Adventure of Exiles -
Chapter 28
“Just a little higher, Isaac.” Sophie asked as she was on his shoulders.
Isaac obliged her and got on his toes.
“Ah got them!” She cried out.
Isaac felt her weight shift a bit.
“Ready to come down now?” Isaac asked.
“Yeah, am I.” She replied.
Isaac gently put her down with her prize of two bright red apples.
Sophie offered an apple to Isaac. Her grey eyes looking up to him expectantly.
“You are sure, Sophie?” Isaac asked.
“Of course, you helped me.”
Isaac hesitated for a moment. Still not sure about kindness, was she really giving him this and expecting nothing in return?
Same way how Chris and Michael helped him replace a place to live and work.
But Isaac accepted the apple from Sophie all the same.
He picked up his scythe he left leaning on a different tree.
They continued the path outside of Kurkenburg. The air was cool and crisp, and the leaves of the trees were a golden red.
They ate their apples while walking. The apple was juicy and crisp.
Isaac like walking with Sophie, she was like him and didn’t talk much.
The silence while being in the company of someone else was oddly comforting for him through.
There were a few times where he saw her look up to the sky or her eyes wander off.
Isaac wondered what she was thinking about.
He was still thinking about what happened yesterday. He was still not sure what to do.
As they kept walking the path. They heard children playing.
Up ahead was the river.
They went a little further and saw a group of children running around playing with ball.
“Oh, I see Matteo in this game.” Sophie commented.
“Matteo is the boy you were with playing with yesterday?”
“Yeah, he was. Is it ok if I join them?”
Isaac nodded. He went over to a tree and sat down to watch.
Sophie walked up to the group.
“Hey Sophie, glad you came!” A girl with blond hair and blue eyes asked as Sophie walked over.
In fact, there were a few children who came up to Sophie.
She seemed popular.
A few children looked over at Isaac and then quickly looked away, not interested like they were familiar with him.
It would make sense. He had helped some of them and their parents before assisting Chris in attending the medical needs of the town.
Or maybe it was the scythe? He has been called a silent guardian or even a reaper from the Underworld.
He didn’t feel special. Sometimes he had helped the guards with monsters out in the wildness and nearby ruins and the rumors started from there.
He wasn’t sure himself without his memories. Something about fighting seemed just natural to him.
He wished he could remember. He’s been at this town some time now, but he was still no closer to regaining his memories.
Still the people of the town accepted him. Curious.
The children continued their game, running around chasing after the ball.
Isaac couldn’t help but to smile at their innocent laughter.
He was watching for a while when his attention was caught by two figures approaching from the other side of the river.
He kept his scythe in its sleeve as he stood up to get a better look.
Maybe it was Lisa and Felix? They been away on their trip to Wittenden for a couple of days now.
No, it was Noah and Emily. Emily cheerfully sat down besides Isaac, looking smug.
“Hey, Isaac. Why aren’t you playing with the kids?” She teased.
“Didn’t feel right.” Isaac replied.
Noah pushed up his glasses, “yeah, no. I won’t want to play against Isaac either. No offence but you are quite intimidating.”
“I’m not sure why.”
“Well, you are tall and brooding. And the scythe. Doesn’t help.” Noah replied.
“Oh, come on. Isaac is just a big sweetie.” Emily said.
Isaac shrugged, “what were you two up to?”
“There was a ruin I wanted to investigate, and Emily happened to follow me.” Noah replied.
“I was bored. Also, I protected you, didn’t I?” Emily said as she flourished her rapier.
“I could have handled it myself.” Noah muttered.
“Sure. If you say so.” Emily said dismissively.
Noah clutched his staff, “I been training. I don’t want to be a burden in every fight.”
“That’s the spirit, Noah. But you aren’t a burden. You are our friend.” Emily said as she patted him on the back.
“I appreciate it. Really, I do. Still, I don’t want to depend on you or Felix.”
Emily scratched her face, “I think basically everyone depends on Felix in a fight.”
“You are not wrong.” Isaac added.
Noah nodded, “I have to agree. But that’s the sort of person he is. He can handle anything thrown at him.”
“Ok. So, what exactly happened at the ruins?” Isaac asked.
“Noah found some dusty old papers. We fought off some reanimated skeletons.” Emily replied.
“Huh. Well good work. Felix might be proud.” Isaac commented.
“Yeah, I know.” Emily said while puffing up her chest with pride.
“In fact, Michael should know too.” Isaac said flatly.
Emily pouted, “Absolutely not! Michael...he can be a little too protective. It’s suffocating.”
“I mean he is your uncle with your father...passing. I feel like he should be justified in his worry. Especially with an energetic one like you.” Noah commented.
“But come on. It’s not fair.” Emily whined.
“Well, you do have a tendency to headfirst into trouble and Felix isn’t here so.” Isaac said.
“Still, this is something we should be able to handle.” Emily protested.
Isaac cocked his head as Noah sighed, “not here. Let’s discuss this later.”
Sophie ran over to the three of them.
“Hey! What are you guys talking about?” She asked as she hugged Emily.
“Nothing much.” Isaac replied.
Emily petted Sophie’s head, “how is it going, sweetpea? You done playing?”
Sophie nodded, “yeah. I’m ready to head home. Mom and dad are probably waiting for me.”
“Want to ride back home?” Emily said as she knelt.
Sophie’s eyes lit up and she hopped on Emily’s back, “thanks.”
The four of them when back walking into town.
Sophie really did adore her parents, Claudia, and Chris. She always talked about them.
“What do you think about your parents?” Isaac asked suddenly and to no one in particular.
Emily, Sophie, and Noah gave him a confused look.
Noah sighed, “you are a bit weird sometimes Isaac.”
“But I appreciate my parents and what they have done for me. My dad is a fisherman and can’t read but he’s always been supportive of my studies, says I can truly be someone special someday. My mom stays at home and always takes good care of me and my older sister.” Noah continued.
Sophie frowned, “I don’t have a memory of my birth parents. Chris saved me and took care of me ever since.”
Emily rubbed Sophie’s back, “I didn’t know my birth parents either. I told both were great people. But my mother died during childbirth and my father died during the war. I was told my father died for the people of Lyris. Still that doesn’t mean I can’t still appreciate those who raised me. I was blessed to have so many people look out for me including Michael.”
“Interesting.” Isaac commented, “I wonder what my parents was like.”
Noah rubbed his chin, “still missing your memories? I wish I could help more. I should keep up researching.”
“It’s fine I was just curious on how people felt about their parents. Maybe that would help with the memory.”
Soon they were back at the Scholz’s house. A nice two-story house with a view of the beach and Skarrage Sea.
Isaac saw Claudia on the porch, practicing the flute. Next to her was Isaac’s boss Chris. Calmly reading a book while listening to her perform.
Sophie jumped off Emily’s back.
“Thanks Emily! See you later!” Sophie cried out as she walked back to her house.
Claudia came up and hugged Sophie. Chris gave Isaac a wave from afar.
Isaac waved back and thought of Felix. He’s been hanging around Felix enough to know his response.
Felix would look away and say, “fucking disgusting. Let’s get moving.” Isaac knew this because he did it when watching Lisa greet her parents as well.
“So, let’s talk about the Staff of the Eternal Night. We need a place to chat.” Noah said after seeing Sophie leave.
“We can do it at my house.” Emily suggested.
“Won’t Michael be there?”
“No. He should still be out wood cutting.”
Isaac, Noah, and Emily went over to her house.
“Come on. Let’s go inside.” Emily said as she led them through the door.
They walked into the main room and sat down at the table. Emily grabbed some bread from the kitchen.
Noah laid down a dusty journal.
“I found this report earlier from the ruins. It’s written in Neverian.”
“What does it say?” Isaac asked.
“It seemed mundane at first. Simply a report from a military commander of a local garrison. However, this man had recorded the resting place of the Black Knight Stannis. There is a chain of small islands north of here where Stannis was put to rest. It stands to reason that Stannis would be guarding another piece of the staff.”
Isaac pondered for a moment, “but what’s to say the journal is inaccurate? Or perhaps Stannis grave has been washed away or already looted?”
“Yes. These are good questions. Which is why we shouldn’t get our hopes up.”
“Who was Black Knight Stannis?”
“He was a soldier. Natasha most loyal knight fought against legendary monsters and foreign invaders for her. Legend has it Stannis was the last man fighting for the queendom even after her death. Still fighting in her name till the very end.”
Emily finished a piece of bread, “we should check it out. It’s still a lead. I have a boat. We can go to the island and look around.”
“You mean Felix has a boat.” Noah commented.
“Which we can just borrow.”
“Ah borrowing without permission, also known as stealing.”
“We would bring it back.”
Noah rubbed his chin, “I’m all for the idea, but let’s wait for Felix and Lisa to get back.”
Emily slammed her hands on the table. She looked at Noah with an intense glare, “no we should go now. Don’t you want to show your growth? To prove to Felix, we are capable on our own?”
Noah sighed, “Sounds like more like you want to prove yourself. I’ll admit I want too, but...”
“Then let’s do it! We should not wait for Felix. He’s probably too busy with his girlfriend or something.”
“Eh, girlfriend? What do you mean?”
“They been going out together. You really didn’t notice?” Emily said.
“Really? Him and Lisa? I thought they were just friends.” Noah replied.
“They kissed!”
“They did?”
“At the festival.”
Noah rubbed his eyebrows, “this is a lot to take in.”
“Plenty to think about at sea then. Come on let’s go.” Emily enthused.
“Emily. It’s a lot more complicated than that. We still need to plan this out.” Noah interjected.
“Oh, come on, Noah. We have the boat and the journal. Don’t you agree Isaac?”
Isaac shrugged, “I guess I don’t really care either way. I’m here for you guys.”
“See?” Emily replied happily.
“What do you mean? That wasn’t exactly an agreement.” Noah noted.
Emily stood up from her seat, “I’m going. And I’m not asking.”
She picked up the journal.
“Hey! We should really talk about this!” Noah shouted. He sighed grabbed some of the bread and followed her.
Isaac swiftly and silently followed them.
They went down the beach close to Emily’s house where Felix’s docked his sailboat.
“I can’t believe this. Fine, I’ll come. I don’t want the Emily to drown.” Noah complained as he walked after the two.
“Aw thanks, Noah. You are a real friend.” Emily said with a smile.
“Yeah, I guess.”
Isaac just got to work getting the boat ready to sail.
Noah tucked in his notes and the bread in a compartment.
“You two should sit down, I’ll take care of the rest.” Isaac said got out of the boat to untie the rope from the dock.
“Thank you.” Emily said as she sat down next to Noah both looking out into the sea.
As Isaac was working on the knot, he felt a big and strong hand firmly grasp his arm.
Isaac turned around to see who it was.
It was Michael. His blue eyes were intense, almost intimidating.
“Hey, Michael. How’s it going?” Isaac asked.
“It’s good. What do you think you are doing, Isaac?” He asked calmly.
“I was getting the boat ready to sail.”
“You know I can’t let you all leave.”
Isaac frowned, “why not?”
Michael shook his head, “kids these days. Why not, he says.” He then looked at the boat, “you. Noah, right? I don’t know you that well, could you go inside the house for a moment? Isaac, you can stay or leave.”
Michael didn’t raise his voice, but his presence commanded authority.
“I knew there was going to be something.” Noah muttered as he hopped off the boat.
Michael stood over Emily, she refused to look at him.
“Emily what do you think you are doing? You going to just leave without telling me?”
“I didn’t want you to stop us.”
Michael rubbed his forehead, “oh my dear Emily. You are a lot like your father you know?”
“You always compare me to him. It’s always him and yet I can’t do anything right by myself.”
“Because you are a child, Emily. Don’t act like that. I been letting you go off on your little adventures with Noah for whatever you been searching for cookies or whatever. As long as I’m responsible for you, you will listen to me.”
“But I’m not a child!” She yelled.
“You are.” Michael replied bluntly.
Emily was crying with tears on her face she asked, “why don’t you trust me?”
Michael sighed and sat down besides Emily. He began to rub her back, “I been in service of your family for many faithful years. Imagine it from my shoes I lost your father and your brothers to the storm of war. I don’t want to lose you too.”
“But I want to live! Not just survive. I want to see the canals of Isidoro, the forests of the southern reaches. To meet people from other lands. I want to travel the seas, discover new islands, and go beyond the horizon. I don’t want to just hide away just because I might be in danger.”
“I know. I was young once too.” Michael replied softly.
“Then why are you stopping me? Can’t I have any freedom? Any hope for the future?”
“I just want to make sure you live, Emily.”
Emily wiped away her tears and took a deep breath.
After a moment she spoke again,
“I been truly blessed. So many people are around to help me and support me. I don’t know what I would do without them.”
She then clenched her hands into fists.
“It’s a little frustrating. Being told time and time again that someone else will handle it. Felix is always going to be a better stronger than me, Noah smarter, Lisa braver. I know that those are just facts. It’s not right for me to complain about what can’t be helped...Still, I want to stand up and fight too! I want to replace my own strength to fight.”
Emily stood up. She looked up into the sky.
“I want to become strong too. I need to become stronger. So please let me try. Let me fly into an open sky.”
Michael sighed and shook his head. He looked over at Isaac at the dock still,
“What do you think, Isaac. You been listening, right?”
Isaac shrugged, “I can understand where both of you are coming from.”
“So then?”
Isaac scratched his head, “I have no memories of my past. So, I don’t know if I had the same childhood dream of exploring and going on an adventure. However, listening to her it gave me a spark.”
“A spark?” Michael asked.
“Yes, a spark. An interest and desire. Something that is so simple and yet so powerful. A dream. Something to work towards. Emily, she has a dream and I believe it’s worth pursuing. I’ll be there to protect her and so should you be.”
Michael was silent. Then he laughed,
“Kids these days. You are right through. I’ll let you go. But I’m going with you.”
Michael smiled, “you are right. I’ll let you go. But I’m going with you.”
Emily hugged him, “thanks. Really, thank you.”
“You are welcome, Emily. Give me a moment to get Noah and get prepared.”
Michael got off the boat and back into the house.
Emily sat down on the edge of the boat and looked down into the water.
“Hey. How are you doing, Emily?” Isaac asked.
She didn’t say anything.
“Do you want a hug?” Isaac asked.
Emily looked up to him and shook her head, “thanks for helping out.”
“It’s what friends are for.” Isaac replied.
Emily chuckled, “yeah. I’m happy to have friends. Even if they drive me crazy sometimes.”
“They really do.”
Emily punched Isaac on the shoulder.
“Oh, shut up. It’s not like you can’t take it.”
They both laughed.
After a moment, Isaac heard footsteps again.
He saw Noah walking over with a bag and behind him was Michael.
He was in chipped and worn armor. It had battle scars, but the metal was still strong. He had a long, powerful looking great sword on his back.
He didn’t glimmer in the sunlight, but the light did show the strength and resolve in his blue eyes.
“Ready to go? I’ll pilot the boat.” He asked as he hopped onto the boat.
“I never seen you in your armor before.” Isaac commented.
Michael gave a small smile, “the armor of the north, the man at arms. I will wear it to honor those that came before me for I’m simply a soldier. No more and no less.”
Isaac nodded.
“We should go. It’s a long trip I been told.” Michael added.
“Yes. Yes. Let’s go.” Emily said.
Michael skillfully commanded the boat.
Isaac and Emily sat together at the back with Noah up with Michael navigating.
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