The Luna's Pure Heart
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 73

(Eleanor pov)

I woke up feeling groggy and confused, not sure where I was for a second as I looked around the room. My hand reached out for Damion as I felt his warm body and let out a sigh of relief. I quickly snuggled into his side, inhaling his scent when I soon realized..wait..that’s not Damion.

“Well, it’s nice to see you too Angel.” Lance’s voice filled the room and my head popped up as shock filled me.

“Lance, what are you doing here?!” I shrieked, how the hell did I sleep through all of this?

“Oh, just hiding from my know, doing the adult thing.” Even though he was joking around, I could tell right away something was bothering him.

“Did..did you meet Rachel?” I sat up further, thanking the goddess I got cold earlier, and slipped on one of Damion’s large t-shirts. Where was he by the way?

“Oh I met her..well not me exactly, Ash met her, not only that he tried to mark her and claim her..” he g*****d, flopping his arm over his face as I gasped.

“You..wait..he tried to mark her?!” Oh goddess..this wasn’t good.

“Luckily I didn’t touch her or anything, I just might have stalked her a little..then Lucas interjected and we had this whole fight thing right in front of her..” he said nonchalantly like it was nothing.

“How long did I sleep for?! What the hell, are you okay?” I quickly flipped on the lamp next to the bed and turned to look at my best friend..who would have thought it would have gone down like this.

Lance has a hint of a black eye that looked mostly healed, but the thing that really made me sad was the dejected look on his face. I crawled over towards him and took his hand, holding it gently.

“Hey, it will be okay, you just have to give her some time. I wish I could have been there and helped the situation I’m sorry..Rachel, she is just a really timid person and once she gets to know you she will open up.” I tried to encourage Lance but he just laughed and looked at me sideways.

“Timid..she seemed to hit it off with Lucas pretty fast. He was kissing her when I found them and it looked like he was about to mark her..without me! That’s why Ash freaked out..he felt like he didn’t even get to meet our mate before Lucas was going to claim her first..” he informed me and my jaw just about hit the floor.

“They were kissing? Well..maybe they just got caught up in the moment. I know Damion and I did a few times before he was ready to fully mark me..but I’m sure that was a shock to see the first time you met her..” wow, this all has escalated so quickly. Lance nodded and let out another sigh as he turned in the bed to look at me.

“Angel, what if she doesn’t want me..what if she rejects me and only wants Lucas?” Lance whispered quietly and my heart began to hurt for my friend. Rachel would never do that..she just must have been too overwhelmed with everything and then the fight might of pushed her over the edge.

“Listen, Rachel has always been really quiet and mostly kept to herself. She doesn’t like conflict and it kind of makes her shut down more. So maybe Lucas can step back for a little bit and let you meet with her..I can come too if you like, it might make her more comfortable. Then you can hit her with that Lance charm we all love so much..” I smiled widely, earning a chuckle from my friend as my words seemed to put him at ease.

“Okay, thanks Angel, what would I do without you?” He smiled brightly and pulled my hand down, making me fall onto the bed next to him.

“Probably live longer, because if Damion sees you in this bed..I don’t think I can even save you from that wrath.” I narrowed my eyes at him and he instantly jumped up.

“Yeah, Probably not my smartest move..but what can I say, I love to annoy the hell out of just comes naturally at this point. What’s up with you by the way? Why are you so tired?” He asked before walking over to a small fridge that I hadn’t even realized was there and opened it up, grabbing a bottle of wine.

He fumbled around, looking for a wine opener and some glasses while I got up and went to sit on the sofa across the room.

“I don’t know..I kind of had a blow-up at one of my friends and then passed out..what time is it anyway?” The fight with Zach was still so fresh..I felt bad for it all but it needed to be said.

“It’s eight o’clock now and Wow Angel, you blew up on someone? Why the hell do I always miss the good stuff.” He teased and then popped the cork of the wine, making me jump. Eight o’clock?! Did I sleep for like seven hours? Okay, maybe something is wrong with me.

“You want a glass?” Lance asked and I shook my head no. Why have I been so tired lately? Maybe the morning training has really thrown me off. Now I just want to sleep when I can I guess. But I still feel tired, even after that..maybe I should see the doctor when we get back, this doesn’t seem normal.

Glancing up I watched as Lance took a swig of wine just from the bottle, not even bothering to use a glass.

“Where is everyone?” I looked around the room. I could still feel Pierce outside the door but couldn’t sense Damion.

“Eh, Damion is saving face and had dinner with the Alpha. He is bringing you back some food too. Which we will be sharing by the way..I’m starving.” He said after taking another drink. I stood up, walking over towards him, and yanked the bottle from his hand.

“Lance, that might not be the best idea..considering you haven’t even eaten either.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he shrugged sheepishly.

“I need a distraction..I can’t get the girl out of my head.” He g*****d and went to flop back onto the bed.

“Well, why don’t I get dressed and then I can go meet up with her and see how she is feeling.” I offered, making him sit up immediately as excitement now filled him.

“Oh Angel, I knew I called you that for a sweet guardian angel.” He jumped up and wrapped me in a bear hug, lifting me into the air as I fought for air.

“Okay, okay, but popping up unannounced or anything..okay?” I narrowed my eyes at him and he nodded his head enthusiastically.

“Of course my Queen, you have my word.” He said dramatically and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“Let me get dressed then I will go.” I added quickly and went to the closet.

Grabbing some clothes I pulled on some jeans and an oversized sweater. I quickly slipped on my shoes and brushed my messy hair, dang I must have been sleeping hard. I walked back into the room and noticed Lance had made himself completely comfortable now on the bed and was flipping through movies to watch..I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the sight of him.

“Okay, I will be back, keep your phone on you just in case. Also..don’t you dare eat all my food Lance..I’m not joking.” I pointed my finger at him as he raised his hand in surrender.

“I wouldn’t dare, not with that look in your eyes.” He said innocently and I shook my head and laughed.

“ a good boy and I will try to figure this all out.” I walked to the door and opened it quickly, replaceing Pierce waiting outside.

Why did it feel like I was leaving my pup home alone for the first time or something? He is a grown man, I shouldn’t be this concerned.

Glancing back one last time, I saw Lance give me a thumbs up and I hoped that talking to Rachel would help figure this all out..because as much as I love the guy..there is no way he is rooming with Damion and I..he needs to make up with his brother.

“My Queen, would you like me to take you to the King?” Pierce asked as I shut the door softly.

“Well, I was actually wanting to go to speak with Rachel.” I told him as I stepped to his side.

Maybe I should tell Damion I am awake first before I go, I just didn’t want to distract him if he is with the Alpha and everyone.

‘Baby, I am awake now and am going to go visit with Rachel..Lance is camping out in our room.’

I linked, watching as Pierce was having his own conversation with someone.

‘Don’t let Pierce leave your side..please Bunny and of course Lance is doing that..I miss you.’

He linked, sounding sad and making my heart ache. I feel bad for sleeping for so long now. I will try not to nap for the rest of the trip.

‘I miss you too, sorry for sleeping for so long.’

I linked back just as Pierce turned to me.

“Okay, I talked with Beta Lucas, Rachel is at her cabin, he is there with her now. I can take you there my Queen.” Pierce relayed to me and I nodded my head. I guess she did take to Lucas pretty fast. Which is good that she already trusts him but I can’t help and feel bad for Lance.

“My Queen, are you okay?” Pierce asked as we began to walk towards a door leading outside.

“Yeah, I don’t know what is wrong with me. I just passed out..maybe I’m not used to all of this training and traveling yet.” I laughed, watching as Pierce looked at me carefully. Suddenly he sniffed the air and his eyes widened. I glanced over at him curiously and he started looking ahead once again.

“Well, just be sure to listen to your body, if you feel like you need to rest then make sure you do my Queen.” He spoke kindly, his eyes darting to me as he pushed the door open and let me walk through.

“Yeah, maybe your right. How are the girls doing back home? I feel bad for taking you away from them for so long.” I admitted, seeing a soft smile form on his lips.

“They are doing good, Ava has started going to a junior warrior’s class. My mate Coco helps with the program so she and a few other parents teach the pups self-defense.” He informed me, the look of pride showing in his eyes.

“That’s amazing, is Coco a warrior too?” I asked softly, knowing Coco has to be some badass chick. I can just tell from the way Peirce talks about her.

“She was before she got pregnant, but since then she mostly stays home with the pup. We might have another soon, well at least she will go in heat soon so we will try.” He confided in me and I was surprised he was being so open and honest.

“Having a’s one of the biggest blessings the goddess can give you.” He looked over at me and then glanced back ahead.

“I bet you are an incredible dad.” I smiled brightly, knowing it had to be true. Pierce seemed surprised by my compliment as he nodded his head and we continued to walk towards the cabins.

“Have you been to River Rock before?” I asked curiously, I have noticed a few warrior’s wandering around and they all nodded to Pierce like they met him before or maybe it was a respect thing.

“A few times, I used to be in the King’s elite warrior’s group. We would travel to the realms packs and make the King’s presence known..basically just make sure things were running smoothly and no one was breaking any rules.” He said while turning left down a stone path.

“I hadn’t realized, did you guys ever go to B***d Moon?” I don’t remember ever seeing the king’s warrior’s that I could recall.

Pierce glanced towards me and back to the path again, a hard look forming on his face as he cleared his throat. Seeing him now, I could understand how people would be intimidated by him. He was huge and his tattoos made him seem even tougher. But I never once feared Pierce, I guess I always thought he was hard to read but knowing him now he is just the strong silent type.

“B***d Moon had a no-touch policy. The previous king made it so before he was dethroned. The Elders fought to keep it in place but Damion was working to get concrete evidence to bring the Alpha down.” Pierce looked at me carefully and I nodded my head, wishing Richards would have been stopped long before now..the families he ruined and the people he killed. I guess he will pay for those crimes but I hope he never gets a chance to ruin another life again.

“I see, are there other packs like that still?” I prayed to the goddess the answer was no, but from the look on Pierce’s face, I already knew there was.

“Three other packs, King Damion is planning to change that after the Moon Ball though, so don’t worry My Queen.” He said reassuringly but I couldn’t help and feel bad for those that might be suffering just like we did.

Looking up, we were now in front of a large cabin. It had potted flowers and a porch with a swinging bench attached to the ceiling.

I could smell all those familiar scents I grew up with, knowing this was my friend’s new home.

“Here it is.” Pierce said, motioning towards the home.

I took a step onto the porch when the door swung open and Helen was now standing in the doorway smiling at me as she mixed something in a bowl.

“About time you two showed up, come and help me with this.” She said while turning on her heel and walked back into the cabin.

I glanced at Pierce, smiling softly as I motioned for him to come into the house.

“You heard the lady, let’s go help her out.” I said happily and walked into the cabin, trying to catch up with Helen.

“You missed a lot, that Lance guy is a pretty interesting guy. How’s he holding up?” Helen asked me quietly, glancing over her shoulder as I shrugged.

“He feels bad, that’s why I am here, I wanted to see how Rachel was doing.” I informed her and she nudged her head towards a small room.

“Doing pretty damn good if you ask me.” She laughed, and my eyes were drawn to Rachel sitting on a couch, her head resting against Lucas’s shoulder as they both sat reading a book. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness for Lance..he should be there too..

“I you think it’s okay if I talk to her first? Then I can help out after?” I asked, glancing at Helen as she let out a sigh.

“Okay, but then you are staying for movie night.” She narrowed her eyes at me and I nodded my head in agreement.

“Sounds great.” I smiled and turned to walk towards Rachel.

Suddenly her eyes lifted and she met my gaze, I could see she had been crying and even though Lucas was focused on his book, I could tell his mind was somewhere else.

“Hey, how are you holding up?” I sat in a chair across from them, my eyes dancing between the two as Rachel sat up straighter.

“I’m okay, is he?” She asked nervously, her fingers intertwining together as she bit her l*p nervously. Well, she is asking about him, so that’s a good sign.

“Honestly, he feels like a jerk and thinks he messed up pretty bad.” I admitted, causing Rachel’s eyes to widen.

“Yeah, that’s an understatement..showing up in his wolf and almost jumping his mate isn’t exactly something to be proud of.” Lucas sounded bitter and I was shocked, he was usually the calm and collected one.

“Don’t you think it’s time to see him though? I feel like I waited long enough like you said..I don’t want him to feel bad..” Rachel spoke quietly but what she said surprised me. So Lucas was the one not wanting Lance around? What the hell was going on?

I looked at Lucas and his cheeks reddened, he must have known what I was thinking.

“Lucas, do you think we can talk really quick?” I asked, Rachel must have gotten the cue because she quickly stood, making Lucas try to stand with her.

“I am just going to check on Helen, I will be right back, I promise.” Her voice was sweet and calm, seeming to make Lucas calm immediately as he nodded his head and sat back down.

He watched her intently as she walked away towards the kitchen and once she was gone he let out a deep breath and put his head in his hands.

“Elle, I don’t know what the hell I am doing..I was so pissed at him though..she was just finally opening up to me and then he came racing in and scared the hell out of her. Then Dakota snapped and the next thing I know we are fighting and she is standing in the damn corner in shock. I feel out of control..” he confessed, anguish in his voice as I looked at a man whose world has been flipped upside down by the mating bond.

“Hey Lucas, it’s okay..I know this must be hard, not only did you replace a mate but then you have to share her and try to figure this all out together.” I reached out, placing my hand on his arm gently as I scooted to the edge of my seat.

“It’s not that I don’t want to share..because honestly me and Lance knew this would’s just that I always thought he would be the first one to replace our mate and she would be head over heels for him..but when I met Rachel, and the bond I felt and the way she was opening up to me first, it was unreal..then he barged in there like an i***t and almost scared her off. He just wasn’t thinking and I know Ash took over but Dakota wants to take over too..I just have been controlling it.” He explained, hanging his head down.

“So you felt like Lance could or ruined the connection you had been building with Rachel?” I asked, looking at Lucas as he nodded his head sadly.

“Lucas, you are an amazing guy, and I have never seen Rachel be so open and welcoming to someone so quickly in my life. She obviously cares about you and trusts you already, but you can’t deny Lance that chance too..he thinks Rachel is going to reject him and just choose you..that’s how bad he feels right now.” I said carefully, not wanting to make him feel guilty but needed to tell him the severity of this and how Lance is seeing it all.

“What? He really said that?” His head snapped up, his hands now running through his hair.

“He is in my room now moping around and scrolling through romance flicks. Probably eating my food too..” I grumbled feeling my stomach growl from the thought of food.

“I messed up, I shouldn’t have told Rachel to give him space. I guess I just wanted to fix stuff between her and I before she focuses on wasn’t fair of me.” He sighed..this was the level-headed Lucas I know. This mating bond just must have been messing with his head because I know he loves Lance and would never intentionally hurt him.

“Maybe you should link him to come over, then we can all watch a movie together or something. It’s a start at least.” I smiled encouragingly, squeezing his hand as I sat back in the chair.

“Okay, thanks Elle..really, ever since you came into our lives things have just gotten..better.” he smiled softly and I couldn’t help but feel touched by his words.

“Same for me..well actually I owe you and Lance my life, so let’s just say I’m always team twins.” I laughed, resting my head back on the chair as I suddenly felt tired again.

“You okay? Do you want me to get you something to eat?” Lucas stood abruptly and I nodded my head, maybe I was feeling weak because I hadn’t eaten yet.

“I was supposed to help Helen in the kitchen. But maybe I should eat something first.” I agreed, realizing I hadn’t eaten since earlier today.

“Okay, I will be right back, just wait here.” He walked towards the kitchen and I couldn’t help but look around the cottage that my friends now call home. I could see Rachel’s bookshelf filled with all of her favorites. There was a small vase with dried flowers in it and a painting that I had never seen.

I stood up slowly, walking towards the bookshelf as my heart skipped a beat. It was a painting of two girls in a meadow, sitting amongst the wildflowers and I knew with all of my heart Rachel must have painted this..but what moved me more was the two girls in the painting. They were Me and Rachel, I could tell without a doubt. Wow, I hadn’t realized Rachel had this type of talent or that those memories meant as much to her as they did me.

I hope with all of my heart that everything works out for the three of them and that they get the happiness that they deserve.

Suddenly I felt lightheaded, the room beginning to spin as I stumbled back slightly. my hand reaching for something to steady myself. Maybe I stood up too fast? What the hell is going on with me?

“Elle! Are you okay?” Zach’s voice rang through my ears and that’s when everything went knees gave out and all I felt were arms wrapping around me catching me right before I fell to the hard floor. Then that darkness consumed me, pulling me under…

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