The Luna's Pure Heart
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 58

(Damion pov)

I sat on the edge of our bed as I watched Eleanor sleep peacefully. Her silver hair sparkled from the sunlight as it filled the room and I felt my breath catch in my throat just from the sight of her. It was past noon now and our wolves had stayed out all night and most of the early hours of morning. I knew Eleanor needed to rest, this had been the longest she had shifted for and it wiped her out completely.

‘King Damion, we have Richards in the holding cell ready for the interrogation.’

Lucas linked me.

I needed to handle this now while Eleanor is sleeping because I don’t want to miss one waking moment with her.

‘Be right down, did Jake grab everything we need?’

I replied and bent over quickly, kissing Eleanor softly on the head. A small smile pulled at her lips as she turned and snuggled into the blankets further..why was she so f*****g adorable?! I’m not used to thinking things are cute or adorable..but every little thing she does has me bursting inside.

‘Yes, it’s all set up for you.’

I knew this wasn’t going to be pretty, but we needed to get some answers from one of my Uncle’s biggest allies..he was a huge part of this..and now that he found out Elder Paul wanted him dead, he seems more inclined to talk.

‘Pierce, I want you and another guard by the bedroom door, then two more by the elevator. No one but me comes in or out of this place.’

I commanded through the link while standing up and walking towards the door.

‘Yes, Your Majesty.’

He responded earnestly, nodding his head towards me as I walked out.

I glanced back one last time, committing my sleeping mate to memory as I pushed those warm feelings down. I needed to be the ruthless Alpha King for this..the man who is willing to do anything to get some answers..Sadly I have a feeling that Richards won’t make it to the full-moon execution.

‘We should just go down there and kill them all, end this right now, and keep our mate safe.’

Titus snarled, not seeing the point in keeping any of them alive.

Honestly, I want to do this to prove something, to show that I’m not the ruthless king who flies off the handle and makes rash decisions..I did that so many times before and my uncle used it against me..I know for a fact if I did that again, he would replace a way to bury me with it..even if he’s dead and no longer in this world, he would somehow replace a way..that’s why I am doing this by the book, to show Elder Paul that he is no longer in charge and he will have to live the rest of his life miserable and rotting in a cell while I rule this kingdom.

I took the elevator down, my hands clenched into fists as I rocked back on the heel of my foot. I made sure to tie my hair up for this and put on a black t-shirt tucked into black pants. I knew they were most likely about to be ruined but I had many more like them, so it didn’t matter.

Suddenly the elevator stopped on the third floor, opening to my smirking Beta Lance as he wore clothes pretty much identical to mine.

“Looks like we both got the outfit memo. Where’s Eleanor?” He asked while slipping his hands into his pocket and stepping in next to me.

“She is still asleep, I don’t want her to know about this either Lance, do you understand me?” I said firmly, looking at him sideways as he shrugged his shoulders.

“Then what will we talk about at our next sleepover?” He teased and I couldn’t stop the low growl that came rumbling through me.

“You just know exactly what to say to piss me off don’t you?” I glared at him and he smiled even wider.

“Just getting you in the right frame of mind. If you walk in pissed off, I’m sure he will be more inclined to speak sooner.” He said like the smart a*s he is.

“By the way, when will you let me see Angel? I miss her..” His voice was serious now, and I tried not to snap at the nickname he always called her because looking at him, I could see he really meant it and cared for her.

I knew they had become close friends but maybe I did need to let Eleanor see others in the castle more..the last thing I want to do is keep her a prisoner in her own’s just hard not to want to lock her away after all of this s**t. But the future Queen does need a strong group around her and I know that even though Lance goofs around most of the time, he really cares for Eleanor’s well-being and wants to protect’s only natural. The Beta and Gamma of a pack are born with that instinct, to protect the Alpha’s mate at all costs because the Luna is supposed to be the most important thing to the Alpha.

So just imagine what it must be like for my three higher ranks considering Eleanor is the Luna Queen, those feelings must be multiplied tenfold. I even see it with Jake, he isn’t one to talk about his emotions or feelings often, but seeing how he punched Elder Paul, I knew he did it because of what he said about Eleanor. He even asks about her a lot, and Lucas is just relieved I gave up on that “plan” I had. He was not okay with it and it was really stressing him out, so when I admitted I had true feelings for Eleanor I could see the relief wash over him.

I still can’t believe all of the s**t I put Eleanor through, the memories filled my mind as we walked through the cell doors. How I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her through these halls..I felt like a completely different that man wasn’t even me, he was just a shell filled with complete darkness. I would kill that man today, for laying a single finger on my mate, for the way he talked to her and even looked at her like she was nothing.

To think she forgave me so easily, how she put all of her trust and faith in me from the start..I felt guilty, because I know those memories live inside of her and yet she doesn’t show a single ounce of fear, even back then she only feared my rejection..not me.

Turning the corner, I walked towards the cell Richards was placed in. We made sure to put my uncle in the heavily guarded area where it was a separate room where you needed codes and different verifications to enter and exit. There was no way anyone would get in or out of that place without me knowing.

Lance knocked on the cell door in front of us rapidly three times, then another two much slower. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he smiled widely.

“It’s not often we get to use the secret knock, gotta take advantage of it while we can.” He was having too much fun with this and I couldn’t help but snicker.

Before I could make a comment, the door opened and I found Lucas, Jake, and another one of our warriors Leo inside. Leo was one of Jake’s old friends from when they were kids, he trusts him with his life, therefore I do too.

‘I forgot to ask, did Carol and Stacy get out of the castle grounds with the allotted time I gave them?’

I quickly inquired with Lucas since he was the one I put in charge of the task.

‘Yes, Your Majesty, Stacy tried her hardest to stay..offering things I can’t even repeat without feeling physically ill.’

He linked with a visible shudder and I could only imagine what she offered..she was definitely barking up the wrong tree, Lucas dislikes her the most out of everyone here.

‘Thanks for doing that, we will have the rooms stripped and cleaned then let Eleanor remodel them any way she would like, but we can take care of that later.’

I needed to get back on track, we could worry about all of that later..why does my mind keep wandering back to my Bunny? I need to get my head on straight..

I looked into the corner of the room, Richards sat in a steel chair with a black cloth bag over his head and his hands tied behind his back. He had been staying in the other room for a little while, just because I wanted him to let his guard down and get comfortable..but now the real hell starts for him.

I have a lot of questions to ask this man and he will be answering, we might have injected him with the truth serum that we also gave’s not a magic potion necessarily but when one is weak it tends to make them blurt out the first answer that comes to mind which is most times the truth. Is it one hundred percent effective? Not always, but for weaker werewolves it definitely lends a helping hand, and right now Richards is the weakest he has ever been.

I nodded tightly, looking down at the metal table with all of my tools I would be using. We had pliers, a hammer, a carving knife, a machine that sends electric waves to the body, and lastly..something that is oddly Lance’s favorite, a black chalkboard. I know, you wouldn’t think it would be used for torture, but werewolves have very sensitive hearing and when Lance scrapes his claws down that board.. let’s just say it even annoys the rest of us. We usually leave the room when he uses that..once he used it and when we came back the prisoner had somehow ripped one of his ears off. So it is effective, to say the least.

“Pull it off.” I commanded cooly, walking in front of Richards as I looked down at him with pure hatred.

I really did hate this guy so much. He was always so smug and pompous. He and my father had been best friends for the longest time, that was why my dad didn’t say a single thing when he took over all of those packs. Most people would think it’s alarming that he took control of most of the western region, but not my dad, he acted proud.

Leo ripped off the bag and Richards flinched, his eyes opening and shutting erratically as he tried to adjust to the light.

“I..I already told you everything..” he gasped, already seeming out of breath when we haven’t even started.

“And what do you classify as everything Richards?” My voice was as cold as ice, the tone visibly affecting him as he began shuddering uncontrollably.

“” He chattered through his teeth and my annoyance level already began to rise..what an excuse for an Alpha.

“Maybe we should warm him up a little?” I smirked, glancing back toward Jake as he knew exactly what I was getting at.

He quickly grabbed the shocking machine and Richards’s eyes widened in shock.

“W..wait..n..o..I will tell you.” He managed to choke out and I held up a hand, signaling for Jake to wait.

“You get one chance Richards, that’s all I’m willing to give you.” I spoke sternly, knowing he knew I wasn’t a man for empty threats.

“Okay, okay!” He yelled out, the reality of how deep in this s**t he was finally setting in.

“That a*****e Paul, he started all of this, he was the one that set me up with the traffickers..saying he knew how I could get some quick cash.” He began talking, looking between all of us as he began sweating profusely.

“Where are these girls being sold to?” Lucas quickly interjected, he hates when innocent people are being used and abused like this more than anyone.

“Other packs, rogues, some even for his personal use.” He blurted out, the truth serum seeming to be doing a fine job.

Jake was practically a living lie detector as well, so he knew when someone was telling the simplest of lies. I glanced over at him and he nodded slightly.

“Is there a list of these girls?” I asked angrily, these women were being traded against their will and my Uncle was behind it.

“No, you seem to have forgotten who your Uncle is..has he ever left evidence? He even tried to kill me.” He laughed, making me lose control for a brief second as I gripped his throat firmly.

“I wouldn’t be laughing right now if I were you.” I growled through clenched teeth, causing Richards to bare his neck in submission.

“Does anyone else know about this, we need the names of every pack, every elder involved, and any of the rogue’s names.” I ordered and he shook his head vehemently.

“Jake, make sure you write it all down, I want a list of everything he remembers.” I instructed my Gamma and let go of the man’s throat. I quickly turned to walk away as I heard him coughing.

“King Slayer, I must warn you, since Paul has no alliance to me, I have none to him..that mate of yours. He has set his eyes on her..I have heard there are people in this castle, those you least suspect, they are working for him..” he warned me, thinking this just might save his life as I paused momentarily.

“Is there anything else?” I asked cooly and he shook his head no.

‘Kill him after he gives you all of the names.’

I linked to Jake and I saw the corner of his mouth twitch into a smile.

‘As you wish My King.’

He said all too happily as I couldn’t help but smile myself while walking back down the hall..okay, maybe I do still act irrationally sometimes, but this one seems warranted right? After all, he did hurt my Bunny, and no one deserves to live after that.

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