The Luna's Pure Heart -
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 49
(Damion pov)
It was hard not to continuously check my watch every few minutes, calculating each second I have wasted with these pricks when I could be with my mate.
I do have to say though, seeing my Uncle’s face fill with shock from seeing my mark was priceless. That was the best part about all of this. He thought he was surprising me by arriving early, but boy did I turn the tables on him.
Looking over at my Uncle as we walked towards our meeting room, I could see his quick glances towards my neck. He must have really believed I would never do it..hell..I guess I never believed I would either. What a fool I had been..these past two days have been the best days of my life so far, and I have a feeling with Eleanor it will keep getting better and better.
Lance practically tackled me down with a bear hug when he first saw me…acting like this was the best news in the world. He begged me to go let him see Eleanor and there was no way in hell I was going to do that…people thought I was possessive and protective of her it will be much worse and Titus is even more possessive than one look at our mate might get someone seriously killed…just saying.
Can I confess that is partly why I didn’t want Eleanor to greet the Elders..because I honestly don’t know if I can contain Titus when it comes to her..she is off limits completely for now until Titus settles down a little.
We all took our seats, there were six Elders here with us today, and of course, they were all of my uncle’s usual lackeys. I was not going to give in this time though, especially with Richards. The fact that he ordered my mate’s parents to be killed..he is dead..he will never leave those dungeons again.
I tried to reign in Titus when this information was shared with me from Lance not too long ago. That was partly why I apprehended Richards to be honest, because of all the pain he had caused Eleanor. The fact that he was one of my father’s greatest allies too was an added bonus.
Now there is one man man that was behind all of this.
I glanced toward my uncle, seeing the smug look on his face as I sat at the head of the table. My Beta’s, Gamma, and a few higher-ranking guards were here with me. The elders seemed to bring their own guards as well, which I replace interesting..
“Okay, let’s get started. Thank you all for being able to travel here so quickly. I understand you are very busy men and have a lot of things going on.” I boomed, sitting straight and hiding every emotion that filled me.
I needed to be the cool, calm and collected Alpha King who doesn’t give a s**t about anything..which couldn’t be further than the truth at this moment. I cared very strongly about one girl to be exact and this affects her as much as it does me. Richards is a common enemy we share, and I vow to make him pay for all of the things he has done.
“Of course Your Majesty, we are honored to be here.” My Uncle spoke smugly, he always took the reigns of these meetings, acting like he was running them and we should be bowing down to him. What a f*****g a*****e…
“And may I say, congratulations on sealing your bond with your beautiful mate. Will the future queen be joining us for dinner?” He glanced at me sideways, his eyes flashing with something I didn’t like as I tried my hardest not to lunge across the table and rip his throat out right here. No way in hell am I letting him anywhere near my Darling Eleanor.
“I’m sorry, she will not be joining us this evening.” I spoke curtly, ending this conversation about her now before he really pisses me off.
“I see, what a shame.” He frowned looking at me intently. The air grew thick with tension as we stared at one another.
“Shall we get started, gentlemen?” Lance cut in, sensing the situation could escalate at any moment.
“Yes, I believe you are all here to try and discuss the fate of Keneth Richards. But I am afraid that your trip has been in vain gentlemen, because we have already decided he will be executed on the night of the next full moon.” I announced, my eyes locking on my uncle as I witnessed his jaw clench with anger. The other men began to look between themselves, surprise clearly on all of their faces.
“On a full moon your Highness? That is a sacred time..only the greatest of offenders against our kind are executed during that time.” One man said, his voice wavering and unsure.
I knew the rules and traditions just as much as they did, if not better. My father practically beat them into me so I would be the ultimate Alpha King and he the man behind me, telling me what to do. That obviously didn’t end up working out in his favor.
“I know this, do you not think he is a worthy candidate?” I asked firmly, keeping my face passive as the man shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
Before he could answer, my uncle butt in, like I expected him to. Lucas gave me a knowing look like he expected it as well. Jake had to stay passive during these meetings, convincing my uncle he still despises me.
“Damion, that is hardly an offense to be executed on a full moon..” he chastised making me almost lose control.
“That is King Damion to you.” I barked, my hand slamming on the table, causing everyone but my uncle to flinch, which pissed me off even more.
I kid you not, his eyes flashed with excitement as a menacing grin appeared.
“King Damion..don’t you think you are acting rash for a first-time offender, the man made one mistake and yet he will be given a traitor’s execution.” He spoke brazenly, I could see how he was setting me up, how he wanted me to fly off the handle and stay true to what they labeled me..a beast..a monster who loses control.
I refused to be that any longer…I had someone who didn’t see me like that now, who embraced all of me and accepted me.
“Elder Paul, do you not think murdering innocent people who wanted to rehome their families is not enough of a crime punishable by death? That the same man then traded those children whose parents he murdered for money to try and repair the debt and damage he and his pack caused? Is this the behavior of a good Alpha?” I expressed firmly, keeping a calm presence and remembering my sweet mate in the back of my mind. Her presence in our bond anchored me and grounded me, even making Titus sit taller as we put Elder Paul in his place.
“Where are you getting your information from?” He snapped, glancing towards Jake and back to me. I’m guessing he feels blindsided, and to be honest, I’m done playing these games…I’m done letting Elder Paul think he has a say.
“This information is easy to access..just look at half of their pack’s lineage, and how many orphans have filled those walls. One being my own mate, your future queen. This man killed her parents when they tried to change packs, that alone is punishable by death. Do you not agree?” My words soaked into him as he realized there was no way he could save Richard’s way in hell..not when he killed the Queen’s parents. Jake did some digging and there were countless witnesses multiple times throughout the year. We put the older beta in charge and he seemed to even disagree with how the Alpha behaved. The fact he knew and didn’t report it pissed me off, but he seemed like a remorseful man..I will give him one chance only..Eleanor must really be changing me because, in the past, I wouldn’t even do that.
“How do we know your MATE is even telling the truth, how much do you know about this girl..seems like you trusted the last one and we all saw..” My uncle started and I snapped..I guess it was too soon to say I was calm and collected..
I flew across the table, my hand gripping his throat as I bared my fangs in his face and snarled. His eyes widened, a flash of fear showing before he could compose himself, and that’s when the smug look replaced that fear I know was dwelling deep inside.
My claws slid out, piercing his flesh as a gurgling sound escaped his constricted throat.
“Don’t you ever..and I mean EVER speak about my mate again. Say whatever you like about me, but as soon as you utter a single word about my mate I will kill you. This is your only warning UNCLE..” I growled in his face, rage pouring out of me as he turned his neck in submission. This was the only time my uncle ever submitted to me involuntarily and I knew right away that he felt my strength and how much more powerful I had become after replaceing my mate. Which was saying something considering I was already the most powerful in the realm.
“Do I make myself clear?” I said between clenched teeth, my grip tightening as his eyes bulged. He quickly nodded his head and I let him go, making him fall back in his chair while he sputtered and gasped for air.
I meant it too, I would kill him right here and now..and suddenly I began to wonder, why the hell haven’t I just done it already? If he messes with my mate..I will make it so he wishes he is dead..he will beg me to end his life and I will laugh in his face while he screams for mercy..let’s see him try..
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