The Unexpected Princess -
She's Gone
I walked down the halls of the John by my side.
“How do you think Snow’s doing?” He asked. I sighed, “I’m not sure, she’s probably blaming herself, I wish I could help her.” I said sadly. After I found her crying in the hall last night, I didn’t know how to help her, so I just took her to my room to let her sleep. Jade, I mean Maliya was walking towards us, Pegasus by her side.
“Hello Ethan, how’s Snow?” She asked. “Hello Maliya, we were just going to see her, would you like to join us?” I asked. She nodded and we all walked to my bed room. The guards nodded and opened the door. Bur when we walked inside, the room was empty. Snow was not here. I searched the room looking for her, but she was gone.
“Ethan, look.” I turned and John was pointing, on my desk, were pieces of paper, folded up neatly. On each one, was a name. Mine, John’s, Zach’s, Astra’s, My parents, Max, her parents, Maliya and Chloe. I opened the letter and read it.
‘Ethan, i’m sorry, but I just couldn’t tell you this in person because I knew you would try to stop me. But, i’m going back home. I just can’t deal with this stress and pain. I’ve been too much trouble to all of you, I should have never come to Engor. Please don’t try to look for me, even though I know you will. I hate to just up and leave but I think it’s time for me to go. It’s better this way.’
I slammed my fist on the desk and ran out of the room. I ran to Snow’s room and opened the door. I searched her room but she wasn’t there. Dammit! I ran out of the castle and into the garden. Zach was leaning against the gate.
“She’s already gone.” He said. I growled. “You let her leave!” He looked up at me. “What was I supposed to do? It’s her choice if she wants to leave.” He said. I growled and shifted into my wolf. I lunged at Zach. He met me in mid-air in his wolf form.
I clawed at his back. He bit at me neck,
“That’s enough you two!” My father’s voice boomed through the garden. I moved away from Zach, glaring at him. “What is going on here?” My mother asked. I shifted back. “Snow left, and he just let her walk away. Not trying to stop her!” I yelled. My mother looked at Zach. “Zach, you know how much Snow means to your brother, why would you let her leave?” She asked. He scoffed,
“It’s not like I can control her, if she wants to leave, who am I to stop her?” He asked. I growled, “You didn’t even try!” I yelled. He looked at me,
“Do you even understand how she feels right now? Her brother was almost killed trying to protect you, for her! She didn’t even want to be here! All she wanted was to go home!” He yelled. I ran at him. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and slammed him against the gate.
“And how the hell would you know? She my mate, not yours!” I growled. He smirked. “Some mate you are, you couldn’t even tell when she was breaking. You think she always looked as happy as she felt, do you even know that this wasn’t the first time Natalie tried to kill her?” He spat. I loosened my grip on him, “What are you talking about?” I asked.
“In her room, only the first week of them being here, Marie came to get me, she said something horrible was happening. When I opened Snow’s door, Natalie was there,holding Snow against the wall, choking her. If I hadn’t gotten there then I don’t know what would’ve happened.” I let go of him. I can’t believe it, i’m so stupid.
I couldn’t even tell that she was feeling hurt, what the hell is a matter with me?! I turned and ran back into the castle.
“You can’t ran from this Ethan! You’ve got to go get her!” My father called after me. I ignored them all. I shifted into my wolf and ran through the castle halls, trying to escape my guilt. I need her, but she’s gone. She’s gone and I don’t know what to do about it!
“Snow get up, we’ve got to get ready for school.” Abby gently shook me awake. I threw off the comforter and shivered as the cold air hit my bare legs. I guess it isn’t a good idea to sleep in shorts in winter. I stood up from the bed and when my feet hit the carpeted floor I noticed that it had snowed that night. I smiled, winter, my favorite season. I walked into the bathroom and turned on Abby’s curling iron. I walked back into her bedroom and rummaged through the closet. I picked out burgundy jeans, a white tank top with a white knitted sweater over it, and brown ankle boots.
I walked back into the bathroom and began to curl my hair. When I finished curling it, I put a red bow in the back of my hair. I put in my piercings and walked down stairs.
“Good morning Snow.” Abby’s mom said. “Morning.” I said. I sat down by Abby and began to eat my breakfast. It’s been two weeks since I left Engor, I miss everyone there everyday, but I’m glad I left. It was all too much to handle. When we finished eating we all piled into Jake’s truck. I looked out the window watched the snow fall. I turned to Abby and Jake,
“Wanna see something cool?” I asked. They both nodded and I lifted my hand, moving it back in forth. The snow began to follow were my and went, it looked like it was dancing.
“That’s awesome.” Abby said. I smiled. I loved being able to my best friends the real me. We pulled up in the parking lot of school and got out of the car. When we walked into the building, Jake left to go talk to his dance teacher. Abby and I walked to my locker.
“Oh I almost forgot, this came for you.” She handed me a letter, it was from parents. “Great, i’m going to get a lecture from them and their on the other side of the world.” I muttered. I walked into my history class and sat down. I opened the letter and began to read it.
‘Snow, don’t worry, this letter isn’t a lecture. We just wanted to tell you how everything is doing since you left. You could probably guess it, but Ethan’s a mess without you. He needs you Snow, and you need him. He’s not the only one who misses you, the whole royal family are awaiting your return. As are Maliya and Chloe, the choosing is soon, and now that everyone knows that you are Ethan’s mate, all of Engor are waiting. Max is still in a coma, the doctor said his surgery went fine, and now we are waiting for him to awake. We’re not going to tell you to come back, you’re old enough to make your own decisions. But you can’t live without him forever, we’re surprised you stayed away this long. We love you Snow and hope to see you soon.’
I sighed and put the envelope and put it in my folder. I sighed, what am I going to do? Two weeks ago I was happy to come home, but now i’m not sure. I don’t know what I want anymore, do I want to stay here, or do I want to go back to Ethan? Gah, why is my life so confusing?!
“Snow! Will you pay attention in my class?” Mr.Ackles shouted. I muttered a sorry and he went back to teaching. I sighed and looked out the window. I don’t know what to do anymore. My heart is split in two, and I don’t know how to put it together again.
When history finally ended I trudged down the hallway. I bumped into someone an fell on my butt. I looked up and noticed it was Ashton I bumped into.
“Sorry Snow, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. I smiled, “Don’t worry about, I guess I’m just a little off today.” I said. He chuckled. Suddenly he got nervous. He scratched the back of his head,
“Uh hey Snow, are you busy this weekend?” He asked. “No, why?” I asked. “Well uh, I was wondering if you’d go to the movies with me.” He said. I smiled, “Sure, i’d like that.” I said. He smiled widely. He may not be Ethan, but i’ll admit I had a crush on him. We walked to my locker together. Abby and Jake were already waiting there for me. When we reached my locker Ashton went to his next class.
“I’ll see you this weekend Snow.” He said. Abby looked at me confused. “What was that about?” She asked. “Oh, Ashton asked me out on a date.” I said. “And you said yes?” Jake asked. I nodded. They both exchanged worried glances.
“Snow what are you doing?” Jake asked. I opened my locker. “What do you mean?” I asked. “What about Ethan?” He said. “I can’t go back there, I already told you that.” I put my books in my locker. “But that doesn’t change the face that he’s your mate.” Jake whispered. I shrugged my shoulders.
“Snow I don’t like what this is doing to you, you have to see him.” Abby insisted. I slammed my locker, “Look, I get that you two are worried about me, but there’s nothing I can do!” I turned and was about to walk away when I felt the world shift. I felt something click inside me, and I felt whole again.
“Snow, are you okay?” Jake asked. I turned to him, “I-I don’t know.” I whispered. I heard the hall quiet and all eyes turned to behind me. “Snow, I think you should turn around.” Abby whispered. I grasped her arm, “I don’t know if I want to.” I whispered. Abby smiled and spun me around. And standing in front of me, was the person I left behind in Engor. He smiled at me. He looked worse then I did, he had bags under his eyes and looked as if he hadn’t slept in days, weeks even.
He began to walk towards me, I looked at Abby, “What do I do?” I asked. “Enjoy it.” She pushed me toward Ethan. I looked at the floor and played with my fingers. Why am I so awkward?! He took my hand in his, making me look up at him. I looked into his gold colored eyes. He smiled at me,
“My princess.” He whispered. I laughed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and we stood there. Just basking in each other’s presence. I didn’t think I’d want to hug him this much. But, i’m just so happy to see him. I didn’t realize that I started to cry. He cupped my face in his hands and wiped away my tears.
“Shh, it’s okay.” He started to comfort me. I heard everyone begin to move again, losing interest in us. I didn’t care, all I cared about was that Ethan was with. He pressed a kiss on my forehead. I laughed wetly
“You’re here.” He smiled. “Yeah, i’m here, and I’m staying with you.” He said. I smiled and hugged him one last time. When we separated I turned to face Abby and Jake. “This is Ethan, Ethan this is Abby and Jake, my two best friends.” I said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Ethan said. They smiled, “It’s nice to meet you to.” They said. I smiled, what can I do now? I have my mate and my two best friends by my side. I can finally be happy.
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