The Luna's Pure Heart -
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 96
(Eleanor pov)
Three months later…
I practically waddled my way to the kitchen, sneaking down from our floor as Pierce followed me closer than ever. I was about to stomach was so swollen and round, the doctor wanted me to take it easy for the next few weeks, considering I could have this pup any day.
Over the last three months, Damion and I have been busier than ever. We renovated the fourth floor and made a place for our Gamma’s to call home. Considering Jake was pretty low maintenance and a complete bachelor before, he used to stay in separate housing near the warrior’s quarters. It was just more convenient for him and he liked it that way. Now with Lucy though we knew they needed their own private area and a place inside the castle.
Actually, all of my old pack members have decided to relocate to Night Shade now except for the twins who stayed with their mate’s family. Zach and Dani have completed their mating bond, he is a higher-ranked warrior now for Night Shade, and Damion and him actually act somewhat civil to one another. civil as they can be..
Damion has been even more jealous and protective lately..I don’t know if it’s because Titus senses the pup arriving soon or if it’s just Damion in general. He has always been protective, but now he even glares at Pierce when he helps me stand up or brings me something to eat. He doesn’t say anything but I can feel it through our bond. I know it’s hard for him..that’s precisely why I am sneaking out right now. Which I have no doubt I will get in trouble for later.
Today just so happens to be Damion’s birthday. My handsome mate is now twenty-seven and I am going to bake him a special cake.
Jane and Helen asked me to let them do it but I really want to do this for him..I want to make today the best birthday he has ever had.
I already gave him a special early birthday present this morning, three times to be exact..I might have overdone it a little. After those strenuous activities, I felt a little bit of light cramping but that went away, and I just chalked it up to pulling a muscle.
Since my stomach has grown has my s****l appetite apparently..I have turned into a complete animal..well at least Kari has..she is even more s*x crazed than me.
She scoffed and I couldn’t help but smile to myself..okay maybe we are both crazed.
Damion is worried I will overdo it but honestly, I just want him as close as possible at all times..and a little pouting and begging usually helps me get my way..I know, I have no shame. Especially when I put on that little lace nightgown I bought..even though it’s tight around my swollen belly now..but still, it’s the only thing he hasn’t ripped to shreds off of me because he says I look so beautiful in it.
I was also able to have Lance sneak into town for me and pick up something I had custom-made for Damion. Since he got me a ring to symbolize our bond, I had one made for him too. Lance is on his way to get it now.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side, causing me to stop in my tracks as I held my stomach and winced. What the hell was that? Maybe my little pup is moving around too of Damion’s favorite things to do the past few months is hold his large palm against my stomach and feel all the little kicks our pup makes. Damion can lay there for hours..that’s how he sleeps now, holding my stomach protectively as I use him as my personal body pillow.
“My Queen, are you okay? What’s the matter?” Pierce stood in front of me now, searching my eyes worriedly as I nodded my head and let out a deep breath.
“Yeah..I think the pup was just moving around a little.” I smiled reassuringly, placing my hand on his arm as he nodded his head and continued to glance over at me with apprehension.
“I’m sure we have another week or so, the doctor said I should get around and do some walking anyways right? That’s what Coco said too.” I tried to put him at ease, using his own mate’s approval to try and calm him. Coco was expecting as well and we have really gotten close the past few months. She is only a month along now but Pierce is already treating her like she is ready to give birth any moment.
It’s hilarious watching as he tries to do the simplest of tasks for her and she practically beats him away, Ava gets a laugh out of it too. She seems excited to be gaining a new sibling, but she hopes it’s a boy that way she doesn’t have to share any of her stuff.
Suddenly my phone began to ring just as I entered the kitchen.
“Hello?” I answered, seeing it was Lance calling. I glanced over, waving toward Helen and Jane who were busy getting breakfast ready with Lucy, Dani, and Rachel helping out. It’s funny, even though none of us have to work in the kitchen anymore and have more than enough staff to help’s almost like we all crave to be here least this time it’s our own choice.
“Hey Angel, I got the package, is our grumpy guy still asleep?” Lance teased, he had been feeling Damion’s wrath more than anyone. His never-ending playful remarks and interference with my pregnancy have pushed Damion over the edge more than once.
The worst was when Lance tried to rub my feet..which I even knew was too far..
Damion tackled him to the ground and made him submit and promise to never try to touch my feet again.
“I think so, at least he hasn’t turned the castle upside down to replace me yet..that I know of…” I whispered, fearing that Damion might hear me if I’m too loud even though I was in a completely different part of the castle.
“Okay, I also got you some of those danishes you liked, for our little’s he doing today? Does he miss his Uncle Lance?” Lance pestered, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh. He thinks the pup will be a boy as well, even though it hasn’t been confirmed yet. We are still waiting to replace out the gender after he or she is born.
“He seems feisty today, already beating me up.” I grumbled, wincing from another sharp pain as everyone in the kitchen turned their attention to me and I smiled sheepishly, reaching into the pantry for all the ingredients I needed.
“I’m sure these danishes will knock him out.” He said matter of fact.
“Thanks, Lance, I really appreciate it..I would have had to try and escape the castle if I wanted to get the gift. I’m not as stealthy as I used to be.” I frowned, my words making Lance laugh as Rachel looked over at me and smiled. Just then Lucas swooped into the room, walking up behind her, and kissed her on the neck softly.
I handed my phone to Rachel per Lance’s request then said my goodbyes to Lance. I went back to the pantry and began reaching up towards the top shelf for powdered sugar, when it was swiftly swiped before I could get it by large strong hands.
“Eleanor, are you trying to make everyone in this kitchen have a heart attack?” Lucas chastised me and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
“Lucas, I’m pregnant..not made out of glass.” I informed him when suddenly another sharp pain ripped through my side, causing me to shut my eyes tightly and fight through it..
I remembered the doctor telling me about false labor, how the body tends to go through fake contractions like it is preparing for the real deal..this has to be what is going on.. I would know if I was in labor right?
“Elle..what was that?” Lucas asked worriedly, his eyes wide as I just shrugged and tried to fight through the small contraction.
“Just..just my body practicing.” I waved my hand in the air, yanking the sugar from his grasp, and went back to the counter.
Suddenly I saw Pierce’s eyes cloud over and realized he and Lucas were now having their own private conversation.
“I’m fine..everything is fine! Everyone needs to just calm down and relax!” As soon as I spoke those words..I suddenly felt a small pop between my legs, making my eyes widen in shock as warm liquid began to trickle down to the floor.
I kid you not, everyone in the room froze in place..their mouths dropping open as I glanced down and then back up towards Pierce and Jane who both nodded their heads..confirming what had just happened.
“ water broke.” The words came out as barely a whisper and that’s when all hell broke loose.
“Get her a chair! She needs to sit down!” Helen yelled, racing towards the small table in the corner.
“I’ve got some towels here!” Lucy suddenly ran into the kitchen, when did she even leave?
“We need the doctor, Lucas you need to link him now.” Rachel commanded her mate and then there was Pierce..he was like the lighthouse in this storm that was crashing around me.
“Hey, deep steady breaths, it’s okay..I just sent Jane to go get Damion. He will meet us at the infirmary okay?” His words were quiet and gentle, calming me as I did exactly what Pierce told me to. Letting out a shuddering breath as my eyes began to fill with tears.
“But..the cake..” I cried, why was I crying about a cake?
I suddenly felt scared..I have waited months for this moment which felt more like years and now that it’s here I somehow feel like it’s too soon..that I’m not ready and what if I don’t do it right? How will I know I will even be a good mother? I need my mate..I need Damion..
“Just calm down, Eleanor..I can guarantee that the birth of Damion’s pup will be the best gift he has ever received..I know this for a fact.” He softly placed his hand on my elbow, helping me stand as Lucas and somehow Jake were now by my side.
It was almost like their protective instincts took over and their only purpose right now was to get me to that hospital safe.
I felt Helen grab my hand, her eyes full of tears and so many emotions as she squeezed me gently.
“We are right here, you got this mama..everything is going to be okay.” Her words were just the encouragement I needed to pull it together. I nodded my head, walking through the hall as I swear I heard Damion barreling towards us. The growls and shaking ground gave it all away..
“Eleanor!” He yelled out, rushing to me as he quickly lifted me up into his arms, causing a small yelp to escape me.
“Why did you leave the floor?!” He asked me angrily, I knew he was trying to keep his cool but the panic was already starting to take over.
“I wanted to bake you a cake.” I cried, burying my face in the crook of his neck as I melted against him. Suddenly I felt his anger dissipate and it was soon replaced with sympathy.
“Bunny, you didn’t have to do that.” He whispered against me, his hands rubbing my back soothingly as he practically ran us straight to the infirmary.
“Then..then my water I didn’t even get to bake it.” I tried to hold back my tears, knowing it wasn’t worth crying over.
That’s when another contraction hit, I quickly gripped Damion’s bicep, squeezing hard as I g*****d out.
“F**k..Bunny, it’s okay we are here..shit..shit..shit..” he began to freak out, not liking the pain I was experiencing..but the doctor tried to prepare us. She told Damion I would be going through a lot of pain and he needed to try to keep calm and not panic..looks like all of that went out the window immediately.
Damion burst through the doors, our doctor waiting outside of a room as she motioned for him to bring me inside.
“Good morning my Queen, it looks like today is the day you get to meet your sweet pup.” Dr. Davis smiled brightly, glancing between me and Damion as she led us toward a bed.
“Let’s get you into a gown and see how dilated you are.” A few other nurses were trickling in and out of the room as Damion set me on the bed. I asked Helen to come into the room with me and help be a part of my support system..well more for Damion than anything. I know Damion can’t handle seeing me in pain so I understand if he has to step out for a few minutes or something..maybe for the doctor’s benefit more than anything.
Damion helped me strip off my shirt, shoes, and then wet pants and undies as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
“You look so beautiful right now f*****g gorgeous.” He complimented me, making that seem very hard to believe considering my current situation.
I suddenly felt Helen behind me, her hands gathering all of my hair up as she helped tie it into a ponytail. Damion slipped on my hospital gown and then scooted me back onto the bed once more, and lowered me into a lying position.
His hand instantly rested on my stomach as I placed my palm on top of it.
“I’m sorry this is all happening on your birthday..I wanted to make it special..” I breathed, looking into his crystal blue eyes as they softened right before me.
“Bunny, you are what makes today special..having someone to even think of me on this day..and now this…this is the best birthday I have ever had.” He leaned forward, placing his brow against my own as I fluttered my eyes closed. Relishing his calmed me, centering me right where I needed to be.
Then another contraction hit..this one was the worst so far as I breathed in and out deeply. Damion helped talk me through it, his hands rubbing my body, causing the warmth and spark from his touch to distract me from the excruciating pain.
“Good job Bunny, you are doing so f*****g are so incredible..” his words of affirmation helped me through the last few seconds of pain.
I leaned back into the bed, having Damion practically laying on it with me as I scoot over more for him. I needed his touch, I needed his scent to surround me..
Just then the door flew open, causing me to sit up as Lance stood in the doorway panting heavily.
“Did I..did I miss it?!” He shouted, looking around the room as he rushed to my side. Helen just shook her head in amusement, trying to hide her smile.
“You..out now..” Damion barked, making Lance frown as he came over to me and gripped my hand.
“Damion please..I want to be here for you and Angel. I want to be here as your best friend and your beta..” He actually looked sad..I swear this guy had the best puppy dog face I had ever seen. I looked at Damion who then looked at me..I just shrugged not really caring who was in the room at this point. But maybe Damion needed Lance here..
“Fine, but stay up by the head..I swear sarcastic comment or a*****e commentary and I won’t be able to hold back..not today.” Damion warned him and Lance just nodded his head adamantly. Why he wanted to be in the room baffles even me, but I can’t deny the calming presence Lance brings me. After all, he was the first person I really trusted here. I feel that bond with Lucas too but Lance and I..I don’t know what it is but I swear we could have been siblings in another life or something.
Just then the doctor walked in and slipped on some gloves.
“Well, it looks like your contractions are about two minutes apart now, and let’s see how dilated you are.” She went to sit in front of me and I glanced over at Damion, letting the doctor do her thing.
“Wow..well my Queen, I didn’t expect this to happen so fast but you are ready to push, I can feel the pup’s head.” The doctor said excitedly and I swear Damion and I both looked at each other in total disbelief..this was all happening so fast.
Just then another hard contraction started, and this time I felt the urge to push like my body was trying to take over and knew it was time.
“I..I think I need to push..” I stumbled out, feeling everyone around me as Helen gripped my hand and Lance held my shoulder protectively.
Damion sat up, our fingers intertwining as he positioned himself behind me, holding me against his chest. Having your mate as close as possible during labor was highly recommended to help alleviate the pain. I leaned my head back, resting against him as he lowered his head, whispering sweet words close to my ear.
“Our pup is almost here Bunny.”
“I love you so much..I am so proud of you.”
“You can do this Bunny, you are so are so incredible.”
I began pushing, the contractions coming every minute now as the doctor sat between my legs, encouraging me to push harder.
“Come on Eleanor, the pup is all the way down now, you are doing so good and I want you to give me one really hard push okay?” Dr. Davis told me while Lance wiped the sweat off of my brow with a damp towel.
Helen held my hand firmly, I’m pretty sure she will have bruises tomorrow after this..but she hasn’t complained once and sweet amazing mate has been holding me and guiding me through this whole thing..
“Okay Bunny, you got this, one hard can do this.” He whispered into my ear and I felt the contraction coming on. I squeezed my eyes shut, grunting through the pain as I pushed as hard as I could. A loud g***n escaping my throat as I felt the impact of my labor as the head was now breaching.
“Good, good, the head is coming out, okay my Queen we need another, you can do this.” The doctor informed us hastily and I nodded my head once more, too exhausted to speak as I took another deep breath and pushed with everything I had..a part of me didn’t know if I could do another..this was it..this was everything I had right here and I prayed to the goddess it would be enough.
“Good are doing so f*****g good..I am so damn proud of you..f**k I love you so much.” Damion’s voice quivered with emotion as I screamed out. Pushing with the last of my energy as I felt the pressure finally alleviate as I collapsed back onto Damion and heard everyone shuffling around me.
Damion began kissing my temple, his lips covering every inch he could reach as the sound of crying filled the air. A soft smile pulled at the corner of my mouth and I could hear the chatter of people but was not quite able to form those noises into coherent words.
“Our son..we have a son Bunny..a beautiful boy.” Damion was the only thing I could hear, that and my beautiful son crying.
“A boy..” I breathed, tears streaming down my face as everyone around me began to cry.
“You did so good f*****g good.” Lucas praised me, as Helen cried tears of happiness.
“They want me to cut the cord Bunny, I will be right back okay..I love you so much.” Damion said while I nodded and closed my eyes, pure exhaustion filling me as I tried to gain back some of our strength.
‘Our beautiful pup, do you hear him Elle? Do you hear our sweet boy?’
Kari whispered and I smiled once more.
Suddenly Damion was back by my side, this time he wasn’t alone, he was carrying a small bundle with tiny hands that were folded into fists.
He placed him onto my chest, my tears still streaming down my face as I looked down at the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life..he looked just like Damion..just like my handsome mate.
He had soft blonde hair, his eyes a deep blue, and his skin so smooth and soft. He was still covered in some gunk but he was gorgeous..absolutely breathtaking.
Damion watched as I placed my finger in our son’s hand, his tiny fist opening as he held onto me.
“He is so beautiful.” Helen gasped, hugging Lance as they both sobbed uncontrollably. I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me from witnessing that.
“Thank you, Eleanor..thank you for giving me this life..for being my reason to live..for..for my son.” Damion cried, his forehead meeting mine as he looked down at our he gazed down at me with the most affectionate and loving emotion that have ever filled his eyes.
He hastily kissed my lips with such passion, devotion, and adoration that all of his love flooded into me through our bond…all of those feelings of gratitude and appreciation hit me so hard I was left breathless.
“I love you so much Damion.” My voice came out hoarse and quiet as I was finally able to speak. Damion kissed my lips once more, smiling brightly at me as we pulled back, peering down at our sweet little pup watching as his wide eyes looked around with curiosity. Damion reached down, his finger stroking our son’s cheek as he stared at him with wonder.
“Well, the only thing left to do now is name him.” I said softly, grinning up at my mate as he grinned right back at me with pure unbridled happiness.
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