any of the mateless males outside of the hospital after you left?" Terry raised an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, the other guys mind linked me and said Liam just snagged her away and she didn't seem interested in any of them" Terry explained.

"Wow.... but she hasn't even known me long... why would she..." I was baffled.

"Because she likes you! I say you two stop wasting time and get together already" Terry laughed.

"Not yet... she has to come to me" I mumbled.

"Okay but when she does you better not reject her!" Terry warned.

"I would never!" I yelled, shooting out of my seat.

I could feel Terry's grin, "told you so" he said smugly before walking out of the room.

****a while later*****

It was finally time for me to meet Lu in her room and I was a ball of nerves. I took a few breaths before knocking on her door. I heard the pitter patter of footsteps followed by the door opening, "hi alpha" she said softly "come in" I heard her shuffle away from the door as I walked through. "I have a surprise for you" I could feel her smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"What is it?" I askec curiously. Then I felt her hand grab mine as she tugged at my arm. I followed her over to the seating area in the corner when the smell of cherry pie hit my nose.

"I made you something to try" she said nervously as I heard some dishes scraping. "Trust me?" She asked and I nodded. "Open your mouth" she asked and I was so surprised that my mouth dropped open. She placed what felt like a fork in my mouth and I tasted the cherry pie, cleaning off the fork.

"That is really good, is this what you and Liam were working on?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"Yes, Liam is coming by again tomorrow to apologize to beta for throwing dough all over him" she chuckled as we both took a seat.

"I heard about that, Terry was quite upset about it" I felt a plate being set in my lap so I grabbed it.

"I apologized a bunch all ready but he insisted it was okay. He seemed more angry with Liam...." she muttered quietly as I started eating the pie.

"I wanted to ask about something" I said, feeling my anger surface again.

"Okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I asked your previous pack to drop off your things..." I started and heard her sigh. "They only brought one cardboard box.... did they take your things for themselves?" I asked, clenching my jaw.

"No, that's all my things" she said softly.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "But the clothes in there were just rags and the only other thing there was your medicine...."

"Yes.... that's all I had" she sniffled.

"But your old pack is very well off, surely they could afford to buy you real clothes" I said angrilly, setting the plate down on the table as I stood up and started pacing. "I mean where are all of your family things? Pictures, heirlooms?" I huffed, Brax pacing in my mind as well... he was furious.

"I didn't need much" she whispered shyly.

"But you deserve at least some decent clothing! And every parent leaves some sort of heriloom or dowry of some sort... you should of had.... I mean" I growled, still pacing.

"Alpha, it's fine" she said as I heard her stand up.

"Did they even give you a bed?" I growled, rage flowing through me.

"Alpha why are you so angry?" She asked shakily.

"Answer the question" I grumbled.

"I had a room..." she said vaguely.

"Did it have a bed?" I quipped.

"There were some pillows...." she started and I was ready to lose it. My whole body was shaking... omegas should be treasured and protected not treated like some prisoner! I could feel Brax struggling to get out when Lu wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her face into my chest. "It wasn't that bad" she sniffled.

"Tomorrow I am taking you to town and we are getting you some new things.... no arguments" I mumbled, wrapping my arms around her as I started to calm down.

"Yes alpha" she said quietly.

I sighed, "thank you for the pie, it was really delicious" I smiled softly at her as she released me from the hug.

"You're welcome alpha" she mumbled.

"I have some paper work for you to fill out... your official pack transfer papers. You don't have to sign them now but if you decided to stay, sign and give them to me. That way no one can disspute that you're part of this pack" I explained as I handed her the papers.

"Thank you alpha" she said shakily.

"I'll stop by your room tomorrow morning so we can head to town. Terry will be joining so if you want to invite Liam you can" I said stiffly.

"Yes alpha" She replied with a bow.

"Goodnight Lu" I said softly as I walked to the door.

"Goodnight alpha" she replied and I sighed. Closing the door behind me. I wish she would call me by my name....

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