The Lycan's Queen -
Chapter 27
The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 - Chapter 27
Two weeks had passed, and so far, nothing. No threatening calls, no messages, no more deadbodies.
That made Adonis more on edge. In his mind, he felt as if Bradley was testing him. If he let his guarddown even for a second, Bradley would attack.
Needless to say, this Adonis hasn't been pleasant all the time. Mostly he supervises the training andyells. A lot.
I know the pressure is getting to him. He feels responsible and doesn't want to let his people down.My life, well, it has been eventful. As soon as Carter got the phone call, he rang me up
"Smiley, what the fuck? Why did I get a phone call telling me to watch out for some madman? Andwhy haven't you told me what happened?” Carter sounded unimpressed.
"Carter, I'm sorry. It has just been crazy around here.” I sighed.
“You know I heard about you passing out and changing into a lycan from Diya, who heard it fromNiya. And the time you went all psycho and tore some guy's arm off,” Carter answered.
“Not my finest moment.” I cringed before continuing
“Look, it's been hard. One minute I'm a werewolf and the next I am a lycan. My head hasn't beenable to wrap around the fact, and just when I get settled, something happens.”
“You know I'm always here for you, right? I want regular updates now; one every week,” Carterdemanded.
"Okay, Dad.” I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see.
"Smiley, save that for the bedroom, please.” I heard the amusement in his voice.
“Eww gross. You're disgusting.” I shook my head to clear that moment from my memory.
Carter chuckled. “Oh, Smiley. I miss you lots. I wish you were here, but I also know that you're soloved by everyone there. After all, you saved their king from a forced mating
"Hmm...yeah,” I replied.
"You are happy there, right? I don't care if your mate is the king, if he’s making you unhappy, thenI'll bring you right back here. Although I'm not
too sure I want to deal with an angry king...” Carter trailed off.
“Be quiet. I am happy. It's just this whole situation with Bradley means Adonis is more on edge.” Isighed.
"He needs your support, Smiley. Don't forget he has the whole world on his shoulders. Some councilmembers are just waiting for him to slip up so they remove him from the throne,” Carter explained.“Yeah, and when I replace out who they are, my fist will meet their face,” I growled
“See! That's what he needs, someone on his side for once. You guys are perfect for each other. Nowlook after yourself, Smiley.” Carter said his
That phone call was five days ago. Since then I had remained by Adonis's side while he tried his bestto prove to me that he was fine.
Training was awful, although I was definitely getting better. Thankfully there was no repeats of ourfirst training session.
Adonis was a harsh trainer, but I felt myself and my lycan becoming stronger
Adonis also wanted me to resume my studies to become a pack doctor, and although I desperatelywanted to, it wasn't the right time.
I decided to study part time, instead of full time, and do online classes
It wasn't ideal, but it worked well for me because it meant that I could always be here for Adonis,and that was the most important thing.
In good news, Niya and Evan's relationship had significantly improved. Now Evan was happier andno longer complaining. Well, he didn't complain as much!
It was clear to see the two of them were happy, and seeing that was all I needed. After everythingthat happened with Niya, I just wanted her to be comfortable and happy.
Niya was slowly transitioning into a lycan, which she was excited about. Evan was a little worried,probably thinking something might happen to Niya.
Niya brushed aside his worries, but Evan still remained close to her.
Right now I was sitting with Lexi, who was teaching me all about using my body to my advantage.
I decided this lesson was needed because a certain someone was always touching me and alwayswanted me in bed.
“All lycans are the same, horny bastards. That's why I decided that us ladies had to have a few tricksup our sleeves,” Lexi said.
“You got that right.” I nodded.
“Right! Anyway, you have to use that amazing body of yours to your advantage. It's clear Adonis iscrazy for it, so use it against him! Seduce him and leave him on edge. Don't give him the satisfactionand he'll drop down on his knees and give you whatever you want. Even if that is no sex for a fewdays,” Lexi explained.
" this knowledge is from previous experiences I'm guessing?” I teased Lexi, who blushedbright red.
“Maybe... but how else was I meant to know if it worked?” She pouted, causing me to laugh
Before I was able to say anything, I spotted Gabe standing behind with a devious smirk. He camebehind Lexi, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
“Sorry, gotta show my mate that my charms are irresistible.” He winked at me
Lexi gasped but started giggling. “Oops.”
Adonis joined us and looked at Gabe with a knowing look. These men and their one-track mind!“You can't resist my charms either, little one,” Adonis whispered.
"Don't get too cocky now. It may backfire.” I pushed him away.
Gabe and Lexi were about to make their way upstairs when Niya and Evan made their way down.Something was different about Niya, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Wow! Congrats, bro, you're finally mated! Maybe now you'll complain less. Guess we all have Niyato thank since she’s had such a good effect on you. Everyone is so grateful, Niya,” Gabe teased.
No way! Niya was now mated, and she was a lycan! How did it take me so long to notice that?Evan rolled his eyes and replied, “Fuck off.”
“Nah, I'm gonna fuck Lexi instead.” Gabe laughed, causing Lexi to gasp in horror
He saluted and left with Lexi protesting the whole way.
Niya came over to me, almost shyly, and I couldn't resist the temptation to tease her.
“So, mated and a lycan? You sure do work fast.”
"Aarya!” Niya complained.
"What? As if you expected me to stay quiet. It's a golden opportunity to tease you! Plus, it's paybackfor all the times you teased me.” I stuck my tongue out playfully
"Wow, who knew the queen was so mature.” Evan rolled his eyes.
“Don't talk about being mature. You're the most childlike male I have ever met,” I retorted
Evan's eyes widened in shock as Adonis just laughed and patted Evan on the back.
“Don’t mess with the queen.”
Evan muttered something like, “Lesson learned.”
“Toutes nos felicitations.” Adonis smiled. (Congratulations.)
“Merci mais pourquoi tu parles en francais?” Evan asked. (Thanks, but why are you talking in French?)Adonis chuckled. “Regardez son visage, elle est en colére. Je I'aime.” (Look at her face, she is angry. Ilike it.)
“Tu taquines ton compagnon? Elle va te tuer,” Evan warned. (You're teasing your mate? She'll killyou.)
I coughed really loudly, getting both men’s attention.
“French? You know French too?” I glared at Adonis.
"How did you know?" Evan answered.
“I learned basic French in school, but French? I thought you only knew Italian!” I threw my hands upin the air.
“Little one, when you've been alive for as long as we have, you have the time to learn manylanguages. Italian is my favorite since I am Italian, but that doesn’t mean I don't speak any otherlanguages.”
Adonis had a wicked grin on his face.
Just as I was about to reply, Niya pulled me and whispered in my ear. Slowly a devious smile tookover my face as I turned to my mate, who now looked confused.
Stay confused, Adonis, because you aren't going to know what hit you.
"Aapane galat ladakee ke saath khilavaad kiya.” I smirked as both Evan and Adonis looked at eachother in confusion. (You messed with the wrong girl.)
“Kya hua? Aapane socha tha ki aap keval ek se adhik bhaasha bol sakate hain?” Niya stood up andshook her head. (What happened? You thought only you could speak more than one language?)“Um...what? What are you saying?” Evan asked.
“Kya? Aapaka matalab hai ki aap samajh nahin sakate ki main kya kah raha hoon?” I dramaticallysaid, feigning shock. (What? You mean you can’t understand what I am saying?)
“Little one, please. What are you saying?” Adonis looked at me
Both Niya and I glanced at each other before bursting out into fits of laughter.
“Meree bhaasha seekhane ke lie aapake paas hamesha ek achchhee baat hai.” I walked over toAdonis and patted him on the shoulder. (It's a good thing you have forever to learn my language.)
A look of recognition passed over Evan's face. “You're speaking in your mother tongue!”
"Yep! The look on both of vour faces was priceless! How the tables
“Yep! The look on both of your faces was priceless! How the tables turned.” I laughed.
“So, you were teasing me?” Adonis asked.
"Maybe, but you so deserved it.” I stuck my tongue out.
"Will you tell me what you were saying?” he questioned.
"Hmm...nope." I pretended to think about it.
“Niya will tell me,” Evan announced proudly.
"Oh really? So you'll tell me what you and Dimitri were talking about before then?” Niya raised hereyebrows.
“For the right price.” Evan wiggled his eyebrows.
I watched as Niya smirked and walked toward Evan, kissing him on his cheek and trailing down tohis lips but never kissing them.
“No sex for a week,” Niya said, leaving Evan flustered.
"What? No, I'll tell you,” Evan yelled, causing Niya to laugh and me to shake my head in amusement.Adonis looked at me and said, “May just have to take a page out of Niya's book to get what I want.”"Oh yeah? You think I'm going to be the one who can't survive without sex, it's the other wayaround.” I stuck my tongue out yet again.
“Stick your tongue out one more time, I dare you.” Suddenly the atmosphere seemed more chargedas Adonis's eyes were filled with lust.
Uh oh, I knew that look. I could do what he said, but where is the fun in that? Seeing him get allworked up caused me way too much fun and enjoyment.
“Right... and that is our cue to leave you two lovebirds alone,” Evan announced, dragging Niya away.Both Adonis and I were too focused on each other to realize. His eyes followed my every movewhile my body tingled with excitement.
My eyes looked all over the place, trying to replace a way out or some way I
could easily escape Adonis.
After all, it had been a long time since he had chased me, and this time I was much stronger.Adonis noticed this, and he licked his lips.
“Thinking of running, my queen?”
"Maybe, my king.” I smirked.
“I do enjoy the chase, be careful, little one. Soon you'll be pinned under me with no means ofescape.” His eyes pierced my own.
I shivered with anticipation.
Watching his every move, I walked toward the exit and got ready to run, but before I did, there wassomething I had to do.
In a flash, I turned around and stuck my tongue out before darting off.
I heard Adonis’s growl as I pushed my body to run faster. Feeling the wind on my face was heavenly,and it had been a long time since I could run this freely.
This would do both Adonis and me so much good.
Adonis was catching up to me, but unlike last time I wasn't going to give up so easily
I used the same technique as last time, running in different directions, but at the same time I waslooking for a good hiding place.
That's when my eyes found a large tree. I had never managed to climb one before, but it was nowor never.
Much to my surprise, I grabbed onto the branch and managed to swing. myself up. Holy fuck! Iactually did it!
As I was catching my breath, I heard Adonis and clasped my hands over my mouth. God, he lookedso hot!
I couldn't help but admire him from here. His muscles were tense, and his plump lips looked soinviting
Snap out of it, Aarya! You don't want him smelling your desire when you did so well at hiding.Adonis rushed in a different direction, and I let out a sigh of relief. Haha yes! Finally I managed tofool him.
Again, he came back and looked around, confused. It was at that moment an idea popped into myhead.
It was time for Adonis to get the shock of his life.
Taking a deep breath, I jumped down from my hiding place, causing Adonis to jump in shock. Helunged forward to catch me, but I landed on my feet while he lay by my feet with his armsoutstretched.
"I fooled you.” I burst out into laughter.
Adonis scowled and stood up, brushing off the dirt.
“So, you thought that was funny?” His voice was void of any emotion,
Immediately I stopped laughing. Maybe I went too far?
"Guess it's time for your punishment.” In no time, his devious smirk was back, and I gasped.“Adonis!”
He wasted no time in picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.
“Such a caveman,” I muttered.
"Only a caveman for my very naughty mate,” Adonis replied.
In a flash, we were back at the palace, and Adonis was walking back to our room at a leisurely pace.Once we reached our room, he dropped me on the bed and smirked. “I've got you right where Iwant you, and we have all the time in the world.”
He licked his lips as I made my way up the bed. The sexual atmosphere turned me on, I couldn't lie.Especially the look in Adonis’s eyes; he was so going to devour me.
Lexi's tricks won't get me out of this one
Before Adonis pounced on me, the door banged open to reveal a very flustered Evan.
“Dimitri... the phone. He's on the phone.”
The atmosphere did a complete one-eighty. Adonis’s lust-filled eyes and devious smirk werereplaced with cold black eyes and a serious eynreccion
I jumped up off the bed and looked at Adonis in worry. Evan looked back and forth between Adonisand me.
Within seconds, Adonis let out a loud growl and stalked toward his study.
Fuck, what the hell was going to happen?
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