Kavi's POV

I am wearing a plain half white short kurti and blue jean. Yeah, girly right? My wardrobe hadupgraded with constant advises and shopping sagas with Luna Mithra and Inba aunt. The packdinner was the most important thing because any gathering would improve the relationshipbetween the pack members.

Pooja was roaming in a shining bright red coloured knee length dress. She sure has a variety offlashy dresses and she never missed an opportunity to wear them. She was happily roaming like thisgathering is for her and giving me the same dirty smirk whenever she saw me. I ignored her andhelping the mothers to take care of the pups. Just like everyone I miss my carefree pup life.Mukilan was with me. Dhaya and Logan were with their fathers as they are learning things beforetaking the charge. Mukilan was like a brother to me. Just like Logan, he cares for me more and heshows his care expressively unlike my mother. Dhaya's flirting never ceased and he would love totease me whenever he gets a chance. Mukilan stepped up earlier because he lost both of his parentsin a car accident a few years back. And that maturity will be reflected in his every act. In the pastyear, I have tried in many ways to bring any clues about the monster but I failed in every step of myefforts.

While I was chasing a pup on the backyard, who has a very playful mood, the pup bumped intosomeone. The heavenly scent of rain and pineapple with his fresh body wash scent filled my nose. Ilooked up at him. He was smiling at the pup and lifted her in his hand and checked for any wounds.'He would make a great father.’

My wolf piped in with a purr. I ignored her as he was so handsome in his white shirt and blue jean.Wait! We are wearing the same coloured clothes. My wolf jumped like an excited kid on thatrealisation.

He looked up at me and smiled. His vibrant grey eyes made my breath hitch. He was so handsomeand hot. I kept my face blank and turned around to go inside. I felt his aura turning intodisappointment which was actually scaring me.

Why was he getting disappointed?

I touched my moonstone pendant and sent a quick prayer to Moon God and went inside to joinwith Mukilan. I noticed Dhaya coming in my direction. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeanand looking handsome as always. His playfulness in his eyes and the smirk on his lips warned methat he was planning something. I raised my eyebrow at him and nudged my elbow at Mukilan'sback for backup.

"Hey gorgeous, would you do the honour of staying my side in this beautiful evening?"

I would always tease him for all these antiques. At the same time, I saw my mate entering the housewith the pup in one hand and that Pooja was clinging on his other hand.

I wanted to say 'yes' and put a show to see my mate's reaction but the idea was like a double-edgedknife. I can't give wrong signals to Dhaya. So as always I smacked his arm playfully and shruggedthe matter off. I saw Akhilan joining his parents in my peripheral vision.

I focused my wolf hearing on their conversation but regretted as soon as I heard what they weretalking. Rakshana was telling how excited she was to announce that Akhilan and Pooja were goingto get married in a few months. My wolf howled inside me in pain. I too was shocked to hear that.Above all, his silence to his mother's statement was scaring me. So it was true. And this is what theannouncement my uncle said. Yeah! He would be happy for the wedding of his friend's son.Suddenly I felt my wolf getting aggressive. I instantly left the place and started running after a fewmeters after checking no one was there. It pains to me too but I need to calm her down. When Icame to the border of the territory, I struggled to gain my control back and yelled at one of thepatrols to inform Sezhiyan that I would be back soon. And I ran past the territory ignoring hisprotest. He can't leave his place and follow me as the patrol need to be very cautious at the time ofsocial events because it would be an easy catch for enemies.

As soon as I realised I was at the safe distance, I stripped quickly and shifted and let her havecontrol. She started letting out her rage on the trees on our way. It was so painful and she wasblindly hitting herself on the branches and falling down without focusing on the way. The newmoon day made me not to see the moon but something inside me was awake wide and it was in fullrage increasing my wolf's rage. I smelled the rain clouds and soon it was pouring heavily. She founda cave and went inside. My wolf let out a loud painful howl echoing through the cave and droppeddown breaking into tears. I let her cry and I knew better to not say anything. She stood up suddenlyand started running towards the pack.

'We can't go there. Stop!"

'I don't fucking care about our life goal. I can't live without my mate. And I knew you too can't livewithout him. But you won't accept. I am going to claim him as mine. He was destined to be with us."I gathered all my will power and took control of the wolf form and walked back into the woods. Shewas pounding inside to let out.

'If he really wants to be with us, he would have waited for us. He wouldn't have chosen other she-wolf in our place.’

I said in a calm tone. She went silent after hearing that.

'He was twenty-six and he was waiting for us for so long. Even he went to all the pack in search ofus. We need to get rid of that cursed moonstone and let our mate know who he belongs to. Hemight be forced into this. Please! I stood there for you all the time and supported all your decisions.I am living inside a cage within our own body. If he marries her, we can't live. Then how do you thinkyou could fulfil your revenge. Please let him in."

Her sobs broke my heart.

'Why are you not understanding the fact he doesn't want us? If he does, he wouldn't have agreed tomarry some other female. And we are the reason for his brother's death. We can't expect him toaccept us with open arms. Do you want to get rejected? I know you love him. But we can just leavethis place. I know we can't see our mate with another she-wolf. But if we go to him, what if ourrevenge brings danger to him? I would rather let him live happily with someone than to get killed.Now tell what shall we do?"

She went silent and shut me off. I knew she realised the seriousness of the problem. I shifted backto human and wore my dresses and walked in the rain back to my home. I can't blame him. If Ishowed him who I am, he might not have to get another wolf. Still, I can't help the feel of betrayalspreading in my heart. Why didn't he wait for us? Tears were pouring automatically. I changed mydress and went to bed. But sleep was far away.

The next day I felt so weak without any sleep and deep pain in my heart. I messaged Logan that Iam not feeling well and asked him to go to college. I lied the same to Sezhiyan and Mithun forskipping the morning training. I didn't tell Sezhiyan why I went outside the border yesterday. I laidall day in the bed. Usually, us - wolves, would eat more but I don't feel like eating anything. I haveonly felt the physical pain of rejection while healing others. But this emotional pain was too muchthan I ever imagined. And I knew I can't behave like this for a long time. It might make peoplesuspicious.

I wrapped up myself and went to the kitchen made some black coffee and had it without sugar. Thehot bitterness was soothing for my situation. Otherwise, I won't touch it without milk and sugar. Iheard the door knocking and went to open the door. My eyes widened on seeing Surya there. Whatwas he doing here? He wasn't allowed in our lands.

"What are you doing here?"

My voice sound alien with all my crying. He touched my forehead with the back of his palm andfrowned.

"Umm... I asked Logan to take me to your home. Because I never have seen you falling sick. And Iam worried about you."

He whispered the last part but I heard it perfectly. I looked behind him and found Logan on thephone. He must have got permission from Alpha. He is soon to be Beta. He knew better.

"Thanks, Surya. Come in."

I welcomed him and pulled Logan collar to drag him inside. I asked them to sit on the sofa andseated myself there. The room was filled with an awkward silence. I looked at my half-drunk coffeecup.


I asked in common and saw Surya nodding his head with a smile.

I made two cups of coffee and brought some chips with me. Logan was now done with his phoneand looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I set everything in the table and went to sit in my placewith my coffee. Logan was silently studying me. He knew werewolves don't get sick often and thiswas the first time I am getting sick except for that rogue attack. Surya moved next to me and tookmy hands in him. Logan was giving me an amused look as he was aware of Surya's failed dateattempts.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital, Kavi?"

I shook my head and slowly withdrew my hand from his hold. He looked genuinely concerned.

"I'm really okay, Surya. Can't you see?"

He just smiled at me and stroked my hair. Suddenly I straightened and Logan too stood up from hisseat as we smelled someone.

A she-wolf barged into the home with her nose up in the air. She looked at our direction andwhispered “Mate’. A smile made its way to my face as I realised Logan's mate found him.

But she walked past him and stood before Surya. She studied his features and her eyes darkened.She must have realised he is a human in his confused state yet I could see Surya have felt attractedtowards her. Mate bond! I sneakily took a few steps away to let her know I am not in their way.Getting a human mate is rare but not uncommon. And I am happy for them. Surya is a great manand from the look on the she-wolf's face, she was already head over heel for her mate. Loganwalked to their side and clapped his fingers. They looked at him and the she-wolf bowed her headand her eyes glazed.

Wow! Surya will be turning into a werewolf soon. Human and weres physical qualities were sodifferent. So if the destined mate is a human, the wolf can mark them with their permission tochange them into a werewolf. That will leave us contented physically and emotionally and also thechanged wolf will be able to understand the feeling of mate-bond completely.

"Hey Surya, this is Veena. Veena, this is Surya.”

Logan made the introduction. She repeated his name twice with a growing smile. She seems like shewants to mark and mate him at this instant as her love and lust was strongly rolling over her aura.He smiled at her action and admiration was heavy in his aura. Way to go!

"I have some work. Do you mind if she drops you at your home?"

Logan asked him and Surya just nodded his head without breaking eye contact with her.

"Bye, Kavi. Take care of your health.”

With a smile, he left with her. I smiled sadly at the thought of why I can't be like a normal mate tohim. But the answers rushed to mind made me shook my head.

"So what made you run away last night from the gathering? And why you look so... devasted?"Logan asked me. I gave him a sad smile and looked away.

"I want to sleep. So leave me alone. Pick me up, as usual, tomorrow morning."

I shooed him dodging his question. He didn't say anything but studied my face.

"You can tell me anything, Kavi. Why are you like this? It's worrying me."

He asked softly. I just wanted to tell him everything and cry on his shoulder but he is a loyal wolfand I can't risk my secrets.

"I don't want to talk about it. Please leave it, Logan"

My eyes welled up at the memories of yesterday. He shocked to see my tears and pulled me to ahug. I wept on his shoulder silently. It's really good to have a shoulder to cry. He held me all thetime whispering “Everything is gonna be alright’ and it eased me a little. After some time, hewrapped me up in a blanket in bed while I leaned on the headboard and he sat near the corner ofthe bed.

"So, what happened yesterday after I left?"

I asked him even though I know it would break my heart. I just want to know! I need to know howmy mate has been dealing with marrying another she-wolf who wasn't his mate.

"Nothing interesting. Everyone knew Akhilan bro is back. So that's it"

I frowned on hearing that.

"Aryan uncle told that he was expecting some announcement and he looked pretty excited?"

I asked him with my new curiosity.

"Oh, did he mentioned anything about arranging mate for Akhilan bro?"

My heart constricted on hearing that but I kept my fake confused look and shook my head 'no'. Mywolf lowered her walls down to listen about our mate.

"Hey, there was the latest gossip about last night. How did you miss that part? Akhilan bro's motherwants to set him up with her tail, that Pooja. Akhilan and Pooja were friends forever and Poojaseems to have feelings for him. But he doesn't have any feeling except friendship for her. He hasbeen escaping his mother for the past three years. But she was so adamant to fix the marriage forthem. He had finally agreed before coming here. But yesterday, suddenly he told her that he needssome more time. His mom would have created a tornado if he hasn't agreed for going on for a fewdates with Pooja. Some people were happy for them getting together but some people werethinking they should wait for their mates.”

He told me the story in a hushed tone. My wolf grinned and I could hear her thinking that 'Seebitch! He is waiting for us. But I underlined his statement "He finally agreed before coming here’.She snorted but her mood became chirpy. I won't lie that I was washed over a great wave of relieftoo.

"So they are dating for some time before their marriage!"

I stated in his same hushed tone.

He nodded his head. I nodded and let out a yawn and it made me realise how exhausted I was? Hestood up and ordered me to take rest and said that he will be downstairs and I knew he was goingto stay to look after me.

The next morning I woke up to the amazing smell of coffee and oranges. Within seconds the doorto my room opened, and my dear cousin entered and handed me a cup of hot coffee with a biggrin.

"Good morning, sleepy head. You are sleeping straight for thirteen hours. Get ready. Let's go toTraining ground before one of the hulks come here.”

I laughed at him for calling Sezhiyan, Aryan uncle and Mithun as hulks.

"Good morning and thank you very much.. for being there for me."

He just raised an eyebrow for being so formal even after all these days.

"Did my mom wake up in the night? I didn't remember waking up in the middle of the night!"

I asked in confusion.

"No. One of the warrior's mate gave birth to a baby boy last night and your mother was there allnight.”

I nodded in understanding and hopped off the bed to get ready for the training.

I have a long way to go!

[To be continued...]

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