Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 29

After some time out in sea Isaac saw Noah pointed excitedly. He looked where Noah was pointing.

There was a small island.

Michael carefully guided the boat closer to the rocky island.

Isaac grabbed a stake from the back of the boat and hopped into the water.

It was a bit cold, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He waded over to shore and planted the stake in the dirt.

Michael threw a rope over to Isaac. He tied the rope to the stake while Michael did the same on the other side.

Michael nodded and he went to help Emily get off the boat.

“It’s fine! I can do it myself.” She said as she leapt out of the boat.

Isaac looked at around at the island. It was a small, rocky island with no trees. Grassy, with some bushes and shrubs.

The waves gently washed against the shore, a quiet peaceful place.

“I guess this is it. There isn’t much to it.” Michael commented.

“I was hoping for more, but this is probably it. There should be something left behind of the Black Knight Stannis.” Noah said.

“After all this time, boy? What’s left is his dust and legend.” Michael replied.

Isaac took out his scythe and went off exploring on his own. He could hear the voices of Michael and Noah but was too far to make out.

He was interested in this place and the ruins that would be found.

He went along a path and came across a cliff.

Below him was a small, grassy clearing. There were some flowers growing.

He went over to the flowers. Vibrant hues of red and blue.

There was a butterfly, he held out his finger to the butterfly.

“Hello.” Isaac said softly.

The butterfly landed on his hand. It was a beautiful creature.

A bright orange color and small, gentle wings.

Isaac smiled and let the butterfly continue its way.

He then noticed a stone slab among the flowers.

Isaac approached the stone and knelt before it.

It was a tombstone.

There was a name written on the tombstone. There was some scrawling under the name he couldn’t recognize.


This is a strange place to be buried. Why not back on the mainland with his family? Isaac thought.

He then looked out to the sea.

The waves were gently washed against the shore, a quiet peaceful place.

Isaac tried to imagine a legendary soldier looking out to the same sea as he was.

Perhaps looking out to the horizon, his family and country destroyed.

Maybe out here he made peace with himself?

Perhaps this was a nice resting place.

“Found something, Isaac?” A voice called.

Isaac looked up to see Noah and Michael walking over to him with Emily.

He simply pointed at the stone slab.

Michael and Noah kneeled before the tombstone.

“Is this his grave?” Michael asked.

“Looks like it. The journal led us to the right place after all. The stone has some Neverian, ‘Stannis. He did his duty’.”

“He was the last defender of Nevaria and fought till the bitter end. A true soldier.” Michael said respectfully.

“So then, what’s next?” Isaac asked.

“One moment.” Noah pointed his staff at the stone slab.

A glow came from the tip and the slab shimmered.

“It’s an enchantment just like with the Oak Knight Kono.” Noah muttered.

Suddenly the ground rumbled. The three men stumbled for a moment.

“What’s happening?” Isaac asked.

The slab then moved to reveal a passage.

“I think we found something.” Noah said with some awe.

“Lead the way.” Isaac replied.

“Gods no! Are you serious? A spooky dark passageway and you want to send me first? Why are you the worst?” Noah cried out.

Isaac shrugged, “just be cautious.”

“Just be cautious he says. What if there is something dangerous and I’ll have to deal with it first!”

“I’ll go!” Emily said as she went to go in.

Michael grabbed her by the scruff of her collar.

“No. I’ll go first.” Michael declared.

“Aw come on. This is unfair.”

Michael gave her a look and went in.

The four of them descended the passageway with only the dim light of Noah’s staff.

“So why are you so afraid?” Isaac asked.

“Look. Late time we went into a hidden chamber and got the first staff piece we got attacked. Felix ended up yelling at me.”

“Why is that?”

“I panicked and used a spell that was not useful at all.”

“Oh, ok.”

“And Felix ended up saving us. I shudder to think what would have happened if he wasn’t there.”

“So, you are saying I should be around to yell at you in place of Felix?”

“What? No, Isaac! What sort of insane logic is that?! Just be supportive. Come on, I know you can do that.”

“Ok. I’ll try. Good luck, small man.”

“Thanks, I guess?”

“Noah. We are here.” Michael whispered.

The passageway opened into a large chamber. There were two large doors and a pedestal with more writing.

Noah examined the writing for a moment and then pointed his staff at the pedestal.

Light shone out from the tip of the staff and the door shuddered open.

Michael led the way into the next room.

It was a circular room. Emily checked the torch stands around the room and lit them to illuminate a few of skeletons in armor, swords and spears scattered around.

There was a marble pedestal was a black marbled wolf head.

There is it.

“I think we are the first people here in centuries.” Noah said. His eyes shone in excitement.

Michael looked around the room and went over to the staff.

“No traps. No magic. Not even a riddle. I don’t like this.”

“It’s fine. I’m not complaining.” Emily replied.

“You aren’t, but I am. This isn’t right? A hidden treasure guarded by a legendary warrior? Where is Stannis?” Michael asked.

“Let me examine the staff piece first then. I would be able to detect the arcane.” Noah suggested as he walked over.

Michael nodded with his greatsword drawn out of the sheathe.

Isaac took off the cover of his scythe.

As soon as Noah touched the staff piece, he felt a tingle in his spine.

“Something is coming.” Isaac said.

“I don’t see anything.” Emily replied.

Noah looked around in fear.

Isaac’s body tensed up.

The shadows...they were merging.

Just as Isaac noticed there was a sound like thunder. Out of the shadows came a figure.

The man wearing ancient armor. A large broad sword was drawn.

He was cloaked in darkness. His eyes were a piercing blue as he glared at Noah with the amp in hand.

Isaac could feel his presence.

His blood was pumping.

The shadowy man snatched the staff head from Noah, “give it here, whelp.”

His deep voice reverberated in the chamber.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Noah kept repeating over and over as he fled behind Isaac.

Isaac stood tall and firm, staring at the man in the darkness.

The shadowy man examined the staff piece.

“Even after centuries, men still crave power beyond their comprehension. Foolish ambitions. Such folly.” He said with a shake of his head.

“Who are you?” Isaac asked.

“Who am I, child? I am the shield for the weak, the unwavering martial lord of loyalty, the last of the Neverians, the Black Knight, Stannis. Remember my name!” Stannis proclaimed.

“You died over a century ago! How is this possible?” Noah asked in disbelief.

“I made a pact with the Goddess Halja. So I may fulfill Queen Natasha’s last order to me until I was defeated. So, I have done since.” Stannis explained. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the four of them.

“You two. The boy with the scythe and the one cowering behind, you have the blood of Neveria. What has happened to our beautiful homeland since my time? Why do you bring two northern barbarians from the petty kingdoms of the north with you? Speak quickly.” Stannis demanded.

“I’m not a Neverian. Neveria has been destroyed for over a century. I was born and raised in the Kingdom of Lyris! I was just interested in the ruins of Neveria, and I’m researching into the past.” Noah replied.

Stannis shook his head, “so it true. Neveria was crushed by the empire.”

Michael moved forward, “give us the staff head. Your duty is over. We don’t need a mere shadow of an ancient kingdom standing in our way.”

“So, the north has forgotten its place. The Queedom of Neveria is eternal. I shall not cower from mere threats.” Stannis said as he pointed his sword at Michael.

Michael did not flinch.

Stannis stared down at the large man.

“ are a soldier as well? I can see it in your eyes.”

“I am.”

“Tell me then soldier. Would you have the same resolve if you saw your country collapsing, those you sworn to protect were being slaughtered. Would you still be resolute in your duties?”

Isaac saw a burning passionate in Michael’s eyes.

Michael looked Stannis dead in the eye, “I have seen my country torn apart by civil war. I watched my comrades who I loved and cared for like family die. The people of Kristianburg slaughtered because we were not strong enough. My resolve has never been stronger. I will fight to my last breath for the dreams and hopes of my people.”

Stannis chuckled, “You remind me of myself. Prove to me your resolve then, northern barbarian.”

He then slammed the tip of his sword to the ground, dark energy flowed into his sword and the room rumbled.

The skeletons on the floor began to rise.

Michael stepped forward. As he gripped his greatsword with two hands, he turned back to look at Isaac, “Isaac defend Emily and Noah for me, yeah?”

“You can count on me.” Isaac replied.

Michael turned back to face Stannis.

“As long as I still stand, the North is not yet lost!” He roared. His voice shaking the chamber.

Stannis pointed his sword at the skeleton soldiers,

“My soldiers! You have been called upon once more. Do your duty.”

The skeletons stood up and took their weapons and began to march forward.

Stannis and Michael clashed in a whirling crashing of steel.

The soldiers surrounded Noah, Emily, and Isaac.

Isaac had his scythe ablaze with a red flame.

He wasn’t sure why he could channel the will of Ragnar.

He wasn’t sure of what his purpose in life is. Why he should be alive.

But he was given an order, and he was going to see it through.

Isaac clashed against the skeleton soldiers, the bones rattled as the swords and spear clattered.

Isaac’s scythe cut through the bones, flames ripping a path through the undead soldiers.

He then leapt backwards to check on the two.

Noah was behind Emily firing off bolts of ice, but Isaac could tell the spell caster was already exhausted.

“Don’t pass out on me now, Noah.”

“What did I say about being supportive?”

“This is me being supportive.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better, Isaac.”

Isaac shrugged, “just keep fighting. I’ll handle this. Are you doing ok, Emily?”

He cut down another attacker.

“I’m fine! My hands are trembling, but I’ll be ok.” She said as she fought off a soldier with her rapier.


Isaac turned to face the enemy and his eyes widened.

He had to leap backwards to dodge a blow that would have cut him in half.

He was facing a skeleton knight.

It was covered in black and green metal armor. The bones were still white.

It carried a great sword.

Isaac took a breath.

A soldier is only as good as their weapon.

Isaac had the will of Ragnar.

The knight swung again, and Isaac leapt backwards to dodge.

He could hear the crackling of Noah’s magic and the clash of Michael’s battle.

The knight then rushed forward. Isaac ducked underneath the swing.

He thrust the scythe into the chest and pulled.

The knight tried to cleave him again.

He leapt back, the blade missing him barely.

Isaac then spun around with his scythe, flames cutting through the air and slicing the knight’s legs.

The knight fell to the ground.

He swung his scythe down and when he struck the knight burst into a raging flame and was soon nothing more than ash.

Isaac panted for a moment, and looked to see how his companions were.

Michael was holding his own against Stannis. The two were evenly matched but Isaac could tell Michael was slowing down.

He saw a skeleton soldier approaching Noah, he was too far away to stop him.

He still tried. He ran.

The soldier slash down on Noah.

Noah cried out.

“Noah!” Isaac yelled.

Emily blocked the soldier, and her blade was locked with his.

But her hand slipped.

The soldier cut her in the leg, and she fell.

She moaned in pain.

The soldier was about to cut her down.

Isaac slashed him with his scythe. The soldier burned in a bright flame.

“Are you ok?” He asked Emily.

“I’m fine.” Emily replied as she winced in pain.

“Noah, how is he doing?”

“Not good.”

Isaac grabbed Noah and Emily by the collar and dragged them to the other side of the chamber.

“Stay here.” He ordered.

“Where are you going?” Noah asked.

“To help Michael.” Isaac said as he left the two.

Isaac rushed over to the duel between Stannis and Michael.

They were both injured.

Isaac was besides Michael.

“I thought I told you to guard Emily and Noah.” Michael grunted.

“Yeah. About that, they are injured and unable to fight. Swap with me and protect them. I’m in better shape.” Isaac replied.

“Fine.” Michael replied as he withdrew.

Leaving Stannis and Isaac facing each other.

Stannis looked down upon him, “this is a matter to be left to men. Not boys.”

“I am a man.”

“You are a child. Go back home.”

Isaac swung his scythe, flames erupted but Stannis parried with his blade.

Isaac swung again and again each time being matched by Stannis.

He hesitated, could he actually defeat a legend?

“You lack conviction.” Stannis declared.

Stannis swung his broadsword, and Isaac dodged the swing.

Stannis was moving slow.

He is wounded. There is a chance. Isaac thought.

He swung his scythe in a wide arc.

Stannis was not able to match this swing and he dodged the blade just be caught by Isaac fast follow up strike.

Stannis grunted as the blade cut across his chest.

Still, it wasn’t a deep cut, Stannis was still standing.

“So, you have the skill, but you are still lacking the resolve. Tell me child why do you fight?” Stannis asked.

Isaac took a deep breath,

“I don’t know. I don’t know why I should be alive.”

“You don’t know why you are alive, and yet you fight.”

Stannis’s armor became shrouded in shadows, and he charged forward at Isaac.

Isaac was surprised by the sudden burst of speed and couldn’t fully dodge the blow.

He was cut by the sword and his arm was bleeding.

“Your life is a gift from the gods. You should treasure each breath you take. It’s the last gasp of those who fallen before you.” Stannis lectured as he pressed his attack.

Stannis was relentless and pushed forward with his swings.

Isaac kept trying to replace a gap, but his arm was beginning to hurt.

He was slashed in his chest and his leg.

He was breathing heavily, but he still stood.

Stannis was standing firm.

“It is time for you to go. I am not yet done defending Neveria.” Stannis stated.

Stannis swung his great sword at him, and Isaac fell on his back.

Stannis was going to stab down him with his great sword.

Is this my end? He wondered as time seemed to slow.

He blinked.

He looked up to see himself with his scythe.

He then looked to his side. There was a young man. Bloody having already received a deep cut.

Isaac looked down as the young man gazed up to Isaac.

He spoke his voice trembling, “Thank the gods…you are ok, brother. We were so worried. This? This isn’t your fault…I always love you brother. Always.” The young man smiled.

Was that a memory? Isaac thought.

That’s right.

To regain his memories. To repay everyone who helped him on the way. Chris, Claudia and Sophie welcoming him into their home. Michael mentoring him. Felix a steadfast friend. Emily who always stood beside him. So many others.

His life was not his. It belonged to the ones he cared for.

His deflected Stannis’s blade with his scythe.

Isaac rolled back up. His body aching.

“Why do you still fight, boy?” Stannis asked.

Isaac just yelled back at him. His voice trembling from the pain and exhausting.

“Because I want to live! My friends are counting on me!”

He rushed forward, flames erupting from his scythe.

Stannis blocked and they were locked in combat.

Isaac’s body screamed for him to stop. But his mind pushed him forward.

The world seemed to slow, their blades met, and they stared into each other’s eyes.

Isaac’s will and determination met the resolve and power of Stannis.

With another scream of rage. A primal urge to survive, Isaac overpowered Stannis. Stannis’s sword was knocked aside.

Then with a swing, the blade of the scythe pierced Stannis’s armor.

Stannis staggered backwards.

Isaac gripped the scythe so tightly it hurt. He channeled the burning flames of Ragnar.

There was a roar as flames consumed Stannis’s shadowy form.

When the flames faded, there was only a pile of ashes.

Stannis was gone.

Isaac’s vision darkened.

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