A Mysterious She-wolf -
Chapter 12
Kavi's POV
I can't believe this is happening. I knew werewolves are so territorial and possessive over their matebut I never expected something fateful would happen like this. And I feel guilty about everything.It's been twelve days since Veena found Surya was her mate. He was undoubtedly attracted to her.But he was confusing his feelings for me and he started spending more time with me. He mighthave felt like betraying me on his new found attraction towards Veena. I have told him to go withher. But he didn't listen. I told Veena several times that he is nothing more than a friend to me. Butthat bitch Pooja learnt the news and started feeding wrong things to her. I don't know why Poojahates me so much. She was already glued to my mate. I should be the one hating her for trying tosteal my mate. I was somehow managing to avoid Akhilan. But he would pop out of nowhere andtry to speak with me. But as usual, I would run away after giving him a good piece of mind.
Surya and Veena's first date ruined as Veena spoke ill about me and Surya fought her for me. Istarted distancing myself but she hastily told him about the wolf history and shifted in front of himscaring the hell out of him. I heard that he fainted on the spot and his mother told me that he wasgetting nightmares. He was so confused about his feelings for her. And now he got afraid of her.Alpha Sezhiyan spoke to him and made him sign Non-disclosure agreement also explained to himabout the mate things. He avoided me a whole day but somehow he had learnt I don't have a wolf.In pity and relief, he apologized and warmed up with me. And it was a big blow to Veena'spossessiveness as she marked him today forcefully. He was afraid and struggled to get out of hergrip which leads to a big wound on his neck. I spoke to his mother that he was staying at my homefor the next few days to complete some project. She was an innocent woman and agreed.
I was currently sitting next to the sleeping Surya. I gave him some energy and trying to heal his painbut the bite has happened when she was in her wolf form. So the damage was also huge. His oneside neck and shoulder were red and swollen. It would give her pain as well. Alpha has locked herup in pack dungeon and she was bound in silver chains as she tried to kill me. I was so shocked onseeing Surya in pain that I didn't notice her jumping at me. She took a big bite of my arm which Iraised reflexively to block her aim for my head. She was behaving like an insane bitch. I pinned herand Surya's loud shouting grabbed attention and the fellow members quickly chained her. But shescratched like a cat on my body before being pulled away.
The worst thing is the new moon was due tomorrow. If the elders’ words were true, he would shifttomorrow and currently, he was too weak. He might even die if his body didn't accept thetransformation. His body was trying to accept her mark in order to survive. My mom had given himanaesthesia to let his body understand and accept her mark.
All of sudden, he woke up and shouted in pain holding his neck. My mother rushed inside to checkhim and stilled with her eyes fazed and looked down at Surya in pity.
"What the hell is happening to him, mom?"
I shouted holding his body down. For a human, he was painfully gripping my wrist. But that doesn'tmatter to me. I was trying to heal him and I could feel his immense pain. My mom let out a sigh andshook her head.
"Veena tried to escape and killed two guards on her way out. She denied to submit to AlphaSezhiyan and attacked him..."
She paused with a gulp and looked at him again with a helpless look.
Oh Moon! No!
"She was no more!"
My mom said in a low tone.
"What will happen to him now? Tell me, mom. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO SURYA NOW?"
I shouted at her as she was standing there in silence. At the same instance, I felt his heartbeat goingdown and the monitor started beeping. This can't happen. This shouldn't happen!
I focused all my energy and sent it to him before black dots formed on my vision.
When I regained my consciousness, I was lying in my bed in my home. I quickly shot up andmemories flooded my mind. I looked out and replace the Sun was preparing to go down. God! I wasout for almost a whole day. I could feel that my energy had refilled.
“Are you feeling okay?’
I asked my wolf.
'Yes. I thought we might need more energy tonight. That's why I kept us resting for more time.’
I don't understand her but let it go. I smelled Logan and Inba aunt. So I descended down in normalhuman speed. They both looked at me and sighed in relief.
"How is Surya?"
Logan gave me a sad smile.
"Your mom told that it was a miracle. But he was alive as of now."
"What do you mean by as of now?"
"Do you remember, tonight is a full moon day. There is a huge chance for him to shift into wolftonight. But his mate wasn't there to help him shift."
Oh Moon! Why are you punishing him?
"Take me to the hospital, Logan. I want to see him."
He nodded and went out. I heard bone snapping sound and bid bye to my aunt and we left. Loganran fast and brought me to the hospital within two minutes. I made my way to Surya's room.
He was awake but totally exhausted with black circles around his tired eyes. Alpha was there andgave me a smile on looking at me entering the room. I mirrored his action and I went near Suryataking his hand in mine. I feel like everything was my fault. He might even get killed while marking.This is what I am afraid of. If I let anyone close to me or if someone tries to get close to me, they willsuffer. His mark was gone but the wound was there and he was already smelling like a wolf. Hesmells like cinnamon. He softly squeezed my hand. I looked at his eyes.
"Don't worry, Kavi I am three consecutive year's kickboxing champion. I can do anything in a jiffy!"He joked telling the same words he said to me on the first day we met.
"Yeah! You better survive. Your mother is waiting for you.”
His face turned sad
"If anything goes wr..."
I didn't let him finish the statement. I knew how much he loves his mother. His father died when hewas two. And his mother struggled a lot to bring him up alone. I knew his story and I respect hismom.
"Everything will be alright. I am so sorry. I brought you into this mess."
I said with guilt. He shook his head and smiled at me.
"Alpha told she was gone. I thought she would give me some time."
I just looked away not knowing what to say and I couldn't bear his pained expression.
Aryan uncle came in and gave a nod to Alpha Sezhiyan.
"Lead the way, Aryan"
Sezhiyan commanded his beta and looked at us. He might have told Surya about the shiftingprocess.
I helped Surya to walk near the clearing. Dhaya and Mukilan were there. Usually, there won't bemany wolves if a human was shifting for the first time. His wolf may think the crowd as a threat. Soonly a few strong wolves would be there.
"Kavi, I think it is better if you go home”
Alpha Sezhiyan told me in a suggestive tone.
"Alpha, why can't she stay. I would feel better if she stays here with me. She is the only one I amfamiliar with."
Surya questioned him hesitantly.
Sezhiyan thought for a moment and nodded his head okay. Time passed and Moon came on fulldisplay above the mountain. Everyone shifted into their wolf and laid scattered on the grass. I satnext to him on the grass field whispering motivating words to him. Two hours passed but still nochange in him. His racing heartbeat eventually reduced to normal and Logan joined us in his humanform. I connected to him and trying to ease the pain in his shoulder blade.
The moon was almost directly on top of us. That's when his temperature started raising. I looked atthe direction of Sezhiyan and nodded my head. He walked towards us and stood at a gooddistance.
Surya looked at me in panic.
"Get on your knees, Surya. Be confident. You are going to be a strong wolf. Remember you are achampion.”
I whispered into his ear.
He was shaking and the first snap brought a big scream out of his mouth. I disconnect from him as Ican't lose my energy now. I would need it later. And I can't heal him now because his bones mustbreak in order to re-form into his wolf. His bones broke for next thirty minutes and his scream madethe birds near the woods fly away.
Soon I noticed his face elongating and the moon was shining brightly giving him the strength. Hisscreams turned into howls. I got goosebump from his loud howl. His paws were digging into theearth. Light brown fur came out of his skin. I connected with him and felt my knee-weakening onthe amount of pain he was currently having. I need to have a physical connection to use the bestuse of my energy. I can't afford to lose my energy in the distance between us. He fell down on thegrass panting heavily.
I stepped forward. But Alpha Sezhiyan let out a warning growl. First Alpha need to see he wasn't athreat. But that growl seems to startle him as he shakingly stood up with golden eyes and bared histeeth at Alpha. Oh Moon! This is not good.
"Give your control back to Surya. We mean no threat.”
Logan said in a calm tone. But Surya's wolf barred teeth at him and walked closer to me. I stoppedeveryone who was coming closer to protecting me.
"Don't get panic. We aren't going to hurt you. You look so beautiful in your wolf form. But as Alphaalready told you, you need to submit to him to let him accept you in this pack.”
I said in a calm tone while he stepped towards me with his shaking paws. He stopped in front of myface and sniffed me. I showed my hand to him to sniff and slowly raised my hand to scratch his ear.He leaned into my touch. I instantly started transferring my energy to him healing his wounds tofifty per cent.
"Give your control back to Surya. I want to know whether he is alright.”
I said softly without scaring him. His wolf looked in my eyes for a few seconds and in his next eyeblink, his pupil returned back to brown.
"Hey there. You proved that you are a champion.”
I said with a smile sending silent thanks to Moon God for blessing him. His wolf grinned and Ilooked at Alpha Sezhiyan's Black wolf standing in his full height towering over Surya with brightgolden eyes. Surya slowly laid down and rolled on the ground exposing his neck. The completesubmission!
Sezhiyan barked at Logan who immediately handed him a short. I looked away while he shifted andcommanded Surya to shift. I turned around to see others already in their human form. Surya wasblushing when I turned around. Ah! Nudity is new for him. He will get used to it.
"I, Alpha Seziyan of the Green Ocean Pack accepts You, Surya into my pack. I will be responsible foryour safety and welfare in this pack and I demand your loyalty to this pack. Do you agree, Surya?""Yes, Alpha. I will be loyal to you."
He said with new strength. They joined their slashed hands and I felt a nudge on my mind. He wasconnected to our pack now.
"Welcome to Green ocean Pack. You should stay with us. Staying with your mother might luredanger to her. Tell her you got a part-time job here and you are needed here all the time exceptcollege timing. You may visit her. But you can't tell about our kind. Do you understand?"
Alpha Sezhiyan asked softly. He knew his life was forced to change within a day because of hisinsane mate.
"Okay Alpha. I will do as you say. I want my mother to live peacefully.”
The pain in his voice didn't go unnoticed by us. But we are helpless to do anything for it.
Mukilan helped Surya to get back to the packhouse. The wound on his neck had healed with hiswolf abilities. His mate bond was broken before it could form, so his wolf doesn't have a big effecton losing her. But he feels guilty for her death. Aryan uncle told he would be given a mate as hehasn't bonded with anyone. There was no proof in our history about this but he believes Moon godwill bless him.
When I first met Surya, he was in the middle of a few wolves and getting ready to fight them.Eventually, we grew into good friends. But not even in my dream I thought he would become a wolf.And a lot of things happened in the past two days. The funeral of the three pack members wasarranged the next morning. Bidding bye to the lost ones was always sad and painful. Those guardskilled by Veena were in training and they haven't found their mate yet. Their parents cried at theirlosses and Alpha consoled them. Veena's mother cried in my shoulder while I tried to console her.That she-wolf had lost her mate in a rogue attack and had two more daughters. She understood thetruth and accepted my apologies. Surya was sad the whole day. But Logan said he would be fine. Hewas given a room in the pack house.
I was surprised to see Surya on the training grounds the next day. I couldn't clearly see him lastnight but he sure does have good muscles. He smirked and made his way towards me on noticing Iam checking him out. He acted like panting and purposely flexed his muscles with a big smirk.
"I got good muscles right. My wolf said it was natural. And my senses were like wow. I feel like I amon high dosage steroids. But good to know this look would help me achieve something that I amwanting so long. Wow! You smell like chocolates.”
I was smiling the whole time. He sniffed and leaned near me. I smacked his head and went toMithun to know whether he has any plans for me.
"You are going to train this pup"
Mithun mentioned Surya. A grow! slipped past Surya's mouth and he closed his mouth like a kidand smiling behind his hands. His aura was showing excitement and happiness.
"Wow. Can I do that even in my human form?"
We laughed and nodded. He tried to growl again and chuckled at the sound.
"My wolf is saying that he didn't like you calling him “pup’, Mr. Head warrior.”
He said in a “salute sir’ tone. I muffled my laughter with a cough and walked towards an emptycircle.
"Hey, you know I am..."
"Oh champion, Show your skills here."
I cut him off to not let him start his boasting. He raised his non-existent collar and stepped inside."How can I punch this beautiful fa..."
I cut him off by throwing a kick on his side
He gracefully dodged it and wiggled his eyebrows in amusement. He dodged my next few attacks.Then he gets onto his boxing stance and signalled me to come. I started throwing combinationmoves and hit his stomach with a hard punch.
"Wow! You never told you knew kickboxing!"
He said with excitement and his eyes shining in the newfound piece of fact about me.
"It doesn't matter, Mr. Champion. Now concentrate.”
We got into a real fight and as he said he was really very good at the fight.
His human form is good enough to take a trained wolf. But training will make him a great warrior.We are even so far. I didn't want to pin him down yet. But I could tell he was getting tired. He neverused his wolf power against me. So I asked him to use his wolf powers. His moves gained speed andstrength. I know I can't use mine. He kicked the back of my knees and about to pin me down but Ipunched his upper thighs and used his distraction to pull his ankle and jumped on him pinning himdown. We laughed as we both enjoyed the fight.
We would get that great feeling when we fight with an equal opponent like the excitement ofpredicting next move, dodging the well-calculated move, tricking moves and counter attacks tothose tricks. Suddenly I felt his hands touching my knees and I could feel his eyes dilating when hetried to move his hands higher. Then only I realised I am still straddling him. I quickly got up andclapped the dust off my hands awkwardly. I looked up and saw my mate gritting his teeth andglaring at Surya. I can't help but smile. Akhilan looks so hot when he was angry. His eyes turned tome and I was fast enough to mask a blank face. My wolf was liking this game to make our matejealous. Mithun came to us and discussed letting his wolf train from tomorrow as he was prettygood in human form. We agreed and then went to do our routines.
Life surely does has its twisted way to surprise us!
[To be continued..]
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