The Luna's Pure Heart -
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 82
(Eleanor pov)
Earlier that morning.
I have had this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach since the moment I woke up. Something wasn’t right..did I leave the oven on? Did I forget something back in River Rock that I completely spaced out on? I just couldn’t place what this feeling was. I snuggled closer into Damion’s side, inhaling his scent fully into my lungs. I just wanted to stay in bed all day..maybe Damion will agree if I use my pouting face. Yes, drastic times call for drastic measures. I kissed Damion on the chest, the memories of us tangled together and making love in the early hours of the morning still fresh in my mind.
Maybe that’s why I’m also so tired all the time..because of the constant waking up in the middle of the night so Damion can ravish my body. It’s a common thing around here. But I’m not complaining..I wake him up every now and then too.
Damion began to stir, his hands rubbing my back sensually as he fluttered his eyes open. A soft smile pulled at his lips as he kissed me delicately on the mouth.
“Good morning Bunny.” He breathed against my soft skin, his hands pushing me back as he then lowered his head, hovering above my stomach.
“Good morning my little pup, you keep growing big and strong in there for mommy and daddy.” His words seeped into me and melted my body into a complete puddle. Oh my goddess, I love this man with all of my heart.
His arms wrapped around my waist as he placed soft tender k****s against my belly. Which actually looked like there was a little bump showing this morning. How did that happen overnight?
After we finally got up from bed, which took longer than usual, considering his appetite for me came back in full force.
I was making us breakfast and couldn’t help but continue to glance over at Damion as he was having some type of conversation over mind link.
After making the eggs, bacon, and toast, I placed his plate in front of him and set one aside for Pierce. I started making Pierce his own plate with every meal since we got back because I honestly never see him I began to realize he must starve all day until we go to bed and he switches shifts. We also agreed to give him two days off every week so he can spend more time with his family. Damion didn’t quite like the idea just because he trusts Pierce the most..but Jake said he could help fill in on those days or even JJ..which Damion wasn’t too excited about. But I like JJ, he and I actually get along really well. Since training, I have gotten to like him.
After eating, I sat in Damion’s lap, trying my best pouty face as I didn’t want him to leave. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, but I just felt super clingy today. He promised it will only be for a few hours and then he will come right back.
After he left, that sinking feeling grew exponentially. Even Pierce was looking at me nervously as I paced the room. I just linked Damion asking when he will be done, yeah I’m that impatient..and he said another three hours or so..Something didn’t feel right.
“My Queen, if you don’t stop pacing you’re going to drive Brutus insane.” Pierce commented and I let out a deep sigh and threw myself on the couch.
“Sorry, it’s just..does something feel off today to you?” I asked nervously, not wanting to sound crazy.
‘We need to get to mate.’
Kari said, she has been saying this all morning..but whenever I check with Damion he is fine. Maybe I need to let her out soon, she might be pent up. She won’t tell me why she feels this way, she just keeps saying we need to do it.
“Just your pacing My Queen, that’s the only thing different today.” Pierce answered me with humor lacing his voice. I couldn’t help but chuckle..yeah, I guess maybe I’m just the high-strung one.
I tried to watch a movie and then read a book..when that didn’t help I decided to just take a bath instead, maybe that will calm me.
I turned on the water as I stared off into space, watching as the soap bubbled up in the bath.
‘Go to him..NOW.’
Kari shouted in my head, startling me..and that’s when I knew I needed to go to him..something wasn’t right I can’t ignore this any longer.
I turned off the water and unplugged the drain then quickly slipped on some shoes and a sweater.
Walking out into the living room I saw Pierce standing by the elevator as I went up to him.
“Pierce I need to see Damion..” before I could even finish my thought Pierce’s eyes clouded over and his expression turned hard and cold..something was definitely wrong.
“My Queen, we need to get you into your room and lock the door.” He ordered hastily, walking towards me at a rapid pace.
I looked at him with confusion and worry..what is going on?
“Pierce, what is happening..” I asked, fear filling me as I already had a sinking feeling this involved Damion.
“Rogues are attacking the castle. Elder Paul has escaped.” He informed me firmly and my stomach dropped.
“Where’s Damion?” I shouted worriedly, not even waiting for his answer as I tried to link Damion.
‘Baby, are you okay?’
I linked desperately..but was only met with silence..I couldn’t even reach him. I can’t link him, why can’t I link him?
“We have to protect you at all costs my Queen, it is the King’s orders.” He began pulling me towards my room. My feet were unable to move on their own as panic and fear consumed me. No, he has to be okay, this can’t be happening.
“We have to go to him, he needs our help, something is wrong..I can’t feel Titus..I can’t reach him.” I cried out, panic filling my voice as Pierce looked at me sympathetically.
“The warriors are trying to get to him… job is to protect you no matter what..I’m sorry.” He said sadly and before I could even comprehend his words I was pushed into the room and the door was slammed shut.
I reached down, trying to turn the handle but it wouldn’t even budge. Why is it locked on the outside?
“Pierce please..we have to go to him, I need to save him, Pierce..please don’t do this.” I banged on the door, tears falling down my cheeks as I tried to push the door open, throwing my body against it as hard as I could.
This can’t be happening, I can’t lose him..I can’t do this alone. What am I going to do..I can’t just sit here..Damion needs us. He needs me.
He must have went to see Elder Paul, and then somehow he escaped. I tried linking him over and over again, pacing in the room like a caged animal.
‘Elle, we have to go to them..please Elle we need to replace a way.’
Kari whimpered, dread filling my heart as I looked around the room erratically..
How the hell would I get out of here?
Then I remembered..the balcony. I raced to the balcony, opening the doors as I glanced down. The sound of wolves snarling and their jaws snapping drew my eye to the west side of the lawn. Dozens of rogues littered the grounds. Our warrior were trying to fight them off as more came out of the woods. Luckily we seemed to have the upper hand as the number of rogues dropped by the second but I had a feeling that was just a distraction..I needed to get to the dungeons immediately.
I turned on my heel, racing to the bed as I quickly ripped the sheets off and started tying them together..I needed more though, this wasn’t enough. I needed to make it to the second floor then I could use the stairs to reach the bottom floor.
I looked for something else I could use to add to the sheets and eyed the curtains, MIT even hesitating as I yanked them off the wall with little effort and added them to the sheets. Creating knots every few feet so I could have some type of foothold.
I went to the balcony, tying the sheet to the railing as I pulled with all of my weight, testing it out first. Maybe being so small wasn’t such a bad thing..this should hold me. I took a deep breath, my hand settling on my stomach as I rubbed my belly gently.
“Please little pup, you need to stay safe..we need to be strong for Daddy okay?” I whispered softly, feeling it was more like a prayer than anything. Please Moon goddess keep our little pup safe.
Then I felt a warmth inside of a lot like that healing glow..but this one stayed in my stomach, making it tingle. An image flashed through my mind, I pictured a little bubble surrounding our a shield protecting my stomach and I knew it was one of my wasn’t just to was to protect the ones I love.
Now I knew without a doubt this was what I needed to do. I needed to save my mate..I was the only one..I needed to kill Elder Paul and free Damion from that monster once and for all.
I couldn’t waste any more time. I swung my leg over the railing, wrapping the sheet around my arm as I took another steadying breath.
‘Just don’t look down.’
Kari whispered..which honestly didn’t help one bit, because it made me look down immediately. I just need to get to the second floor. It should be empty considering it’s the guest quarters. That way I can sneak into the stairwell and go down that way just like the rogue did that one night.
I slowly lowered my legs, twisting them within the sheet so I had a firm grip. I shimmied down the fabric carefully, making sure to take my time so I didn’t lose my footing. By the time I looked down, I was near the second-floor balcony. The only problem was I ran out of my makeshift rope. It was a few feet above but I knew the only thing to do was drop down. So I dangled as far as I could on the end and stupidly closed my eyes and let go. I dropped down, landing on my feet as I fluttered my eyelashes open with surprise. Glancing up I couldn’t believe I just did that. How the hell did I just do that?!
‘No time to gloat, let’s go.’
Kari reminded me, setting me straight as I nodded my head and quickly went to pull open the balcony doors..which were completely locked..
I cursed, biting my l*p anxiously as I had another idea.
‘I’m going to have to break the glass.’
I took off my sweater, wrapping it around my hand as I closed my fist, pulling back my arm as far as I could, and then flung my fist forward..which in the end made the door fly off its hinges instead and I stood there in shock.
‘I think you punched it a little too hard.’
Kari whispered and all I could do was nod my head. Was I always this strong? Why couldn’t I bust open the other door in my room earlier then?
‘Don’t you feel our powers Elle? They have been laying dormant because we don’t need them…but Elle after protecting our pup they are awake now and we are strong, really strong.’
I swallowed hard once more and quickly jogged through the doors. I guess if I ever needed my strength, now would be the time. I stopped for a moment, straining my ears as I tried to listen to the tiniest of sounds. The only noise was the wolves snarling and growling outside.
‘I don’t sense anyone.’
Kari confirmed, she would know more than I would.
I stepped forward, trying to keep my footing as light as possible as I navigated my way through the second floor. I have never even been on this floor. But it was a similar layout to the Beta’s, besides there being more rooms. A lot more rooms..this was like a damn hotel in here.
I crept down the hall, spotting the elevator as I took a left turn and moved toward the stairs. I quickly turned the handle and pulled the door open as quietly as possible. There could be people patrolling the fact, that was probably a high probability. But most likely they were up closer to our floor and the lower level.
‘We might have to shift soon Eleanor..I can’t help you too much from in here.’
Kari informed me..but I want to do it at the very last minute..because I needed to open doors and stuff. I’m sure Kari could just bust them down realistically but I know I am easier to hide than a large silver wolf.
Kari gave me a little growl as she began to pace once again. She wanted out bad..she wanted to make everyone pay for taking our mate away.
‘Soon Kari, I promise.’
I reassured her, making her stop pacing and sit back down once again.
I slipped past the door, letting it close slowly so it wouldn’t make a single sound. Then I listened..
“Yeah, she is up here, the elevators were shut down so this would be the only way they could escape anyway.” I heard a man’s voice echo off the walls. I knew they were above me, they must have been waiting outside of the door of our floor..I hope Pierce will be okay. I began making my descent down the stairs..trying to keep my breathing steady as I actually felt grateful for once for all of that running and training.
I began making my approach to the first floor and stopped, listening for any sounds. I heard muffled voices outside the door, knowing someone must be guarding the first floor door and it was most likely possible for the holding cells.
I crept past the first door, making sure my feet didn’t make a single sound as I used my agility and increased speed to race down the stairs. I don’t know if it was the adrenaline or just the stress of everything but my senses were sharper than ever. I swear I could hear those men still talking all of those stories up there.
We finally reached the last door..there was a code on this one and then I began to I know this code? I wracked my brain and then realized it was a finger-scanning passkey. Would I be in the system for this? I guess there is no harm in trying..the problem is as soon as I unlock this door, the people behind it will know someone is coming..that’s when I will need to shift.
I took a deep steadying breath..preparing myself for what could wait just beyond this door..
‘Okay, let’s do this..let’s get our mate.’
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