Worth Dying For -
Chapter 14 ~ Let’s Go With That!
Marisol’s POV ~
Robert was out of surgery.. Stable but critical. I have mixed feelings..because he didn’t hesitate to protect Isaiah. Even at the cost of his own life. We are waiting to see him. The doctors told Kai Robert was in recovery and would be moved to ICU, soon.
The hospital tried to argue with Malakai about having our own security. As soon as he told them he would arrange transportation to get his family to a better hospital.. they backed off. Idiots.
Kennedy came back with coffee.. and I could kiss him! He handed my my double mocha caramel latte’ and Kai had his boring black coffee. Too bitter for me.
Kai said “I want you to stay at the penthouse with me. Please don’t say no. The mansion is too remote to be easily defensible.. and this shit is just getting started. Isaiah will be safer. More secure. The penthouse is virtually impregnable.”
I laughed “Baby.. you don’t have to sell me on the idea. I was actually going to suggest it. Our wedding is two weeks away..and it looks like we will be holding it at Colum Towers. I will get Susannah on that in the morning.”
He smiled.. and sighed in relief “Let’s go check on Robert.. Sol is on pins and needles waiting on word.” I took his hand and we walked down to ICU.
Seeing Robert lying there.. motionless.. so quiet.. was disturbing. I didn’t know the whole story about his relationship with my birth mother.. or why Anna did what she did. Maybe we could sit and talk about it all, one day. I want to be able to forgive him.. for the sake of Isaiah. Hopefully, at least, I can replace an even footing..
After seeing Robert, and being updated.. we went back to tell Grandpa what we had learned of his condition. I kissed Grandpa’s forehead, and got him comfortable.
I let him know I was staying at the penthouse for now, and when he is released in a few days, we would be bringing him to stay with us there. I need to have my family close.. this was too close for comfort!
I told him “Dad was hit four times.. three missed anything vital. Two in his shoulder.. one through the fleshy part of his calf. The fourth hit his spleen.. and one kidney. The doctors repaired the damage.. and now, it is a wait and see situation. The next 48 hours are crucial to his recovery. The danger lies in the amount of blood he lost.”
Grandpa said “I want to see him.. Do you think we could arrange something tomorrow?” I smiled and let him know “Of course we can! I will be back first thing. And we will spend all day with him, if you’d like!”
After we had gotten to the penthouse, Kai showed me the room he had remodeled for Isaiah.. all done in a Lion King theme because it’s the baby’s favorite movie.. He watches other movies.. becomes obsessive about them.. but they only last about two weeks, before he goes back to binge watching Simba, again.
I was standing in the living room.. looking out over the city.. Kai handed me a glass of wine and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me against his chest. He whispered “You’re here.. In my home. And all I can think is how right it feels. I have dreamed of this exact moment for so long!”
He took my hand, and gave me a tour. The living room, where we had been standing.. was all plate glass and gleaming galvanized steel. The floor to ceiling windows allowed for a fantastic view of the city lights. A fireplace faced the center of the black leather couches and glass tables.. Beautiful and straight out of executive weekly.
I giggled “You fixed a room up.. made everything in it about Isaiah.. but glass tables, my sweet man, are hazardous, as hell, to a toddler.”
He grinned and said “Gone! First thing in the morning.. I babyproof this place like a fiend! I love that you think I’m sweet. It’s adorable. I am not sweet to anyone else, my love. I am a dangerous man.. and someone has forgotten that. It is time I remind them why I am at the top of the food chain.”
Shaking my head.. “They were coming for our son, Malakai. They injured my family.. with the intention of killing anyone in their way. That can’t stand. I can’t allow it to go unanswered, either.”
Taking my hand, we finished the tour.. His bedroom was on the same side as the living room.. with more floor to ceiling windows.. and the same view. He said “There is a couple guest rooms down the hall.. But, I would love it, if we shared this room. Most men fantasize about ravishing the woman of their dreams. I never allow myself to do that.. because, frankly, it would drive me insane. But I have dreamed about holding you in my arms.. all night. Waking next to you, every morning. Just breathing the same air..”
I laughed and told him “Why, Mr. Winters, you have just proven my sweet man comment! I have looked forward to spending nights in your arms. But I ain’t gonna lie and say I never fantasized about you ravishing me.. about the many things we did together, the night Isaiah was conceived. I want that, Kai. I want you. This! For the rest of my life!”
He pulled me into him, lowering his head.. his lips touched mine.. softly, at first.. then more aggressively.. His tongue danced with mine, and he scooped me into his arms.. laying beside me on the bed. We made out for quite awhile.. Then he jerked away and sat up.. “Argghh! You’re killing me, Smalls! All I want to do is rip your clothes off and devour you! Thirteen days feels like eternity!”
I giggled “It’s not any easier for me! I have taken to carrying clean panties in my handbag, Kai! You smile that crooked sexy smile.. Clean panties! You bite your lower lip.. suck it between your teeth.. soaked my britches! That deep, sexy as molten chocolate, laugh.. Your smooth as Tennessee whiskey voice.. Your green eyes.. That gorgeous, curly dark hair! Don’t get me started on those abs.. Or that deep fucking Vee.. leading my eyes to my favorite playground.. UGH! All perfectly meshed together in 6’9 inches of hot as fuck manmeat! Yeah. I’m suffering, too.. my love!”
He busted out laughing.. “I don’t know why it never occurred to me that you would be suffering as badly as I am! I’m not sure if I am flattered.. or if I feel bad. You just said all that to make me feel better, didn’t you!?”
I grinned.. kissed his shoulder… and told him “Sure! Let’s go with that!”
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