When Marie arrived in my room then next morning, I had realized that it was already the day we start our training. I didn’t sleep well the night before, my thoughts reeling about all that had happened the day before, me being Prince Ethan’s mate, and the fact that Pegasus is using me to replace her long lost goddess.

“Marie do I have to go to the training?” I asked. She nodded, “Yes seeing as in you are his majesty’s mate you of all the girls must go.” I sighed and got up from the bed. “Well the good news is that during training you don’t have to wear a dress.” I looked up at her with gleeful eyes. “Really? That’s great!” She laughed softly and we rummaged through the closet looking for the perfect outfit. I decided on a white tank top with a loose plaid shirt to go over it, I rolled up the sleeves up to my elbow. Red and black grunge mummy wrap leggings, black studded high-cut sneakers, red and black finger less gloves that come up to my elbows and a black beanie with red and black striped ears on the top. When I finished getting dressed I went to the bathroom and put in my piercings.

When I looked at myself in the mirror tons of thoughts hit me, why is this happening to me? Why can’t I go home? I growled and shook my head. When I walked back into the bedroom Marie was no where to be seen. “Marie are you here?” An answer never came. I shrugged my shoulders, maybe she had to get something. Suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and I was slammed against the wall. I hissed out in pain and noticed I was face to face with Natalie,

“What the hell do you think you’re doing in my room?” I growled. She smirked and let out a loud laugh. She looked at me with cold eyes. “I can be wherever I want whenever I want. The real question is, why are you trying to take my soul mate from me?” I looked at her dumbfounded, “what are you talking about?” She glared and grabbed my throat, gripping it tightly. “Don’t act stupid, Prince Ethan would never like a rat like you, I mean just look at how you dress compared to me.” I could barely see anything at the moment as little black dots started to cloud my vision. She loosened her grip only a little, “Listen because I’m only going to say this once, stay away from Ethan or your life won’t turn out good, you’ll lose everything and everyone.” “And how do you expect to do that?” A deep voice rumbled.

Natalie looked at the door and her face turned white, she quickly let me go and I fell to the floor coughing as the air went into my lungs. “Oh uh well I mean,” Natalie was stuttering trying to replace the right words to say. I looked over at the door, Marie was standing there, as was Prince Zach, he had his hands in his pockets and a hard look on his face. He walked over to me and helped me to my feet. “Well Miss.Natalie, I’m waiting for an explanation.” She looked scared as she tried to replace the right words to say. Prince Zach sighed, “Just get out and don’t ever lay on hand on her, or anyone else again or there will be consequences.” Natalie quickly ran out of the room,

“Thank you Marie for coming to get me,” He turned to face me, “Are you alright?” I nodded not being able to talk. When I was finally able to breath I looked up at the prince, “How did you get here?” He chuckled,

“Why Marie came and got me, and besides I knew she was going to do something after yesterday so I decided to keep a close eye on you.” I looked up at him confused, “Wait do you know?” I asked quietly. He nodded, “My brother just has a thick head and can’t tell that what he needs is right in front of him.” He laughed quietly. “Wait so….you all know?” He nodded again, “Yes everyone except Ethan.” I sighed and plopped down on my bed. “Are you right miss?” Marie asked. “Yeah I’m fine, just too much girl drama.” Prince Zach chuckled, “Come let us head down to breakfast.”

Prince Zach took my arm and pulled me off of the bed. He led me down the long hallway to the dining room. When we entered the dining room and released me arm and went to sit next to Prince Ethan. I pulled out a chair and sat down next to Chloe. “Good morning Snow.” She said cheerfully. I just groaned and laid my head on the table. “Not much of a morning person are you?” I shook my head and she laughed. The room was full of different conversations, but was suddenly silent. Curious I lifted up my head and noticed the king was standing up in his chair.

“Good morning girls, today you all begin your training, this training will take one month concluding this month is when Prince Ethan will choose which one of you is his mate,” he paused taking a quick glance in my direction, “now all of you will meet at the courtyard for your first task.” When he finished speaking all of the girls quickly stood up and made their way to the courtyard. I felt like someone was watching me, when I turned around I noticed Prince Ethan looking at me. He looked deep in focus, suddenly getting nervous I turned forward and quickly walked ahead. When we finally reached the courtyard the royal family stood in front of us. The king began to speak, “Now this is your first lesson, you all have the power to control the element ice, you will use that skill to pass through the maze,” He gestured to the maze of bushes behind us. I sighed, great a maze, just what I needed. We all lined up in a straight line across the entrance of the maze. “What is the point of this maze?” Jade mumbled. “How am I supposed to know, all I know is that it’s not going to be easy.” I said.

“Okay, the rule of the maze, you may switch into animal of your choosing, except your wolf and the animal you chose at the ceremony.” The king announced. I looked over at Jade and she smiled at me, she leaned over and whispered, “Not that it matters seeing as in you’re Prince Ethan’s mate.” I rolled my eyes and she laughed. “Are all of you ready?” The king asked. We all looked at each other. “You may all start the maze!” He yelled. All of us ran into the maze, when the first turn came I went left followed by Chloe, Natalie and Kathy. An image came into my mind and my bones took shape. When I was fully shifted into the white tiger I ran faster than the others. I heard a roar and I knew that one of the girls had shifted with me, I just didn’t know who.

Suddenly a wall appeared in front of us and I skidded to a halt. There was a sign in the bushes by the wall. It said ‘You have reached the first task in the maze, this wall is magic, you can’t go over or under, replace the hidden magic in you.’ I quickly shifted back into my normal form. Magic in me? What the hell does that mean? Chloe walked beside me and examined the wall. She leaned over to me and whispered.

“Look at the center of the wall.” I looked at the wall and noticed an outline, it looked like a door. Chloe walked up to the door and placed her hands inside the outline. I saw water start to seep through the wall, when the wall was covered she turned to me. “Use your ice, hurry.” I looked down the maze and saw Natalie and Kathy searching, probably for a way out. I walked up to the door, Chole took her hands off the wall, though, still controling the water. I placed my hands on the wall and the water covered my hand. I felt my body begin to get cold and the water turned to ice. When all the water froze the door jerked and the bricks began to move creating a hole. When the bricks stopped moving we both walked through and the bricks moved to cover the the hole. “Well looks like it sucks Natalie and Kathy.” Chloe laughed.

We ran down the maze, it seemed like it went on forever. “Oh my gosh, what are we supposed to do now?” Chloe asked. In the corner of my eye I saw a hole at the bottom of the bushes. I walked over to it and moved the rocks that were covering it. When all the rocks were moved, the hole looked big enough for a small child to fit through.

“Are you sure that’s the way?” Chloe asked. I nodded, “It has to be.” I shifted in a small fox and Chloe into a Lynx. I nodded to her and crawled through first. When we were both through we were greeted by a raging river. “Dude we’re in dresses.” Chloe said. I looked down and she was right, our normal clothes had been replaced with dresses.I was in a silky knee-length red dress, that had black lace covering it. The lace came up and around my neck. My sneakers were replaced with black flats. Chloe had on a blue dress, the back went to the floor and the front stopped mid-thigh. The dress had a flowy style and her shoes were replaced with golden colored heels.

“How in the hell do they expect us to get through the maze in this?” I growled. “I don’t know, but when I get out, I’m killing one of them.” She joked. I sighed, the only way to the other side, was across the river. I placed one foot on the water and the water froze where my foot was. I walked across the river, Chloe following close behind.

“This sucks! Whose idea was this in the first place?!” I shouted. “This has been a tradition for centuries,” Chloe said. “my parents made me study the history of Engor, in case I was chosen to come here.” When we made it to the other side of the river I turned to Chloe,

“I never wanted to come here. I just want to go back home.” I said. She looked at me sadly. We turned and entered the woods that were in front of us. While we were walking we heard a loud growl, we turned and I peered into the trees. The first thing we saw was the head of a lion, but that wasn’t all, there was also a ram head with the lion. When it was fully out of the woods, the both of us gasped and the creature growled again. It’s body was covered in scales, it’s tail was the body of a snake and the snake head hissed at us.

“What the hell is that thing?!” Chloe shouted. It lowered it self to the ground and growled again. “I don’t know, but I don’t want to become it’s lunch.” I said. We both turned to run but when we turned it was right in front of us. I turned around the other way. “Oh my god, there’s two of them.” What the hell are we supposed to do now? Chloe faced the first one and I was turned toward the second one. The creature growled and jumped toward me and I ducked underneath it and slid in the dirt. How am I supposed to fight with a dress on? What am I going to do? The creature bared it’s teeth and roared loudly.

“Chloe, what are we going to do?” I asked. She was currently in a tree, kicking the lion in the face. “No clue, but we had better think of something quick.” She said. The creature ran at me and on impulse I shifted into a white tiger and jumped onto the creature. I bit its neck and it roared in pain. I slammed me against a tree and I loosened my grip, giving the chance to escape. He ripped away from me and turned to face me. He jumped at me and I slipped away. I felt small teeth sink into my tail, I turned my head and saw the snake had me by the tail. That gave the creature the upper hand, he extended his claws and raked them down my side. I roared and ripped my tail away. This is the only chance I have to beat this thing. I ran and slammed the creature into a large tree. The tree shook I saw a loose branch shake slightly. I slammed it into the tree again and back away. Just as I moved the tree fell onto the creature and it was still. I started to feel numb, the snake’s venom must be getting to me. I turned to Chloe who was still fighting the creature, and was losing.The creature had her pinned to the ground and was trying to bite her neck. Even though I didn’t have a lot of energy left, I jumped onto it and buried my teeth into it’s neck.It went limp and I pulled it off of Chloe. She was lying on the ground, barley breathing. I nudged her gently and she huffed quietly. I looked forward and noticed the trees had disappeared and I saw the royal garden. That was the end of the maze. Still in her panther form I nudged her again, she looked at the end of the maze then back to me.

She jerked her head to the garden as if to tell me to go on with out her. Though I had no strength I grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. With all my might I threw her onto my back. I shifted her so her head was by mine. I slowly made my way to the end of the maze. When I reached the end there were loud cheers. I looked at the royal family and saw all the princes clapping loudly. Ethan was smiling at me. Suddenly all my strength was gone and I collapsed onto the ground. All the cheers were replaced with gasps. And the last thing I remember was people surrounding me and pulling Chloe off of me.

When I woke up I was lying in a bed, I was in a white room. I heard beeping and I looked over, there was a monitor next to me and there were needles in my arms. I was the only one in the room. I had a major head ache, I went to move but noticed something was wrong, I was still in my tiger form. I shifted into my normal form, as soon as i did, the king and the three princes walked into the room.

“Ah you’re awake Snow.” He said. “What happened?” I asked. “You saved Chloe from the Chimera.” Prince Zach said. Then all the memories flooded into my head. I abruptly stood up, pulling the needles in my arm.

“What the hell was that thing, and why did we have to fight it?!” I shouted. Ethan grabbed my arm and sat me back down on the bed. “A Chimera is created with different creatures. It is a very powerful creature, though the ones we train here, were not supposed to be that aggressive.” Ethan explained. “Where’s Chloe?” I asked. “Chloe is alright, she awoke an hour after she fainted.” The king said. “Wait..how long have I been asleep?” I asked. “Almost two days.” Zach said. “Two days? Did I miss anything?” I asked

“No, we put a hold on the training until you awoke.” The king said. “Well thanks.” I said. He smiled and gave me a knowing look. “What time is it?” I asked. “It is around midnight, you had better get some sleep, tomorrow training begains again.” The king said and left the room. The princes stayed behind with me. “That was really cool, how you did that!” Prince John exclaimed. He sat beside me. I smiled,

“Well I wasn’t going to leave her behind.” Ethan smiled at me, ’You are very kind.” He said. “Would you have helped Natalie?” Zach asked. “Ha, no the Chimera could have eaten her for all I care.” I said. Zach laughed while Ethan looked at me weird. I sighed, ’Well there’s no way I’ll be able to sleep now.” I said. Ethan stood up, “Lets take her to the garden.” He said. His brothers nodded and Ethan helped me up. We walked out of the room and began to walk to the garden.

″The garden is magic.” John said. ″Really? A magic garden?” I asked. “Yes, it is a very special garden, full of plants and flowers you won’t replace in any normal place.” I smiled as I thought of the possible flowers that could be in the garden. We stopped in front of large red doors. Ethan pushed open the door and Zach led me inside. The first thing that caught my attention was a large flower in the middle of the garden, a beautiful woman in the middle of it. It looked as if she was rooted into the plant. She had long brown hair that went down to her waist, she had bright blue eyes that would catch anyone attention. She had on a white dress, it looked as if it was made from the softest flower petals. The bottom of the plant was surrounded by red roses and vines were resting along the plant.

“That’s Astra, keeper of the garden, would you like to meet her?” Ethan asked. I smiled and nodded. He took my hand and led me over to her. When we reached her she looked at us and smiled. “Hello your Highness,′ she looked at me and smiled. “and who is this beautiful maiden you have brought with you?” She asked, her voice sounded like it came from the angels. “My name is Snow.” Astra smiled and held out her hand to me. I gently took it and she pulled me up to her. Her skin felt soft, and she looked even prettier up close.

“You are a very beautiful maiden.” She said. I blushed and she laughed. “Your hair is as red as the brightest roses.” She placed her hand on my head. “It isn’t my natural color, I’m really a blonde.” She looked at me curiously, “Why did you change your color?” She asked. “I wasn’t really a big fan of it, I prefer brighter colors.” I said. She opened her hand and a white flower appeared in her hand. “This is a Heliotrope. A plain looking flower, though very beautiful and special in its own way, and it wouldn’t change what it looks like for anything.” She placed the flower behind my ear. She nodded to Ethan who helped me down.

“You can come to me whenever you’d like Snow, I’ll always be here.” She said. I smiled, “I would love to, goodbye Astra.” She smiled waved. I yawned and stretched. “Well I think someone is tired.” Zach laughed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said. I yawned again. ’Yes you are, we’re taking you straight to bed.” Zach said. I stopped walking, sat on the ground crossed my legs and arms. “No, you can’t make me.” I pouted. “Wow, you’re a child.” Zach said. Ethan sighed and placed his hands under my arms. He picked me up off the ground and placed one arm under my legs and and the other behind my back.

“What are you doing?” I asked. “Well if you aren’t going to walk, I’ll carry you.” He said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. We walked down the hallway and stopped in front of my door. Ethan set me on my feet and I turned to them. “Well I am in love with your garden so i’ll be there soon.” I said. Ethan smiled, “Not tonight, goodnight Snow.′ He said. John ran up and hugged me. “Goodnight Snow!” He exclaimed. I smiled and hugged the shorty. Zach ruffled my hair, “Night squirt.” I glared at him. “I will hurt you.′ I said. He laughed and the three of them made their way to their rooms. I smiled softly and opened the door. I walked into the room and closed the door softly behind me. I sighed and plopped onto my bed. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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