Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 17

Felix finished his work on the crops. Watering and weeding the fields.

“Good work, Felix. That’s all for today.” Klaus said as he came over to Felix.

“You should probably get ready for the festival today. There are probably a lot of people who have flooded into town.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it. I’ll just head into town.”

Klaus raised an eyebrow.

“At least wash up at the house.” Maria said as she joined Klaus.

"Alright. Don't mind if I do, thanks."

Felix washed his face and wiped down his arms and hands with a wet rag.

Emerging out the washroom. Maria gave him a once over and nodded with approval,

“Have a good night. Enjoy yourself.”

Felix gave a quick wave and headed out.

Felix made his way to the center of the town.

He heard the music and the laughter of the people before he saw the lights and decorations.

Klaus was right, the sleepy town of Kurkenburg was crowded with people. It buzzed with energy and excitement.

People were dressed up in bright colors and colorful fish masks.

Dancers spun around to the rhythm of the music.

The smell of roasted nuts, cooked seafood, and fried treats.

People were walking around, laughing, buying trinkets, and playing games.

Felix walked around observing the spectacle.

Looking at the shops he spotted the stall Lisa was at.

A crowd had gathered.

The children were looking at the toys.

Adults were picking up the teas, potions, and other trinkets.

Looked like Noah was helping her out. Felix gave her a wave.

She hopped up and down returning the wave.

He just smirked and kept moving.

He ran into Chris, Claudia, Sophie, and Isaac. They were stood around...something.

“What’s up Chris?” Felix asked as he came up to Felix.

“Ah, Felix. Enjoying the festival?”

“I am. I mean I just got here. What is this...thing?”

“It’s Sammy the Silverfin!” Sophie said excitedly.

“Sammy the Silverfin?” Felix said dubiously.

It was someone dressed in a fish costume with big goofy eyes.

Chris smiled, “Yes, Sammy the Silverfin is the main character from a popular children book. Sammy is a magical fish who is the main protagonist in a series of stories where he goes on various adventures helping people.”

“It a cute story. Plus, the author has visited the town a few times.” Claudia added.

“I guess. I wonder who is inside?” Felix said as he looked at the Sammy the Silverfin, it was a rather ridiculous sight. Who was the unlucky one roped into doing this?

“Should I replace out?” Isaac said as he reached for his scythe. Somehow reading Felix's mind.

Felix hastily grabbed his arm, “absolutely not! Why you even have that thing right now?”

Isaac tilted his head, “because I don’t want to be unprepared? You never know when danger could strike.”

“Well, I would prefer if you put away the giant fucking scythe. It’s a festival.”

“You’re no fun.”

“I’m with him, Felix. It should be fine.” Chris said with a chuckle.

“Thanks, Chris. Now, can we get back to this Sammy the Silverfin. Who is inside?”

“Oh, yes. It’s actually guardsman Henri.”

“You mean the big guy with scars always at the guardhouse?”

“Yes, the very same.”

“How’d that happen? He lost a bet?”

“He actually volunteered for it.”

Felix looked back at the mascot and shook his head.

The urge to kick Sammy down and scream “caw, caw, bitch!” As a raven was not zero.

“Don’t even think about it.” He heard from behind and got smacked in the back of the head.

Felix looked back to see Jakob with Eileen besides him.

“Hey, old man. Didn’t know you were still alive.” Felix said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Of course, I’m still alive. What are you saying? Huh?” Jakob said as he poked Felix’s chest.

“That’s enough you two.” Eileen said.

Felix grinned.

Jakob folded his arms and huffed, “hmph.”

“Well, you could cut some of the red meat and alcohol.” Chris added.

“Nonsense, I’m as strong as I was when I was in the Order.”

“You are getting old, Jakob. Wouldn’t hurt to take care of yourself.” Claudia pointed out.

Jakob grumbled, “I’ll think about it.”

“Well, we will be on our way.” Chris said, “have a good night, Felix.”

“We are off too.” Claudia said as she picked up Sophie, “want to get some candy from Lisa?”

“Yeah, let’s go!”

“See you, Felix. Don’t cause any trouble.” Isaac said as he departed with them.

“I won’t.”

Felix looked back to Jakob.

He was holding hands with Eileen.

“I didn’t even know you even knew what fun is, Jakob.”

“Shut up, boy. You think you are funny? Huh? I’ll show you.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll leave it at that. Where are you two going?”

Eileen spoke, “well we are heading to the restaurant for a bite to eat. It’s so nice for us to have some time together like this. We been going to this festival every year since we got married.”

Jakob smiled, “that’s right. She as beautiful as the day I married her.”

Eileen blushed, “oh come on.”

“It’s true, my dear.”

Felix chuckled, “I have some time to burn. Any recommendations?”

“Just enjoy the festival, stupid.” Jakob said as he started to leave.

“You should stop by the shopping stalls. I thought I saw Michael and Emily there. There are also a few games to play.” Eileen suggested.

“Thanks, will do.”

Felix waved as they left.

Felix wandered down towards where Eileen suggested.

There were indeed stalls full of clothes, trinkets, and other goods.

Felix worked his way through the crowd.

If he was younger, he would been able to pickpocket some of these rich-looking merchants and nobles so easily.

But those days were over.

Felix then spotted Michael and Emily and he joined up with them.

“Ah, Felix. You made it.” Michael said as Felix arrived.

Emily gave Felix a radiant smile. She was wearing a blue and white dress and a blue ribbon. Giving a little twirl, she asked. “What do you think, Felix?”

Felix smiled, “you are looking good, Emily.”

Emily giggled, “I know right? Lisa helped me pick it out.”

“That’s nice. I’m glad you are making friends. Just wish your friends were of higher quality.”

Emily rolled her eyes, “you should have her help you pick out some clothes.”

“I’m quite fashionable.”

“Sure, sure. Oh, look at those!” Emily said as she rushed forward.

“She’s really been enjoying herself. Perhaps a bit too much.” Michael said.

“Oh yeah?” Felix then noticed Michael holding a large bag. “Wait, what’s in the bag?”

“All her shopping.”

“And you are letting her just burn through coins like that?”

“Well yes. Her happiness is a necessary expense.”

“A necessary expense? That’s not how things work! Good luck explaining that to the northern nobility bankrolling us.”

Michael gave a hearty laugh, “oh they won’t care. They adore her.”

Felix shrugged, “well whatever. Not my problem.”

Emily came back, “I got something for you two.”


Emily then gave Felix a wooden fish mask.

It had a red body, blue stripes and fins. Also, big goofy black eyes.

“Wear it. Come on!”

“What? This is a little ridiculous.”

“I have one for you too, Michael.” She said as she reached up to put the mask around Michael’s head.

“Thank you, princess. It’s quite nice. Come on, Felix get into the mood.”

“Yeah, put it on, Felix.”

“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses.”

Felix put the fish mask on.

“How do I look?”

Emily clapped, “wonderful! It looks really good on you.”

Felix rolled his eyes, “it’s really not my style.”

“No, it’s perfect. You need a change of pace. It’s the festival, it’s supposed to be fun.”

“Fine, fine. What about you?”

Emily held up her own mask, it was a yellow and orange mask, with green eyes and blue stripes. Again, with the stupid, big, goofy, black eyes.

She put it on, “Ta-dah! Isn’t it great?”

“Yeah, you look very cute. Happy?”

“Of course! We should do this every year.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Felix replied. For whatever reason he couldn’t bring himself to remind her exile will end one day.

The three of them walked the festival grounds.

Getting some snacks, Emily buying more random stuff.

They played some games.

Felix watched as Michael smashed a game of casting the stone winning a bear plush for Emily.

Felix looked up into the sky, the sun had set, and the moon was beginning to rise.

“Well, I should get going.” Felix said as he took off his mask.

“Have fun, Felix.” Emily said as she went off to play some knucklebones. Michael following behind her, the big bear plush under his arm.

Felix walked away towards the center of town where he was meeting Lisa.

There was a small crowd surrounding a red dragonborn bard with a violin.

Felix stopped and sat down to listen.

The red dragonborn was dressed in a fine silk green tunic and black breeches.

The crowd was entranced with his voice as he sang a song about a sailor falling in love with a mermaid.

His voice was nice, deep, and soothing. Felix thought as he closed his eyes.

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