Wunderhein Academy: Book 1- Awakening -
Chapter 10
“Stupid Lexie, telling me what to do.” Catai muttered once she was in the safety of her room, grabbing her shower gear.
“You know I can hear you.” A call came from the other side of her bedroom door.
She turned around and stuck her tongue out at the door before looking at the things on her bed. Her heart sank for a moment as she touched the toiletry bag she had been issued when she arrived. Everything inside it seemed dull and uninteresting. Even the cake of perfect looking soap lacked the feeling of care of the ones her mother used to make. Or the smell of the herb her mother had used in their homemade ones.
For a moment Kitten sniffed before reminding herself she had to get going. She grabbed her things and walked towards the door.
“Hey!” She looked down at the ground after feeling something hard under her shoe. She bent down to pick up and examine the object. “A toothbrush? How did a toothbrush slip under my door?”
Maybe Boris found a way to sneak on to her. Or Ivan. They were the only two she could think of that even cared about her. She burst into a big smile before adding it to her collection. She would have to thank them later when she saw them.
“Are you done yet?” Aleksei called out from the other side of her bedroom door. “I don’t have all day.”
“I’m coming.” She clenched her teeth before opening the door, replaceing her Captain chewing on a thick splinter of wood.
One of the students walked past, his eyes beginning to study her but looked away as he quickened his steps when Aleksei growled at him.
“Idiot.” Kitten heard her captain mutter before he removed the tooth-pick like object from his mouth. “Come on, let’s go.”
Kitten took a few steps, ready to catch up with him but faltered when he didn’t move. She looked back to replace him looking ahead, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
Frowning, she had walked on a few steps when she felt a grip on the small ponytail she had managed to make. Before she could make a sound, a pain shot to her head as it was forced upwards to the ceiling by a fierce tug of her hair.
“Keep your guard up. I’m not reminding you again.” He growled. “And keep your dumb posture straight. There’s no reason to hide your face.”
The action made her yelp and drop her things. Her body was still stiff and protesting from all the running and the added cleaning she had to do earlier. Kitten had only just managed to work with the stiffness. This added pain made her want to cry.
No! She wouldn’t give this monster that satisfaction! Instead she bit back her tears that were threatening.
“Come on, let’s go hit the showers.” He ordered, finally releasing his grip on her hair. Biting her lip, she picked up her things before following him obediently, boring a hole in his back with her eyes.
The walk to the bathrooms had been filled with an uncomfortable silence. Aleksei kept ignoring her, lost in his own thoughts. She kept trying to keep up with his pace, noticing the difference in the other students from the previous days.
No-one was trying to make random lewd comments to her like they used to. Instead they saluted Aleksei and stepped out of the way, either watching or ignoring her altogether.
One snorted. She spun around and recognized Balco instantly, even with the new scars around his face and the bandaged arm. Without even thinking, she hurried closer towards Aleksei.
“Stop it.” He grumbled when she bumped into him. “You smell like fear.”
“Huh?” She looked up at him but he shook his head.
“They can pick up your afraid.” He continued as they neared the bathrooms. “You don’t have to be. You’re with me now. With Alpha Pack. We won’t let anyone hurt you.”
She shivered before nodding dumbly in agreement before she heard her name being called.
“Kitten, hey Kitten.” She found Boris giving her a huge wave in greeting where he was standing outside the bathroom. “Over here.”
“Boris!” She grinned at the youngster before running up to him. He met her half-way and wrapped his arms around her in a huge hug. “You still smell like a toilet.”
“Brat.” She giggled, purposely rubbing her face against his as he laughed in protest. “Thanks for the toothbrush.”
“Huh?” Boris looked at her in confusion. “What toothbrush?”
“If you two are done.” Aleksei’s voice interrupted. Kitten looked up to replace him holding open the door to the showers. She freed herself from Boris and took a step back as Aleksei’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you are waiting for an invitation.”
“I’m not going in there.” She stated, watching all the students that were queuing with their own shower gear or with towels around their waists. She recognized a handful of them. They watched her with different expressions, some that made her uncomfortable. “I mean I changed my mind. I can shower tomorrow. I mean…”
The words died in her throat as Aleksei stormed towards her. He grabbed her by the sleeve of her over-sized jersey.
“What you mean is your wasting my time.” He growled before dragging her towards the shower door and pushing her in.
She clung to her things, shutting her eyes as she entered the shower room.
“Eh? Is this a girl thing?”
Her eyes flung open, seeing Black rimmed, white Iris’s looking at her.
“Dmitri?” She gasped. The second smirked as he played with a cake of soap that was in his hand, throwing it between his hands.
“Ain’t da tooth fairy.” He tossed the soap towards her. She dropped her few things as she attempted to catch the soap, dropping it as well in the end. “Wow, ya really suck at this don’tcha?”
“What are you doing?” Aleksei asked as he joined them. “I didn’t send you in here to play catch.”
“Wait…I don’t need to shower.” Kittens eyes widened. She looked from Dmitri’s grinning face to Aleksei’s frown. “Honest.”
“Eh.” Dmitri’s waved a hand in front of his face. “Ya in denial.”
“You’re showering.” Aleksei ordered. “End of story.”
“But….” She swallowed.
“I’ll help her do it.” Dmitri raised his hand. “I like putting the problem ones in their place.”
“Relax, both of you.” Aleksei turned to Dmitri. “Did you do what I asked?”
“Spoilsport.” Dmitri pouted. “Yeah, the place is empty.”
“Empty?” Kitten repeated in confusion. “Why would it be empty?”
“Did you lock the door?” Aleksei continued, ignoring her question. Instead he turned to eye out the door that lead straight out of the showers to the toilets. She followed his gaze and shivered, recalling last time she had run through those doors.
“Done and done. Although I could always just sit guard there?” Dmitri suggested with a sly smile as he looked at Kitten. She swallowed and opened her mouth to protest but Aleksei had already begun speaking again.
“Forget it Dimi. You got duty in the front.” Aleksei calmly pointed out. “Unless you’d rather be doing something else and leaving it to Boris and Ivan.”
“You wouldn’t!” Kitten watched Dmitri’s face fill with panic.
“Whoever’s out there gets to do guard duty. You know, where all the best fights are. ” Aleksei shrugged barely finishing his sentence when Dmitri raced out the shower-room door.
“Have to love someone with his priorities straight.” Kitten smiled weakly.
Aleksei looked at her for a moment before walking towards her. She froze.
Never be alone with them, her old fears whispered. Now he can hurt you.
“Just hurry up Kitten.” He ordered once he had reached her, bending down to pick up the soap she had dropped onto the floor. “You’re not the only one that needs the showers.”
Kitten watched as he walked out, tossing the soap into the air and catching it as easily as if it were a ball. When he was gone, she sank to the floor. It was only after a few gulps of air to help her breathe again, that she even realized she was crying.
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