Adventure of Exiles -
Chapter 22
They worked their way to the Green Dragon Inn.
Felix looked around the inn was bustling with patrons and adventurers.
Felix motioned for Lisa to stay close and weaved his way through the crowd to an empty a table and sat down.
Soon they got some fried pork and potatoes.
“So. What is the plan?” Lisa asked as she was stuffing her face.
Felix frowned. “Not too sure yet. Probably see Jan first thing tomorrow. Perhaps, take another crack at talking to the military.”
Lisa shivered, “the military is scary. That woman at the gate was really intimidating.”
“Was she? I didn’t think so. Could be worse at least with those people you know they only really care about maintaining order.”
“I never see the royal army back at Kurkenburg. Nor have I ever seen a military commissioner.”
“Trust me, it’s way better that way.”
“What are military commissioners like?”
“Professional and dour. They get the worst duties from investigating murders, tracking down traitors and hunting down dangerous monsters. So often they are the most ruthless and devoted to the Grand Military Council. The best you can hope for is that they are at least a decent person outside of their work.”
“That does sound unpleasant.”
“Yeah, pretty much.” Felix said as he finished up his food, “looks like we will have the evening free. What should we do?”
“Oh, oh, oh! There are so many options we are in a big city now.”
Felix chuckled, Wittenden was a decent size, but big city was stretching it.
“How about shopping? This cap is really cute maybe I can join the Order of the Ravens.” Lisa continued.
“You don’t want to do that. Maybe you should join the Adventurer’s Guild if you want to travel the world and do good.”
“Why don’t you join the Adventurer’s Guild?”
Felix burst into laughter, “me joining in with those dorks? Please. They couldn’t handle me.”
“How about having some drinks this evening?” Felix heard from behind him.
He turned around to see Senna, Felicia, and another woman. She was a tiefling with the white ranger cap of the Order of the Ravens.
“I knew it. I fucking knew it! There were some shenanigans would happen when you asked where I was staying.” Felix called out as the ladies grabbed chairs and sat around their table.
“What do you mean, Felix? We always get together for drinks. Isn’t that right, Felicia?”
Felix gave Felicia a side eye, “didn’t you say the Order of the Ravens was a bunch of thugs?”
Felicia laughed, “I said that. But I never said they weren’t fun.”
The tiefling sat down besides Lisa and put her hand on Lisa’s cap. “Well, hello there, my name is Velnise. You look good with the cap. Thinking of joining the ravens? It’s a good group of people, never judged me for who I am.”
Lisa fidgeted with the feathers, “Not too sure myself. I’m Lisa by the way.”
“There are a lot of perks. We go to exotic places, see sights, meet interesting people, and kill them. What’s not to love?”
“You are a tiefling?” Lisa asked.
“Yeah, I am. Half devil blood. Got a problem with that?”
“No! It’s just I never seen a tiefling outside of a book. It’s nice to meet you.”
Velnise laughed, “how quaint. I suppose that’s fair not many of us in the kingdom.”
Senna waved down a barmaid, “can I get two bottles of your finest wine and a plate of bread and cheese?”
Felix took out fifty gold crowns and passed it over to Lisa and stood up.
“Where are you going, Felix?” Lisa asked.
“I know a trap when I see one. I better make my escape when I still have the chance besides, I have some business in the city to deal with.”
“Don’t be silly. Stay for the night. Drinks and fun times are on me.” Senna replied.
“Oh, what fun!” Velnise chimed in.
“Trap! This is a trap if I ever saw one. I’ll be back.” Felix said as he left.
Asking someone at the front of the inn for directions, Felix worked his way through the cobble streets of Wittenden.
Then he saw it. The Ambrosio Banking House.
It was a massive stone building with a marble fountain in the front courtyard. A courtyard filled with flower gardens and trimmed topiary.
An opulent and decadent monument to the desire of mankind to hoard wealth and hear the click of coins.
It was exactly Felix’s kind of place.
He walked into the banking house to a lavishly decorated reception room with a large portrait of Zanobi Ambrosio, the founder of the banking house.
The Ambrosio Banking House was not the largest bank from the Republic of Anzio. But it was discreet and professional and famed for not asking too many questions from their patrons. Felix had his savings in the Ambrosio Banking House for that very reason.
“Greetings. May I help you?” A young woman with dark hair and glasses asked him as he approached one of the counters.
“I would like to speak with a banker and make a deposit.”
“Of course, sir. What’s your name?”
“Ruhle. Felix Ruhle.”
“One moment, sir. May I have your hand please.”
Felix laid out his hand.
The woman pricked his finger with a needle she then took a bit of the blood and put it next to a black leather book. She opened the book and with a wave of the hand, the small bit of blood burned up and book flipped pages.
Reading for a moment she then closed the book, “ah. Mr. Ruhle. I see your account. Mister Diluc Cattani is free, he will see you now. Do you want me to escort you there?”
“It’s fine, just which office is his?”
“Upstairs and the fourth door on the right.”
Felix went upstairs and into the office of Diluc Cattani.
“Enter.” A deep voice said.
Felix opened the door.
It was a well-furnished office. With a large wooden desk in the center. Shelves of books lined the walls. A portrait of Zanobi Ambrosio was near the door and another on the other side.
Behind the desk was a handsome older dwarf. Sharply dressed in a trimmed bread and moustache. He was working on some papers.
The dwarf looked up, “Ah greeting there. A pleasure, my name is Diluc Cattani. Can I get your name please?”
“Felix Ruhle.” He replied as he sat down across from Diluc.
“Ah, Felix. Good. Good. It is a pleasure to meet you, what can I do for you today?”
Felix opened his pouch and pushed over the rolls of gold crowns he got from earlier.
“I would like to make a deposit.”
The dwarf unrolled a stack of the gold crown and with nimble fingers did a count, “looks to be three thousand gold.”
“Huh, yeah. That’s it to the exact number. How did you count that out so quickly?”
Diluc waved his hand, “please. Mr. Ruhle I am a professional.”
Diluc then opened his own black leather book and flipped through. He then presented a paper to Felix, “if you could sign here so we can complete the deposit.”
Felix duly signed as Diluc read from the book.
“Mr. Ruhle you do have a considerable sum with us. Have you considered investing in properties?”
Felix chuckled, “it’s been an idle dream of mine to own a canal side property at Isidoro.”
Diluc raised an eyebrow, “really now? Isidoro is pleasant enough of a city for visiting but for living it’s rather chaotic.”
Felix sighed and slouched in his chair, “I suppose. Anyways it was just a fantasy. Not like I could leave the kingdom anyways. Listen may I speak to you about a different matter and keep is confidential?”
“Of course, Mr. Ruhle. We pride ourselves in our discretion.”
“Good. I need an adult.”
Diluc face was serious the entire conversation so far but with that there was a small smile, “why Mr. Ruhle. You are an adult.”
“Ah, well I mean I need an adult with an outsider’s perspective speaking about this sort of stuff makes me nervous.”
“Go on. I will not judge.”
Felix sat up in his chair and cleared his throat.
“There is a girl. We are traveling together, and I have a strong feeling for her. We even kissed. I’m not even sure how it happened. But it feels right to be with her. But I...I haven’t told her I loved her and not sure if I want to. I really don’t want to screw this up.”
Diluc let out a laugh and pulled out a pipe, lit it and smoked. “To be young again. Do you have much experience with women, Mr. Ruhle?”
“Well, erm not like a relationship. There were camp followers when I was campaigning as a sellsword but an actual relationship, no.”
Diluc flipped over a frame on his desk, “this is a portrait of my family. My wife Yossoda and my two sons, Tuvick and Uvrel. We been married for over twenty years. You come to me in the hopes that I would somehow have an objectively correct answer to how to handle a relationship.”
“I mean that would be ideal, yes.”
Diluc sighed, “sorry to disappoint you. But there is no right answer. When I left the Dual Monarchy Yossoda was still pregnant with Tuvick. It was stressful. It was hard. We argued a lot. I was wrong. I was so wrong, so many times. I made many mistakes in my relationship with my wife. Sometimes you will make mistakes. It’s normal, it’s fine. My advice? What’s important is being open and honest with her.”
Felix sighed, “you are not really helpful.”
Diluc shrugged, “”Hmm. I see. You are having trouble communicating your feelings to her?”
“I have trouble expressing my feelings at all.”
“And why is that? Please speak candidly, it will help expressing yourself.”
Felix shifted in his seat uncomfortably, “Because...because...I’m not sure. I just don’t know. I’m a mercenary, you know? I’m used to living from day to day and fighting. Not thinking about the future. Those around me that I wanted to stay. They either left or died.”
Diluc took another smoke and nodded, “and you are afraid that this woman might hurt you too. That she may leave you as well?”
Diluc sighed, “look Mr. Ruhle. Felix. My advice to you is simple. I don’t know what this woman is like or what her goals are. But the only person who can decide what your future will be is you. You need to accept that there will be pain and there will be loss in your world. Even more than what you suffered so far. However, that shouldn’t keep you from cherishing the moments you had in the past and pursuing the things that will bring happiness into your life. You can’t control her actions, nor should you. She is a person. Accept that risk and move forward.”
Felix rubbed his chin, “That is a lot to think about.”
He sighed and stood up, “I need to walk to think it over. Thanks, Mr. Cattani.” He then put his hand out.
“My pleasure, Felix.” Diluc said as he shook Felix’s hand.
Felix left the banking house and walked back to the Green Dragon Inn.
When he returned to the inn, he went back to the table from before and found the ladies were having a good time.
They were drinking, singing, and laughing. Lisa and Velnise were singing together, Felicia and Senna were playing a drinking game.
Felix smiled, he then pulled a chair over and sat down, “What’s going on here?”
“Look what the cat dragged in.” Velnise said as she spotted Felix.
Senna grinned and moved her chair closer to Felix. “Well, there is Lisa’s cute boyfriend here. Let me get you a drink.”
“Hey, it’s not li-” before he could protest more Senna had a goblet nearly overflowing with wine in front of Felix.
“Thanks, I guess.”
“No problem, Felix.” Senna replied as she patted his head.
“Cut that out, I’m not a child.”
“Ah, lighten up. Just enjoy yourself.” Velnise added.
Felix grumbled and started drinking the wine.
Lisa was dancing with Velnise.
“Come on! Let’s dance, Felix!” Lisa called out.
Felix sighed. His mind was still swirling from his earlier conversation.
Fuck it.
He chugged the wine he had and stood up, he should enjoy life for now. Who knows what tomorrow will hold anyways.
And so, he joined in dancing, drinking and singing the evening away.
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