Warning: My Mommy is A Savage
Warning My Mommy Is A Savage! Chapter 454 By Seeking A Peaceful

Chapter 454 All done.

Without any more obstacles keeping her back, Charmine ran toward the basement. The basement had no window; there was only a dim yellow light on the wall. Robert laid on the Japanese-styled tatami as he slept soundly. Charmine walked over and kicked him gently on the leg. "Wake up! Follow me!" Robert blearily opened his eyes with that, and he noticed it was Charmine, he frowned with confusion. "Why did you come?" "You're going to starve to death if I hadn't come," Charmine scoffed. "Follow me!" Robert remained laying on the ground. "I'm not leaving. I want to learn gaming with Uji Quin!"

Upon Robert's arrival to his mansion, Uji Quin told him that the most important aspect of gaming was one's inner peace. One should not be disturbed by the outside world and that they should stay in a safe place. A darker place would be ideal. Robert was initially skeptical of that, but Uji Quin came down to his basement to perform a few battles in the game. He told Robert that he only found the 'right feel' of gaming in the basement when he first started.

Thus, throughout the days and nights, Robert tried to replace that same 'feel' as he abstained from eating and drinking. He tried to replace that 'peace' from within him. Robert was not sure if it was due to some psychological reasons, but his gaming ability had actually improved a lot! Why would he leave after he had gained such promising progress? Charmine knocked his head. "Do you think Uji Quin is teaching you? He worked with Tiffany to kidnap you, and Tiffany even used the photo of you in the basement to force Grandpa to give her his 30- percent shares! "It's always been a plot when Tiffany set you up to learn from Uji Quin! You coming to Kansas broke our parents' hearts, so they gave their shares to Tiffany!" Robert reeled in shock at that for a good moment, but he quickly argued, "Impossible! I don't believe you! Tiffany's not that kind of person!"

"You'll know once you get home. Follow me now. When Uji Quin comes back, we won't be able to leave!" Charmine pulled him up.

Robert swung her hand away. "I'm not leaving! What can I do when I get home? What's the point of going back to a home with family members plotting against one another? You're all plotting against each other, harming one another to get the shares! Even Tiffany, the only person who loved me, had turned into someone I don't even recognize. My home has nothing worth for me to go back for!

"I get to learn about gaming here at least, to improve my skills. I'll return someday and show

every single one of you how a gamer can be successful, too!" "Hah! Do you think you'll be able to learn from Uji Quin? Do you think he can teach you?" Charmine scoffed coldly. "Oh, how arrogant! If I can't teach him, can you?" A mocking voice was heard. Charmine frowned and turned to see Uji Quin walking down the stairs into the basement. 1 He was dressed in burgundy silk pajamas, his bare chest exposed. He gave one the impression of a typical wealthy man. Behind him were 100 bodyguards that blocked the entrance. 1 Was he not...at the nightclub? Why did he return so quickly? Uji Quin fiddled with the two jade beads in his hands as he condescendingly spoke, "What? Disappointed? You didn't expect me to come back? I didn't expect a woman like you could get past my system either. If I didn't feel strange out of the blue and came home early to check, you would've brought him away." Charmine glared at him coldly. "Kidnapping is illegal. Are you trying to be a criminal with Tiffany?" "I don't know what you mean." Uji Quin looked at Robert. "Robert, come here, stand beside me. Tell Charmine: did I kidnap you?" "Yes, Master!" Robert nodded politely and walked toward Uji Quin.

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