Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 18

“So, are you having fun?” Lisa asked as she sat next to him.

Felix opened his eyes. She was dressed in a blue dress with white frills. She had a goofy yellow fish mask on, but Felix recognized the green eyes from anywhere.

“Something like that.” Felix said as he used a finger to push up her mask, “what’s with the goofy masks so many people have?”

“It’s just tradition. It’s really cute, you have one too.”

“I don’t think it’s a good look. I feel silly when I have it on. Something about the eyes.”

Lisa took off her mask, her smile was bright, and her cheeks had a red tinge, “oh don’t worry. You look cute with the mask.”

“That’s good. I was going for the look of a dumbass.”

Lisa giggled, “I mean you don’t have to change your look to achieve that.”

“Hey now.”

Lisa got up, “well, shall we?”

Felix stood up and offered his hand. Lisa took it and they started to walk down the main street.

Lisa was fascinated with the different games set up for the festival.

There was a game with darts and aiming for small fish heads on a wooden board.

He gave it a shot. Picking up the dart it was a wooden dart with an iron tip. He started flipping it with his hand to get a feel for the balance and weight.

He felt the eyes of Lisa and a small crowd behind him.

With a flip of the dart and the flicker of the wrist, Felix hit a small fish head right in the eye.

“Impressive.” The dwarf running the stall said, “but can you do it again?”

“I can do it again.” Felix said with a smirk.

Felix grabbed a three more darts, flipped them in the air. After catching them, he threw the darts in rapid succession. Each one hitting a different fish head.

The crowd was clapping.

Felix bowed.

Lisa smirked, “yeah, yeah you show off. Still, you are quite good.”

“Well, I’ll be.” The dwarf said with a big smile on his face.

The dwarf got up and grabbed something from behind the counter, “Here ya go, laddie. You deserved one of the top prizes. Very popular.”

Felix was curious. What could it possibly be?

He then pulled out a knitted was that damn fish again, Sammy the Silverfin.

It had big eyes, big stupid smile, and the stupid fin on its back.

Felix was dumbfounded.

Felix suppressed the urge to face palm. He turned over to Lisa, her eyes were beaming as she looked at the plush.

“Errm. You can have it.” Felix said as he passed it over to Lisa.

She then hugged it tight and squealed.

“So cute!”

“Yeah, I guess.”

He didn’t get the love of fish around here. Maybe because Breslow was not by the sea? He wasn’t sure.

Lisa giggled and then put the plush into a bag that was over her shoulder, “ok, let’s get going.”

They got to another mask vendor.

Lisa stopped and started browsing the fish masks.

She picked up one and showed it to Felix, “what do you think of this one?”

It was a green mask, with yellow fins and goofy black eyes.

Felix paused.

She was so happy looking at all the masks.

He shouldn’t spoil the fun.

“That mask is fine.”

“Really? Like really, really and not just you are taking the path of least resistance.”

“Yes, really, really.”

Lisa was excited as she brought the mask to the vendor.

“Two masks, please.”

The old woman who ran the stall nodded, “of course, sweetheart.”

Lisa handed one of the masks to Felix, “there. Now we are matching.”

“We are.” Felix replied.

They were indeed matching.

He sighed.

But seeing her so happy made it all worth it.

She put her mask on.

He had no choice but to wear his.

“You hungry?” Lisa asked.

“Yeah. It’s about time for that crab.”

They went down the streets for a moment. It didn’t take long to replace a food stall selling some crab.

Lisa looked so smug as she paid for dinner, ” Made some real money today.”

Felix chuckled as Lisa handed him a plate with steamed crab legs and garlic bread.

She had her plate of crab as well, “where should we go?”

“I actually liked that bard from earlier, he had a good voice.”

“Sounds good to me.”

They found a bench and sat down to eat as the bard kept performing.

Felix had a mouthful of bread. Fresh and delicious.

“Is it everything you dreamed of?” Lisa asked.

“Mhmm.” Felix answered while chewing.

“Glad to hear it. Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?”

“What was it like back in Breslow, you know. How was growing up there?”

Felix chewed his crab meat was so sweet and juicy.

“Growing up? Well, it was hard. I lived in the slums. Why you ask?”

“Don’t you want to go back one day? To visit or anything?”

“Hmm? The lovely aroma of the blast furnaces smog filled air and the smell of shit and piss. Then if we get lucky, we can see someone getting robbed and stabbed, then dumped in a gutter. A Breslow classic! Breslow, the cold weather of the north with the corruption and mismanagement of the south. The best of both worlds.”

“Oh, come on. There must be something good about Breslow?”

Felix smirked, “I mean my mother and I got by well enough. There was a lot of textiles manufactured at Breslow so you can get cute socks and mittens with little sheep on them. It’s a theme with a ram on the Breslow’s coat of arms. I liked Svarostadt better. The people were nice. The winters were harsh, but the snow was so pure and white. I was often helping at an orphanage ran by Commander Edwin.”

“You helped out at an orphanage?” Lisa asked slightly doubtful.

“Yeah, why? Do I look like a cold-hearted bastard or something? It was a good time. I helped the kids with their studies, and we had meals together.”

“I was just surprised. I mean I always imagined a big tough guy like you, drinking and partying around. You know. A typical mercenary.”

“No, well I had my moments of drinking. However, most of the time at Svarostadt was spent helping out Edwin.”

“I want to go to the same places you have someday. The world is just so big and there is still so much to explore.”

Felix finished up his crab and leaned back, “we can travel together someday if you wait for me. I take to you Breslow, the Republic of Anzio, and Svarostadt.”

Lisa beamed at him, “I can’t imagine a better traveling companion.”

“I hope you are willing to put up with me. I’m a pain in the ass.”

“We can make a deal. I’ll keep your ego in check if you keep me from doing stupid things.”

Felix laughed, “sounds like a deal to me.”

Felix looked into Lisa’s eyes. So bright and full of life.

“You just have to be patient. I have some obligations that need to be taken care of.” Felix tempered.

“Obligations? Like what?”

Felix paused and rubbed his chin.

“Oh, nothing important. A promise I made. Can’t get into the details, sorry.”

“Fine, keep your secrets.” Lisa said as she gave Felix a playful jab in the shoulder.

Felix sighed. When the time comes, he will have her stay in this nice peaceful town. While Felix joins with the Restorationists to fight to restore Emily to the throne. Perhaps, afterwards there was a real chance at a normal life for him after all.

Lisa’s hand moved towards his, intertwining their fingers.

“You were deep in thought there.”

“Oh? I just had a lot on my mind. What about you. Why did you decide to become an alchemist?”

Lisa gave a small smile, “well, I wanted to help people. I’m not really suited for battle, and I don’t think I have the patience for a life of research. So, I decided to learn to mix potions and poultices. Also, I get to go out into the wilds and collect ingredients.”

“If you wanted to be outdoors, why didn’t you just stay on your father’s farm? He has a nice property.”

“Ew. Gross! Working the fields. No thank you. The farming life wasn’t for me. Too boring!”

“There are worse things out there. Like digging ditches. More ditches. Finish one ditch, dig another.”

“Such is the mercenary life, huh? My grandpa complained about that before too.”

Felix snorted, “he probably wasn’t doing a good job of it.”

“Probably not.”

They laughed together and then sat there enjoying each other’s company.

A comfortable silence.

Felix could feel the heat from Lisa’s hand.

He looked up and noticed the bard had stopped playing and came over.

“Can I help you?” Felix asked cautiously.

“I just wanted to get a better look at you.” The bard sighed with relief, “oh thank the gods. It is you. You are still alive. I’m Reotriz. You were with my brother Ranulf when he served with the Order of the Raven.”

Felix heart sank and he turned away. The past had its way of haunting him. “’s been years.”

He looked at him more closely, he really did look a lot like his brother.

“Felix. I been so long. I been living in Wittenden.”

He went to get up and bolt. To get away from talking to him but Lisa was still holding his hand.

“You are a friend of Felix’s?” Lisa asked.

“Sort of. Ranulf mentioned wrote quite a bit about him and the others of in his company when he was serving. That is how I recognize him.”

“What was he like back then. He’s so tightlipped about his past.”

Felix tried to pull his hand away from Lisa’s, but she was stronger than she looked.

“Lisa, come on. Leave the man alone.” Felix said.

Reotriz frowned. “I can understand why he wouldn’t want to talk much about it. When he got back to Breslow most of the men of the company were gone. Just a few stragglers left. He stopped my family’s house. He was dirty, covered in blood and his clothes were in tatters...He had a look in his eyes I will never forget. He told me what happened. Told me where I could retrieve Ranulf’s body from the company hall. And he gave me this.”

Reotriz held up the violin, “do you recognize it? My brother’s violin he brought it all the way back home. Felix was there for the very end. I am forever grateful.”

Felix couldn’t look the man in the eye, “it was nothing.”

“To me it was everything. I can only give a small thanks for what you did. Ranulf would be happy to see you alive and well.”

Felix turned away his other hand clenching into a fist.

Felix felt a lump in his throat, the memories he kept locked away bubbling to the surface.

How Ranulf was in so much pain in the end. So much blood. How he lied to his family told them that he died a quick painless death.

Ranulf deserved better than that.

He looked back up at...Ranulf.

His corpse staring back at him with those eyes.

Those fucking eyes.

Just as he remembered him that day.

“You left me to die.” Ranulf said.

“What?” Felix whispered.

“You left me to die! Your fault!” Ranulf cried out in hate. A voice of pure disgust.

“Not my fault! I tried to save you!” Felix cried out.

He blinked to see just Lisa and Reotriz were looking at him curiously.

“It’s fine. Just leave it be.” Felix muttered out.

“If you insist.” Reotriz said and left.

“Are you okay?” Lisa asked.

He’s gone. He’s dead. Doesn’t matter what he would think because he is gone.

It doesn’t matters, remember? That’s why you don’t get close to people.

Felix could feel his throat tightening.

Felix stood up, “Sorry I need to take a breather.”

Felix pulled his hand free from Lisa’s.

“Felix.” She said as she reached out towards him.

“I’m sorry, just need a moment.”


Felix had already started to walk away.

He left the crowds and was in the outskirts of town where it was real quiet in the night.

He works his way down to the beach.

The sound of the waves and the salty smell.

Why would he even try to make a life here. Knowing full well his future is going to be more violence and pain.

The voices of his fallen comrades, the screaming and begging ringing in his ears.

Every single one of them. They didn’t want to die.

They deserved better. Ranulf should have been the one performing with his brother, he had a family. He had something to come home to. Dreams, hopes, aspirations and people who loved him.

What did Felix have?

The faces of those he killed haunted him. The look of betrayal Joshua had. The fear Rudolf had.

He could deny it with every fiber of his being, but it didn’t change the truth.

Then from behind he felt arms wrap around.

“It’s not your fault, Felix.” Lisa said quietly.

Felix closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The ringing in his ears started to fade.

“That might be true, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt less.” Felix said.

“I’m sorry I didn’t think about how your past could hurt you. It was insensitive of me.”

Felix smiled. “No, it’s fine. You couldn’t have known. Sorry.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No...sorry. Don’t want to dampen the mood more.”

“It’s ok we can just walk for a bit.” Lisa then moved besides him and grabbed his hand.

Lisa and Felix walked in silence for a time.

“Reotriz said you are ever near Wittenden and looking for work, look for the Green Dragon Inn. He can put a good word.” Lisa said breaking the silence.

“Of course, he did. I should replace him later on.” Felix said.

“So, Felix, think you are living a good life?”

Felix paused and couldn’t help but to burst into laughter, “you know what? You sound like your grandfather.”

Lisa chuckled, “so? It’s not a bad thing.”

“I suppose not if you want to grow up to be an old grumpy raven.”

Lisa playfully hit his shoulder, “hey, now. That’s not nice.”

“You are right, I’m sorry. It’s not a bad thing. Your grandpa is a great man, sometimes.”

Lisa snuggled against Felix’s arm, “I just want to tell you I’m here for you. I’m not going to leave you and we can go on more adventures together.”

Felix looked up into the sky and the stars.

“You know what, let’s go on an adventure now.”

“I would like that, but where should we go?”

“Let’s get out of town for a bit, just the two of us.”

“Just the two of us?” Lisa said her voice was quiet.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Felix led Lisa up through the beach and up a cliffside.

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