Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 21

Felix waited at the gate to Wittenden.

Unlike Kurkenburg, Wittenden was a bustling city.

There was a long line of travelers and wagons full of goods flowing into the city. A key trading city with the farming and fishing of the duchy coming into the city before flowing west through the Zugspitze Mountains and into the rest of the Kingdom of Lyris.

“Are we there yet?” Lisa complained slouching on her horse.

“Basically. This is the gate.”

“Good. We can get some food. I’m starving.”

They moved up in the line and eventually made it to the gate.

A couple of guards stopped them. The guards had the red griffin coat of arms of the Duchy of Sachsen.

“Hold up.” One of the older more grizzled looking guards said.

“Eh? Why are we being stopped?”

“Sorry, sir. It’s not us. Can you wait a moment?”

Felix and Lisa glanced at each other.

Then a young woman walked up. The guards let her through, and she went up to the Felix and Lisa.

She had the black uniform of the Grand Military Council with two white stripes on her shoulder. The coat of arms of a white shield and the black eagle. The always watchful eyes of the bird of prey on the people of Lyris.

Lisa was on edge when she saw the woman approach. Felix wasn’t surprised most people were afraid of the Grand Military Council.

Him? He watched the woman approach with some boredom. He was used to dealing with the military.

The woman had short dark hair and a stern expression. Her face had some faint scars over her left eye.

“Your papers please.” She asked.

Felix passed over his travel papers.

She looked them over. Her stern expression softened.

She looked up at Felix, “from Breslow, eh? Where is the best place to get sausages in the city?”

Felix smirked, “you kidding, right? It was Moldenhauer. The butcher shop was always dirty, dark, and crowded. But Marc had the best damn meat in town at a good price.”

“Damn straight! Moldenhauer was the best. You haven’t been back in the city for a bit, eh? His nephew Helge runs the shop now.”

“Yeah, I never been back after I joined the Order of the Raven.”

She kept reading his papers, “well it’s good to see someone else from that dump. My name is Felicia by the way. The Order of the Raven, eh? Checks out with your papers and the mark you have. All mercenary companies are a bunch of thugs, but the ravens always stood as a bunch of elite thugs.”

Felix chuckled, “we prefer to think of ourselves as everyone’s favorite collection of degenerates, scoundrels, and criminals.”

“A rose by any other name. Your friend’s papers?”

Felix turned over to Lisa, who looked to be bit of a panic.

“I don’t have them.”

Felix couldn’t suppress his face palm this time.

“Do you mean to tell me. You been traveling without them? That’s very irresponsible of you. It’s important to have them on you when traveling.” Felicia scolded.

She then sighed, “well. It looks to be an honest mistake. What is your name and where are you from?”

“My name is Lisa Scherzer and I’m from Kurkenburg.”

With that Felicia took out a grey book out of her uniform. She flipped open the book and with a flick of her wrist some arcane writing appeared and disappeared on from the page.

“Looks like you aren’t on the list.” She then started writing, “Lisa Scherzer from are free to enter. Do remember to pick up your papers and be more careful next time, ok?”

“Sorry, I was in a hurry.”

“It’s alright. I understand.”

Felix cocked his head, “I do a lot of traveling. Normally papers aren’t checked. Is there something up?”

Felicia shrugged, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell you. Apparently, there is a military commissioner in the duchy looking for some man. I’m too low rank to know anything about the details but they are being a pain in the ass and having us checking papers hence this long line. If you run into the commissioner maybe, you can get a job from him to search for whoever he’s looking for.”

“Thanks for the tip. You know where the Order of the Raven guildhall is?”

Felix mentally sighed in relief. Felicia said a man unlike the commissioner is looking for princess Emily.

“It will be close to the center of town. You will know when you will see it. Now, enjoy your visit and have a good day.”

Felix and Lisa went through the gate.

“See. No problem at all.” Lisa said.

“I mean it kind of was a problem. You really forgot everything didn’t you?”

“Well, it wasn’t like I was planning on going on a trip and I didn’t get a chance to go back home.”

“Even more reason for you to not to come along.”

“Whatever. I’m hungry, let’s go replace some food.”

“Soon. I need to talk to the quartermaster at the Order of the Raven guildhall.”

“What even is that?”

“It’s where the local guildhall for the Order of the Raven.”

“Is it like the military?”

“No. Mercenary companies are different. We work for anyone with coin to pay. So, commissions posted by individuals can be found there. It’s a meeting place for ravens who are in town. Can stock up on supplies and rest there as well. Right now, since Lyris is at peace there hasn’t been much need for full companies so it’s usually just a bunch of freelancers.”

“Like you.”

“Yeah, like me.”

Wittenden was a lively city with lots of people bustling through the streets. The buildings were stone with clay tiled roofs. The streets were paved with stones. It was quite a contrast from Kurkenburg.

They rode through the town center to see a white building with a large black raven with a sword in its talons painted on the wall.

“Looks like we found it.” Felix said as he motioned for the two to tie up there horses outside of the building.

After helping Lisa, Felix opened the door and walked inside.

He was hit with the familiar smell of stale ale.

The interior was spacious with a few tables in a common room. There was a fireplace on the far side. Some wooden benches were near the fireplace and a bar was on the side. There were a few oak desks brimming with papers.

There were a couple of mercenaries seated in the room. A couple looked over to Felix and nodded their heads in greeting.

One person was behind the counter of the desk in the middle of the room. A cheerful looking blonde elf woman who was humming a tune while working on some papers.

“Hello there.” Felix said.

“Terri, I took you need to just help with the cattle drive so get going! It should be simple enough and yes, it is the commission I assigned to you.” She said without looking.

She paused for a moment and looked up, “ah, sorry! Thought you were someone else. I haven’t seen you before. Welcome to the Order of the Raven guildhall! You two mercenaries?”

Felix slide over his papers, “no. Just me. Registration number six two one out of Breslow. I was first assigned with Elk Company.”

She read over his papers, “let’s see here, Felix...Ruhle. Hm, Breslow, eh? You are a long way from home. I never been there myself. Well, glad to have you! I’m Senna by the way.”

“Is the quartermaster here?”

“He’s out drinking actually. But don’t worry! I can do you one better. You just so happen to be speaking with the Vice Marshal of this branch of ravens.”

“Oh, that’s good...wait! Are you serious?”

She winked. “Yes, sir. I’m serious. Through I’m mostly here to keep an eye on the books. Why, what was your Vice Marshal like back in Breslow?”

“He was an aging middle-aged bland man. Who weighed like three hundred pounds.” Felix replied drily.

She howled with laughter, “Sounds he was a plump bird. I mean we can’t all be hot shot mercenaries now, can we? Oh! You haven’t introduced your friend yet.”

Felix turned around, “sorry. This is my...friend. Lisa. She’s along for the journey.”

“Hi, Senna!” Lisa waved.

“Nice to meet you, Lisa. I love your dress. You look cute.”

“Oh, thank you. Your hair is very pretty.”

Senna laughed, “oh you are too sweet. So how can I help you?”

Felix rubbed his brow. This is not how he thought this would go.

Felix cleared his throat, “can we get down to business here?”

Senna nodded, “of course. Just a little chit chat doesn’t hurt.”

“Right.” Felix muttered under his breath. He then slid over his pouch of gemstones, “you can pawn off goods on the discreet here?”

“Depends on what you have.” She said as she opened the pouch.

She whistled in appreciation, “what do we have here? Well, well. How did you get these beauties?”

“Does it matter? Call it a bonus I got from my last job.”

She looked at the stones in the pouch and felt them, “crazy sort of bonus you got. I can offer you three thousand gold pieces for them.”

“I’ll take it.”

Senna started counting out the coins from the pouch, “I’ll give you the difference back if these stones end up selling for a higher price.”

Lisa looked at Felix with alarm, “I knew you were suspicious!”

“It’s not like that.”

Senna laughed, “well you know what they say. Ravens like shiny things.”

She then checked through a drawer and pulled out rolls of coins and put them in front of Chris along with a paper.

“Sign here to make things official.”

Felix signed his name and Senna handed over the coins and took back the paper.

“You are also entitled to a couple bonuses?”


Senna pulled out a white cap with a black feather.

She gave it over to Lisa, “put it on.”

Lisa put the cap on.

“Now spin around.”

Lisa turned and the feathers on the cap fluttered in the air.

Senna clapped, “I knew it would look cute on you.”

Felix shook his head. He recognized the ranger cap. A branch of the Order of the Raven specializes in wilderness combat and reconnaissance. Often pioneers into the dangerous territory and hired as explorers into the unknown.

Senna also pulled out plush raven and gave it to Lisa.

“Oh, it’s so cute!”

“Isn’t it? It’s something I been working on. Hoping to sell these babies on the market. Might even drive-up recruitment.”

Felix gave Senna a look, “Most of us ravens are a bunch of low-class louts. You think plush toys will help in getting more recruits?”

“Oh, come on. You got to admit they are pretty cute. It wouldn’t hurt to try. Instead of ‘ravens will fight on.’ How about ‘ravens, service with a smile.’ No?”

Felix rolled his eyes. “One other thing are you aware of a murder case that happened in this city awhile back? A girl was possessed by a spirit.”

Senna frowned, “Ah yes that. Terrible affair. We have an arcanist named Jan who helped with the case. It was handled by a military commissioner from the Grand Military Council. His name was James Mansfield. I worked with him briefly. He was a stuffy boring man, but he did his job.”

“Sounds about right.” Felix muttered.

“Oh, do you know him?”

“In a sense.” As in Felix stalked him and his bodyguard Knight of Lyris throughout their time in Svarostadt. Even got into a fight with the knight when he caught him going back to the castle for the very gemstones he just fenced.

“Well, without James around your best bet to speak with Jan. He studies and work at the Starlight Sanctum.”

Lisa eyes lit up, “that’s the magic shop in Wittenden, yeah?”

“Eh, you know what that is?” Felix asked.

“Yes. Of course! It’s the most famous shop in the duchy. It was founded by Archmage Eloise the Radiant. She is my inspiration. The books she has written on magic are the reason why I study magic in the first place.”

Senna laughed, “well isn’t that adorable. Sounds like you can take her there on a date.”

“I suppose.” Felix replied.

“Well, there you go. I can’t tell you much more than that. Sorry, Felix. It was a military matter. Now, since it’s late tonight will you need a place to stay? You can always stay at our quarters as a member of the ravens.”

“Thanks, Senna. However, we will be staying at the Green Dragon Inn. I had a recommendation from a friend.”

“Interesting, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“What? You going to send some assassins at me when I’m asleep?”

Senna laughed, “no silly. Just making note of it.”

“Tsk. Whatever.” Something about that ruffled his feathers.

A feeling of uneasy, his sense of danger was going off.

Despite that he waved her a goodbye and left with Lisa in tow.

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