The Luna's Pure Heart -
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 61
(Eleanor pov)
“Darling, are you sure you don’t want me to handle this?” Damion asked while looking down at me, his eyes almost pleading like he didn’t want me to be away from him for a single second.
“No, it wouldn’t feel right, I need to be upfront with her and just say she might be better suited to help with something else.” I sighed, listen..I will be honest, I was nervous as hell because this will be the first time I ever do something like this.
Usually, I’m someone to sit back and go with the flow but this feels like the right move. Something about Piper rubs me the wrong way, it isn’t enough to kick her out of the castle but the feeling tells me to stay away from her as much as possible.
I swear she is always lurking around every corner, listening in on conversations or going through my stuff. I haven’t caught her in the act but I sense her presence and feel like someone is always watching me. I didn’t tell Damion that much because I knew he would demand that she should be fired and possibly sent to the a gut feeling enough to warrant that? I honestly have no idea..but if it continues after this and she seems to still be lurking around then I will say something. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, my mom always was that way so maybe it was instilled into me from a young age.
Damion bent down, his lips pressing against mine gently as he pulled me into him. I fluttered my eyes shut, relishing his touch as he pressed deeper into me. The action caused a soft whimper to leave me as Damion let out a deep g***n that rumbled through me. I knew what he was trying to do..and sadly it was starting to work.
I quickly pulled away gasping for air as he looked down at me innocently.
“You almost had me there.” I panted, narrowing my eyes at him as the cutest lopsided smile pulled on his lips.
“Had to give it a shot Bunny.” He admitted and I playfully slapped him on the chest, making him laugh.
“I will just be in my office then, unless you need me for moral support?” He pleaded one last time and I shook my head softly.
“Jane will be there, then afterwards I can bring you a snack.” I tried to bribe, but of course, that seemed to backfire with my naughty mate. His mind is always in the gutter!
“Hmm, I have been wanting to spread those beautiful legs apart and feast on that sweet p***y of yours.” He whispered into my ear, causing my cheeks to burn as I gasped in surprise.
“Damion!! You can’t just say things like that.” I hissed and glanced around, seeing if anyone was close enough to hear us. Thank the Goddess I didn’t see anyone..but with my luck, it would have been Lance.
“I think I can Bunny..I am the king after all.” He whispered roughly against my ear, causing my stomach to flip as his hands lowered down my back and settled settled on my a*s.
“You are trouble.” I mumbled, lifting up on my toes as I pressed a delicate k**s to his soft lips.
“Now let me do this and stop distracting me.” I quickly pulled away, causing him to sigh heavily and frown.
“Fine, but link me if there are any issues, I’m serious Eleanor.” He spoke firmly and I nodded my head.
After finally getting him to leave, which took another five minutes of endless k****s, I was right outside of Jane’s office. Since she was the head omega and chef she had her own area to keep track of everything.
I knocked gently on the door, taking a steady breath as I tried to get all the courage I needed.
“Come in.” I heard her say softly as I opened the door. She was sitting at her desk writing out something when she glanced up.
Her eyes filled with surprise as she quickly stood.
“Eleanor, I have been waiting for you to stop by, I thought you have forgotten about me My Queen.” She smiled and teased me playfully. I couldn’t help but feel more relaxed instantly.
I smiled back at her walking into her office and plopped down in the chair across from her.
“You know, some would think I am the one in charge around here by the way you treat me.” She looked at me sideways and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well, let’s just say old habits die hard. You are the head chef after all.” I quipped and she shook her head laughing.
“I was beginning to think our King had locked you away again. But by the looks of it, I don’t think you have minded too much.” She teased and I couldn’t help but blush.
“I have been meaning to come down and help out, I just have been a little distracted lately.” I said sheepishly, causing her to laugh.
“Eleanor, you know you aren’t obligated to lift even a single finger around here..but I do miss your company, all of the girls do.” Jane smiled at me kindly and I couldn’t help but feel my heart swelling with happiness. They really have become my new friends and I enjoy spending time with them, I can’t forget about that.
“I wanted to talk with you about something, I hope it isn’t an inconvenience in any way.” I began, wanting to get this part over with as soon as possible.
Jane sat down and looked at me curiously as she folded her hands together.
“What is it, My Queen?” She asked me in a more serious tone. She has been calling me that more recently which I am still getting used to.
“Well, I was wondering if it would be possible to switch my assistant, Piper, with someone else.” I just came out and said it and surprisingly Jane looked somewhat relieved.
“Did you speak with the King about this?” She asked suddenly which surprised me, I guess everything still had to go through him in the end.
“Yes, and he agreed, her and I..we just don’t have much in common.” I tried to put it lightly, just in case Jane was close with Piper. They didn’t seem like it but she must have chosen her for a reason.
“Well, that’s an understatement..I was surprised the king chose her to be your personal assistant to begin with, considering she was one of Stacy’s girls.” Her words surprised me..I thought Damion said Jane chose her.
“He said that you picked her for me..” I blurted, not having a good feeling about that I know she was Stacy’s friend all along.
Jane blinked in surprise, looking at me with confusion.
“No, I would never..that’s interesting..she did just show up randomly and say she was assigned to you. I thought it odd but the king..he was different at that you know.” She seemed deep in thought and I nodded my head. Damion was a lot different a few months ago, that’s for sure.
“Well, let’s handle this now then, would you like me to take care of it for you?” She asked quickly, glancing over at me as I shook my head no.
“I believe I should be the one to tell her, I don’t want any hard feelings.” I added quickly, trying to stay confident. To be honest, I was kind of treating this like my first Queenly duty. I wanted to be respectful and treat my people kindly. I know that Jane could probably handle it just as easily but a part of me wanted to see how Piper reacts..there was just something off about her.
“Okay, I will link her now to come in. But I would like to stay in the room your Highness, just in case.” She said warily and I nodded my head, it would probably be good to have a witness.
I saw Jane’s eyes cloud over, and not even a minute later there was a knock on the door. Wow, she was pretty close by already…the sinking suspicion that Piper was following me crossed my mind once again.
‘She gives me bad vibes.’
Kari added and I couldn’t help but agree.
Jane asked me to take her seat at the head of the desk because it would be more professional, so I obliged.
“Come in.” Jane spoke firmly as she stood to the side of me.
Piper opened the door, looking inside the office as her cold eyes settle on me then darted away swiftly. She wore a white shirt and a black pencil skirt with black heels on. Her hair was done up in a perfect bun and she had a tight expression on her face. I get the impressuon that she thinks she is better than me, at least that’s the attitude she exudes.
“Yes? You called me?” She suddenly inquired, not even acknowledging me.
“Please, sit down.” I said sweetly, the fact that I said anything at all seeming to surprise her.
“Yes, My Queen.” Her voice was clipped, and the way she said My Queen was filled with disdain..ugh, I really didn’t like her.
“And what do I owe the pleasure of being called into Jane’s office?” She acted as if this were some huge inconvenience and I was wasting her time.
I cleared my throat, feeling Jane next to me made things easier as I tried to organize my thoughts.
“Piper, I wanted to thank you for the service you have provided me. I understand it must have been a daunting task to take on the role of the future Queen’s assistant and I commend you for that.” I have no idea where this stuff was coming from but it sounded pretty good to me.
“But I have decided to offer the role to someone else. I feel as if we do not share much in common and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way. Jane can assign you to another role that would be more fitting and I really appreciate all that you have done for me thus far.” I felt like there was no way to really put it nicely..but I tried..
Suddenly I heard her scoff, her arms folding in front of her chest as she turned her head. A look of disgust formed on her face as I glanced at Jane and she rolled her eyes.
“It’s not my fault the future Queen has no common sense or taste in general.” She muttered under her breath and I thought I was hearing things at first..did she really just say that?
“Excuse me? You do not speak of your Queen like that.” Jane interjected, defending me right away.
“She is no Queen of mine..and she won’t be yours either. Not with what the king has planned for her.” She smirked, looking me up and down like I was below her.
“Piper! How dare you..” Jane started and I held up a hand, confused by what Piper said.
“What are you talking about? How would you know anything about what the King thinks?” This really pissed me off, she was acting like she knew my mate better than I I was getting annoyed.
She smirked, looking down at her nails as she studied them with a bored expression on her face.
“You know the staff hears a lot more than you would think..” she began and Jane quickly stepped forward.
“Piper, don’t you dare.” Jane hissed, making me even more confused.
“Shouldn’t the poor girl be told about it? I thought she was your friend Jane.” Piper suddenly added, and my heart dropped..what are they talking about. Jane wouldn’t keep something from wouldn’t lie to way in hell. This has to be a trick or something.
“Tell me.” I commanded, tired of these rumors about my mate.
“My Queen, it is nothing.” Jane said quickly and I looked at Piper, nodding my head for her to continue.
“Well, let’s just say there was something heard about a that benefited the king. To make his mate fall in love with him so he could convince the elders he will accept her..then when he gets the control of the realm that he wants..that’s when he would have no use for the girl..the mate and reject her.” Piper said with the most wicked grin I had ever seen..her words shocked me as I tried to understand what she was saying.
This can’t possibly be true, no way in hell..and how would she even know this?
I glanced at Jane and she looked down at the floor, anguish filling her eyes as my heart sank.
“That..that can’t be true..” I stuttered out, there was no way Damion would ever do that to me. He..he couldn’t be faking this.
“Where did you hear this?!” I demanded, standing now as anger coursed through my veins.
“I might have walked in on a conversation with the king and his Beta.” She shrugged innocently.
“I wasn’t the only one who heard it.” She added and turned to Jane now.
“Jane..that can’t be true.” I whispered, my heart slowly breaking with each second that passed.
“I’m sorry Eleanor, I did hear it had to be some type of mistake.” she tried to console me, tears filling her eyes as my world shattered into a million pieces.
“Let’s not give the poor girl hope heard it just like I did. Everyone knows that beast isn’t capable of love.” Piper scoffed, the urge to slap her filled me but before I Damion reached out to me.
‘Eleanor, what’s wrong?’
Damion’s voice filled my head, causing me to jump as I wiped away the tears I hadn’t realized were falling from my eyes.
I quickly closed the link between me and Damion..confusion filling me..what do I do? What do I say? Jane wouldn’t lie to me..that would explain why Lucas was acting so different..he wouldn’t even look me in the eyes for a while..did Lance know too? Was this all some big joke to everyone? Am I really just being used as a pawn?
Suddenly, the room began to spin, I stumbled forward, Jane reached out for me but I pushed her arm away..I needed to get out of here. I needed to get the hell out of here right now.
I crashed forward, pushing through the door, and ran straight into something hard. I felt that warmth I have grown to love, those sparks that filled my soul.
“Eleanor what happened? What is wrong!” I heard worry in his could he be faking that? How could this all be a lie.
“What the hell did you do to her?” I heard him growl angrily, looking somewhere behind me.
“Is it true?” I croaked, my voice barely a whisper.
“ what true?” He looked at me worriedly, but I couldn’t meet his gaze..I couldn’t look in those eyes I loved so much.
“Was this..was this all part of a plan? Did you never really care? are going to reject me?” I cried, the pain almost too much to bare.
Damion’s eyes widened and that’s when I knew there was some truth to this.
“Bunny’s not like that..I mean it started like that but I couldn’t go through with it..I love you..I love all of you.” He pulled me close to him, his arms squeezing me so tight I felt like he was going to snap me in half.
“Who the f**k told you that..” anger filled him now, no..not anger..pure unrelenting rage.
I couldn’t speak though, he says he loves me..but why am I doubting every little thing now? What if all of this is a lie?
Suddenly I felt his arms loosen and looking up, Lance was now holding me, when did that happen?
I looked around in confusion and that’s when I saw the b***d. Jane was cowering in the corner of the room and Piper’s bloodied body was being carried out by Pierce.
“What..what happened..Where’s Damion?” I asked, total confusion filling me as I looked around the room.
“He Blacked out, it’s okay, everything is going to be okay.” Lance said shakily, fear showing in his eyes as I pulled away from him.
He blacked out and attacked Piper? I didn’t know what to think..what the hell was going on and how did all of this even happen.
“Please..I need to go outside, I need fresh air.” I began to hyperventilate. I felt Kari pacing and whimpering in my mind..the betrayal of everything was so painful as I tried to comprehend what the hell just happened.
Lance walked us outside, the cool air crashing against me as I gulped it down desperately. My stomach was tied in knots and my heart throbbing with pain.
“Did you know Lance?” I asked point blank, if Lance had been in on this whole thing too..I wouldn’t be able to trust anyone ever again.
“f**k no, Lucas just told me, I’m pissed too..but Eleanor, he does love you. This was before, before he realized everything.” He added and I nodded my head, not sure what to even think. If he does love me, when did it start? When did this plan end and how much of it was all a can I know what was true and what was fake?
Lance took me to the garden, sitting me on a bench as I placed my head in my hands.
“Where did he go?” I whispered, feeling a deep longing for my mate..I know he is suffering right now..I know Titus has taken over and Damion is no longer in charge..I saw the fear in everyone’s eyes, the fear of what my mate was capable of..why did that hurt me even more? To see how these people view him.
“He took off into the woods.” Lance stated, his mind somewhere else.
I let out a deep shuddering sigh, feeling so lost without him, even though he was the reason I was hurting.
“Did..did he kill her?” I asked quietly and Lance shook his head no.
“She is still alive but once she recovers she will be removed from the castle.
“Are you okay Angel?” Lance asked gently, his eyes studying me as I shook my head no.
“I love him so much Lance, if this really meant nothing to him, if I was nothing to him I don’t think I could survive it.” I admitted, sniffling as I wiped the tears that continued to fall.
“Angel, there is no way he could fake all of that. I have known Damion all of my life and this is the first time I have ever seen him happy well since..since what happened with his family. But the moment you arrived you flipped his world upside down..I think that’s why he was fighting it..that was why he came up with this stupid a*s plan. Because he was trying to convince himself he could be in control of his emotions..I don’t think he ever meant it.” Lance reached up, brushing my hair behind my ear as he watched me carefully.
“Just give him a chance to explain. You are the only one he has ever let in..he does love you Angel..I know he does.” He assured me and I let out a sigh.
“I think I would like to go back to the room for a little while.” I whispered, standing up as I walked towards the castle.
All I wanted to do was lay down and sleep, I couldn’t help but worry about Damion but I knew he was somewhere far, I could feel it. I would wait for him though, I would wait and when he came, I would listen..I just pray to the goddess that every moment we spent together meant just as much to him as it did to me..that I meant just as much to him..if it was all a lie I don’t know what I will do.
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