Adventure of Exiles -
Chapter 23
The next day Felix and Lisa found themselves outside of Starlight Sanctum.
It was a two-story building made from grey bricks. With a black slate roof. In the middle was a circular stained-glass window depicting the constellations.
As Felix entered, he saw the store was filled to the brim with bookshelves.
There were also displays of magical items out on display.
Some shone with bright lights, others were aflame, one was a bubbling potion, there was a staff with a large emerald crystal at the top.
He was a bit puzzled at what exactly he was looking at.
Lisa was giddy with excitement, “Oh, this is so exciting! This is where Eloise the Radiant wrote and researched her theories and spells.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Felix replied as he walked over to the counter.
An elven woman wearing a robe and spectacles was reading a book behind a desk.
“Good day to you. How can I help you two?” She asked cheerfully.
“We are looking for Jan.”
She adjusted her glasses, “ah ok. He’s quite busy with his studies but I can check in with him. Who is asking for him?”
“Felix. With the Order of the Raven.”
She nodded and left.
Felix turned back to see Lisa going and checking the bookshelves.
“I have a few books by Eloise the Radiant, but they probably have more here.” She muttered under her breath.
Felix used the opportunity to close his eyes for a moment and take deep breaths.
He opened his eyes when he heard some commotion. He left the counter to check.
Lisa was surrounded by two men.
“Ah come on, girl. We both know you don’t actually have a friend with you. Just come with us and we can have a good time.”
“Don’t you have better things to do? Like getting a job?”
One man grabbed her, “now that is not very nice of you.”
One of the men reached his hand and grabbed Lisa’s wrist.
Felix rolled his eyes, and then strode over and two men and Lisa.
“I’ll have to ask you gentlemen to step back.”
“What? Mind your own damn business.”
“Oh, it’s my business. She’s with me.”
The man who grabbed Lisa’s wrist looked over to Felix, “you have a problem? Little boys like you should learn to stay out of trouble.”
Felix smiled, “you got to be kidding me, right?”
Lisa yanked her wrist out, “yeah, leave me alone.”
“You shut your mouth, girl.”
Felix sighed and stepped forward, only ever so slightly. Adjusted his body stance, shifting his weight.
“Look gentlemen we can ta-” And without betraying his intent he throat punched one of the men, followed by a haymaker.
The man stumbled back holding his throat.
The other man drew a dagger and lunged at Felix.
Felix caught the arm and twisted. The dagger clattered to the ground.
The man cried out and Felix punched him in the crotch. Channeling some lightning with it.
He let the man drop. He was rolling and convulsing in pain.
Felix smirked at the sight.
“You saved me, Felix.” Lisa said.
“I told you not to get into trouble.”
“Not like I could help it! They started harassing me!”
“Oi! Are you the Felix who was looking for me?” A voice called out from behind Felix.
He turned around to see a tall man with black, disheveled hair. He had a beard and dark bags under his eyes.
“Ah yes. I’m Felix, this is Lisa.”
The man looked at Felix with a bit of annoyance and disdain before he spoke,
“Right. I’m Jan. Let’s talk in my office. Now.”
Jan turned around and walked.
Felix shrugged and motioned for Lisa to follow.
Jan passed the elf woman from earlier, “Abigail, please deal with the two men and kick them out of our store.” He said as he walked.
“Right away, sir.”
He led them upstairs to a room lined with bookshelves and tables covered with magical reagents, tools, and scrolls.
“Please take a seat.” Jan said as he sat down himself.
Both Felix and Lisa took a seat.
Jan took a deep breath and then spoke, “What the fuck are you doing? Are you such a bird brain you can’t possibly think of any other solution than punching?”
“They started it. I ended it simple as that.”
Jan rolled his eyes, “those two were so fucking stupid. You were punching down. Practically bullying them.”
“I mean. What else was I supposed to do?”
“Tsk. I haven’t seen you before at our guildhall. Can I get a last name?”
“Ruhle. Felix Ruhle.”
Jan opened his drawer and pulled out a grey book. Motioning with his hands a light appeared from his hand and from the book. The book started flipping pages on its own.
Felix looked at it curiously.
“What’s with that look?” Jan asked.
“I’m not used to watching magic in use that's all.”
“You must be a novice in the arcane arts, bird brain.”
“Try practically no experience.”
Lisa tugged at Felix’s sleeve, “it’s an arcane book. It’s been enchanted with magic and bound to a master book. So, when the master copy is updated it updates all the books bound to the master. Very handy and expensive.”
“You know a thing or two about this, huh?” Jan asked.
“I have some experience with magic. My name is Lisa, by the way.”
“A pleasure. Yes, I have a copy of our company’s records. There you are. Registration number six two one of your annual recruitment class in Breslow. Assigned to Elk Company and served with distinction in the Republic of Anzio during the Tergeste and Spalathos Colonial War. A survivor. One of only seventy-four returning out of a company of two hundred.”
Lisa looked at Felix with concerned when she heard that.
Felix sighed, “Not a lot of us return from the fighting. How many are still active from Elk Company currently on record then?”
“Forty-eight.” Jan replied.
Felix whistled, “Not even a quarter of us are still breathing, eh?”
Jan frowned, “That doesn’t mean they are dead. They could have retired or discharged for various reasons. We are a mercenary company after all.”
He then paused his reading and looked back at Felix, “there is one other thing as well. Is it alright Miss Lisa if you can step out for a moment, please?”
Lisa fidgeted in her seat, “erm are you sure I can’t stay?”
“Don’t worry. We just need to discuss private matter.” Jan said with a small smile.
Why is this asshole so rude to him and nice to her?
Lisa looked a bit nervous, “ok, I’ll wait for you downstairs.” She reached out and squeezed Felix’s hand.
He squeezed back and nodded.
She let go and left. As soon as she was gone there was an eerie silence. After a moment Jan put both hands on his desk and leaned forward.
Jan spoke, “As long as I still stand.”
Felix found himself sighing again, “the north is not yet lost. Of course, you are a Restorationist.”
“Yes, I am. Don’t sound so exasperated, we have the same mission to restore the House of Strass to the throne.”
“I don’t think I can agree. My goal is still the same as it’s always been. I’m a simple man. I want money and freedom.”
“Nonsense. Your actions in Svarostadt were important to our cause. You help assassinate both Duke Rudolf of House Bevern and Military Commissioner Joshua Lehman. It would of have gone perfectly to plan if it wasn’t for Military Commissioner James Mansfield.”
“Edwin ended up doing most of the heavy lifting. Also how do you know this? Not like any of this information is actually on my company record.”
“Not openly in writing, bird brain. Your northern patrons who hired you and other details was written within your record is encoded. You would be surprised there is strong support to the righteous Restorationist cause among the Order of the Ravens including Marshal Sven Neuhaus.”
Felix grunted at the mention of Marshal Sven, a famed captain turned feared and respected commander of the Order of the Ravens in Lyris. He fought on the frontline with the men under his command. He was a man of iron having survived multiple near fatal wounds. If a man like him is supporting the Restorationist it meant those northerners had real support behind them from the ravens.
“Or maybe Marshal Sven realize in the Restorationist’s desperation for revenge, any price for victory will be paid.” Felix replied.
Jan looked like he was going to argue with Felix but then nodded, “that may be true, but the end result is the same.”
Jan continued, “So if you want to be paid and keep your freedom, I recommend you stick with our cause.”
Felix shrugged, “Wasn’t planning on leaving. Why are you fanatically devoted to the Restorationists anyways?”
Jan expression darken, “my older sister was in Kristianburg when the city was sacked. She was raped, killed, and burned. I will only rest easy at night when Marshal Lehweht is hanged like the dog he is.”
Felix sighed.
This isn’t the first time he heard a story like this. He heard it many times before with other Restorationists back in Svarostadt. Before being among the Restorationists he would have scoffed at the idea of anyone seriously challenging the Grand Military Council. However, the passion and devotion to the Restorationist cause was real.
“Let’s move to what I wanted to speak to you about.” Felix deflected.
Jan took a deep breath and his expression lightened. “Right, why are you here today? Shouldn’t you be protecting the princess?”
“Princess is doing great she’s enjoying living a simple life in Kurkenburg. As for why I’m here. Well, do you remember a man named Erick killed by his own daughter being possessed?”
Jan’s eyes narrowed, “where did you learn this from?”
“I know someone. Look, I was told you were involved. You helped Military Commissioner James in resolving the issue.”
“That is correct. Erick was a mage and scholar, a practitioner of the arcane arts. He should have been aware of the danger and yet he met a grizzly end. I never learned where the source was possession even came from. It was covered up and buried. I was threatened if this information was leaked.”
Felix frowned, “what exactly did you see?”
Jan closed his eyes and an expression of regret spread on his face,
“I saw his daughter and she was possessed. A dark spirit took her form, but her eyes were black and the skin around her mouth was rotting. Her face was like a skull and her hands and into long talons. By the time we found Erick, he was torn to shreds. We barely contained her and dispelled the spirit, but it was harrowing.”
Felix leaned forward, “have you heard of the Staff of the Eternal Night?”
That legends about the Witch Queen Natasha? It’s a myth.”
Felix shook his head, “it’s real. We found a piece of the Staff of the Eternal Night. I fought a reanimated skeleton of the Oak Knight Kono. We believe Erick might have another piece of the staff.”
Jan stared at Felix for a moment.
“...shit. You are telling the truth. Or at least what you believe to be true, in which case that would make sense. Why would Erick take such a risk? Why replaceing the source of the possession would be so difficult. The Witch Queen Natasha commanded powerful magic that’s been relegated to legend. If this aligns with the old stories we would be dealing with the Knight of Delusions, Lyndis. The Knight was a master at mind control. She was a trusted member of Natasha’s inner circle, the court of the Witch Queen. The only way to replace out more about this would be to visit Erick’s former home.”
“Sounds good, let’s get going then.”
“Hold on a moment. I need to ask you an important question. What will you do if you replace the Staff of the Eternal Night?”
“We didn’t get that far. My vote was to sell it to the highest bidder.”
“You will do no such thing! Do you realize the consequences if it fell into the wrong hands?”
“The same as any magical artifact I suppose.”
“That artifact would have the power to plunge the kingdom into darkness!”
“What should I do then, huh? Give it to the princess?”
“Also, no! Do you truly want to force upon the princess with such a heavy burden? To be responsible for the fate of the kingdom? Give it to us Restorationists, the regency for our princess would be the best hands.”
“Why? So, the Restorationists can cause even more damage on the people once the civil war kicks off?”
Jan slammed his fists on the desk, “that’s not true! The only reason we would start a war is because of the Grand Military Council. Those corrupt and greedy bastards! A glorious restoration of House Strass over House Jailos as it should be. A return to the old ways.”
Felix shook his head, Jan leaving out the part where the Restorationists will most definitely get their revenge and hang many, many people.
Hope your little adventure is worth it, Emily. This is becoming a bit of a clusterfuck already.
“I’ll give it some thought, first we got to replace it.” Felix said as he stood up.
Jan muttered something under his breath and stood up as well.
They made it back downstairs to see Lisa and Abigail talking. Lisa with some books in her hands.
Abigail turned to look, “Jan, your meeting is over. Good.”
“Yes. Unfortunately, we have somewhere to go. If I can have you look after the store for a bit and let anyone else who comes in for me know that I’m busy, that would great.”
“Not a problem.”
Felix walked up to Lisa, “what do you have there?”
“Oh, some books on alchemy and this biography on Eloise. We were talking about reading. I still haven’t bought these yet. Kind of pricy.”
“How much?” Felix asked Abigail.
“Twenty gold crowns.”
Without skipping a beat, Felix pulled out his coin pouch from his bag and dropped twenty coins with on to the counter with a clinking of coins.
“Come on, we got our man and our lead.” Felix said.
Lisa looked a bit shocked.
“Wow Felix. Thanks.”
“Let’s go.”
Lisa nodded, “I’ll pay you back.”
“Don’t bother.”
Jan rolled his eyes, “let’s get going, the house is on the other side of the city.”
“Alright, lead the way.”
Jan walked out the door and down the street, the others following.
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