Adventure of Exiles -
Chapter 27
Isaac yawned and got up.
It was another bright sunny morning at Kurkenburg.
He got dressed and strapped his scythe to his back.
He was boarded at Whispering Oak Inn. Isaac had a room upstairs at the end of the hall.
The floorboards creaked and the old inn had a sometimes had a fishy, musty smell.
But it was cozy, Isaac didn’t need much.
He went downstairs, there were already a few people there eating breakfast. Some travelers gave Isaac a curious look, but the locals didn’t pay much attention to him as he made his way to the counter.
“Good morning, Isaac.” Eileen said.
“Good morning, ma’am. How are you?”
“Quite well, young man.” She said as she handed over a bowl of fish soup to Isaac.
Isaac started eating.
“What are you up to today?” Eileen asked as she wiped down the counter.
“Well, Felix and Lisa left yesterday on their trip and Chris doesn’t need me at the clinic either. So, I was going to help Michael today.”
“I’m sure he will appreciate the help. You are close to him, aren’t you?”
Isaac shrugged, “I owe him. He helped me when I washed up ashore and helped me settle in after.”
Eileen smiled, “he’s a good man. Reminds me a bit of my husband.”
Isaac went back to eating his soup.
After he was done, he went to the kitchen with the bowl and started cleaning the dishes there.
“Oh, you don’t need to do that.” Eileen said.
“It’s no problem at all. You been good to me.”
She smiled, “I should have you help out in the kitchen some time. Teach you some cooking. Do you like cooking?”
“I’ve never cooked. But if you teach me, I will learn.”
“I’m sure it will be fine. You can’t be any worse than Lisa.”
“Oh? What do you mean by that.”
She shook her head and sighed, “she’s a disaster in the kitchen! That granddaughter of mine, she can’t help herself and cannot just stick to a recipe. I was so worried for her replaceing a man until Felix came along. I just pray to the Goddess Herta he will tolerate her cooking. Poor boy.”
“Hmm I don’t quite understand. Maybe I should give Lisa’s cooking a try.”
She shook her head, “oh sweet, innocent Isaac. Just forget it.”
Isaac was a bit confused but didn’t press the matter. He was done cleaning and soon he was off.
It was still a little chilly, but the sun was out. Autumn was here.
He weaved through the streets of Kurkenburg and soon was at Michael’s house.
Michael was already out waiting for him.
Without a word, he handed Isaac a wood cutting axe and wood carrier. With a pat on the back and ruffing of Isaac’s hair, Michael started walking with his own axe and wood carrier.
Isaac followed him as they walked out of the town and towards the woods.
It was a quiet and peaceful morning.
Isaac had helped Michael a few times before. Every time Michael didn’t have much to say. Yet, his presence was oddly comforting.
Hard for Isaac to explain.
He was taciturn but he was steady and diligent. Felt like if he was leading the way, the world wasn’t so overwhelming, just focus on the task at hand.
They walked a long time.
Eventually, Michael stopped at a clearing.
“Let’s get to work.” Michael said.
Isaac nodded and soon he started working.
They took turns chopping wood.
As the day went by and the pile of wood got higher, Michael stopped for a break, signaling for Isaac to take a break too.
He took a flask of water and pulled out some dried herring.
“Good work today. You are a hard-working kid you know?” Michael said as he passed over the flask and herring.
“Thank.” Isaac said as he munched on a herring.
Michael chuckled, “not much to say that’s alright. If only my boys were as hard working as you.”
Isaac tilted his head, “you have sons?”
“Yeah, I do. Grown into fine young men despite my best effort. They are up in Gdanskig.”
He paused and looked over at Isaac.
Deep in thought,
“Has Felix mentioned anything about our past?”
“Not much. Felix doesn’t seem to want to speak much about it when I ask...He had a rough go of it. Told me despite all the hardships there doesn’t have to be a purpose in life, and we should just enjoy our lives as best as we can.”
“Sounds like him. But what if I told you could have a purpose in your life? A reason to keep moving forward?”
“Felix mentioned something like assholes who dedicate their lives to a cause like you.”
Michael laughed, “you definitely were talking to Felix. Doesn’t mean he was right, to serve a noble cause there is nothing greater. Do you know about the Restorationists?”
“Not really no.”
“I’m getting old, Isaac. My fighting days will soon be behind me, and I will have nothing but the memories of the things I’ve seen, the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met. There are precious memories of the Kingdom of Lyris. Before the civil war. Before the tyranny of the Grand Military Council. You are too young to even know what it was like?”
“How was the kingdom in your memories?”
“The Kingdom of Lyris was once a proud country ruled by the King Karl the Confessor. The people were free to live in a land of hope and opportunity. Our king was just, wise, and generous. Then he died and traitorous Augustus became king over the rightful Odin Strass. The northern people tried to restore the proper order of our kingdom. Unfortunately, Augustus and the Loyalists won. So weakened by the war, the corrupt Grand Military Council took over, a vicious cycle. It is the duty of the Restorationists to bring peace and order back to our beloved kingdom.”
Isaac didn’t say anything for a moment.
Then he just shrugged, “I just don’t know. That sounds like a noble goal. But if you fight a war against Augustus, a lot of people are going to get hurt. Is it worth it? Is there no other way?”
“A hard question. There will always be casualties, there will always be innocents that get hurt. That’s the harsh truth of war. But, sometimes to do what’s right we must sacrifice.”
Michael nodded, “I have given my youth to do job. I lost friends. I’ve witness the horrors of war. Now in my advance years I will give to make this dream a reality. There is a new generation coming, and I want to leave them a better world.”
“I guess...but what about Felix?”
“Humph. He may claim to be nothing more than a mercenary. Sit around to complain and whine and claim he’s only in it for the money. But, Felix has a good heart and he’s still here. I think that’s why Edwin trusted him so much.”
“...I’ll give it some thought.”
“Of course. I just want to offer you a chance.” Michael said as he rose to his feet.
“We should get back to work.” He went over to stack wood in the carrier.
Isaac followed him.
The rest of the day was a blur of chopping wood and delivering.
Afterward, Michael and Isaac carried the wood back to Kurkenburg.
Back at the town, felt the pangs of hunger. He decided he should go see Chris. He and his family were always welcoming people into his home to eat. Chris as the local healer was well liked and well respected. He constantly got food as thanks for his service to the town.
He worked his way over Chris’s house.
Chris was sitting outside with his front porch working on a ledger.
He looked up to see Isaac approaching.
He gave him a small nod and went back to his writing,
“Hello, Isaac.”
“You hungry? You came just at the right time. Sophie and Claudia just finished up preparing the food.”
Isaac nodded, “that would be great. I’m starving.”
“Come on then. Go wash your hands. The food is inside.”
Isaac entered and found Claudia setting the table with Sophie helping.
Claudia gave Isaac a smile, “ah, Isaac. Welcome.”
Sophie came up and hugged Isaac’s leg.
“Hey, Sophie.” He had as he gave her a head pat.
Sophie was a sweet, quiet kid.
“Hi, Isaac.”
“Sophie, don’t cling to him.” Claudia said.
“It’s fine. How was your day?” Isaac asked.
“Good, I helped father out today. I learned a lot about herbs.”
“That’s good. Chris is a great teacher, isn’t he?”
Sophie nodded, “yeah.” She let go of Isaac’s leg and he went back to wash himself. He was already familiar of where to go.
After washing he returned to take a seat with Claudia, Sophie and Chris.
Dinner was fried herring, baked potatoes, and sauerkraut.
Just as they were about to eat the front door opened.
“Grandpa!” Sophie cried out and she got out her chair.
An older gentleman with a stout build and styled moustache and beard had entered in.
“Come here you!” He said as he hugged Sophie and spun around with her.
“Welcome back, papa.” Claudia said.
Chris nodded, “welcome, Vernon. How was the trip?”
“Long but uneventful, my favorite son-in-law.”
“Your only son-in-law.”
“Well, that’s good because then you would be my second favorite son-in-law.”
Chris sighed and shook his head.
Claudia giggled.
Vernon set down Sophie with a hearty laugh.
He went over and gave Claudia a kiss on the cheek,
“Hey beautiful. Chris is treating you right?”
Claudia rolled her eyes, “of course, papa.”
“Glad to hear it.”
Isaac had never met him before.
He was a fish merchant who traveled the coast of Lyris.
“Who is this boy with the scythe? A bodyguard?” Victor asked.
“What do you think Kurkenburg is like? It’s a safe town.” Chris replied.
“Says the guy who nearly got killed by direwolves.”
“That was a completely different situation!”
“Ah, papa. This is Isaac. He’s a friend of Felix and Lisa. He’s been working at the clinic too.” Claudia interrupted.
Vernon’s eyes widen, “is he now?”
Chris nodded, “he’s a good lad.”
“Well, where are you from, Isaac?”
“The sea.”
“Pfft. What do you mean, lad? You are a merfolk?”
“He doesn’t have memories of his past. It’s sad.” Sophie chimed in.
“Oh, I see. Well, lad don’t let that get you down. Just means you should make happy memories. And that is my advice for you for free. The next time will cost you.”
Chris sighed, “don’t listen to him. Victor here is a merchant and loves money.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“The fact you even had to ask that in itself, unbelievable.”
“Hey, who helped you get this house? Yours truly. We can’t all be men of the goddess. Got to have some sinners among the saints, right?”
Claudia and Sophie both started giggling.
Isaac just ate his meal quietly.
“In any case, lad. If you need help you can come to me any friend of the family is a friend of mine. Also, I don’t bite, well not hard anyways.”
Chris groaned and facepalmed.
“Papa! Don’t scare Isaac.” Sophie said.
“Alright, alright.” Victor said as he ruffled Sophie’s hair.
“So, Chris gave any further thoughts on Celestia Academy for Sophie?”
“Celestia Academy? What’s that?” Isaac asked.
“The most prestigious university in the kingdom. Ran by the Order of the Goddess Herta. Only the best students get in, that’s why Chris had to settle with the University of Saintess Enya. Of course, with our Sophie, she’s guaranteed a spot. I mean who can say no to such a cute and charming girl.” Vernon said.
Chris folded his arms, “It’s not like I even apply for Celestia. It’s a hard decision. You know my reservations.”
“We all know she has incredible magic potential. You done the examination yourself! She will grow older. Blink and she’ll be a teenager. She will need to learn how to control it and wield the magic to become something truly special.
“She’s only a child. Let her grow up without worry. She doesn’t need to be a wizard, she’s already special in my eye. What’s wrong with having a normal life?”
“Coming from the man who had a burning wanderlust.”
“Perhaps it is hypocritical. Even now I still want to travel the world. However, I have learned the world out there is a dangerous place outside of Kurkenburg.”
Vernon sighed and shook his head, “Chris...”
“Papa.” Claudia said.
“What about you Claudia? You know Chris has a recommendation from the Grand Military Council themselves in his back pocket. That’s a guaranteed ticket of success.”
Claudia pursed her lips, “It’s a tough decision, papa. You must remember that. Chris told me some what he had to do to earn the recommendation from Lord Protector Manstein, it would be a shame for his hardship to go to waste. But I have a hard time picturing Sophie being away from us. I want her to be happy.”
Vernon scratched his beard, “you make a fair point. Well, it is something we can revisit later.”
Chris sighed, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Why are you so set on having Sophie go to Celestia Academy?” Isaac asked Victor.
“Oh, the lad asks a fair question. My granddaughter has tremendous magic potential. I’m perhaps a selfish man, I see in her a future where she could be an archmage. Sophie is an extraordinary talent, it’s just a shame she’s stuck in a backwater town like Kurkenburg.”
“Such potential is dangerous to her. I know this all too well.” Chris interjected.
“Ah, which is why my son-in-law would rather have her stay.”
“The larger the world is the more dangerous it becomes.”
“She has to grow up eventually.”
Isaac looked down at Sophie. They were alike, a lot of potential in a big world.
“What do you think?” He asked.
She smiled at Isaac, “I don’t know. I’m not sure if I want to become famous and powerful. I’m just happy to have a family that cares for me this much.”
Isaac laughed. A simple and honest answer.
“You are right, Sophie. You are lucky.”
She nodded and went back to her dinner.
Chris and Vernon nodded at each other, and they ended the conversation there.
After dinner Vernon got out a deck of cards.
“Careful, Isaac. Vernon is a steely eyed card shark.” Chris warned.
“Ha! Don’t be silly. I would never play a dirty card game against a guest.”
“So, non-guest, are fair game?”
Vernon laughed.
Claudia sighed, “Don’t let this man fool you with a charming smile. He has always been too competitive for his own good.”
“Oh, come on daughter of mine. Nothing wrong with wanting to win.”
“It’s not about winning. It’s the way you play. It’s about fun.”
“I don’t know, I think winning is pretty fun.”
Claudia laughed, “never change, dad.”
So, the five of them played cards after dinner.
Isaac did note Viktor did end up winning most of the rounds.
As the night grew darker, Viktor left for the night.
“Bye, Sophie. Bye, everyone. See you all tomorrow.”
“Bye grandpa.” Sophie said.
“Come on, girl. Let’s get you ready for bed.” Claudia said as she took Sophie’s hand.
“Alright, mom.”
Leaving just Chris and Isaac.
“Nice for Vernon to stop by. He’s a busy man as a successful merchant. But then again he always spoiled Claudia even when we were kids.” Chris said.
Isaac nodded, “I can tell. How about your parents?”
“Eh? I mean you met them a few times before. Jaime is a quiet man who likes sports and bird watching. It's hard to believe he and Vernon are friends. Rebecca is a very kind and sweet woman. She and raised me and my older sister Sara with a lot of love.”
Isaac then looked intently at Chris, “Can I ask you something, Chris? I can only trust you with.” he asked.
“Just like that eh? No lead up. One moment, please.” Chris said as he stood up and went to the kitchen he returned with a bottle with an amber liquid. He poured some of the liquid into two cups. Handing one of the cups to Isaac.
Isaac sniffed a strong wooden smell.
“To your health!” Chris said as he tapped his cup to Isaac.
Chris downed the whole cup in one shot.
Isaac drank some of it, a burning sensation down his throat.
“Smooth Oak Symphony whiskey, a bit of a pain to get but it’s worth it. Got the taste for it when I was living in Svarostadt. A toast for a serious discussion. I can’t say I’m a great conversationalist but, I will try.”
“Michael wants me to join the Restorationists. Is that a good cause?”
Chris just looked at Isaac with an expression of deep thought.
“If you ask a northerner the Restorationists represented a glorious return to traditions of the past headed by the rightful King Odin Strass. While to the Loyalists, the Restorationists represented reactionary despotism to a fictitious past. Not that it mattered. The war devastated the country, and the Northern duchies suffered the worst. While the Loyalists won the civil war, they were so weakened the military overthrew them as well. In the end King Augustus Jalios, is a puppet ruler for the Grand Military Council headed by Lord Protector Manstein.”
“But what is your opinion?”
Chris sighed, “The Duchy of Sachsen choose neutrality during the war. Personally, I have family in the north. I lived in Svarostadt as I studied and practiced healing at the University of Saintess Enya. I served the Order of the Goddess Herta earnestly and loyally. I met genuinely some nicest, industrious and toughest people in the north.”
He poured some more whiskey into his cup,
“But the northerners are dangerous. Their land is cold and harsh. The constant struggle for survival has breed a stubborn and ruthless bunch. With great zeal they will cry out. ‘While I still stand. The north is not yet lost!’ I seen what lengths they will go personally. While in I was in Svarostadt they murdered a military commissioner named Joshua. They murdered the fair and just Duke Rudolf Bevern. They were going to kill Marshal Lehwaldt. I assisted military commissioner James in preventing this plot. It was harrowing, they were a determined lot.”
“Yet you haven’t necessarily told me not to join the Restorationists.”
“...because I don’t have all the answers, Isaac. I don’t particularly like the Military Grand Council either. I want peace, but I sympathize with the Restorationists. I really do. I can’t ignore the suffering I’ve seen, the scars the civil war left behind on the north. If the northerners will have peace and prosperity under the Restorationists then yes. It would be a great thing. But I fear in other to achieve their goals there will be another bloody civil war, the innocents will suffer again, and no one will benefit. Besides whom are they even supporting? No one from House Strass is alive, they are all dead. They have no one to put on the throne.”
“Then what should I do?”
“What should you do? Whatever you want, Isaac. I gave you some more knowledge of the past so you can move forward on your path. Just follow your heart, you are a free man.”
Isaac was silent for a moment, “Thanks Chris. For the meal and the talk.”
“No problem. Any time.”
Isaac nodded and got up to leave.
“Good night.”
“You too, Isaac.”
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