Wedding Day Vampire -
Chapter 44
“The people who blame me for the chaos and misfortune in the world today are not wrong to blame, of course, there is someone responsible for all those bad things that happen, and that someone is no other person than my brother, Yang.”
Joana gasped. She never thought that the white dragon would be responsible for all Yin was blamed for, part of her wanted to say that it was a lie, that Yin might just be telling them this to get them on her side. But Yin seemed like a really nice person, and the bigger part of her told her that Yin was telling the truth. And besides, why would she need two random vampires on her side anyway?
“If you think I am lying, which I know you do, check the black and white symbol representing Yin and Yang, the Tai Chi symbol. The two sides each have a small circle of the contrasting color. The two small circles represent our hearts, the black side, me having a white heart, and the white side, Yang, having a black heart.”
“We believe you,” Derick said immediately.
“I didn’t tell you both so you could believe me, whether you do or not, it’s the truth and that was the real reason I cried all those times, I got blamed for things I never did, but instead tried to avoid. Every one hundred years, Yang and I battle and whoever wins will have the main say in what happens on earth for the next one hundred years until we battle again.”
“Let me guess, you lost the last battle?” Derick asked.
“Derick!” Joana nudged him, “be nice!!”
“No, he’s right, I did, that’s why there’s been a lot of evil going on in the world lately, and the year 2020 was the cap of it all. I won the former one, and it was a century of peace and good prospering.”
“The people who blame me for the chaos and misfortune in the world today are not wrong to blame, of course, there is someone responsible for all those bad things that happen, and that someone is no other person than my brother, Yang.”
“So, when is the next battle between you and Yang?”
“Next year.”
“It’s not far at all, I hope you win this time,” Joana said.
“I hope I do too, but that never changed the way people hated me and it never will, they have always hated me even during the times I used to win the battle, I might have the main say in what goes on then but Yang still has his devious ways of causing havoc which I can’t control, and I still get blamed for it.”
“We’re sorry to hear that. So why did you stop crying if the people still blame you for their misfortunes?”
“Like I said before, it was your spirit that gave me the first step towards ending my tears, I discovered a little thing called self-love.
“I realized that in life, you can never please everyone, but it shouldn’t stop you from always doing the right thing. And despite how the world sees me, there were still a few people who loved me, and believed in me, Marylin was one of them, and I’m sure the authors of the books you read must have been one of them too for them to have known that I wasn’t the enemy.”
Joana gave a little chuckle.
“I am one of them too, and even though I really needed your tears, I’m glad you’ve stopped crying.”
“I’m glad I have too, and now that you were that special someone that gave the first step in ending my tears, you will have the last of them.”
“Really? You’ll give it to me,” Joana asked, unable to contain her excitement.
“Yes, I will,” Yin said. “Besides, I have a battle to prepare for, it’s my way of throwing away the last piece of the bitter past and looking towards a better future for the whole world.”
“So, what will happen to Yang afterwards?”
“Well, no matter how good things are, evil must surely still lurk around. We can’t get rid of him the same way he couldn’t get rid of me, but we hope that we’ll be seeing less of his face. I will personally make sure of it.”
“Thank you, Yin, we hope you win the battle this time so that good things can start happening again!”
“I hope I do too, and now, let me fulfill my promise to you before you go.”
She walked deeper into the cave and came out a few minutes later with the small bottle of tears she rolled on the floor, Derick went over, picked it up and handed it to Joana who kept it in her pocket.
“I hope you come visit me again when next you come to China, it gets pretty lonely in this cave. And the vampires that used to come here stopped when they found out they couldn’t get any more tears for their vamscren.”
Joana laughed at Yin’s little joke.
“I will, promise.”
She went over to where Yin stood, crouched down, picked her up in her arms and brought her closer to her chest, giving her a tiny little dragon hug.
“Joana, we better leave now, the sun is almost out!” Derick alerted her.
“Ok,” she said as she gently put Yin down and gave her one last wave before leaving on her wings with Derick, back to the Hwang hotel.
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