The Never Ending Tails
The Soul Factory of Mr. Grey

Thestory of the multiverse is absurd; as absurd as any story. From itsvery beginning it never really made sense. The primary elements ofVoid and Silence were never meant to be broken; nothing was really meant to be.But nothing really lasts forever, even when time is not part of the equation.

The Void and Silence ended up retreating and leaving the stage to morechangeable elements: the Light and the Music of Time. The empty Chaotic statethat used to be left place to a more dynamic Order; however, even if thiswhole new place started to be, and time started to run, the old elements neverdisappeared completely. They still had an impact on this new world that tooktheir place.

When the multiverse first appeared, thestars were said to be the first glimpses of Light that broke the void;however, silence still resonated in many of its branches. Silence cracked though withthe motion of the stars’ Light; flickers and waves that first filled this newspace with planets and rocks and dust.

All those were first motionless, stilltrapped in the Silence, but Light kept on moving shining through the multiversecrafting the melody of the origins that pushed everything into motion. Withmotion time started to run, and the Light kept on shining even more, constantlybuilding new layers of space for each new possibility.

Those new universes branched of. Each time something could be, Light madeit be. Once things started to move and to be subject to the new phenomenon oftime, they began to change and evolve trying new combinations and new ways ofbeing. The phenomenon end up creating the most curious of all systems: Life.

Life was first a discontinuousphenomenon that was occurring and quickly disappearing, the first ‘living’things weren’t really able to sustain themselves. They were weak and lackingany kind of understanding of the world that surrounded them. They weren’t evenaware that they existed to start with acting more like irregular inanimatematter rather than living organisms.

They lacked survival instincts. Generations perished and were recycled in the huge dumpster that the multiverse is;however, life was evolving faster than any other thing and in some layers ofthe multiverse, it developed a peculiar defense mechanism:The soul.

It is said that souls were generated through the last big remains of voidby life itself. Souls were then a sort of technological addition to the vasterphenomenon of life; but things evolved even more and souls became the veryessence of life, making the other aspects of it only contributing elements tothe eternal journey of any soul.

With the soul, the race for survivingand reproducing started. Each new life wanted to stay around. Instead of completely vanishing after death and switching to astate of none being, everything remained in the multiverse, but on a differentform. Every time a soul reappeared, it started from scratch, butthrough natural evolution, multiplying and mingling withother organisms, each new vessel was way more developed and offered a better life for the soul.

Souls evolved so much thatsome of its representatives developed a quite helpful ability; being aware of what was around them in a much more complex level . In other words, those souls developed consciousness.

Human life is a mere example of thismuch larger phenomenon, and like all the other models of conscious life throughthe multiverse, it evolved in the same way. However, the way it appeared in someversions of the world is a quite different story.

In somewords that are quite similar to ours, Humans didn’t evolve to become what theyare. Their souls weren’t really the product of generations and generations ofselective amelioration, but rather the effect of the curiosity of otherconscious souls who were testing with things that exceeded theirunderstanding.

In the Angels’ Universe, Many think that the First Adam was thefirst living organism in this region of the multiverse; this assertion is notcompletely true. Life existed before him, but in a way so simplistic that it’srarely recognized as being life; The First Adam on the other hand was the firstand maybe best prototype of soul equipped life.

Its existence alone wastremendously important as he was the source of the Angels’ souls, and everyother living organism that appeared in their world. TheFirst Adam’s soul was considered as an Old God by the Angels, the veryembodiment of both Light and Void. In that world, the angels were thefirst living beings to build a civilization; the first race to transcend the basicstates of existence as an incoherent process through the use ofconsciousness. But even then they weren’tas complex as their Old God: the First Adam.

Through their history, many angelswanted to reproduce the creation of life; to synthesize it. But eons passedbefore they got that knowledge. Knowing the true essence of life putthem in a fear that paralyzed their attempts to reproduce the phenomenon. Theygot so scared that all what was exceeding their current lifestyle becametaboo and their society became frozen in time.

The taboo was also ajustification to stop Lucifer from acting; he was considered for ages as thepersonification of evil, for the mere reason that he pursued an even greater knowledge.When he lost the right to study the First Adam, he led a rebellion creating theopportunity for some angels to become something else: fallen ones commonlycalled demons. He was banished to the very world who led the angels toestablish the Taboo, the world that they created while trying to craft lifeitself: the human world.

Lucifer's interest for the First Adamwasn’t the only action to understand the process of life in that universe.While Lucifer was trying to convince the other Archangels that the Old God mustbe studied, someone else was interested in the knowledge of the Void.

Duringthe golden age of the angels when the Archangels’ council still had seven members, another Angel, a Cherub of the Steel angels was also able toattain the state of Archangel but never joined the council. His name was MikkelGrey, and he attained the Archangel-hood by scarifying himself for the sake ofhis quest for the lost knowledge. Instead of dying and joining the ocean of thecollective consciousness, The fountain’s Light felt upon him and he became a seekerarchangel; an archangel that got his status by defending his own Interestrather than by complete compassion for someone else.

Mr. Grey as everybodyused to call him acquired by that act the knowledge of the void and the essenceof the absence of everything. He then moved from the central continent to theEastern one. He lived alone for years,dedicating his days to his quest, understanding bits by bits what made lifewhat it was.

He knew about the Void and the Light as all other angelsdid, but he went a step further and verified those believes. His experimentsgave him the undeniable certitude that those were more than stories and myths,but elements that truly filled the world he lived in. At least, the Light filled most of it, but hediscovered that far away, Void still existed, and to assert that statement, heneeded to manipulate it.

He tried to synthesize the Void, and failed againand again, but he never gave up his pursuit and ended up succeeding. After afew centuries of unfruitful trials, He did what nobody thought was possible up tothen: He created Void.

His years ofdedication produced a single drop of pure void; a very small amount that waspowerful enough to create brand new souls. The archangels' council weren’t reallyadvanced in their knowledge of the void at that time as they mostly focused onLucifer and his intentions of studying the power of the First Adam.

It allhappened before the beginning of Taboos when the angels were still searching toknow and understand the nature of the world that was around them. During thoseages, Mr. Grey created humanoid specimens: beings extremely similar to angelsbut without any particular basic elemental powers or wings. The continent Mr. Grey was livingin, what later became the land of the demons, started to be populated with those newsynthetic beings. They were the proof of the power of the void. The angels usedto call those artificial creatures humans, and used to call the continent thesoul factory of Mr. Grey.

The Humans that Mr. Grey createdlived for two centuries when a curious phenomenon started to happen. Theydeveloped a consciousness similar to the one of the angels, and demanded to betreated equally. Mikkel Grey who first established himself as their God andcreator, going so far as teaching them to call him the new God saw rebellionrising against the power he used to have over them. Anger filled thosesynthetic souls, and disagreement rose among them. Some still believed in Mr.Grey, acknowledging the Godly status he went by; while others rebelled againsthim, arguing that he was no God, and that he was merely more spoiled by nature.

How could he be the one who created them if he was so similar to them? Theybelieved that a God couldn’t be as puny and fragile as mister Grey seemed tobe. This started a war among the artificial humans, and fearing for his life,Mikkel Grey left them resolve their own problems. When he finally came back,all the humans were dead; they ended up killing each other ruthlessly. Thewinning side was the one of the humans who thought they were the angels’ equals,but when they realized they would never be treated equally, they left themselvesdie, ending the journey of a whole species that was never meant to be in the firstplace.

Mr.Grey was destroyed by the failure of his experiment and was crushed by theweight of his terrible actions. He created an organization to seal theknowledge of the void and stop anybody from accessing it by establishing theTaboos. His shadow organization disappeared among the angels' race and kept onexisting while everybody forgot about those events with time.

He threw the drop of Void into the Fountain of Light which created a whole new layer of the multiverse and a gateway to it. That newlayer slowly evolved and became the equivalent of the Angels’ universe with a planet bearing conscious life, a new earth, populated with less radical humans. The truthabout that earth’s origin disappeared with Mr. Grey shortly after thoseevents…

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