The Lycan's Queen
Chapter 3


When I finally decided to get out of the shower, my phone was ringing but I made the decision toignore it. Instead, I got ready in my comfy clothes and brushed my freshly washed hair.

A knock at my door made me jump. Who was there? Sighing, I walked over and looked through thepeep hole. It was only Zoya. I opened the door and was crushed in hug. I relaxed in Zoya's embraceand hugged her back. I didn't realise how badly I needed this hug.

“I'm so sorry Aarya. I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but I didn't want to hurt you even more. I justwant you to know that you are so strong, and I am so proud of you for not making a scene but justaccepting it. It must be hard for you,” Zoya said, still hugging me.

“Thanks for being there for me Zoya and giving me the time and space, I needed. So, what bringsyou here? My brother annoying you.” I teased.

Zoya laughed and replied, “No, not today. He is under strict instructions not to piss me off today. Idon't want to be turning up to the Lycan Ball with a mate when I am pissed at him. Actually, there isanother reason I am here.”

I rose my eyebrows in question and Zoya sat down on my bed and patted the space next to her. Isat down and looked at her in confusion.

“It isn't anything bad. Mom just wanted me to remind you about something important. I knew youprobably forget after everything. Remember tonight we aren't the only pack at the ball, there isanother important pack coming. Your cousins pack!”

I gasped. How could I have forgotten? My dad had a younger sister who found her mate in anotherpack, so she moved there. They have twin daughters, my cousins. I am very close to them both andthey are only a year younger than me. Last time I saw them was Christmas last year. I couldn't waitfor the ball. All thoughts of Hunter flew out of my head, now I was super excited to see my cousinsagain. Niya and Diya Chopra, identical twins who were my best friends during my childhood. Oh,how I have missed them. Seeing the smile on my face, Zoya said, “I love that smile! I knew youwould be happy when I told you this. Now you get some rest before getting ready.”

After saying goodbye to Zoya, I lay on my bed and decided to finish my book I was reading in thecar. I had about 40 minutes before I needed to start getting ready and that was enough time for meto finish my book. So, I was sucked into the world of my mystery book. When I finally finishedreading, I stretched and reached over to my phone which was on charge still. I had a few messagesfrom Sophia saying she was excited to see me and from Niya and Diya also saying they couldn'twait to see me. After responding to the messages, I scrolled through Instagram as I had time. Beforelong, I had to leave the warm, comfy bed and begin the tedious process of getting ready.

My hair was the first thing I tackled as it was still wet. So, after drying it, I decided to curl it. Butbefore that, I put on my dress. It was a maroon coloured dress that came just above my knees. Itwas one of those dresses that was shorter at the front and longer at the back. My dress was also offthe shoulder. I loved it because it was simple but also suited me. Then I got started on my hairwhich was relatively long and was easy to curl. Once it was curled, I decided to do a half up halfdown hairstyle. Looking in the mirror, I was pleased with the way my hair turned out.

Now it was time for the longest part, makeup. Sitting down on the hotel desk, I pulled out all mymakeup I had bought and my trusty mirror which I always use. 30 minutes later, my makeup wasfinished, and I was pleased with it. I decided to keep it simple because I didn’t want to go all out,although I had put on false lashes which I rarely do.

Next stage was jewellery, I wore simple earrings in all my piercings. Yes, I do have a few piercings.My necklace was a simple gold chain with a heart shaped pendent, my grandparents got it for mewhen I turned 16. I wore my charm bracelet that I got when I was 18 from my parents and I wasgood to go. Obviously, before I left, I had to take some pictures but then I realised I was runninglate. Quickly putting on my heels and packing a little bag with all the necessary things in, I left myroom. Mom had texted and told me to come to her room, so that's where I headed.

As soon as mom opened the door, she gasped. “Oh my baby looks so gorgeous.”

I laughed and thanked her as I walked into my parents room. Dad smiled and told me I looked like aprincess and Zoya corrected him saying I looked like a queen. I rolled my eyes at that comment. Saiannounced that he would have to keep an eye on me because apparently, the whole malepopulation would try and hit on me. Zoya hit him and said to loosen up. After Sai got told off byZoya for being too overprotective, we all took some pictures and headed downstairs.

Carter was standing in the lobby and smirked when he saw me. “Wow Smiley. Who knew you couldclean up nicely?”

"Wow who knew you were such a jerk? Oh, that's right, everyone.” I teased.

Carter rolled his eyes causing me to laugh. On the insistence of all the parents, we had photostaken. Carter made me take silly photos, saying that it would look perfect on his Instagram. I said his3 followers would really appreciate it. Carter was the best at getting me back to my normal self, usjoking and insulting each other was part of our friendship. The best thing was, I was so busy havingfun that I didn't even notice Hunter and Lana standing there. It was only when we had to leave andthe cars turned up, did I realise they were standing there the whole time. I glanced at hunter whowas actually looking at me. Before I would have melted seeing him look at me but today, I justsmiled and turned back round. Carter held my hand as we got into the car. Since Carter was theAlpha, the car we were riding in was just for him and his Beta. Luckily, I sat in the front with Carterwhile Hunter and Lana were in the back.

The palace was only 15 minutes away, I could handle a car journey with Hunter. As soon as the carstarted moving, Hunter and Lana started eating each other's faces off. The noises they made wereawful. I looked at Carter who had an angry look on his face.

“Hunter. I don't appreciate you and your mate making all those noises. I am trying to have aconversation here so shut it.” Carter said sternly.

The kissing stopped immediately, I had never heard Carter be so serious but I was actually glad hewas. Those noises were going to make me be sick.

"Anyway, Smiley. You better not leave my side tonight. I know that unmated males would love toget with you.” Carter said.

“Wow. Sai said something like that. I am not going to go with any unmated male anyway. I want tospend time with Sophia and my cousins. Priorities.” I replied.

“That's my smiley. Always wants to be with friends and family.” Carter said proudly.

“Hey, what if you replace your mate? I mean there are going to be loads of people there. Your matemight be among them.” I asked, looking at how Carter's eyes lit up when I mentioned the word"mate"

“Yeh maybe. Wouldn't that be something.” Carter replied.

"Hmmm... I would have to warn her though; how crazy you are and how you have no friends.” Ijoked.

“Whatever you say smiley. I know you love me.” Carter winked.

We didn't get to talk for much longer as we arrived at the palace. Carter helped me get out and wewaited for our families to arrive as well. When everyone arrived, we had to go through strict security.After that was over, I gasped as we entered the palace. It was gorgeous, the high ceilings with theintricate designs. The decorations all suited the colour scheme of the place. Sophia had done anamazing job.

"Aarya!” Sophia's voice travelled through the crowds.

I laughed as she rushed over to me and engulfed me in a massive hug. “Hey Sophia, you think youcan let go now? You're crushing me.” I asked.

Sophia let go immediately and apologised, I teased her saying, “Someone clearly doesn't know herown strength.”

That was when Luke made his presence known, “That's because she trains with me every day, she isan amazing fighter.” He boasted.

I rolled my eyes as Luke gave me a friendly hug. “Of course, you'd say she’s an amazing fighter. Sheis your mate.” I laughed.

Luke laughed and shook Carters hand, after introducing himself. Sophia noticed Hunter and Lanawalk past us and her eyes suddenly snapped to mine. I shook my head and her eyes turned cold."Whatever. My best friend looks absolutely stunning, she is definitely the prettiest here.” Sophiagushed, I knew she said it louder than needed.

One because I know my best friend and two because Hunter turned around and Sophia had asatisfied smile on her face. I shook my head at her, she would never change. Lycan or not.

"Well not as beautiful as you. Someone is having a very hard time keeping his eyes off of you.” Iteased.

Sophia didn't get a chance to react as Carter handed us both drinks and we engaged in small talk. Itmust have been about 10 minutes later when two very familiar voices shouted my name and Carterwhipped his head around so fast saying the word I loathed, “mate”.

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