“Where are those two?” Aleksei took out his watch and checked it for what felt like the hundredth time. “They should know better than to skip a meal or evening training.”

“Bet they failed their tests.” Dmitri grinned. Aleksei could feel his friend’s warm breathe on his neck as the ‘Shark’ peered over his shoulder

“Boris knows better than to hide some failed test.” Aleksei reached up to push Dmitri away. “And stop leaning on me. It’s annoying.”

“Moi? Annoying?” Dmitri feigned a hurt expression. “Never.”

“Always.” Aleksei muttered, slipping his watch back into his pocket. “We better go look for them. They probably got themselves in trouble.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Or the last.” Aleksei took a step forward. “You might as well hit the gym Ivan. It doesn’t look like there’s training tonight either.”

A sharp grunt from the Giant confirmed that Ivan had heard him.

“I’m going to replace them,” Aleksei’s eyes narrowed. “And when I do, I’m killing them both –ow.”

A sharp pain hit him in the chest as Dmitri hit him, stopping him in his tracks.

“What was that for?” Aleksei rubbed his chest, glaring at his friend who was in a state of pure ecstasy.

“Something smelling amazing is coming here.” Dmitri lifted his head, closing his eyes as he took another deep breath.

“What are you talking about?” Aleksei heard footsteps behind him. Light ones barely touching the ground walking at a pace he didn’t recognize. The other was an energetic fast pace. He turned around to replace both Boris and Kitten headed towards them.

“Sorry we’re late.” Boris apologized immediately.

“It’s my fault.” Kitten immediately took the blame, shuffling into her spot with an un-easy wiggle she didn’t normally have. It bothered Aleksei for about a moment.

“You two should both know by now that being on time is important.” He began, trying hard not to start yelling at the two. “Thanks to you, we lost another session of training.”

“Sorry Captain.” The two responded meekly, not meeting his eye.

He opened his mouth again but noticed the way Dmitri was hovering close to Kitten. Too close for Aleksei’s liking. If Dmitri reached out he would touch her shoulder. She was standing strangely too, shifting from foot to foot, more like someone with a bad secret then someone with extra energy like Boris always had. Aleksei glanced back at Dmitri who was now so close that if he opened his mouth he would be licking her neck. She didn’t even try and stop him. For a moment, Aleksei felt as if he had been punched in the gut. His vision turned to grey watching the two as pieces began clicking in place.

Something had happened between them.

Kitten looked up at him before looking away again, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze. A sharp metallic smell hit the air.

Aleksei felt the corner of his mouth rise, his fist clenching at his side as he resisted the urge to attack Dmitri.

“Ya smell like a human popsicle.” Dmitri’s comment earned him a sharp look from Kitten who reached out and pushed him away weakly.

“Get lost.” Pain shot across her face before she could hide it.

Aleksei blinked, watching the two as if they were a movie he wasn’t part of. Slowly his eye-sight returned but he felt his face pale.

If she wasn’t bitten, then there was only one other reason she smelt of blood. Aleksei rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Blyad he hated being captain sometimes.

“Dmitri, back to your side.” He ordered.

“But..” Dmitri began to protest with a slight whine in his voice.

“I mean NOW.”

“Ya never let me have anything good.” Dmitri muttered, throwing Aleksei a dirty look. He sauntered away from Kitten, pouting with his hands stuck deep in his pockets. Childishly, he kicked at the ground, making a rock spin in the air. Aleksei ignored the gasps from the kids, refusing to turn around and see how far it had landed. He wouldn’t give Dmitri that satisfaction.

Dmitri was still sulking when he finally joined Aleksei’s side. Aleksei took a deep breath, the blood hitting him again.

“Are you feeling alright?” He began, looking at Kitten.

“I’m fine. I can train.” She straightened although he didn’t miss her wince again. He also didn’t miss the fact that Boris was back to staring at the ground as if his life depended on it.

Not Boris, he silently prayed. He didn’t care if those two were the same age. Boris deserved as much of a childhood as possible. He shouldn’t know how things like this worked. Heck, Aleksei didn’t even know how this worked.

“Look if you need to see the nurse, then go.” Aleksei made a thumbing motion towards the main building where the nurse’s offices were stationed. “We already canceled the training. It’s not a problem.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine.”

“You smell good enough to eat.” Dmitri grinned, slipping past Aleksei and was by Kitten again. “Real good.”

“What is this?” Kitten frowned at Dmitri. “Guys are creepy’ day?”

“Dmitri-leave her alone. Kitten listen,” Irritated, Aleksei pulled her harshly by her arm to one side. “Look, you had the talk about becoming an adult right?”

“Yeah.” She blinked. “So?”

“So go to the nurses and get medicine or go sleep or something.” Aleksei tried to encourage. “It’s really fine. I understand.”

“I still have no idea what you’re talking about.” Kitten’s blank expression was proof she didn’t. For a moment Aleksei wondered it wouldn’t be easier to just hand her a book about what he was trying to explain but knew she would just fall asleep opening the thing.

“Dimi is hovering over you like you’re the best meal this place has to offer.” He tried hinting gently.

“So is all the other guys, in case you never noticed.” Kitten rolled her eyes. “You did it too.”

“That’s…ok fine.” Aleksei rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache starting. “Then explain why you’re both late and missed supper.”

She opened her mouth, then closed it just as quickly.

“Just go to the nurses.” He ordered. “When you’re done, let me know if you need an extra shower time. We’ll arrange something”


“It’s an order.”

“No.” She replied stubbornly, stamping her foot. “I won’t go to the nurses. If you like them so much, then you go to them.”

“It’s hit the nurses or tell me where you were.” He crossed his arms, glaring at her. “Those are your choices.”

She took a deep breath.

“I got a tattoo.”

“See you need the nurses…” He stopped mid-sentence, his jaw dropping at her words. “Wait, what…?”

“I wasn’t feeling good about my fight this morning.” Kitten confessed, straightening. “Boris said you got one after your fight.”

“I’m going to kill him.” Aleksei closed his eyes and tried to calm down. “Should I dare ask where?”

“Above my ass.”

“Above your-Oh for goodness sake why didn’t come talk to us first.” Aleksei couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “That’s a tramp stamp. Only Pretty Boys get tramp stamps.”

“Well everyone else calls me a Pretty Boy.” She shrugged. “Same as they call Dmitri the ‘American’.”

“Tramp stamp eh.” Dmitri appeared out of no-where, slipping his arm around her shoulder. Aleksei’s vision changed once more. He shook his head trying to clear it as Dmitri continued. “So what kinda stamp did ya get?”

Kitten rolled her eyes. “Promise not to laugh.”

“I ain’t promising nothing.”

“Here.” Kitten lowered the back of her pants low enough that they could see the smeared blood on her skin. Under it was un-mistakable ink in crude, lined words as if it had been carved into her.

Alpha Pack

Aleksei was at a loss for words as Dmitri whistled his approval.

“Kitten…a team’s logo for a Tramp Stamp means that team owns that Pretty Boy.” Aleksei informed her, feeling his threatening head-ache worsen.

“Well….I don’t plan on going anywhere else.” She grimaced as she fixed her pants. “I like this team.”

“Go to your room.”

“But…” She tried to protest but Aleksei stopped her.

“No buts. It needs time to heal. It also shouldn’t be covered. So no more arguing.”

“But I didn’t do anything wrong.” She began to yell. “It’s my body. I can do what I want with it.”

“I should have known.” Aleksei spun to glare at Boris who was looking back at him sheepishly. “What else have you been blabbering about?”

“Nothing.” Boris squeaked. “Honest”

“Honest nothing.” Dmitri chipped in. “Do we get to judge the best one Lexie? I’m thumbs up-ing hers. In fact, we should see it again to make sure.”

“Dmitri,” Aleksei held out his hand towards his friend. “The cigarettes.”

“Eh? Yah wanna smoke now?”

“No. I want your box.” Aleksei waited. “You’re getting punishment detail for the day.”

“Ya Fu-“

“I can make it a week?” Aleksei warned. ”I told you before to watch the comments.”

“Stupid rules.” Dmitri grumbled as he slowly handed the item over. Aleksei slipped it into his own pocket before turning back to the kids. “Rooms. Both of you. That should teach you both for being so dumb that you don’t talk to us first before doing adult things.”

“You’re an ass Lexie.” Kitten stuck her tongue out at him. He could tell she was going to stay and fight him only Boris grabbed her hand.

“Let’s go.” The Rat pulled her away gently.

Kitten glared at Aleksei again before following Boris.

“Ya spoilsport Lexie.” Dmitri grumbled. “We should be telling her to get more marks. Maybe on the front. Those would be fun to see.”

Aleksei closed his eyes. The thudding in his head felt excruciating now. Almost as if he had just run into a stone wall or Ivan’s firsts type. Some days he really, really wished he wasn’t captain.

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