The Luna's Pure Heart -
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 24
(Eleanor pov)
The door flung open, and in walked a petite blonde wearing the shortest dress I have ever seen in my life. Her cleavage was more than visible and her face was scrunched up in a scowl.
“Who the hell sent me this food?!” She shouted, causing me to jump.
Who was this girl and why was she so freaking rude?
“Was there an issue with your lunch Miss Steele?” Jane asked curtly, her stance strong and her face stoic.
Miss Steele, was she related to Damion? I tried to think of everything I knew about the Alpha King but nothing came up about a sister or cousin that I could recall. I knew the previous King was married but with who, I had no idea.
Looking at this woman Kari let out a low growl, her hair standing up on the back of her neck and the feeling of pure distaste filled me. She did not like this girl whatsoever.
Miss Steele crossed her arms and stomped her foot like a child, narrowing her eyes at Jane. Two other people rushed into the kitchen, one carrying a tray full of broken pieces of a plate and unrecognizable food.
I couldn’t help but notice the young brunette holding the tray kept her eyes on the floor and was visibly shaking. After examining her further, there was a red handprint smack dab in the middle of her cheek. Who the hell was this girl and what right did she have to treat someone like this? So far from what I have seen in the castle, omegas had better treatment and living conditions here than B***d Moon. Was I wrong about that? Jane seemed pretty happy and I can’t imagine Lance or Lucas sitting back and letting that happen.
“I specifically said no onion, and yet the first bite I take, there was a f*****g onion.” The blonde woman seethed, her eyes burning into Jane as I was about to walk towards the brunette and take the tray from her. Seeing how much distress she was in.
Pierce gripped my arm tighter, shaking his head no as I bit my l*p nervously. For some reason, seeing this woman talk this way toward Jane, it made me want to punch her in her snooty little face..or maybe that was Kari’s feelings coursing through me. I was never one for violence honestly but something tells me this isn’t the Blonde’s first time throwing a tantrum and it won’t be her last.
“Miss Steele, I can guarantee there were no onions, maybe what you tasted was the celery I added.” Jane tried to reason with her. I was kind of impressed she stood her ground and didn’t just apologize and back away like some would. I got the sense this blonde woman was higher up, who she was exactly I had no freaking clue or inclination.
She scoffed loudly while flipping her bleached blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Do you think in an i***t? I know what a f*****g onion tastes like omega. You don’t believe me?” Her eyes grew wide and looked around erratically, she looked insane..maybe she was insane.
“No Miss, I believe you, but I personally made that salad, so how an onion got in there is baffling.” Jane spoke calmly, she definitely has dealt with this type of behavior before.
“Here, try it, then you can see for yourself. ” She raced over, yanking the tray from the poor server, and slammed it onto the counter.
Obviously, there were small pieces of broken porcelain from the plates all throughout the now-ruined salad. She can’t be evil is this woman. That would cut Jane’s mouth up easily.
“I’ll take your word for it, Miss, I will gladly make you a new one, you can watch too if you like.” Jane smiled brightly, making the horrible woman even more furious.
“I said…” She hissed through clenched teeth, making a point to enunciate the last two words, trying to make her point very clear.
Jane blinked her eyes, this woman’s aura was obviously too strong for Jane to say no. So she must have been above an omega at least. She went to reach for the fork with shaky hands as the room filled with silence. That’s when I had seen more than enough.
I ripped my arm from Pierce’s grasp and stepped forward.
“No, put the fork down.” My voice was firm and full of confidence.
Overriding whatever authority she had over Jane causing her to relax her shoulders and let out a deep breath she had been holding. She quickly dropped the fork and lowered her head submissively..toward me? I blinked from surprise as all of the kitchen staff were now lowering their head in respect.
Pierce froze, the woman not even realizing I was there until this very moment. She whirled around, her eyes wild as she locked them on me and clenched her hands in fists.
“And who the hell do you think you are b***h?!” She shouted, her words rude and malicious as Pierce stepped in front of me protectively.
“Move…MOVE!” She walked forward, trying to move Pierce aside to get to me. I watched as she tried to maneuver around him and knew I needed to say more.
“I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk to my friend like that. She offered to make you another salad, which is more than generous after the scene you have just caused.” Where the hell was this confidence comin from?!
Maybe having Pierce standing in front of me helped a little, but I wasn’t some small omega anymore. Those years of abuse and neglect made me realize just how poorly we were most omega are treated. I wasn’t going to sit here and let it happen again.
I stepped to the side, locking eyes with Miss Steele as she looked me up and down, a bitter chuckle leaving her as she absorbed my appearance.
“You must be new here, I could have your f*****g head for what you just said to me.” She laughed. Her hand flew out, trying to grip my hair as Pierce quickly intervened by gripping her wrist and twisting it painfully.
“What the hell!! Let me go!!” She cried out, her knee buckling as Pierce put more pressure on her hands, the bone twisting unnaturally.
“It would be wise for you not to threaten the future Queen like that again Stacy.” Pierce’s voice boomed through the kitchen, causing Stacy’s eyes to practically bulged out of her head as her mouth gaped open and closed multiple times like a fish out of water.
“Fu..future Queen.” She sputtered, eyeing me once more as I stepped forward, looking down as she was helpless beneath Pierce’s grasp.
“I think you owe my friend here an apology.” I proclaimed, my arms crossing in front of my chest as I looked down at this horribly rude woman.
Jane gasped, blinking from surprise as she looked at me curiously.
“No way in hell am I apologizing to a low omega like her.” She physically spat at my feet.
Pierce twisted again, making Stacy cry out as tears began streaming down her cheeks.
I stepped in front of her, that rare anger deep inside of me surfacing as I looked fiercely into her eyes.
“Apologize.” I said calmly, my voice firm and unwavering, making Stacy bare her neck in submission. Woah..what was happening to me.
‘See, you do have a backbone.’
Kari chimed, her tail wagging happily as I watched this girl apologize to Jane.
“I’m sorry.” She gritted through her teeth. There..that wasn’t so hard. Was it sincere? No way in hell..but it was the most we would get.
Jane just nodded her head, looking towards me once more with surprise filling her expression.
“Now next time, maybe just ask nicely and your food will be replaced and come to you quicker. I’m sure the kitchen staff would appreciate that greatly..but if I see another one of the castle staff getting abused by you, I have no choice but to go straight to my mate..the King.” Okay..was I bluffing a little? Yeah..maybe a lot…I honestly felt like I might vomit with how confrontational I just was..also would Damion even listen to me or care? Probably not…
Just then I had the strangest Damion was somehow watching me. I quickly stood up and cleared my throat, feeling self-conscious now considering I felt like his heart was beating somewhere close by…I don’t know how the hell I knew, or if I was just paranoid but I felt like he had been listening this whole time.
Pierce loosened his grip as I stepped back, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as Stacy jerked her hand away angrily.
“Bitch..” she muttered under her mouth, causing Pierce to step towards her once more. I quickly reached my hand out, gripping his arm as I shook my head no, it wasn’t worth it..not one bit.
“I will be talking to Damion about this.” She spat and stomped out of the kitchen.
I let out a deep breath I had been holding and my knees felt weak. Suddenly Jane rushed over towards me, her arms wrapping around me as she smiled happily.
“You have no idea how long I have been waiting for someone to do that!! You truly are something amazing..our Queen.” She quickly stepped back and bowed her head, prompting the rest of them to do that, even Pierce began to kneel and my eyes widened.
“No, please..please don’t do that. No one deserves to be treated that way. I was just doing what I felt was right. So please, let’s just call if even now, for how kind and welcoming you have been to me.” I smiled brightly, causing Jane to nod her head and grin.
Whoever Stacy Steele is…I have a feeling this was just the beginning. She seemed like the kind of girl who was used to getting her way.
Suddenly I felt like I heard something. It sounded like a low possessive growl and a scared whimper. Straining my ears, I tried to listen again and heard nothing else..maybe it was just my imagination.
Then the feeling of Damion was gone, wherever he was, I’m sure he was too busy and wasn’t even thinking of me.
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